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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 中油雇用人員/共同科目-B卷-英文#67288
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36. The _________ of Taiwan is over 23 million. That is to say, there are more than 23million people living here.


37. To avoid cheating, students are not allowed to bring any electronic devices into the exam rooms under any __________.
(A) circumstances
(B) ingredients
(C) relationships
(D) imaginations


38. Nowadays, people take ________ of modern cosmetic surgery to enhance their youthful appearance.
(A) use
(B) drawback
(C) advantage
(D) disadvantage


39. These laborers were not satisfied with their salaries, so they planned to go on _________.
(A) revenge
(B) strike
(C) defense
(D) campaign


40. Scientists ____________that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average.
(A) recommended
(B) settled
(C) involved
(D) estimated 

6( ).

41. Losing his parents when he was five and being the oldest child, Michael seems ________ at this young age.
(A) mature
(B) like mature
(C) maturity
(D) being mature

7( ).

42. We ________ from Mr. Murray since he ________ to Mexico last month.
(A) didn’t hear; has gone
(B) haven’t heard; went
(C) didn’t hear; went
(D) haven’t heard; has been

8( ).

43. The teacher couldn’t understand ________ the student wrote in the answer sheet.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) which
(D) about

9( ).

44. The more you practice, ________.
(A) the better performance you will have
(B) and you will perform better
(C) you will have better performance
(D) so you have better performance

10( ).

45. I saw a lot of boys and girls ___________basketball in the rain this morning.
(A) played
(B) to play
(C)are playing
(D) playing

11( ).

 46. A: How often do you go to see a movie? B:__________ What about you?
(A) You bet. It sure does.
(B) Perhaps for three hours.
(C) At least once a month.
(D) In two weeks.

12( ).

47. A: I’m sorry that I fell asleep during the baseball game. So, which team won? B: ______________
(A) What can I do for you?
(B) Well, the game ended in a tie.
(C) Look who’s talking now?
(D) Yes, I like hot chocolate a lot.

13( ).

48. A: Check out my new car! B: Wow! It’s so big and fancy. How much was it? 
A:______. B: I am sure it did. It looks expensive.
(A) I got a 40% discount.
(B) I just bought it yesterday.
(C) It cost me an arm and a leg.
(D) It is big enough for six people.

14( ).

49. A: Have you made your decision about which job offer to accept yet? B: Well, the banking position pays more, but I am more interested in teaching, so I guess I’ll pass up that bank job. 
A: I would do the same thing if I were you.__________
 B: True, and I would feel happier being a teacher. 

(A) I am sorry that you don’t really like your current job.
(B) The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
(C) I am not satisfied with my current job either.
(D) After all, you can’t measure fulfillment in terms of money.

15( ).

50. Clerk: How may I help you? Customer: I would like to cash this check. Clerk: _______________ Customer: Here you go.
(A) Please show me your identification.
(B) How much do you want to withdraw?
(C) Are you ready to make a wish?
(D) Please go ahead.

16( ).

   Muhammd Yunus was an economics professor when Bangladesh was 51 a terrible famine in 1974. Millions of starving people flocked into the cities and needed food. He decided to do something to help these poor souls. Therefore, 52 his students to the countryside to observe the lives of the poor, he 53 an idea that would change the fate of millions of lives. He offered loans to the women who suffered for a very small debt with unfair condition. Soon, they began saving and were able to pay him back. This improved their living condition a lot. 
   This small success gave Yunus an idea. He got support from a major government bank to pay for his project and 54 the Grameen Bank. Since then, he 55 to helping the poor. And he’ll keep on working for his ideals all his life.

(A) suffering from
(B) succeeding in
(C) searching for
(D) going about

17( ).

(A) while he taking
(B) while taking
(C) as he was taken
(D) being taken

18( ).

(A) thought
(B) belonged to
(C) came up with
(D) got rid of

19( ).

(A) founded
(B) skipped
(C) expected
(D) underwent

20( ).

(A) was dedicated
(B) has been dedicated
(C) had dedicated
(D) dedicated

21( ).

   Some scientists have recently found a new species of bacteria that 56 PET, which is a type of plastic used in diverse products. The bacterium is called I. sakaiensis, and the researchers claim that it is the first known species that can fully 57 PET. It works by turning PET into another 58 called MHET and subsequently turns that into the basic elements of PET, which can be reused. This is an important discovery because lots of plastic gets dumped in landfills every year. However, there is a downside. I. sakaiensis 59 a long time to eat PET. This means the bacterium is not a quick fix to the world’s plastic pollution problem, but it shows the problem is 60 .
(A) consume
(B) conduct
(C) conserve
(D) condemn

22( ).

(A) break with
(B) break into
(C) break down
(D) break out

23( ).

(A) subject
(B) submit
(C) substitute
(D) substance

24( ).

(A) costs
(B) takes
(C) makes
(D) has

25( ).

(A) solve
(B) solvable
(C) solving
(D) solved

26( ).

   Japan's government has supported an initiative to relieve the pressure on Japanese workers and simultaneously boost consumer spending. The new measure is called "Premium Friday." A spokesperson from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said the campaign would encourage workers to leave work earlier on the last Friday of each month to relax or go shopping. Around 130 companies across Japan have signed up to participate in the initiative, including many major employers. Skeptics are unsure whether the scheme will succeed or not because of the legendary workaholic nature of Japanese workers. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters: "It will take time for Premium Friday to take root." 
    The idea for Premium Friday was partly prompted by the suicide of an employee who was continually required to work excessive overtime at the ad agency Dentsu. A court ruled the suicide was "death by overwork" and stressed the need to address what is a common problem in Japan - overworking. Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is leading by example. He promoted the campaign by leaving the office early for a meditation session at a Tokyo temple at 3:30 p.m. Mr. Suga said it was essential for both the government and the private sector to create an atmosphere where workers feel comfortable in leaving early. However, many workers said they would just have to work on Saturdays instead so as to finish their work.

【題組】61. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) How to promote the workaholic nature of Japanese workers.
(B) Japan’s new measure that aims to boost consumer spending.
(C) The responsibility that Japan’s government should take for “death by overwork.”
(D) Japan’s attempt to ease the pressure on workers.

27( ).

【題組】62. According to the passage, how many companies have signed up to Premium Friday?
(A) Exactly 130.
(B) No more than 130.
(C) About 130.
(D) At least 130.

28( ).

【題組】63. What does the word Skeptics in the first paragraph refer to?
(A) Those who wonder if the government’s new measure can take root.
(B) Those who encourage workers to leave early.
(C) Those who are infamous for workaholic nature.
(D) Those who are strongly opposed to the measure of “Premium Friday.”

29( ).

【題組】64. Which of the following does NOT contribute to the Premium Friday scheme?
(A) A worker’s suicide
(B) An overtime ban
(C) Excessive working hours
(D) Death by overwork

30( ).

【題組】65. What did workers say they would do if they left early on Fridays?
(A) Getting enough sleep.
(B) Having a party on weekends.
(C) Working on Saturdays.
(D) Finishing their work as scheduled.

31( ).

<第二篇> phpduCJVZ

【題組】66. What is this notice about?
(A) An owner is giving away his guide dog.
(B) A newly trained guide dog needs an owner.
(C) A blind dog is looking for its owner.
(D) An association is looking for a guide dog.

32( ).

【題組】67. Which is TRUE about the guide dog?
(A) It is one year old.
(B) It just finished two years of training.
(C) Its breed is Labrador.
(D) It can help people with mental problems.

33( ).

【題組】68. What does a potential owner need to keep a guide dog?
(A) A stable income.
(B) A mental disability.
(C) A family.
(D) A big house.

34( ).

【題組】69. According to the notice, which statement is NOT true?
(A) The guide dog is male and specially trained.
(B) The guide dog is polite and calm.
(C) The trainer will decide if the owner can have the guide dog.
(D) The potential owner’s friend needs to know how to get along with a guide dog before applying.

35( ).

【題組】70. After the potential owner sends the application form, he or she .
(A) will have an interview at the association
(B) will have to pay an application fee
(C) will receive training
(D) will have to be a volunteer at the association

貳、英文【共 10 題,每題 1.5 分,共 15 分】
【第(11)~(17)題:請依照句子前後文意,寫出最適當的英文字彙;第(18)~(20題)為引導式 翻譯:請填兩個字的片語】

【題組】 (11)Christine applied for _____ to many universities, but none of them accepted her.

【題組】(12)The police made crucial progress in the investigation by collecting the testimony of the _____ .

【題組】(13)Could you take a look at your _____ and tell me what day the Thanksgiving falls on this year?

【題組】(14)May follows a careful_____ every month to avoid spending too much money in order to attain her goal of studying abroad one day.

【題組】(15)She has lost her _____ because she has a stomachache. She ate nothing this morning.

【題組】(16)I am sorry that Susan is not in the office for now. Would you like to leave a _____?

【題組】(17)Lots of young people today cannot a _____ d to buy a house with their current salaries.

【題組】(18)對大多數的台灣人來說,紅色通常和好事聯想在一起,像是婚禮或新年。 For most Taiwanese, the color red is usually (a) _____ something good, such as a wedding or New Year.

【題組】(19)A:告示牌上寫什麼呢? B:上面寫著:「停車限一個小時。」 A: What does the sign say? B: It says, “Parking is (l)_____ to one hour.”

【題組】(20)這棟教堂結果居然是由紙製成的。 This church (t)_____ to be made of paper.


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 中油雇用人員/共同科目-B卷-英文#67288-阿摩線上測驗
