(56 秒)

18. McDonald’s has said that it is experiencing _____ of shipments of the potatoes used to make its famous French fries.
(A) delimitation
(B) decades
(C) delays
(D) decays


        The antismoking lobby succeeded __(26)__ people knew without being told that cigarettes were killing their friends and families. They demanded hard data about the risks of breathing in secondhand smoke. They disbelieved glib assurances that cigarettes were __(27)__ and that the right to smoke __(28)__ the right to breathe clean air. More important, antismoking activists changed our idea of what smoking is all about. They uncooled the cigarette companies and their brands, forever __(29)__ smoking and death in all of our minds. It was, perhaps, the first victory in the fight for our mental environment—an ecology as rife with __(30)__ as any befouled river or cloud of smog. We long ago learned to watch what we dump into nature or absorb into our bodies; now we need to be equally careful about what we take into our minds.

(A) connect
(B) connected
(C) connecting
(D) connective


       The letter of credit has been used in Europe since ancient times. Letters of credit were traditionally governed by internationally recognized rules and procedures __21__ by national law. The International Chamber of Commerce oversaw the preparation of the first Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) in 1933, creating a voluntary framework for commercial banks to apply to__22__ worldwide.
        In the late 19th century and early 20th century, travelers commonly carried a circular letter of credit__23__ by a relationship bank, which allowed the beneficiary to withdraw cash from other banks along their journey. This type of letter of credit was eventually replaced by traveler’s checks, credit cards and automated teller machines.         
       Although letters of credit first existed only as paper documents, they were regularly issued by telegraph in the late 19th century, and by telex in the __24__ half of the 20th century. Beginning in 1973 with the creation of SWIFT, banks began to migrate to electronic data interchange as a __25__ of controlling costs, and in 1983 the UCP was amended to allow “teletransmission” of letters of credit. By the 21st century, the vast majority of LCs were issued in electronic form and entirely “paperless” LCs were becoming more common.

(A) transactions
(B) transportation
(C) translation
(D) transferability


34. _____ hard the work is, you need to have enough patience to finish it.
(A) Whatever
(B) Whenever
(C) Wherever
(D) However


33. I was used to ______ alone, so travelling with friends has been a big adjustment for me to make.
(A) travelling
(B) travel
(C) to travel
(D) travelled


5. No new business can succeed without hard-working and ______ employees.
(A) compatible
(B) competent
(C) complacent
(D) complimentary


       Jane and Philip are in general a happily married couple; however, they do struggle over one point of __ (26)__ . They disagree as to how their family should follow the traditions of seasonal holidays. In her opinions, the emphasis __(27)__ presents has made the season lucrative for all those mercenary retailers who overcharge at holiday time. In addition, people should be watching their expenses and avoid unnecessary __(28)__ in their budgets. Therefore, she aspires to keep her home free of all such customs and wants her children to __(29)__ from traditions such as gift-giving and dyeing Easter eggs. Although Philip understands her concerns, he prefers the conventional way of celebrating holidays. He believes that children enjoy the customary __(30)__ that are connected with the holidays.

(A) at
(B) on
(C) by
(D) of


34. Many people turn to the professor for advice on investment because he has a ________ amount knowledge about it.
(A) vast
(B) dim
(C) wild
(D) paw


