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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(326~350)
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You can’t be too careful when traveling alone. Be _______ of strangers who are trying to pick you up.
(A) dreary
(B) weary
(C) wary
(D) scary


______ is the plague of today’s society: nothing will change if no one shows any interest.
(A) Indifference
(B) Indignation
(C) Irritation
(D) Incentive


MBA is a(n) _____ for Master of Business Administration.
(A) neologism
(B) synonym
(C) homonym
(D) acronym


It is odd that many philosophers argue that a person’s worth to society depends on his/her wealth, when instead people’s character should be _____ by their value to society.


14.The referee threatened to oust the player for repeated violating rules.
(A) kick
(B) kick out
(C) sue
(D) sue for


59. Most floods take hours or even days to develop, giving residents ample time to prepare or _______.
(A) evacuate
(B) elucidate
(C) entrench
(D) protrude


____ after Roosevelt’s presidency did law makers pass a bill limiting a president to two terms in office.
(A) Until
(B) Not until
(C) That
(D) While


2. English-taught university programs are attracting students from Taiwan and ______.
(A) aboard
(B) board
(C) broad
(D) abroad


10. Improving quality of life should be given an even higher ______ than economic development in the future.
(A) posterior
(B) termination
(C) priority
(D) subversion


14. Fab.com is a pioneer in social retailing, a kind of e-_____ site that encourages shoppers to discover and select products through crowd-sourcing.
(A) commerce
(B) colleague
(C) perplexed
(D) paranoid


If the government ___ an import fee as it has threatened to do for years, prices of consumer goods will increase by at least 10%.
(A) imposes
(B) has imposed
(C) will impose
(D) is imposing


61. Avian flu is a ____________ disease. It passes from birds to animals and people.
(A) contagious
(B) contemplative
(C) continuous
(D) conflicting


IV. Reading Comprehension The sonnets are Shakespeare’s contribution to a popular vogue, but his cycle is quite unlike the other sonnet sequence of his day. Shakespeare’s cycle suggests a story, though the details are vague, and there is doubt even whether the sonnets as published in 1609 are in the correct order. Certain motifs are clear: a series celebrating the beauty of a young man and urging him to marry; some sonnets to a lady; some sonnets (like 144) about a strange triangle of love involving two men and a woman; sonnets on the destructive power of time and the permanence of poetry; sonnets about a rival poet; and incidental sonnets of moral insight, like 129 and 146. The biographical background of the sonnets has aroused much speculation, but very little of it is convincing. The poems themselves are what is important. Though the vocabulary is often simple, the metaphorical style of the sonnets is rich. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day” is a question which might lead to a very ordinary conceit; instead it introduces a profound meditation on time, change and beauty. The structure of the sonnet frequently reinforces the power of the metaphors; each quatrain in 73 develops an image of lateness, of approaching extinction – of a season; of a day, and of a fire, but they also apply to a life. The three quatrains may be equally and successively at work preparing for the conclusion in the couplet, or the first eight lines may contain a catalogue and last six turn in quite a different direction, as in sonnet 29. The rhetorical strategy of the sonnets is also worth careful attention. Some begin with a purported reminiscence; some are imperative; others make an almost proverbial statement, then elaborate it. The imagery comes from a wide variety of sources: gardening, navigation, law, farming, business, pictorial art, astrology, domestic affairs. The moods are also not confined to what the Renaissance thought were those of the despairing Petrachan lover; they include delight, pride, melancholy, shame, disgust, fear. It is evident that the poet of the sonnets is also the author of the great plays.
【題組】42. Which of the following statements about Shakespearean sonnets is CORRECT?
(A)Shakespeare primarily followed the sonnet conventions at his time.
(B)Shakespearean sonnets are mostly autobiographical.
(C)Shakespearean sonnets deal with a wide range of themes and motifs.
(D)Shakespearean sonnets were regarded as less popular than his plays.


2. _____ goods are of a higher than usual quality and are often expensive.
(A) Synthetic
(B) Sober
(C) Premium
(D) Prompt


28. Chocolate is made from the crushed beans of the cacao tree, _____ are gathered in piles, dried in the sun, and ground into small pieces.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) they
(D) those


5. Since the freshman had expected to live in a cell-like space in college, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the dorm rooms were actually quite________ .
(A) commodious
(B) obsequious
(C) querulous
(D) mutinous


14 Wyoming Highway Patrol troopers arrested two Washington state residents after finding 114 pounds of marijuana with ____ street value of $ 285,000 in their vehicle on Saturday, May 4.
(A) an estimate
(B) an estimated
(C) an estimating
(D) estimating as


6. Many parents feel ______ to pay for at least part of the wedding, but actually it is never their responsibility.
(A) comparative
(B) impartial
(C) obliged
(D) reversed


2. Smiles communicate confidence and build trust between the speaker and the audience. But it doesn’t mean that the speaker should smile all the time. The focal point lies on that the facial expressions should _________  with the message.
(A) synchronize
(B) gainsay
(C) probate
(D) jeopardize


Ⅱ. Cloze
        Research on teaching and learning in TESOL has incorporated student __16__ and student voices in a variety of ways. However, it is relatively__ 17__ to see studies that survey students after they have exited a language program and can reflect on what they have gained from completing it. Some years ago, Christison and Krahnke (1986) argued that curriculum design in ESL programs for __18__ preparation has, in general, failed to use the experience of students themselves as a basis for planning and decision making. Such 19 from students is important for two reasons. First, student satisfaction can be a __20__ data point, along with statistical data (such as GPAs) and performance data (such as portfolios of student writing), to inform program assessment for outside evaluators. Second, if student feedback is finely tuned to __21__ opinions about specific elements of the program or curriculum, administrators and teachers can potentially use it to improve their practices. The survey described in this article was sent to university second language (L2) students who had completed a required English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program for first-year multilingual students one to three years earlier. Its director (the author) was interested in students’ feedback on the program to __22__ ways in which the program could continue to improve. In this article, I describe the program, the survey __23__ (N = 355), and changes and discussions that are under way as a result of the findings. __24__ the details of the curriculum, the survey, and the consequent changes are specific to this particular program, the process of review and __25__ that we pursued (and continue to pursue) can be applicable to many different language, writing, or EAP programs that wish to strategically incorporate student perspectives in their own self-evaluations.

(A) capable
(B) light
(C) rare
(D) bad


III. Reading comprehension: 2% for each, 30% in total.
        When one thinks of language, the thousands of different tongues spoken in the world may come to mind. However, the human voice cannot travel very far. In remote regions, such as thick forests and mountains, whistling is used instead to communicate across long distances. One may think of herders whistling fervently, sending their messages across ravines. It is also found in Star Wars, particularly when R2-D2 whistles to other droids. However, the best-studied whistled language is Silbo Gomero, which is found on one of the Canary Islands called La Gomera. 
      First used by the island’s inhabitants as an ancient language of the Canaries, Silbo Gomero, or simply Silbo, became the whistled form of Spanish after settlers arrived in the 16th century. Since there are only four consonants and two to four vowels of Silbo, wellversed silbadores, or whistlers, depend on deduction skills to understand each other. Usage decreased in the 1950s due to a growing system of roads, economic decline, and the development of telephones. To combat this, the government of the Canary Islands began an initiative to preserve Silbo in the 1990s by teaching it as a required subject in elementary school. In 2009, UNESCO added Silbo Gomero to its list of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, ensuring its survival.
      Another well-known whistled language exists in a village nestled in the mountains of northern Turkey called the “Village of the Birds,” or Kuskoy. Though the language is dying, as gossip is best shared by phone, whistled Turkish is interestingly processed using both hemispheres of the brain while spoken languages, even Silbo, are typically processed in the left hemisphere. It may be a pipe dream, but this research is a glimmer of hope for stroke victims who may learn to communicate through whistles.

【題組】24. ( )What was done to protect Silbo Gomero?
(A)The government of the Canary Islands banned people from talking.
(B)UNESCO suggested that the language be taught in all continents.
(C) The people of La Gomera started learning Silbo online.
(D)The language was added to UNESCO’s Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.


       Climate refugees are people who must leave their homes and communities because of the effects ofclimate change and global warming. Climate changeis caused by natural events, such as volcanic eruptions, as well as human activities. Climate change__(16)__ many times since Earth was formed billions of years ago. Global warming is the most recent period of climate change. Human activities like burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests__(17)__ global warming because they release greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. 
       Rising temperatures__(18)__ with global warming cause glaciers and ice caps to melt. This can cause flooding and make sea levels rise. Rising temperaturesalso lead to droughts and desertification-the transformation of __(19)__ land to desert. Some of these effects, such as sea level rise, can put land completely underwater, __(20)__ it uninhabitable. Other effects, such as drought, make it impossible for people in the region to support themselves.

【題組】17. ( )
(A) result from
(B) contribute to
(C) take in
(D) arise from


1. As a scientist, I was _______ when I first heard the claim that a single cup of coffee could cure a headache, but upon reviewing the research, I was surprised to find some evidence to support it.
(A) habitable
(B) incredulous
(C) anomalous
(D) actuarial


       The world is experiencing a profound demographic shift, characterized by a rapidly aging population. This phenomenon, often referred to as an aging society, presents unique challenges and implications for individuals, communities, and governments. One of the key challenges posed by an aging society is the strain it puts on healthcare systems. As people age, they tend to require more medical care, including specialized services for agerelated illnesses and conditions. This increased demand for healthcare services can lead to resource shortages, longer waiting time, and escalating healthcare costs.
        Another significant implication of an aging society is the strain on social welfare systems. With a larger proportion of the population entering retirement age, there is an increased demand for pension benefits, social security, and elder care services. The sustainability of these systems becomes a pressing concern, as the shrinking working-age population may need help to support the growing number of retirees. Additionally, an aging society brings about changes in family dynamics and caregiving responsibilities. As older adults may require assistance with daily activities and healthcare management, the burden often falls on family members, predominantly women, who may have to juggle work, personal life, and caregiving duties. This can lead to increased stress and financial strain on families, as well as potential conflicts and reduced quality of life for both caregivers and the elderly.
       Furthermore, an aging society can have economic repercussions. The labor force may experience a decline in productivity and potential labor shortages as a result of a shrinking working-age population. This can hamper economic growth, increase dependency ratios, and put pressure on social security systems. Governments and businesses need to adapt by implementing strategies to support older workers, promote workforce participation, and address skills gaps. Despite the challenges, an aging society also presents opportunities. Older adults have a wealth of knowledge, skills, and experience that can contribute to society in various ways. They can engage in volunteer work, mentor younger generations, and participate in lifelong learning programs. Creating age-friendly environments and promoting active aging can harness the potential of older adults, fostering social integration and intergenerational cohesion.

【題組】38. What is one of the key challenges posed by an aging society?
(A) Decline in intergenerational cohesion
(B) Increased demand for childcare services
(C) Strain on healthcare systems
(D) Decreased dependency ratios


3. Many animals use ______ as a defense mechanism to avoid predators or to ambush prey.
(A) compunction
(B) camouflage
(C) circumference
(D) cache


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(326~350)-阿摩線上測驗
