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III. 綜合測驗:
         When it comes to water parks, Germany seldom comes to mind. However, 30 miles south of Berlin __22__    the largest indoor water park in the world. Tropical Islands Resort, located in Krausnick, Germany, covers an area of more than 16 acres. Its maximum capacity is 6,000 visitors at one time. In addition to beaches and tropical seas, Tropical Islands Resort even __23__  a rainforest. Tropical Islands Resort is definitely a paradise for kids, but it also provides plenty of options __24__ adults. The paddling area with its many toys and waterslides __25__ a good place for kids to spend their whole day. As for adults, they can enjoy soaking in the sauna or lounging by the pool under a sunny sky. __26__ , a 27-meter-high water slide tower awaits those who are really eager for some excitement. No wonder Tropical Islands Resort attracted 975,000 visitors during its first year.

(A) lives
(B) owns
(C) holds
(D) lies


        Santorini (聖托里尼) is considered to be the most beautiful island in Greece. It was formed as a result of intensive volcanic activities. Every year, many tourists come here to experience the island’s stunning beauty and __27__ Greek architecture. Oia and Fira are the two main cities on Santorini. __28__ is an excellent place for seeing the sunsets. It even has a reputation as a place couples want to have their weddings. The latter is the cultural and business center of Santorini, and here visitors can go to the museums or __29__ some shopping in the traditional Greek stores. Since these small towns are situated at a fairly high altitude, __30__ takes some time and energy to walk up the steep slopes to Oia and Fira. However, if you are not __31__ get up to them on foot, taking a cable car will be a good option. You can enjoy gorgeous coastal views as your cable car goes higher and higher. This magical experience is definitely worth the trip.

(A) go
(B) do
(C) get
(D) take


24. Receptionist: Good morning! How can I help you? 
Francis: Hi. This is my first day, and____________ 
Receptionist: Welcome! Please take a seat. Let me give Teresa Huang a call, and she’ll give you an orientation of the company. 
Francis: Thank you!
(A) I want to take a personal leave.
(B) I’d like to file a job application.
(C) I’ll spend a week touring the city.
(D) I need to report to human resources.


25. Police: Good afternoon! Your driver’s license, please.
Brian: Here you go, Sir. But I’m not sure why ____________
Police: You just ran a red light and broke the traffic rules.
Brian: I thought I stopped. I’m very sorry. I promise I’ll never do it again.
Police: Here’s your ticket. Paying your fine is a way to show your regret.
(A) I’m being pulled over.
(B) I can’t make promises.
(C) I’m running low on fuel.
(D) I can’t see the green light.


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 26−30 題
       The Kalahari Desert spans three African countries; it goes across Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa. It can get very hot in the summer, the hottest season there. The desert is in the southern hemisphere, and therefore, its seasons are__26__ from those in the northern hemisphere. There, summer lasts from November to March; winter lasts from May to August. In the summer, temperatures can__27__ over 100 degrees during the day. At night, they go down to around 68 or 70 degrees. In the winter, temperatures during the day are about 77 degrees,__28__ the nights can get very, very cold. Temperatures can drop to 14 degrees! Although the Kalahari is a desert, it__29__ rain. The rain is usually not steady. Instead, it comes in thunderstorms. When it rains, dry water holes fill up, and__30__ lakes. The rainy season is between November and April, and the rainiest month is usually April.

(A) does get
(B) doesn’t take
(C) can stop
(D) can’t have


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 31−35 題
       Watching a touching movie, going through a stressful event, and even receiving good news may all lead to the similar reaction—bursting into tears. Crying is a part of everyone’s life. Some people cry more __31__ than others. Nevertheless, it remains unclear about the reasons __32__ crying happens. Humans are the only species to weep from emotions, and scientists still do not know how the physical act of crying is connected to our feelings. However, the study of crying does show some positive effects. One of the __33__ benefits of crying is that it relieves physical tension and stress. Crying also releases endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, that contribute to a better mood. Together__34__ the release of stress, crying can help regulate and even lower the temperature of our brains. When we cry, we take in many quick 35 of cool air. As a result, our body may cool down and thus our mood may improve.

(A) what
(B) which
(C) who
(D) why


▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 36−40 題
        In this digital era, emojis are part of our daily communication. These small icons—smiley faces, winking eyes, hearts of all shapes—are used in text messages, emails, and social media. They are__36__ these days because they can increase the accuracy of our brief messages and decrease the misunderstanding in communication.__37__ , a picture is worth a thousand words. Because emojis often represent an easily identified thought or feeling, they are mostly__38__ in context. They help us add tone and clarity to our communication. Emojis are visual aids and can be used in many ways,__39__ softening the mood of serious conversations, expressing ourselves in a more comfortable way, and communicating when words fail us. However, emojis are not labeled, so their meaning is__40__ to those who use them. Some emojis may have different meanings across cultures. Therefore, when using emojis, we should use them with caution.

(A) understood
(B) understand
(C) spoken
(D) speak


(A) between
(B) in
(C) up
(D) with


