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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1296~1300)
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37 題至第 40 題為篇章結構題組,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複:
            Is bedtime just a time for dreaming? Do our brains turn off for the night? What if I told you that scientists recently discovered that our brains may be just as busy at night as they are during the day?    37    Researchers at the University of Rochester found that the brain may be busy cleaning house -- cleaning out harmful waste materials.
           As with many studies, the researchers turned to mice for help. They studied mice that had colored dye injected into their brains. They observed the mice brains as they slept and when they were awake. The researchers say they saw that the brains of sleeping mice were hard at work. Dr. Maiken Nedergaard led the study.   38    It seems they have daytime jobs. Later they “moonlight” at a nighttime job. “Moonlighting” is working a nighttime job in addition to a day job. And this study says that is what our brains seem to be doing – working an extra job at night without additional pay for overtime. Whereas during sleep, they work very, very hard at removing all the waste that builds up when we are awake.
          “When we are awake, the brain cells are working very hard at processing all the information about our surroundings. The researchers say that the waste material includes poisons, or toxins, responsible for brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. It is not just beauty sleep. The brain needs us to sleep so it can get to work.   39   This shrinking permits waste to be removed more effectively.
          Dr. Nedergaard says these toxins end up in the liver. There, they are broken down and then removed from the body. “So our study suggests that we need to sleep because we have a macroscopic cleaning system that removes many of the toxic waste products from the brain.”
        The brain’s cleaning system could only be studied with new imaging technologies. The test animal must be alive in order that this brain process may be seen as it happens. Dr. Nedergaard says the next step is to look for the process in human brains.   40   The research may also one day lead to treatments to prevent or help fight neurological disorders.

【題組】 37
(A)They also found that during sleep, the brain’s cells shrink, or become smaller.
(B)While we sleep, our brains are doing much more than getting ready for the next day.
(C)She said the results demonstrate just how important sleep is to health and fighting disease.
(D)The brain expert says our brains perform two very different jobs.


18 With oil prices going through the roof, people have started to look for possible replacements. The so-called “Biofuels"are at last becoming a possible ______to gasoline.
(A) alternator
(B) altitude
(C) addictive
(D) alternative


       The Mayo researchers reported a striking difference in activity levels between lean persons and overweight ones. Their study did not involve deliberate exercise; it measured—with the sensors—how much people moved about naturally and spontaneously. 
      The heavier ones tended to sit, while the lean ones were more restless and spent two more hours a day on their feet—standing or walking. The difference translated into 350 calories a day, enough for the heavy people to take off about 14 to 18 kilograms a year, if they would get moving. 
       The researchers believe the tendency to sit still or move around is biological, governed by genetically determined levels of brain chemicals. And that tendency influences weight—not the other way around, they say. 
        Plenty of experts have been advising people to find small, relatively painless ways to burn extra calories, like taking the stairs instead of the elevators and parking at the far end of the lot to make themselves walk a bit. As to why the usual weight loss remedies frequently fail, Dr. Levine said, it is because people have a hard time sticking with exercise programs and diets. He argues that the very number of diet books and weight-loss plans is proof that none of them work.

【題組】28 How many calories should a fat person shake off per day in order to stay slim?
(A) 350 grams
(B) 350 kilograms
(C) 14 kilograms
(D) 350 calories


12 The rain _______ with our plan to go on a picnic. We had to stay home and watch movies instead.
(A) interfered
(B) fulfilled
(C) exhibited
(D) conveyed


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
The scariest part about smartphone addiction is that it can affect our physical and mental health, our relationships and our productivity. America's obsession with smartphone has been compared to the obesity epidemic. That's because, just like drug or gambling addictions, smartphones provide an escape from reality. Humans are, by nature, prone to distraction. With smartphones, we literally have a world of distractions at our fingertips. It's time to acknowledge that our devices can negatively impact our lives—and we have to make a change. Cellphones used to just be communication tools. Now, they're GPS, cameras, gaming consoles, health trackers, and the list goes on. We turn to our devices for everything—from waiting in line at the grocery store or reading the news, to filing our taxes or controlling the thermostat. We don't just use our smartphones for everything—we rely on them.

【題組】49 What message can we infer from the final sentence, "We don't just use our smartphones for everything—we rely on them."?
(A) New brands of cellphones will soon be on the markets.
(B) We should not be controlled by cellphones.
(C) More functions should be added to cellphones.
(D) Smartphone addiction should not be a problem.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1296~1300)-阿摩線上測驗
