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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 中華郵政職階人員甄試_專業職(一)_共同科目(1):英文#110735
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11. I became _____ after a week’s stay in the U.S. I really miss my family.
(A) frighten
(B) fantastic
(C) diligent
(D) homesick


12. When I travel, I like to _____ my life by taking pictures.
(A) renovate
(B) record
(C) reduce
(D) resist


13. There are multiple _____ to the problem we are facing. I believe that we can overcome this problem.
(A) solutions
(B) regions
(C) positions
(D) revenues


14. We are using less paper in the office to help _____ the forest.
(A) preserve
(B) passion
(C) particular
(D) popularity


15. John is often late for work and often leaves his work undone. He does not have a sense of _____.
(A) humor
(B) security
(C) disappointment
(D) responsibility


16. We should be thankful to those who make efforts to _____ the spread of infectious disease in Taiwan.
(A) persuade
(B) perform
(C) prevent
(D) pretend


17. The term “Lost Generation” refers to the generation of people who reached _____ during or immediately following World War I.
(A) adventure
(B) adultery
(C) adulthood
(D) advantage


18. The more a job challenges you, _____ it builds the skills that your future employers are interested in seeing in applicants.
(A) the more
(B) and more
(C) the fewer
(D) the less


19. Global warming is responsible _____ for shrinking ice caps but also for a surge in extreme weather that is causing heat waves, forest fires, and droughts.
(A) not only
(B) only not
(C) no longer
(D) not longer


20. The Rosetta Stone is one of the world’s best-known archaeological artifacts, _____ by millions of visitors a year.
(A) saw
(B) seeing
(C) and sees
(D) seen


21. April Fool’s Day is a day _____ people sometimes play tricks on friends.
(A) where
(B) which
(C) when
(D) how


22. James is a shy student _____ likes reading, especially historical novels.
(A) which
(B) who
(C) whom
(D) whose


23. He was getting _____ with doing the same thing every day.
(A) boring
(B) bore
(C) bored
(D) bores


24. Texting while driving is dangerous; _____, it is illegal.
(A) furthermore
(B) otherwise
(C) however
(D) similarly


25. I decided to buy this car _____ the high price.
(A) due to
(B) despite
(C) although
(D) because


Brain researchers have discovered four key points for effective study. 
1. Make an effort. The brain remembers better when we __26__ the subject, already know a little about it, and know we will need the information in the future. 
2. Find the most important information and organize it. Your brain can __27__ only a limited amount of information at one time, so don’t try to remember every __28__ . When studying a textbook, look for titles, headings, and illustrations to show you the main ideas. 
3. Make the new brain connections stronger. One technique is to recite the ideas out loud in your own words. This is the most powerful way to __29__ information from short-term to long-term memory. 
4. Give the new material time to soak in—your brain has to __30__ new physical connections. By understanding how the brain works, and following these four tips, you can easily achieve your goals.

(A) interest
(B) are interested in
(C) are interesting in
(D) interesting


(A) process
(B) interact
(C) measure
(D) admit


(A) innocent
(B) operator
(C) detail
(D) expense


(A) contain
(B) transfer
(C) predict
(D) neglect


(A) cease
(B) finish
(C) attend
(D) build


       The human body is a complex machine. From the day we are born, our bodies grow and change in response to our environment, diet, and habits. The body has many different organ systems and parts that work together to allow us to breathe, move, see, talk, and digest food all at the same time. Most of the time we are unaware of what is happening in our bodies; usually it is only when we get sick or feel pain that we notice. 
       Many people do not take care of their complex machines. Bad habits like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and eating junk food damage our bodies. Stress can also cause health problems. People who worry a lot or have busy jobs often don’t get enough sleep or don’t eat properly. We can also damage our bodies when we play sports or get into accidents. Studies done by the Australian government show that most people get hurt because of an accidental slip or fall or because of injuries from car accidents. It’s true that a lot of people go to the hospital because of serious illnesses, but far more people end up there because they simply weren’t being careful.
       Like machines, different body parts sometimes wear down from old age. People over the age of 65 are more likely to fall and hurt themselves, and these injuries—from bad cuts to broken bone—usually require serious medical attention. There are many treatments available to help older people recover from illness and injury. It is now common for older people with damaged joints, for example, to have surgery to replace the old joint with a new one made of plastic or metal. Instead of suffering aches and pains through their retirement days, older people are able to lead happier and more comfortable lives. 
       The best way to take care of your amazing machine is to eat the right foods, do regular exercise, and get enough sleep. Oh, and don’t forget to smile!

【題組】31. What is this reading passage mainly about?
(A) how age and lifestyle affect the amazing human body
(B) how elderly people are living longer and longer
(C) how our bodies change and damage from birth
(D) how busy people eat poorer and sleep less


【題組】32. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) Our bodies do a lot of things at the same time.
(B) We notice when something is wrong with our bodies.
(C) We are constantly aware of what is happening in our bodies.
(D) Our bodies respond to our environment, diet, and habits.


【題組】33. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
(A) Bad things happen to our bodies when we’re not careful.
(B) Studies in Australia show that injuries are caused by accidents.
(C) Car accidents are a major cause of injury for people.
(D) Busy people need to get more sleep and eat properly.


【題組】34. According to paragraph 3, what medical improvement can benefit elderly people?
(A) to make older people’s bodies less complex
(B) to duplicate different organ systems and parts for older people
(C) to allow them to drink alcohol and eat junk food without damaging their bodies
(D) to replace their old joint with a new one made of plastic or metal


【題組】35. What is the purpose of this reading passage?
(A) to talk people into quitting bad habits
(B) to remind us to take care of our body
(C) to advertise a successful health-food program
(D) to entertain people with facts about our bodies


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 中華郵政職階人員甄試_專業職(一)_共同科目(1):英文#110735-阿摩線上測驗
