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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(651~675)
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Which of the following activities best illustrates phonics instruction?
(A) have two students come to the front and hit the word said by the teacher on the board as quickly as possible
(B) lead students to read a word on the board (e.g., not), replace one letter of the spelled word (e.g., dot), and ask them to determine the resulting spoken word
(C) ask students to chant the alphabet from 'a' to 'z' several times, write the letters on the board, and have students read them one by one
(D) ask students to read aloud the individual words “stand” and “up” several times, and then have students practice linking the final consonant of “stand” with the vowel of “up


5. A ______ is a good for which there is demand, but which is supplied without qualitative differentiation across a market.
(A) routine
(B) hygiene
(C) aspiration
(D) commodity


5. He was convinced that the right work for him to do was to _____ the public.
(A) relinquish
(B) waive
(C) serve
(D) release


4. The North American International Auto Show is the best way to inform people throughout the world about vehicle _____________.
(A) imitations
(B) recommendations


7.________ are aging worldwide, and governments and individuals should pay more attention to this problem.
(A) Pollutions
(B) Popularities
(C) Populations
(D) Preparations


1. I have always been scared of height. As I looked down from the 5th floor of my office building, Istarted to feel ____.
(A) straight
(B) giddy
(C) foul
(D) edible


12. China _____ Japan to become the world’s second-largest economy at current exchange rate.However, income per capita in Japan is still ten times as much as in China.
(A) devoured
(B) enriched
(C) overtook
(D) paralyzed


55. It was just not ________ for John to manage the hostel business on a part-time basis, so he quit his teaching job to become a full-time hostel manager.
(A) despicable
(B) feasible
(C) trivial
(D) frail


3. Nowadays in modern society, obesity is _____, as are high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure resulting in increasing cardiovascular diseases.
(A) rebellion
(B) rampant
(C) redundant
(D) routine


I. Vocabulary: 15%
【題組】11. Regional Fed Banks supervise the operation of commercial banks in their districts. They periodically or _________ send out teams of examiners to look over banks' books.
(A) vulnerably
(B) judiciously
(C) sporadically
(D) paradoxically


(B) Many families have a patient who has chronic disabilities or an elder who needs some level of care and support. Family caregivers are thus important because they can deal with daily activities and offer physical and emotional support for the patient or the elderly, and help them get through the difficult time more easily. Although caregiving is a meaningful job, it is out of question a stressful one, too. 
Family caregivers are often called “secondary patients” because their health and safety are at risk. Many caregivers are under overwhelming stress of caregiving, so they may easily ignore their own health care needs, leading to signs of caregiver burnout, such as feeling constantly exhausted and resentful, becoming short-tempered, having difficulty in sleeping, and losing interest in their work. Some caregivers may even be in a crisis situation that puts them at risk of hurting the one they care for. It is thus important for caregivers to take good care of themselves. 
Researchers have provided many tips for family caregivers to alleviate their stress and empower themselves. For example, caregivers should constantly acknowledge their efforts and remind themselves of the meaningful things they have done. Although they may not be perfect caregivers, their support and efforts do matter greatly for the one they care for. In addition, it is important for caregivers to reward and pamper themselves. They can give themselves a short break every day, and use the time to do something nice simply for themselves, such as watching a movie, baking some dessert, or enjoying some alone time. When caregivers feel burnt out, they can also talk to a family member or friend who can listen to them and acknowledge their efforts in caregiving. Everyone needs a listening ear, so do family caregivers. Moreover, they should see a doctor to seek medical assistance when necessary. With support from family, friends or doctors, caregivers will be more capable of dealing with their own feelings and regaining their energy and optimism.
 In conclusion, family caregiving is a rewarding and meaningful job, but it can also become difficult and exhausting. It is important for caregivers to understand their own health care needs and deal with them properly because their love and support for themselves can also benefit the one they care for.

【題組】73. What is the main purpose of the passage?
(A) To propose that there should be more family caregiver support groups.
(B) To suggest that caregivers take care of their own health care needs.
(C) To draw readers’ attention to the difficulty in caregiving.
(D) To teach caregivers how to handle specific patient problems.


三、 文意選填: 10%,每題 2 分。 Conformity in packaged food is a big challenge for food manufacturers. There is an increasing demand to produce consistent, high quality and safe products to meet 19 obligations, brand requirements, and customer expectations. The fundamental requirements of conformity in packaged food are that food is free from physical contaminants. Besides, labels need to be 20 and correctly positioned and products are within the correct weight tolerances. Also, products are presented in a consistent way. Failure to achieve these expected standards can 21 retailers rejecting products and cancelling supplier agreements, expensive recall costs, and further consequences of non-compliance with food safety and labelling regulations. It goes without saying therefore, that conformity is a priority for most, if not all packaged food manufacturers. Advanced product inspection technologies can support manufacturers in meeting these standards to ensure food is safe to 22 and of a high quality. For example, metal detection and x-ray inspection ensure packaged food is free from physical contamination. Vision inspection and x-ray inspection systems ensure packaging is consistently presented, with vision inspection technology also checking the position and accuracy of labels. To help 23 the complexities of conformity, a free white paper has been published which explores this in detail, and provides guidance for packaged food manufacturers on how they can achieve consistency on their production line – every time.

(A) accurate
(B) consume
(D)terminal (AB) unravel (AC) legislative (AD) result in



2. While emphasis on academic success may drive students to work harder, the stress that comes with it has ______ effects on their mental health.
(A) cacophonous
(B) detrimental
(C) hospitable
(D) scrupulous


6. In order to reach an agreement about this matter, you had better _____ directly with someone in a responsible position.
(A) differentiate
(B) negotiate
(C) interfere
(D) neglect


4. Taking advantage of a special function of the search engine, users can ____ the Internet without leaving behind any history of the webpages they visit.
(A) stride
(B) conceal
(C) browse
(D) rumble


1. It was stunning when the YouTuber introduced the _______ sea-facing apartment, which was worth more than two billion dollars.
(A) viable
(B) finite
(C) lavish
(D) rigid


9. When asked why he hadn't eaten his meal, Ivan responded _____ , "It tastes terrible."
(A) bluntly
(B) contently
(C) modestly


       Climate refugees are people who must leave their homes and communities because of the effects ofclimate change and global warming. Climate changeis caused by natural events, such as volcanic eruptions, as well as human activities. Climate change__(16)__ many times since Earth was formed billions of years ago. Global warming is the most recent period of climate change. Human activities like burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests__(17)__ global warming because they release greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. 
       Rising temperatures__(18)__ with global warming cause glaciers and ice caps to melt. This can cause flooding and make sea levels rise. Rising temperaturesalso lead to droughts and desertification-the transformation of __(19)__ land to desert. Some of these effects, such as sea level rise, can put land completely underwater, __(20)__ it uninhabitable. Other effects, such as drought, make it impossible for people in the region to support themselves.

【題組】18. ( )
(A) vaporized
(B) associated
(C) stranded
(D) upheld


2. The existence of the previous monarch’s illegitimate child _____ a threat to the current monarch’s reign.
(A) dwelt
(B) gauged
(C) logged
(D) posed


10. Her behavior was _____, deviating drastically from the norms and expectations of society.
(A) gratuitous
(B) inimical
(C) aberrant
(D) sabbatical


B. 39 – 42 題 
            Carbon rights refer to the legal rights associated with the ownership, management, and use of carbon resources. These rights are becoming increasingly important as the world grapples with climate change, and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions becomes more urgent. 
            Carbon rights are also an important tool for addressing the economic, social, and environmental challenges associated with climate change. Carbon rights are based on the principle that carbon emissions have an impact on the climate and the environment. As such, those who emit carbon should bear the costs of their emissions. This principle is embodied in the concept of carbon pricing, which involves putting a price on carbon emissions in order to encourage businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions.
             There are two main types of carbon rights: ownership rights and usage rights. Ownership rights refer to the right to own and control carbon resources, such as oil, gas, and coal. These rights are often held by companies or governments, and can be bought and sold like other commodities. Usage rights refer to the right to use carbon resources, such as the right to emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These rights are often granted through permits or allowances, and can be traded on carbon markets. 
            Carbon rights can have a significant impact on the economy and the environment. By putting a price on carbon emissions, carbon pricing can create incentives for businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions and invest in cleaner technologies. Carbon pricing can also generate revenue for governments, which can be used to fund climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
            However, there are also concerns about the potential impact of carbon rights on social equity. Carbon pricing can disproportionately affect low-income households and communities, who may not have the resources to invest in cleaner technologies. There is also a risk that carbon markets could lead to speculation and market manipulation, which could undermine the effectiveness of carbon pricing.
           To address these concerns, it is important to design carbon pricing policies and carbon markets in a way that takes social equity and environmental sustainability into account. This can be done by implementing measures such as revenue recycling, which involves using the revenue generated by carbon pricing to fund programs that benefit low-income households and communities.

【題組】42. What is the risk associated with carbon markets?
(A) Reduced revenue for governments, leading to decreased investment in climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
(B) Insufficient demand for carbon permits, leading to economic stagnation.
(C) Increased carbon emissions, due to the lack of incentive for businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions.
(D) Speculation and market manipulation, which could undermine the effectiveness of carbon pricing.


1. During the audit, the examiner will _____ our books for accuracy.
(A) bypass
(B) boycott
(C) scrutinize
(D) ascentain


23. Every stroke of ink, ________ the poet’s profound understanding of the human experience, painted vivid portraits of joy, sorrow, love, and longing.
(A) guiding by
(B) guiding through
(C) guided by
(D) guided onto


2. Research findings have shown that different dimensions of _____ can leave different signatures of trauma to children who experience maltreatment such as neglect and abuse during childhood.
(A) adversity
(B) evolution
(C) approval
(D) empathy


5. The landscape has been subjected to severe _____, a devastating consequence of rampant deforestation and the relentless pursuit of intensive farming practices.
(A) affection
(B) erosion
(C) eruption
(D) augmentation


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(651~675)-阿摩線上測驗
