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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(576~600)
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5. The old shepherd had a reputation for being ____, and it came as no surprise to us that he had a ____ attitude to us strangers, shouting and waving his fists to warn us off his land.
(A) misanthropic – belligerent
(B)xenophobic – equivocal
(C) philosophic – bellicose
(D) philanthropic – benign


Reading Comprehension—read the article and choose one proper answer to each question. (5%) I’m Bill Bryson, an American travel writer. Here’s my tip of the week. Don’t make jokes in America. Even in experienced hands, a joke can be a dangerous thing. I came to this conclusion recently while passing through Customs and Immigration at Logan airport in Boston. As I approached the last immigration official, he said to me, “Any fruit or vegetables?” I considered for a moment. “Sure, why not?” I said. “I’ll have four pounds of potatoes and some mangoes, if they’re fresh.” Instantly, I could see that I had misjudged my audience. He looked at me with one of those slow, dark expressions that you never want to see in a uniformed official, but especially in a US Customs and Immigration officer. Luckily he appeared to conclude that I was just incredibly stupid. “Sir,” he enquired more specifically, “are you carrying any items of fruit or vegetable?” “No, sir, I am not,” I answered at once, and gave him the most respectful look I believe I have ever given anybody in my life. I left him shaking his head. I am sure that for the rest of his career he will always be telling people about the idiot who thought he was a greengrocer. The same thing happened another time when I was talking to my neighbor about a terrible airline trip which had left me stranded overnight in Denver. “Who did you fly with?” he asked. “I don’t know,” I replied. “They were all strangers.” He looked at me with an expression ofpanic. “No, I meant which airline did you fly with,” he said. Soon after this my wife ordered me to stop making jokes with him, as our conversation were giving him migraine. It isn’t that there are no people with an active sense of humor in America. It’s just that there are fewer of them. A few weeks ago, I arrived at our local airport and approached a cab for a ride home.“Are you free?” I innocently asked the driver. He looked at me with an expression I recognized at once—the look of someone who can see the chance of a joke. “No,” he said. “I charge like everyone else.” I could almost have hugged him.
【題組】49. Why do you think the writer gave the official a very “respectful” look?
(A) Because the official was bright with happiness.
(B) Because the official had bought him some fruit and vegetables.
(C) Because the official would help him get on the plane.
(D) Because the official did not have an active sense of humor.


An application of the blogs is BEST for facilitating EFL __________.
(A) listening instruction
(B) vocabulary instruction
(C) speaking instruction
(D) writing instruction


16. By picking on someone who is weak, shy, or insecure, _______ show that they are in control, and can actually draw the approval of more popular peers who dislike the victim.
(A) leaders
(B) cheaters
(C) protestors
(D) bullies


17. How could the 60-year-old woman be so _____ and easily believe that the 20-year-old man truly loves her, instead of her vast riches?
(A) profane
(B) gullible
(C) jubilant
(D) grouchy


5. Sometimes adults have more _______ notions than kids do, so it is more difficult for adults to accept new conditions.
(A) prepared
(B) previewed
(C) prevented
(D) preconceived


10. The actress was able to burst into tears _____ whenever the situation required; she was indeed a natural.
(A) reluctantly
(B) vindictively
(C) forensically
(D) spontaneously


Johnson, seven, was a bully. He deliberately made other children angry by teasing them in the playground, spoilt their games, and often beat them. He was tall and strong, and every kid was scared of him. Johnson’s misbehavior could be mainly _____46_____ two reasons. First, Johnson was almost _____47_____ . He was far behind his graded reading level. He could hardly recognize the alphabet, and consequently he could not learn to read. He always felt humiliated and frustrated during the reading class. The way for him to compensate his shortcomings was by showing his physical strength to his peers. Besides, Johnson’s behavior at school often made his father _____48_____ to beat him. To make matters worse, his mother thought Johnson _____49_____ physical punishment when her husband was annoyed _____50_____ him. The punishment from his parents just reinforced Johnson’s idea that violence was acceptable.
(A) deserved
(B) appraised
(C) strode
(D) ambled


3. The older, classical musicians often ____ the new, rock-influenced music.
(A) disrupt
(B) disintegrate
(C) dissipate
(D) disdain


54. The sales clerk asked the customer to __________ his identity by showing her a driver’s license with a photo.
(A) verify
(B) specify
(C) nullify
(D) qualify


06. Don’t just read his letter ______. You should read between the lines to understand the real message he means to get across.
(A) literally
(B) substantially
(C) unanimously
(D) verbally


The detective entered the crime scene ___ to investigate it. He did not notify the police or tell anyone else about the investigation.


22. The United States consists of fifty states, ______ has its own government. A) each of which B) each they C) they each D) each of


6. The contagious infection put the entire household under _____ for at least a week.
(A) iridescent
(B) pollination
(C) quarantine
(D) proboscis


20. The governor was infuriated because a reporter ______ the remarks he made at a press conference.
(A) acknowledged
(B) justified
(C) misquoted
(D) severed


19. Ferdinand Cohn, _______ founder of modern microbiology, published over 150 research reports during his lifetime.
(A) a
(B) was a
(C) he was a
(D) who was as a


4. In the novel, the treasure hunters must first _____ codes carved on the wall of the pyramid before entering the hidden chamber.
(A) belittle
(B) decipher
(C) reconcile
(D) suffocate


5. Husbands and wives probably become seriously_if they don,t live together~they may seem like strangers.
(A) exempted
(B) estranged
(C) entangled
(D) exemplified


(26-35) Learning styles refer to a number of competing and contested theories that aim to account for differences in individuals' learning. These theories propose that all people can be _(26)— according to their 'style' of learning, although the various theories present differing views on how the styles should be defined and categorized. A common concept is that individuals differ in __(27)__ they learn. The idea of individualized learning styles became popular in the 1970s, and has greatly influenced education —(28)— the criticism that the idea has received from some researchers. —(29)一 recommend that teachers assess the learning styles of their students and adapt their classroom methods to best fit each students' learning style. Although there is __(30)___ evidence that individuals express preferences for how prefer to receive information, few studies have found any validity in using learning styles in education. Critics say there is no ___(31)__(evidence that identifying an individual student's learning style and teaching for specific learning styles produces better student outcomes. There is evidence of empirical and pedagogical problems related to forcing learning tasks to "__(32)___ to differences in a one-to-one fashion." Well-designed studies contradict the widespread "meshing hypothesis" that a student will learn best if taught in a method ___(33)__ appropriate for the student's learning style. They further show that teachers cannot assess the learning styles of their students accurately. There are___(34)— criticisms of leaning-styles approaches from scientists who have reviewed extensive bodies of research. A 2015 peer reviewed article concluded: "Learning styles theories have not ___(35)___, and it is our responsibility to ensure that students know that."
【題組】 26.
(A) assigned
(B) chosen
(C) classified
(D) involved


6. Feeling comfortable speaking to the camera is not a skill most people are born with, but one can                and hone it.
(A) acquire
(B) shiver
(C) graze
(D) flourish


2. Convenience stores like 7-11 and Family Mart are ______ in Taiwan. You can spot them on practically every corner.
(A) anonymous
(B) autonomous
(C) ubiquitous
(D) unanimous


8. The wealthy tycoon’s __________ donations to charity and philanthropic causes earned him widespread admiration and respect, despite his reputation as a ruthless business mogul.
(A) jejune
(B) pellucid
(C) exculpatory
(D) munificent


6. Visitors were _______ by the natural beauty and majestic scenery of the Qingshui Cliffs, some of the most spectacular geological features in the country, and the world.
(A) enchanted
(B) craved
(C) coveted
(D) distracted


4. Noah is __________ in need of money to help support his hard-working mom and to pay for the medical needs of his sick brother.
(A) mortally
(B) unreasonably
(C) supremely
(D) desperately


9. The unexpected plot twist left the audience _____, unsure of how to process the sudden turn of events.
(A) baleful
(B) crooked
(C) bewildered
(D) germane


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(576~600)-阿摩線上測驗
