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【精選】 - 警察◆警察專業英文2024~2011難度:(76~80)
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The police _____ the whole town during the Chinese New Year in order to maintain order and security.


38 A: There is flooding after wreckage and a lot of oil has spilled into the sea; please send assistance. B:_______
(A)B: Roger! We will inform marine mammal protection experts to assist you; s/he will be there within an hour.
(B)B: You have the right to remain silent and hire a lawyer.
(C)B: Roger! We will inform the Environmental Protection Administration and other relevant authorities to bring boom, oil sweeper and oil skimmer equipment to handle the pollution.
(D)B: Why were your fish logs blank?


請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題: Juvenile delinquents are often defined as children between the ages of 10 and 17 who have committed acriminal act. There are two main types of offenders: repeat offenders and age-specific offenders. Repeat offendersare also known as “life-course 56 offenders.” These juvenile delinquents begin offending or showing othersigns of antisocial behavior during adolescence. Repeat offenders continue to engage in criminal activities oraggressive behaviors 57 after they enter adulthood. The other type of juvenile delinquent behavior,age-specific offenders, begins during adolescence. 58 the repeat offenders, however, the behaviors of theage-specific offender ends before the minor becomes an adult. The behaviors that a juvenile shows duringadolescence are often a good 59 of the type of offender he will become. While age-specific offenders leavetheir delinquent behavior behind 60 they enter adulthood, they often have more mental health problems,engage in substance abuse, and have greater financial problems than adults who were never delinquent asjuveniles.
【題組】 60


請依下文回答第 51 題至第 55 題: 
     The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a short-range coastal tracking system currently used on ships. It was developed to provide identification and positioning information to both 51 and shore stations. Ships of 300 gross tonnage or more sailing on international voyages, freighter ships of 500 gross tonnage or more sailing in local waters, and all passenger ships 52 size are required by the International Maritime Organization to carry AIS equipment. AIS transponders automatically broadcast information at regular 53 . Navigational status data is transmitted every 2 to 180 seconds, depending on a ship’s activity. In addition, voyage related data is broadcast every 6 minutes. These signals are received by AIS transponders installed on other ships or by land-based systems. 
     The AIS signals have a horizontal range of about 40 nautical miles, 54 that AIS traffic information is only available around coastal zones or in a ship-to-ship zone. AIS communication takes place using two VHF frequencies, 161.975 MHz and 162.025 MHz. Although only one radio channel is necessary, each station transmits and receives over two radio channels to avoid interference problems and to allow channels to be shifted among ships 55 communication loss.

(C) to mean
(D) being meant 


第 51 題至第 55 題 (CNN Business) Tesla is selling its cars with the option of “full self-driving capability,” a featurethat’s drawing criticism from experts on self-driving technology. Experts say Tesla’s full self-drivingfeature is really a “partial” self-driving feature that handles minor driving tasks such as keeping pacewith other cars on a highway and still requires diligent 51 oversight. To most autonomous vehicleexperts, “full self-driving” means a car in which a person could safely fall asleep 52 the wheeland the steering wheel and pedals aren’t even needed. They say the general public doesn’t understandthis, and misperceptions abound. A 2018 study found that 71% of drivers believed they could purchase aself-driving car today, despite no fully autonomous vehicles being available for sale. Experts warn thatthis lack of understanding could be deadly as humans may put too much 53 in systems likeTesla’s, leading to crashes. Part of the problem, according to experts, is that governing bodies haven’t 54 a definition for self-driving vehicles. Some experts tell CNN Business that the government needsto step in to prevent businesses from misleading and confusing 55 . One says, “Tesla’s use of thisterm is totally irresponsible.”


【精選】 - 警察◆警察專業英文2024~2011難度:(76~80)-阿摩線上測驗
