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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1191~1195)
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Though Kevin failed in last year’s singing contest, he did not feel ______. This year he practiced day and night and finally won first place in the competition.
(A) relieved
(B) suspected
(C) discounted
(D) frustrated


       As little as thirty years ago, few people questioned the gender roles that had prevailed for centuries. The conventional wisdom was that a woman’s place was in the home and that a man’s main responsibility to his family was to put food on the table. In the 1970s and 1980s, however, greater numbers of working women meant that men were no longer the sole breadwinners. A father’s emotional involvement with his family also became more important. Forty years ago, almost no husbands were present in the delivery room when their wives gave birth. Today, it is generally expected for male partners to attend childbirth classes, to be there for the delivery, and to take more responsibility for child rearing than their fathers or grandfathers did.
      In addition to society’s changing views of the role men play in relation to childcare, social scientists also found that the presence of the father in the home can contribute to lower juvenile crime rates, a decrease in child poverty, and lower rates of teenage pregnancy. Differences in parenting styles between men and women are also believed to contribute to children’s ability to understand and communicate emotions in different ways. The research supports the claim that the absence of a father in the family is the single biggest problem in modern society.

【題組】48 The father’s presence at home does NOT contribute to _____.
(A) lower juvenile crime rates
(B) more serious family violence
(C) a decrease in child poverty
(D) children’s better development


19 Jack’s telephone bill is due today. He needs to pay it by midnight tonight; ____, the telephone company will disconnect him.
(A)after all
(C)in consequence


42 The loss of large parts of the rain forest has reduced the ____of many native Amazon species.
(A) habits
(B) habitats
(C) hobbies
(D) hues


  I must admit that there are a high number of stray dogs in Taiwan. One hears of many cases of people being bit by dogs. Society is becoming increasingly antagonized by such incidents. But as many people suggest, killing dogs is not the solution. Also, how many dogs are we going to put in the pound? I believe the solution lies in sterilizing the dogs; if the Association for Animal Protection and Welfare embarks on a well-organized sterilization drive, then the dog population will gradually decline and they won’t seem like a nuisance anymore. We need to work collectively towards this end and aid the Association for Animal Protection and Welfare in their task. 
  Another way to control the increasing number of stray dogs is to adopt them. Those who can afford to adopt a dog, give it food and keep it well groomed and free from infections and diseases could take the effort to adopt dogs. Dogs do not harm anybody unless they themselves are harmed or provoked. If anybody pelts stones at the dogs, they retaliate in self-defense. Man does not have the right to kill animals, since they too possess the right to live. Dogs by themselves do not harm anybody. They are tame creatures. Ultimately, all of us must learn to co-exist.

【題組】49 The word “pelt” in paragraph 2 could be replaced by _ .
(A) throw
(B) grind
(C) rock
(D) break


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1191~1195)-阿摩線上測驗
