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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(451~475)
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2. Despite the difficulties, it is essential that therapists incorporate ____ measures in their treatment of drug addicts.
(A) naval
(B) obscure
(C) preventive
(D) assertive


4. She persuaded her _____ husband to take a trip to Florida with her.
(A) relevant
(B) related
(C) reluctant
(D) reimbursed


A large _________ of the business executives and managers surveyed admitted that they would hire more women with the implementation of the Gender Equality Charter.
(A) percents
(B) percentage
(C) percent
(D) percentages


It is an excellent plan on paper, but from a practical point of view, it isn’t ___.
(A) feasible
(B) visible
(C) feasibility
(D) vulnerable


In the study of language, it has been recognized that words used to convey sensory perceptions, feelings, and emotions carry no meaning of themselves. They can trigger feelings or sensations that the listener has experienced -- not more than that.  We know that the perception of color varies with light, background, and distance.  What is green seen by a color-blind person?  Which is the "real" color?  Are we not, in asking that question, implying that color exists independent of the observer?
Similarly, when we characterize an individual or a social behavior as "good" or "bad", we are communicating the contention that this evaluation is absolute, objective, and unchanging.  Yet it should be apparent that varying observers would present disparate evaluations.  We may, then, attempt to win agreement by describing the behavior in question, offering criteria on which judgment was based, indicating that these criteria are personal.  This communication style, the semanticist holds, will help bridge the gap between individuals and make it more likely that people will understand each other.
Students of language have experimented with the use of nonsymbolic language as a means of overcoming linguistic barriers.  The language of sounds, as in the cases of infants and animals, and the language of facial expression and body pose, have been termed "phatic communion" by Bronislaw Malinowski.  We all know people who have good "poker faces."  We also know some whose faces communicate -- sometimes contradicting their spoken sentiments.  Kyrsybski has pointed out that signal reactions, instantaneous and unmediated, if undifferentiated according to the appropriateness of the situation, reflect immature, impulsive personalities, while the development of the ability to delay response will permit modified, thoughtful symbol behavior, a characteristic of the mature person.

【題組】4. In line three of the second paragraph, the word “disparate” means
(A) different
(B) homogeneous
(C) regular
(D) critical


The river is ________ with industrial sewage from the nearby factories. All the living creatures in it are in danger. 
(A) nominated
(B) terminated
(C) contaminated
(D) eliminated


31 If the salinity of ocean waters is analyzed, it is found to vary only slightly from place to place. Nevertheless, some of these small changes are important. There are three basic processes that cause a change in oceanic salinity. One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation---conversion of liquid water to water vapor. In this manner, the salinity is increased, since the salts stay behind. If this is carried to the extreme, of course, white crystals of salt would be left behind. The opposite of evaporation is precipitation, such as rain, by which water is added to the ocean. Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. This may occur in areas of high rainfall or in coastal regions where rivers flow into the ocean. Thus salinity may be increased by the subtraction of water by evaporation, or decreased by the addition of fresh water by precipitation or runoff. Normally, in tropical regions where the sun is very strong, the ocean salinity is somewhat higher than it is in other parts of the world where there is not as much evaporation. Similarly, in coastal regions where rivers dilute the sea, salinity is somewhat lower than in other oceanic areas. A third process by which salinity may be altered is associated with the formation and melting of sea ice. When seawater is frozen, the dissolved materials are left behind. In this manner, seawater directly beneath freshly formed sea ice has a higher salinity than it did before the ice appeared. Of course, when this ice melts, it will tend to decrease the salinity of the surrounding water. In the Weddell Sea, off Antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water. This heavy water sinks and is found in the deeper portions of the oceans of the world.
【題組】33. Which of the following statements about the salinity of a body of water can best be inferred from the passage? A) The temperature of the water is the most important factor. B) The speed with which water moves is directly related to the amount of salt. C) Ocean salinity has little effect on sea life. D) Various factors combine to cause variations in the salt content of water.


20. The chairman of our company is a very wealthy man, but _____________ a fortune in the casino recently.
(A) he is said to lose
(B) he was lost
(C) it is said that he lost
(D) he would lose


10.________ food is more quintessentially Indian than basmati rice.
(A) Some
(B) Any
(C) No
(D) Every


9. During the economic recession, small companies were often forced to _____ with larger ones to survive.
(A) plead
(B) verify
(C) subsidize
(D) merge


1. After taking a long vacation, the basketball player is now full of _____ and enthusiasm again.


1. Last month, European Union officials accused Google of unfairly _____ research results. It’s the first time the company has faced such charges.
(A) formalizing
(B) manipulating
(C) contributing
(D) shattering


IV. Reading Comprehension 
Value judgments cannot be made in science in the way that such judgments are made in philosophy, religion, and the arts, and indeed in our daily lives. Whether or not something is good or beautiful or right in a moral sense, for example, cannot be determined by scientific methods. Such judgments, even though they may be supported by a broad consensus, are not subject to scientific testing. 
 At one time, the sciences, like the arts, were pursued for their own sake. They were pursued for pleasure and satisfaction of insatiable curiosity with which we are both cursed and blessed. In the twentieth century, however, the sciences have spawned a host of giant technological achievements—the hydrogen bomb, the polio vaccine, pesticides, indestructible plastics, nuclear energy plants, perhaps even ways to manipulate our genetic heritage—but have not given us any clues about how to use them wisely. Moreover, science, as a result of these very achievements, appears enormously powerful. It is thus little wonder that there are many people who are angry at science, as one would be angry at an omnipotent authority who apparently has the power to grant one’s wishes but who refuses to do so. 
 The reason that science cannot and does not solve the problems we want it to is inherent in its nature. Most of the problems we now confront can be solved only by value judgments. For example, science gave us nuclear power and can give us predictions as to the extent of the biological damage that might result from accidents that allowed varying levels of radioactivity to escape into the environment. Yet it cannot help us, as citizens, in weighing the risk of damage from conceivable accidents against our energy needs. It can give us data to weigh our judgments on, but it cannot make those judgments for us.

【題組】40. Which of the following would NOT be the subject of scientific inquiry?
(A) Manipulating genetic heritage
(B) Being right in a moral sense
(C) Measuring levels of radioactivity
(D) Developing indestructible plastics


11. When you agree with something, you express your objurgation.


V. Reading Comprehension 
A. The UK education system is failing to produce enough students with foreign language skills, an indispensable tool for the study of history. Research published in June this year by the Confederation of British Industry revealed that one in five schools in England had a persistently low take-up of languages, after what the government is describing as “a decade of damaging decline.” This slump has taken its toll on the university system. In the past 15 years more than a third of UK universities stopped offering specialist modern European language degrees, arguing that rigorous marking at A-level had deterred teenagers from studying languages at school.
   The same period of time has witnessed the “rise of the machine translators.” In 2006 Google launched its pioneering “Google Translate” service, offering instant on-screen translations between English and Modern Standard Arabic. Today Google offers translation services in and out of more than 70 languages, meeting the needs of the monolingual student generation with ever increasing efficiency and popularity. However, the one-dimensionality of machine translation restricts the response of the on-screen polyglot to a singular, literal definition of each word or phrase. Mistranslations across the widest cultural gulfs abound.
   The problem lies in the machine’s inability to consider the cultural context that gives each word its meaning. The French idiom se taper le cul par terre, for example, is understood by every Francophone as “to laugh heartily” and has little to do with the literal definition offered by Google – “ass banging on the floor.” The dangers inherent in this acultural approach to foreign source material did not begin with the invention of the robotic interpreter. Some of history’s most ambitious translation projects have failed just as miserably to notice or bridge the cultural gap between what is said and what is meant.
   The Christian preoccupation with Muslim belief, which became obsessive during the Crusades, resulted in the first European attempts to make sense of the Quran. Arabic-to-Latin translation services were in no short supply. Centuries of Arab astronomy and mathematics had made Arabic-Latin bilingualism a matter of scientific necessity. Yet, whether out of ignorance or hostility, these early Christian translations were often woefully devoid of cultural understanding. In this most nuanced of subject areas, a singular or literal interpretation is often the most damaging or damning. The first western attempts to make sense of this notoriously complex source, therefore, offer some valuable lessons to the upcoming Google Translate generation.

【題組】34. What causes machine mistranslation?
(A) The appearance of foreign idioms
(B) Ignorance or prejudice of Google Translators
(C) Religious conflict
(D) Cultural gap


16. The boys are in school every day until four o’clock in the afternoon. After that they _______ an hour playing baseball.
(A) spent
(B) spend
(C) spends
(D) have spent


5. In response to the proposed national security law for Hong Kong, the Presidential Office spokesman urged China to communicate with the Hong Kong people, rather than further                their freedoms.
(A) startling
(B) constricting
(C) repatriating
(D) fermenting


19. Learning is served by collaboration between Ms. Robinson and her students and among her students. Which theoretical concept facilitates such learning in Ms. Robinson’s class?
(A) ELF (English as a Lingua Franca)
(B) ZPD (zone of proximal development)
(C) LEP (limited English proficiency)
(D) LAD (language acquisition device)


16._______ you get up early, you cannot catch the bus.


  A universally recognized symbol of barbering, the origins of the barber pole can be traced back to the Middle Ages. The barber pole’s colors are a legacy of a long-gone era when people went to barbers not just for a haircut or shave but also for bloodletting and other medical procedures. During the Middle Ages, bloodletting, which involves cutting open a vein and allowing blood to drain, was a common treatment for a wide range of maladies, from sore throat to plague. Monks, who often cared for the sick, performed the procedure, and barbers,   21   their skill with sharp instruments, sometimes provided assistance. After Pope Alexander III in 1163 prohibited clergymen from carrying out the procedure, barbers added bloodletting— something physicians of the day considered necessary but too menial to do themselves—to their   22   . Known as barber-surgeons, they also took on such tasks as pulling teeth, setting bones and treating wounds. Ambroise Pare, a 16th-century Frenchman considered the father of modern surgery, started his career as a barber-surgeon. 
  The look of the barber pole is linked to bloodletting, with red representing blood and white representing the bandages used to stem the bleeding. The pole itself is said to symbolize the stick that a patient squeezed to make the veins in his arm stand out more prominently for the procedure. In Europe, barber poles traditionally are red and white, but in America, the poles are red, white, and blue. One theory holds that blue is symbolic of the veins cut during bloodletting, while another interpretation suggests blue was added to the pole as a show of   23   and a nod to the nation’s flag. 
  By the mid-1500s, English barbers were banned from providing surgical treatments,   24   they could continue extracting teeth. Both barbers and surgeons, however, remained part of the same trade guild until 1745. While bloodletting largely fell out of favor with the medical community in the 19th century, it’s still used today to treat a small number of conditions. Men’s   25   has come a long way since the Middle Ages, but the barber pole still perseveres an iconic representation of the trade.
(AB) taken (AC) hairstyling (AD) maladies (AE) utilitarianism (BC) although (BD) for (BE) patriotism (CD) bloodletting (CE) repertoires (DE) given



1.The novelist’s works are suffused with____language,which often puzzles the readers.


       Analyzing levels of proportional representation of American Indians in state and local government job is important for several reasons. First, the basic idea underlying the theory of representative bureaucracy is that the demographic composition of bureaucracy should mirror the demographic composition of the general public. This is because in addition to its symbolic value, increased access to managerial position may lead to greater responsiveness on the part of policy makers to the policy interests of traditionally disadvantaged groups such as American Indians. Second, the focus on higher level jobs of bureaucracies (as opposed to non-managerial positions) is especially important because managerial positions represent a major source of economic progress for members of traditionally disadvantaged groups, as these jobs confer good salaries, benefits, status, security and mobility. Third, it is important to know if there has been growth in the American Indian share of more desirable public sector positions over the last two decades. For instance, Peterson and Duncan, two of college professors, argue that the population and power of American Indians have been growing in certain states. They also suggest that this growth may reflect the possibility that American Indian population are becoming more active in nontraditional areas of politics, assimilating into mainstream culture, and securing with greater frequency leadership positions in non-tribal government.

【題組】44. Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence in the context of the passage as whole?
(A)It hypothesizes a phenomenon that might explain a point made in the preceding sentence.
(B) It provides evidence that undermines that assertion made in the first sentence.
(C) It offers a projection regarding the development of a trend mentioned earlier in the passage.
(D)It presents in interpretation of a discrepancy noted earlier in the passage.


第 36 至 40 題為題組
       Roger Federer, the legendary tennis player, made the decision to retire from the sport last September in London, a city known for its association with Wimbledon and its connection to royalty. During his remarkable career, his final event was the Laver Cup, which pitted Europe against the rest of the world, featuring his greatest rivals, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic.    36    . However, it is not solely these numbers that have endeared Federer to the public. 
          37    . While his forehand is fierce and his backhand wicked, his playing style remains elegant and fluid, a captivating spectacle. Moreover, there is an almost regal aura surrounding Roger, from his impeccable hair to his simple yet classy RF logo. Additionally, as a father of four, Federer is a marketer's dream. It comes as no surprise that he has amassed an estimated $1 billion through sponsorships, endorsements, appearance fees, and business deals throughout his career.    38    . He maintains eye contact during press conferences and provides thoughtful responses, even when faced with silly questions. 
       It’s true that injuries began to take their toll on Federer, and his once seemingly invincible body started revealing signs of wear.    39    . During that year, he defeated his long-time rival Rafael Nadal in the Australian Open final and went on to secure his eighth Wimbledon title, showcasing his enduring skill and determination. An impressive achievement came in 2018 when Federer, at the age of 36, became the oldest player to hold the number one ranking in the world. He successfully defended his Australian Open title that year and ultimately won his final major championship.    40    . While there will undoubtedly be future stars in the world of tennis, Federer will forever hold a unique place in the hearts of fans and enthusiasts alike worldwide due to his contributions to the sport!

(A)What sets Federer apart and makes him so beloved is his grace both on and off the court.
(B) These accomplishments further solidified his status as one of the greatest tennis players of all time.
(C) However, he demonstrated a remarkable comeback in 2017 following knee surgery.
(D)With an impressive record of 20 Grand Slam titles, 23 consecutive Grand Slam semifinals, a six-year reign as the world’s number one player, and a total of 103 ATP singles titles, Federer’s accomplishments are truly remarkable.
(E) Despite his wealth and fame, Federer treats members of the media with respect.


24. Athletes train their bodies rigorously ________ musicians practice their instruments diligently.
(A) so much to the point that
(B) in the same way that
(C) in other way where
(D) once upon a time when


( )10. Why is it important for language teachers to teach collocation?
(A) To prioritize grammar instruction over vocabulary instruction.
(B) To emphasize the importance of pronunciation in language learning.
(C) To assist learners to find words quickly in a text with corpus.
(D) To help learners understand natural word combinations and improve fluency.


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(451~475)-阿摩線上測驗
