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試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 經濟部國營聯招新進職員-英文#72608
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1. Whales make the longest ______ known among mammals. Gray whales can swim thousands of miles for the summer.
(A) expatriation
(B) immigrations
(C) integration
(D) migrations


2. Because they are ______, wolves hunt large animals such as deer and elk.
(A) herbivorous
(B) carnivorous
(C) utilitarian
(D) transitory


3. The equator is the dividing line between the Northern and Southern ______.
(A) atmosphere
(B) hemisphere
(C) zenith
(D) pole


4. In Taiwan, elementary education is ______. All children must attend six years of elementary school.
(A) compulsory
(B) distinctive
(C) repulsive
(D) selective


5. The emotional toll from a(n) ______ event can cause intense, confusing and frightening emotions.
(A) dramatic
(B) climactic
(C) traumatic
(D) automatic


6. Doctor Liu ______ her patients to have more exercise.
(A) deserves
(B) inherits
(C) recommends
(D) stumbles


7. Karen and Matt had a(n) ______ wedding. They got married in a hot air balloon.
(A) premature
(B) unconventional
(C) unconditional
(D) conventional


8. The old city boasts of a(n) _____ of historic buildings.
(A) wealth
(B) excuse
(C) rigor
(D) intake


9. Many homemakers do not have a chance to _____ a career until their children are older.
(A) fasten
(B) import
(C) regret
(D) pursue


10. Nowadays, most consumers appear less _____ to brands and are more willing to experiment.
(A) loyal
(B) drowsy
(C) crucial
(D) massive


11. There are many interesting places to visit in NYC. The art museum, ______, has an excellent collection of medieval paintings.
(A) in turn
(B) by degrees
(C) by and large
(D) for instance


12. The science museum is definitely ______.
(A) a worth visiting
(B) a visit worthy
(C) visiting a worth
(D) worth a visit


13. In the season of autumn, ______ leaves on the ground seem to add more colors to Nature.
(A) fall
(B) falling
(C) falls
(D) fallen


14. This English dictionary is the one upon ______ I depend when learning new words.
(A) which
(B) that
(C) of which
(D) what


15. More flood is expected in eastern China ______ areas further inland, like Nanjing and Wuhan.
(A) as much as
(B) as many as
(C) as good as
(D) as well as


16. ______ the semester is over, I’m going to rest a few days and then go abroad.
(A) As to
(B) Because of
(C) Now that
(D) In fact


17. Singapore has a warm climate, ______ Russia has a cold climate.
(A) where
(B) whereas
(C) since 
(D) notwithstanding


18. Juan comes from Venezuela, ______ is a Spanish-speaking country.
(A) where
(B) so
(C) which  
(D) that


19. The movie was okay, but I would rather ______ to the concert last night.
(A) have gone
(B) go
(C) be going
(D) have been going


20. Every morning, my grandfather ______ his jacket before going outside to get the newspaper.
(A) puts up
(B) puts down
(C) puts on
(D) puts in


21. Water is a human right, and everyone should ______ clean, pure water.
(A) drop by
(B) have access to
(C) make up of
(D) turn down


22. Hoping to excuse my lateness, _______.
(A) I wrote a note and gave it to my teacher
(B) a note was given to my teacher
(C) my teacher had given a note 
(D) my teacher was written a note


23. Many poor people believe it is possible to _______ in this country of opportunities.
(A) beat around the bush
(B) eat their own words
(C) go from rags to riches
(D) hit the sack


24. Among humans, brain size doesn't indicate how smart someone is. Some geniuses have smaller-than- average brains, _______.
(A) some brains are as large as average
(B) others have larger brains than some
(C) much larger than other brains are
(D) while others larger than average


25. Swinging Lamppost Apartments ______ pet owners. There’s even a dog park on the premises.
(A) applies to
(B) caters to
(C) reacts to
(D) sticks to


三、克漏字 Archaeologists searching Portugal’s coast have found a 400-year-old ship (26) near Lisbon after returning from India laden with spices. “In Portugal, this is the most important (27) of all time,” project director Jorge Freire said. In and around the shipwreck, 40 feet (28) the surface, divers found spices, nine cannons (29) the Portuguese coat of arms, Chinese ceramics and cowry shells, a type of currency used to (30) slaves during the colonial era.
【題組】 26.
(A) as is believed to sink
(B) believed to have sunk
(C) is believed to sink
(D) to believe in sinking


(A) fake
(B) fault
(C) find
(D) froth


(A) below
(B) next to
(C) on top of
(D) opposite


(A) discharging
(B) engraved with
(C) pulled by
(D) reflecting on


【題組】 30.
(A) blame
(B) chain
(C) forecast
(D) trade



(A) eliminated
(B) obtained
(C) switched
(D) adapted


(A) management
(B) exhibition
(C) merchandise
(D) pendulum


(A) pending
(B) available
(C) chronic
(D) punctual


【題組】 34.
(A) features
(B) featuring
(C) was featured
(D) have featured


(A) about
(B) with
(C) off
(D) for


四、閱讀測驗 Much of the theory of manners was formulated by the sociologist Norbert Elias in his book, The Civilizing Process. Elias notes that medieval culture initially gave powerful men the ability to act like children—to live without any physical or psychic restraints. Over a span of several centuries, beginning in the 11th or 12th and maturing in the 17th and 18th, Europeans increasingly inhibited their impulses, anticipated the long-term consequences of their actions, and took other people’s thoughts and feelings into consideration. A culture of honor—the readiness to take revenge—gave way to a culture of dignity—the readiness to control one’s emotions. th In the 16 century, the great Erasmus penned the first etiquette book—The Handbook of Good Manners for Children. Several other writers also published similar guidebooks. The books included such rules as: Don’t urinate in the hallway; don’t use the tablecloth to blow your nose; don’t use your personal knife to pop food into your mouth, etc. Interestingly, those rules had less to do with good hygiene than we might imagine. An understanding of microbes and infection did not arrive until well into the 19th century. The only explicit rationales stated in those books are to avoid acting like an animal and to avoid offending others. This civilizing process was long and slow. King David I of Scotland proposed that citizens who learned to eat more properly should get a tax refund. Disappointingly, that idea never caught on. The much-traveled Thomas Coryat introduced the table fork to Britain. When he returned from Italy in 1608 with this fancy novelty, he met with a torrent of ridicule. But that idea did eventually catch on. And a quarter of a century later, the table fork reached America.
【題組】36. Which statement in the following best expresses the main point of the passage?
(A) Erasmus was extremely disappointed with people’s ill manners.
(B) Family dinner is a great time for parents to teach good manners.
(C) Formulating theories is one of the important jobs of a sociologist.
(D) It took hundreds of years for Western people to develop etiquette rules.


【題組】37. Which word is closest in meaning to penned (the second paragraph)?
(A) defended
(B) invented
(C) knocked
(D) wrote


【題組】38. What was emphasized in the etiquette books of the 16th century?
(A) The emotional demands of children
(B) The importance of public health
(C) The need to control one’s impulses
(D) The value of the culture of honor


【題組】39. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
(A) In medieval times, powerful men would be criticized if they acted like children.
(B) King David I of Scotland encouraged his people to blow noses while eating.
(C) Modern European people no longer follow the rules stated in Erasmus’s book.
(D) People did not accept the use of the table fork when it was first introduced to Britain.


【題組】40. The passage would most likely be found in a _____.
(A) chapter of history book
(B) handbook for civil service staff
(C) high school student yearbook
(D) training manual for air pilots


試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 經濟部國營聯招新進職員-英文#72608-阿摩線上測驗
