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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1181~1185)
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He moved to the seaside ___ the sake of his health.
(A) for
(B) in
(C) by
(D) to


Selling fried chicken at the night market doesn’t seem to be a decent business, but it is actually quite ______.
(A) plentiful
(B) precious
(C) profitable
(D) productive


A human body usually has a ________ temperature of about 37 degrees C.
(A) steady
(B) various
(C) gradual
(D) precious


31 Many people think the world of business is still ____ by the male because most of the highest positions are held by men.


請回答第 22 題至第 25 題: The life of Levi Strauss is a US success story. A German who immigrated to America in 1847 at age nineteen, Levi Strauss began by selling needles, thread, and buttons in New York. On the invitation of his brother-in-law, he sailed to San Francisco in 1853. Gold had been discovered in California a few years before, and the Gold Rush had begun. The population exploded as more and more people came to try to get rich overnight. Suddenly, thousands of people started mining for gold. Strauss noticed that the miners complained that their pants were always tearing easily and that the pockets ripped apart as soon as one put a few nuggets in them. Levi Strauss saw a business opportunity. He began making pants out of some heavy brown canvas he had brought to use for tents or wagon covers. These new pants were stiff, but they sold briskly. When the original fabric was used up, Strauss went to Europe for more. What he got was a lighter, more flexible fabric from Nîmes, France, called serge de Nîmes. This cloth, which became known as denim, proved even more useful for pants, since it was just as strong but much more comfortable. With indigo, the pants were dyed the familiar blue color. Miners still complained about problems with their pockets. On the advice of Nevada tailor Jacob Davis, Strauss went to a blacksmith and had the jeans pockets reinforced with metal rivets. In 1873, they patented the popular innovation. The rivets, along with the patterned stitching on the hip pockets, became Levi trademarks.
【題組】23 What inspired Levi Strauss to start making pants?
(A)His experience in selling handicraft materials
(B)Miners’ complaint about their easily-torn pants.
(C)His discovery of a new fabric.
(D)His brother-in-law’s warm invitation.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1181~1185)-阿摩線上測驗
