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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(701~725)
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Last year the ___ cost of food was a shock to most governments: the price of wheat and corn tripled and the price of rice climbed five-fold.
(A) skyrocketing
(B) exhilarating
(C) imprecating
(D) excruciating


We do not yet have the theory of everything, but most physical phenomena are readily _______.
(A) frivolous
(B) palatable
(C) terse
(D) explicable


11. The philosopher argues that far from being dead, ____ is a feature of human behavior in modern times: his ____ lists articles containing many instances of people sacrificing themselves for the good of others.
(A) cognition –cosmology
(B) altruism – bibliography
(C) pugilism – appendix
(D) parricide – epigram


7. The plan sounds ______, but actually it is very hard to put it into practice.
(A) vulnerable
(B) feasible
(C) gullible
(D) visible


8. John and his colleagues have very strong ______. They work very hard to achieve their goal.
(A) cankers
(B) utilities
(C) incentives
(D) nutrients


Some of my students are outgoing and _______. I sometimes have trouble getting them to stop talking.
(A) extroverted
(B) extreme
(C) extravagant
(D) extractable


In a class of 10th grade students, the teacher has just presented a new grammatical structure and wants to check whether the students understand the meaning. Which of the following is the most appropriate for the teacher to say to the class?
(A) Does everyone understand?
(B) Who can give me an example sentence?
(C) Please explain the meaning?
(D) Is there any question?


The unprecedented flooding in Pakistan has left its troubled government struggling to __________ the catastrophe effectively.
(A)take over
(B)leave out
(C)deal with
(D)look into


Google is developing an online store where it will sell business software from its partners __________ increase up sales of Google Apps, its own suite of business applications, according to a person familiar with the project.
(A)in an effort to
(B)failing to
(C)affording to
(D)so as not to


Germans are turning to Chinese medicine in droves, and one could definitely say that an East wind is blowing. Given that Western medicine is fast reaching its limits and that naturopathic medicine is all the rage, in recent years traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and moxibustion have become increasingly popular in Germany and all over Europe. It’s such a hot field that physicians in Western-medicine clinics are rushing to study acupuncture and moxibustion (more than 50% of private clinics offer acupuncture treatment), and even sanatoriums, hotels and public hospitals are vying with each other to establish Chinese medicine departments. Many medicine centers begin to offer acupuncture, and traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate nausea and other side effects of chemo- and radiotherapy in cancer patients.
According to Doctor Dieter Melchart, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and moxibustion have been widely adopted in Germany for quite some time. From the perspective of Western medicine, any treatment must be subjected to rigorous scientific verification. Therefore, as far back as 1982, when Chinese medicine gradually began to win popularity, many university medical centers in Germany drew up plans to carry out long-term evaluations, inspections, and analyses of Chinese medicine in Germany.
These medical centers have discovered that acupuncture and moxibustion are effective in treating painful illnesses. Accordingly, a number of German health insurance companies that cover Chinese medicine costs have commissioned medical centers at several universities to make a thorough evaluation, on the basis of which they plan to expand their future coverage. This statistical analysis of 9400 private clinics and 50 hospitals cost several million euros and is the most extensive ever conducted in the world.

【題組】29. The statement “naturopathic medicine is all the rage” literally means
(A) medicine with natural ingredients reduces the patient’s anger.
(B) medicine with natural ingredients are very popular.
(C) medicine short of natural ingredients stimulates the patient’s rage.
(D) medicine short of natural ingredients doesn’t have a market.


3.Two minutes after takeoff, the pilots reported an engine flameout and immediately sent out a(n) _____ signal.


克漏字11-20: There is a surge of aggressive and threatening phone calls by criminals threatening with police arrest, deportation, license revocation and other things. Phone scams can be classified into the following schemes. In one of the schemes, the fraudster calls someone, telling them they owe back taxes to the government. The caller may even threaten them with arrest or court action, not only saying that their bank accounts have been frozen ___11___ to seize the person’s property unless they pay right away. The second scheme is called Grandparent Scam (or Emergency Scam), ___12___ a person calls claiming to be a family member and comes up with some kind of story where he or she needs emergency money for ___13___ or he or she is going to be held in jail. Usually people don’t want their family in that kind of situation so they will go and wire money without delay. Another is Phoney Bank Inspector Scam. Someone calls claiming to be a security inspector for a bank, asking the person to withdraw cash to “test the teller’s honesty.” ___14___ they’ll tell people is that they’ve noticed somebody withdrawing funds from their account and “the inspector” wants to find out who it is. Then, people are told to hand over to the “undercover bank inspector” the money which will be re-deposited into their bank account. ___15___ , the money never makes it back into the account. The police strongly recommend if anyone gets a suspicious call asking for money to be deposited or sent urgently, they are supposed to call the police or their banks before doing anything instead of rushing into sending money.
【題組】14、 14
(A) What
(B) That
(C) Whether
(D) How


VI. Questions on Teaching Methods/Approaches 37. Which of the following statements about “Total Physical Response” is INCORRECT?
(A) Students must develop flexibility in understanding novel combinations of target language chunks.
(B) The imperative is a powerful linguistic device through which the teacher can direct student behavior.
(C) Written language should be emphasized over spoken language.
(D) Memory is activated through learner response.


2. The manufacturer would not ______ strikers’ demand and is ready for the consequence.
(A) accede
(B) concentrate
(C) fluctuate
(D) restrict


4. The girl ________ between waffles and crepes because both looked tasty and she was allowed to order only one of them.
(A) mediated
(B) recurred
(C) legitimated
(D) vacillated


        Until recently, Dr. Jonathan Avery, an addiction psychiatrist at Newyork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, rarely treated adolescents for nicotine addiction. After years of 29 youth smoking rates, “we thought we were winning the game on cigarettes,” Avery says. But e-cigarettes -- which can each contain as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes—have exploded in 30 , causing what the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is calling an “epidemic” among young people. More than 20% of high school students use e-cigs, even though they are legal only for adults. “Suddenly, there are all sorts of young people looking for treatment, wondering what to do,” Avery says.           E-cigarette use has far 31 science when it comes to finding treatments for nicotine dependence. Without specific treatment standards for young patients, clinicians often turn teens away or try nicotine- 32 therapies like patches and gum—even though they are designed for adults and haven’t been proved to be effective against e-cigarette dependence. “There are no treatment guidelines yet for these products,” says Donna Richardson, clinical 33 of the Rutgers Tobacco Dependence Program. “We have nothing else.”           But demand is growing. The FDA is so concerned about youth e-cigarette 34 that this year it began looking into ways to help kids quit. In January, the anti-tobacco group Truth Initiative launched a text-based e-cigarette- 35 program for young people; 31,000 people have registered, the group says.            Most parents are looking for insurance-covered outpatient care, which “just sort of doesn’t exist,” Avery says. This year he started a counseling-based treatment program for adolescents with e-cig dependence and has treated about 30 kids so far. Soon he expects to have company. “It’s probably going to be picking up everywhere,” he says. “A lot of us in the addiction world are paying attention to this.”

(AB) coordinator (AC) cessation (AD) outpaced (AE) overstated (BC) addiction (BD) popularity (BE) plummeting (CD) ascending (CE) inundated (DE) replacement 



10. The local people are making a strong _____ against the building of the nuclear waste disposal plant on their island.
(A) religion
(B) praise
(C) conflict
(D) protest


Passage B 
   To understand the nature of the liberal arts college and its function in our society, it is important to understand the difference between education and training. Training is intended primarily for the service of society; education is primarily for the individual. Society needs doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers to perform specific tasks necessary to its operation, just as it needs carpenters and plumbers. Our training centers---the professional and trade schools---fulfill these needs.
   Although education is for the improvement of the individual, it also serves the society by providing a leavening of men and women of understanding, of perception and wisdom. They are our intellectual leaders, the critics of our culture, the defenders of our free traditions, the instigators of our progress. They serve the society by examining its function, appraising its needs, and criticizing its direction. They may be earning their livings by practicing one of the professions, or in pursuing a trade, or by engaging in business enterprise. They may be rich or poor. They may occupy positions of power and prestige, or they may be engaged in some humble employment. Without them, however, the society either disintegrates or else becomes an anthill.

【題組】31. In professional and trade schools, students should be taught _____.
(A)the ways of handling social problems
(B) the specific skills of certain occupations
(C) the ways of living in a modern world
(D)to follow closely the progress of new technology


5. To _____ to the local cultures sooner, you may have to pick up some of their customs and manners.
(A) exchange
(B) discourage
(C) blur
(D) adjust


3. There is no doubt that the ways parents deal with their children play a _____ role in the development of criminal behavior.
(A) cynical
(B) crucial
(C) central
(D) capable


20.Which of the following statements concerning CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is NOT true?
(A) CLIL is an approach with many methodologies.
(B) Communication in CLIL aims to develop skills to express ideas in curricular subjects.
(C) In the CLIL classroom, BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills) is not required, and often keeps learners from reaching their academic L2 goals.
(D) Studying curricular subjects in CLIL helps learners understand new subject knowledge in addition to language. 


14. The religious non-profit organization has undertaken to construct new buildings to replace aged or damaged _______ at six schools in Hualien.
(A) it
(B) them
(C) one
(D) ones


Cross-Cultural Business Blunders 

[A] Many visitors to different countries don't realize how important it is to understand a country's culture. Sometimes people learn this lesson by making a big cross-cultural blunder, or embarrassing mistake. In business situations, these blunders can cost a lot of money or end business relationships. 

[B] When companies are trying to sell products, it's very important for them to understand what is important to their potential customers, and to understand a bit of their language. For example, one company wanted to sell toothpaste in Southeast Asia. In their advertisement, they claimed that their toothpaste whitened teeth. They didn't understand that many of the local people chewed betel nuts to make their teeth black and that these people thought black teeth were attractive. In another case, a car company tried to sell a car called "Matador" in a Spanish-speaking country. The company thought that it was a strong name because it means "bullfighter." In Spanish, matador is indeed a noun meaning "bullfighter." But it is also an adjective meaning "killing." Imagine driving around in a car called "Killing"! 

[C] Business meetings with people from another country can be very tricky when you don't understand the other country's culture. A European businessman had an important meeting with a company in Taiwan. He wanted to bring gifts for the people he was meeting with. He thought that something with his company's logo on it would be a nice gift. So he bought some very nice pocket knives and had his company's logo printed on them. He didn't know that giving a knife as a gift symbolizes cutting off a friendship! The Taiwanese businessmen were very offended. But luckily, the European businessman was able to repair the relationship with a lot of explanation and apologies. 

[D] It's very easy to make blunders like these people did. But it's also very easy not to. Before you visit a new country, research that country's customs and etiquette (social rules for polite behavior). You can find a lot of information online. Just go to a search engine and type in key words like "cross-cultural etiquette" or "cultural information Taiwan." By spending a few minutes doing research, you can save yourself a lot of embarrassment and make sure you don't accidentally offend anyone.

【題組】3. The European businessman probably _____.
(A) researches new cultures before he visits them now
(B) doesn't do business in Taiwan anymore
(C) always brings pocket knives as gifts to business meetings
(D) didn't care that he offended the Taiwanese businessmen


         As layoffs have swept across the globe in the past year, thousands who considered themselves relatively secure in their positions have found themselves out of work. In tech, for instance, companies cut more than 150,000 workers in 2022; in the first quarter of 2023, they’ve trimmed almost 76,000 more roles. In the finance industry, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Citigroup have slashed thousands of positions. Many other industries have also been impacted by redundancies: cuts have extended into consumer retail, media, healthcare and pharmaceutical spaces.
        Historically, layoffs have been part of the natural cycles of a necessarily ebbing and flowing economy. Yet experts say this wave is notable for several reasons. The first: their scope and scale, especially in light of the fact that the underlying economic fundamentals are showing improvement. During the global Great Recession, hundreds of thousands of jobs were cut as a direct reaction to a massive slump in the value of assets around the globe, upending livelihoods and wiping trillions of dollars off the value of international stock markets for a sustained period. However, that’s not the case now, even as layoffs and job insecurity proliferate.
        In the US, for instance, the 2008 financial crisis and following recession saw the unemployment rate peak at 10%, with some 15 million people registered as unemployed due to a systemic and protracted slowdown in economic activity. Today, the unemployment rate is around 3.5%. During the 2011 eurozone crisis, unemployment in the European Union surpassed 11.5%, compared to a current rate of below 6.5%.
        A second reason why the redundancies are noteworthy is because of the current atmosphere of the workplace itself. During the pandemic, managers championed an employee-centric style of leadership that prioritized personal wellbeing and mental health, explains Anna Tavis, a professor of human capital management at New York University. ‟We were encouraged to bring our whole selves to work,” she says. As a result, many workers are feeling a sense of cognitive dissonance – both those laid off, and others who live in fear of being axed in the future. Tavis explains that during Covid-19, they were told one thing, but now they’re experiencing something that discredits that narrative. ‟It’s making leadership seem inauthentic, and that’s understandably having an impact on employee trust in leadership,” she says.
        Some experts warn that if waves of layoffs like the ones we’ve recently seen – or even just the looming possibility of such cuts – continue to be part of working life, organizational cultures could also deteriorate, having a grim ripple effect on everything from employee engagement and productivity, to physical and mental health. What’s worse, these conditions could touch generations to come.

【題組】49. What is one potential impact of the current wave of layoffs on employee trust in leadership, as mentioned in the passage?
(A) Increased trust in leadership due to prioritizing personal wellbeing
(B) Enhanced harmony between employee and management team
(C) Improved job security outlook due to good leadership
(D) Cognitive dissonance and a sense of inauthenticity in leadership


11. People often ______ their precious time by watching too much TV, oversleeping, or surfing on social media. It is, in reality, a waste of life.
(A) squander
(B) modulate
(C) perpetuate
(D) beguile


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(701~725)-阿摩線上測驗
