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【精選】 - 國營事業◆國文 - 國營事業◆英文 - A.電腦常識、B.機械常識、C.電機常識難度:(3051~3075)
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1( ).

下列各選項「 」中的詞語,何者前後詞性及意義均相同? 

2( ).

下列「 」中的詞語,何者可用以表示「時間短暫」之意? 

3( ).

45. I understand that large numbers of deer _____ this island for two centuries.
(A) were to inhabit
(B) have inhabited
(C) should inhabit
(D) are inhabiting

4( ).

4. Besides the government, many _____ companies are also trying to help the flood victims by holding activities to raise money.
(A) private
(B) natural
(C) grateful
(D) straight

5( ).

26. Vivian could feel her heart ________ fast when Jason knelt down and popped the question.
(A) beaten
(B) to beat
(C) beating
(D) had beaten

6( ).

四、閱讀測驗 第一篇: 2,000 years ago, the Celts lived in the area which is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France. They used to grow their own food, and they considered harvest time to be the end of the year. Every year, they celebrated New Year’s Eve on October 31st with a festival called “Samhain”. The Celts dressed in animal heads and skins for this festival, and their priests, the Druids, built huge bonfires which the Celts gathered around to burn crops as sacrifices to their ancient gods. October 31st marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter, and the Celts believed that on that night, the ghosts of the dead returned to Earth. The Celts thought the ghosts helped the Druids to predict the future. In about 43 AD, after the Romans conquered the Celts, two Roman festivals, Feralia (when the Romans remembered their dead) and Pomona Day (when the Romans honored their goddess of fruits and gardens) were combined with the Celtic Samhain festival. Later, in the 7th century, when Christianity reached the land of the Celts, the Pope made November 1st All Saints’ Day. This was a time for people to honor saints and martyrs. This celebration was also called All Hallows or Hallowmas. The night before it became known as All Hallows’ Eve, which later changed to Halloween. Today, people celebrate Halloween with black cats and magic from Samhain, apples and harvest from Pamona Day, and ghosts and skeletons from All Saints’ Day. It’s a thrilling mixture of fun and fear.
【題組】43. Which of the following is NOT related to the origin of All Saints’ Day?
(A) The Celts.
(B) Christianity.
(C) Islam.
(D) The Romans.

7( ).

Advertising has gradually taught most of us to adopt a questioning attitude about what we view on television commercials. We take it for granted that a product is probably not as good as the manufacturers claim, and ____36____ the detergent does not take out every dirty spot immediately without a lot of hard work. And you know you will never become a star tennis player just by ____37____ a certain kind of tennis shoes. The shoes may, ____38____ , turn out to be a well-made brand that will improve the quality of your tennis game. In any case, sensible people question the information they receive from ____39____ and do not assume it is accurate. They ____40____ that advertising agencies do not actually make soap powder or baked beans or motor cars. Instead, they are hired by manufacturers to write and present advertisements based on the psychology of consumers to make the products more appealing.

(B) wearing
(C) clothing
(D) dressing up

8( ).


9( ).


10( ).

39. Using ___ will help you avoid embarrassing spills at business lunches.
(A) customs
(B) napkins
(C) museums
(D) relatives


6 下列何者不是作業系統的功能?

12( ).

69. A: There was a terrible explosion on a train near Songshan Station. B: ____________________
(A) I know. Everybody had a great time.
(B) Yeah, I’m really sorry for the misunderstanding.
(C) Right, I heard the whole carriage blew up.
(D) Yes, I think they should have checked in earlier.

13( ).

Facts are pieces of information we know to be true. When we read history, we want to know the facts—what really happened. Fiction is the 44 . Writers of fiction 45 stories, telling of people and events that 46 the writer’s imagination. Science fiction writers imagine 47 people and events but, perhaps most importantly, technology. They often write about the effects of that technology on a person, a group, or society. These writers usually set their stories in the future. Some of them have predicted technology that seemed 48 at the time but really does exist today.



15( ).

8 8 進位數值 73.46 等於 16 進位數字的:
(B) EC.26
(C) 3A.86
(D) 3B.98 


2 啟動個人電腦的程式稱為 BIOS(Basic Input Output System),BIOS 存放在那裡?
(B)MBR (Master Boot Record)
(D)ROM(Read Only Memory)

17( ).

13. The restaurant _________ its customers from bringing their own food or beverages.
(B) negotiates
(C) prohibits

18( ).

26. Old soldiers never die; they only ____.
(A) bring about
(B) fade away
(C) cover for 
(D) give off

19( ).

23. Cathy is extremely ____ because she has exercised regularly for years.
(A) fit
(B) satisfaction
(C) likable
(D) suitable

20( ).

       Have you ever dreamed of becoming a flight attendant? It looks like you get to travel around the world, all while getting paid. Actually, the life of a flight attendant is not really like the glamorous image that most people have in mind.
       Flight attendants have a much harder job than what passengers see on board. Always smiling and courteous, they endure a much harder work schedule than most. Even discounting the possible dangers of flying, flight attendants must put up with rude and demanding passengers. Sometimes passengers spill drinks, have crying and vomiting babies, or do not speak the same language as the crew. If you think working an eight- or nine-hour day is rough, don‟t try working on an airplane. Typically, flight attendants work 16- to 18-hour days, and most of that time they are standing on their feet. Those long hours do not include layovers. The pay is not great, either. Furthermore, you‟re in close contact with hundreds of passengers every day. Some of them may be sick, and you run the risk of getting infected. Last but not least, pushing around beverage carts used to serve drinks and food is not easy because they weigh more than 100 kilograms. On long-distance flights, these carts may be used several times. Therefore, being a flight attendant can be a very physically demanding job.
       Of course, if the work of a flight attendant were all bad, no one would want to be one. You do get to meet some great people during the flights. You are eligible for free flights, sometimes for your friends and family too! You have the opportunity to see more places in a few years than most people see in their entire lives. Sightseeing can really broaden your horizons. No matter what job you hope to have, be sure to do a little research on it first. Most of us have to work, but working at what you really want to do is the best employment.

【題組】50. What does the author imply by the last few sentences of the passage?
(A) Travel is the best teacher.
(B) Being a flight attendant is a great job.
(C) People should know and do what they love for a living.
(D) Everyone needs a job whether good or not.

21( ).


22( ).

7. People in this town showed up _____ to support the meaningful event. They were not required by anyone to come.
(A) voluntarily
(B) forcefully
(C) hollowly
(D) rigidly

23( ).

19. The Harry Potter movies are among the most ____ movies in history.
(A) profitable
(B) money
(C) paying
(D) liking

24( ).

(A) 西子灣的海,藍得像是要「滴出」顏料:湧出
(B) 這場衝突後,我們亟需冷靜下來,「研析」局勢的發展:判析
(C) 半夜被惡夢驚醒,柯南全身是汗,「浸濕」了床單:淋濕
(D) 閒來無事,「駐足」窗邊,欣賞庭院裡盎然的生機:裹足


8 下列何類作業系統的特色,係針對特定用途去設計開發,可使用在小到玩具機器人、智慧手錶,大到 汽車、工廠自動化設備上?
(A)專家系統(Expert System)
(B)分散式系統(Distributed System)
(C)虛擬機器(Virtual Machine)
(D)嵌入式系統(Embedded System)


【精選】 - 國營事業◆國文 - 國營事業◆英文 - A.電腦常識、B.機械常識、C.電機常識難度:(3051~3075)-阿摩線上測驗
