阿摩:一個人的成功絕不是個人的努力 而是別人給予的助力
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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(401~425)
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In 1784, the leaders of what would later become the state of Virginia gave up ______ to the territory that later became five different Midwestern states.
(A) any claim
(B) when the claim
(C) to claim
(D) would claim


A student said, “Can you borrow me a pencil, please?” You ask the student to think about what he has said and try again. What technique is used for correction?
(A) Ignore the mistake.
(B) Use self-correction.
(C) Use grammar check.
(D) Use peer feedback.


4. Write down the events in ____ order, that is, in the order in which they happened.
(A) chronological
(B) particular
(C) alphabetical
(D) insurmountable


Although Kevin was not thin, he was not ________ either.
(A) munificent
(B) corpulent
(C) lenient
(D) ferocious
(E) peevish


4. Airline companies have hired some security guards who have good _____ of shooting, observing people and who have been well trained to fight against terrorists.
(A) quantity
(B) qualifications
(C) opportunities
(D) appearance


4. I welcome all styles created by every artist I come ______, and I hope I can reach their level of expertise.
(A) in
(B) across
(C) on
(D) off


1. People should not eat a wild mushroom unless they are very sure that it is harmless and_________
(A) tangible
(B) visible
(C) edible
(D) audible


In summertime, higher standards of personal ___ are necessary to prevent diseases.
(A) belongings
(B) aspiration
(C) hygiene
(D) medicine


The ex-official was arrested at the airport and ________ transferred to the police station for further questioning. 
(A) exclusively
(B) literally
(C) variably
(D) subsequently


Before his heart surgery, my grandfather was feeling a lot of ____, but the doctor gave him a lot of reassurance.
(A) trepidation
(B) stigma
(C) notoriety
(D) homage


06. With broadband becoming(_____________), Internet video is the hottest new thing and YouTube is the place to check it out.
(A) prestigious
(B) ubiquitous
(C) resplendent
(D) malevolent


25. That vacation locale has several ________ resorts; only certain people are allowed to use their facilities.


12. By the garden over there ________ an apple tree that was planted by my grandfather twenty years ago.
(A). stands
(B). has
(C). standing
(D). it stands


1. As the man was diagnosed with a serious _______ disease, he was put into a private room in the hospital and not allowed to have visitors.
(A) frail
(B) herbal
(C) nutritious
(D) infectious


18. Drowning may occur _________ there is water, whether it is only a few inches in the bottom of the tub, or thousands of feet in the ocean.
(A) and
(B) but
(C) however
(D) wherever


VI. Reading Comprehension (閱讀理解測驗) 
A. There are many types of crimes that can be committed: white collar crime in which businessmen make millions of dollar annually through tax evasion; organized crime in which hundreds of millions of dollars are made through illegal gambling, drug traffic, extortion, and prostitution; street crimes such as robbery, mugging, and looting; crimes of passion such as murder, rape and assault; violations of regulations designed to protect the public such as traffic and pedestrian rules; corruption in the government; and finally police crime. 
Every time one of these crimes is committed, there is a great loss to the society not only in terms of money, property, or lives lost, but also in terms of society being made much weaker and less effective in its functioning. For example, if people believe that crimes can be committed and gotten away with, they are more likely to try to commit them, or even perhaps commit crimes in order to stop others from committing them – such as buying a gun to shoot people who are trying to rob them rather than calling a police. When this happens, lawlessness spreads and people start to be afraid of and hate other people.

【題組】42.From this passage we know that an effectively functioning society is supposed to do all it can to _______ and punish crimes.
(A) suppress
(B) ignore
(C) encourage
(D) tolerate


7. In _____, the poor mother begged the doctor to save her dying baby by all means possible.
(A) introduction
(B) procrastination
(C) desperation
(D) starvation


1. Due to extremely low rainfall and a dangerous reduction of reservoir water, the area is experiencing the worst _____ in 30 years.
(A) scandal
(B) nuisance
(C) drought
(D) fluid


28. Jenny _________us which bus to take to Pasir Ris Park.
(A) are telling
(B) will tell
(C) shall telling
(D) tell


Questions 41-45
       The field of performance psychology is producing a growing body of science in the area of grit, motivation, and mindset.Research psychologists such as Angela Duckworth and Carol Dweck have provided us with insights that educators and parents,can use to cultivate traits such as grit. These traits have been linked to higher performance and increased success. Below are a few strategies that parents and educators can use to support the development of grit in themselves and others.

       First, kids do not need to know what they will do for the rest of their life, but they do need to identify and pursue passions.In the process of pursuing their passions, which will most likely change over time, they develop grit. Those ballet classes, guitarlessons, and basketball practices create environments in which kids while pirsuing their passions, learn how to overcomechallenges and persist.

       Moreover, kids need to do hard things so that they learn that they can do hard things. The more hard things they do, themore they know and believe that they can do hard things. We need to get kids out of their comfort zones and encourage them to take appropriate risks.

       Finally, fear of failure and fear of making mistakes can keep us from trying. When we celebrate failure and mistakes as a natural byproduct of stepping out of our comfort zone and an essential part of the learning process, they can become valuableopportunities for learning and growth. When children make mistakes, help them take a step back and take an objective look atwhat happened.


44. Based on this article, who can be cultivated with grit?
(A) Nicole quitted on swimming immediately when she found breathing while swimming as tough.
(B) Linda's coach and parents yelled at her when she found skateboarding difficult to master.
(C) Susan found it difficult with her mathematics assignments and her teacher jumped in and gave her answers.
(D) Jacob had failed his science project he was creating but he used his mistakes to help him along the journey.


7. Unemployment is highly _________ with education levels. People with further education have higher earnings and lower rates of unemployment than those with less education.
(A) conflated
(B) correlated
(C) alienated
(D) humiliated


      Timing is everything in nature. From the opening notes of a songbird’s spring ___(21)___ to the seasonal percussion of snapping shrimp, every important ecological process lives and dies by a clock. Flowering. Egg laying. Breeding. Migration. It’s as true on the Mongolian steppe as it is in the Arabian Sea or a Costa Rican rainforest. Centuries of evolution has ___(22)___ these patterns. Now climate change is ___(23)___ them.
      And that is reshaping life for almost everything. In every ocean and across every continent, seasons are in ___(24)___. Earlier warmth, delayed cold, and shifts in the frequency and fierceness of precipitation are ___(25)___ with established rhythms in both predictable and unexpected ways. So researchers the world over are straining to document the timing of life cycle events, a scientific ___(26)___ known as phenology. That timing is being upended by our fossil fuel emissions.
      Changes are discovered almost everywhere scientists look. The timing of leaf appearance and leaf dropping has already shifted ___(27)___ across more than half the planet. Humpback whales in the Gulf of Maine are gathering 19 days later than they once did, while jack mackerel, hake, and rockfish are ___(28)___ earlier in the North Pacific. In North Dakota’s Red River Valley, scientists found 65 of 83 bird species arriving earlier, some by as much as 31 days. South Carolina’s dwarf salamanders are arriving at breeding grounds 76 days later.
      What’s harder to grasp is the ___(29)___ of the consequences—for plants, animals, and us. If everything shifted in the same direction and by roughly the same amount, our new calendar might prove ___(30)___. As with daylight saving time, we’d muddle through together. But that’s not how nature works.

【題組】27.(AB) dramatically (AC) undermined (AD) severity (AE) recalibrating (BC) morbid (BD) smoothly (BE) chorus (CD) discipline (CE) digression (DE) spawning (ABC) honed (ABD) insignificant (ABE) flux (BCD) toying (BCE) rescinded


4. The chef’s sumptuous culinary creations are known for their ________ flavors and innovative combinations.
(A) exquisite
(B) mediocre
(C) bland
(D) repulsive


11. This is the most ridiculous excuse ______ I have ever heard of for being absent from class.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) what
(D) as


6. Many species of insects _____ in a state of dormancy to survive the winter and emerge when temperatures rise.
(A) forage
(B) glean
(C) hibernate
(D) propagate


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(401~425)-阿摩線上測驗
