(14 秒)
【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(726~750)
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We are just claiming the rights that _____ belong to us; the right to education and the right to work.
(A) deciduously
(B) proportionately
(C) intentionally
(D) legitimately


Only gradually ________ incorporate into their preaching the earthly Jesus who had ministered to the people of Israel.
(A)they did
(B)did they
(D)they will


Some teachers do not demand group work in their classes because they are afraid of losing control or being unable to monitor all groups at once.


51. Tornado experts predicted a _______ season this year,and many have begun studying whether global climate change is driving more frequent tornado-spawning thunderstorms.
(A) decorous
(B) dexterous
(C) despicable
(D) devastating


25. Students listen to two classmates carrying out a role-play and then give them feedback on their performance. What assessment is this?
(A) Summative assessment
(B) Teacher assessment
(C) Peer assessment
(D) Formative assessment


4. They discovered that Chinese food in America is not like Chinese food in Taiwan; they do not serve _____ Chinese food.
(A) reliable
(B) sentimental
(C) authentic
(D) attractive


03. That country has a large _______ of food, Wheat, for example, is put in storage and shipped abroad. (
(A) session
(B) faculty
(C) interval
(D) surplus)


19. After several _________ days of rain, a massive mudslide wiped out a mountain village in northern Taiwan.
(A) alternative
(B) distinctive
(C) consecutive
(D) initiative


04. He appears to be a cultivated, reliable and (suave) man.
(A) ravenous
(B) sizzling
(C) unpolished
(D) refined


3. Dr. Frankenstein’s lack of _____________prevented him from considering what he would do with his creature once he brought it to life.
(A) foibles
(B) fidelity
(C) erudition
(D) foresight


4. The politician _____________in his speech when he saw his opponent enter the lecture hall.
(A) dissipated
(B) stuttered
(C) diluted
(D) studded


1. The mountain climbers got lost in the mountains. What’s worse, there wasn’t sufficient food to their lives.
(A) inherit
(B) sustain
(C) devour
(D) manifest


3. The personnel department has requested that the deadline be _____ for two more weeks.
(A) lengthened
(C) extended
(D) increased


I. Vocabulary: 15%
【題組】8. When you write a letter to the editor, be sure to sign it. Responsible publishers will not print _________ letters.
(A) meticulous
(B) anonymous
(C) transparent
(D) precocious


Many start to despair for the kids these days, who seem “not to get themselves into enough trouble.” Previously, kids going off to college used to be reminded to call their parents for at least once a month, leaving their parents worrying about what they were doing. However, there is something truly terrifying about a generation of younger people that craves more adult intervention into their lives. In fact, the number of kids who seek to be tethered to their parents, and don’t seem to know what to do unless Mom or Dad is hovering nearby is rocketing. Their parents are the ones who do it to them, hovering over them every spare minute—and in those rare moments when they have some time off from the endless commute between soccer practice and enrichment activities, calling the cops on anyone who leaves an 11-year-old outside to play basketball for an hour, so that their parents will have to hover too. All this helicoptering is supposed to help the kids. And yet, raising kids who have never experienced a serious setback is not really helping them. Having succumbed to a combination of safety fears, a college admissions arms race, and perhaps parents’ own needy ego, parents’ sense of what is “best” for our kids is completely out of whack. All this protection is making kids more mentally fragile. Hovering robs kids of “self-efficacy”: the sense that they themselves are capable of producing the outcomes they want. They’re used to functioning as closely supervised extensions of their parents, not autonomous adults. It may probably get kids through college, but it cannot get them through life. Eventually, life is going to wham them with the reality stick, no matter how assiduously parents strive to protect their kids from it. The way to assure that the blow is not fatal is not to step between them and what’s coming, but by letting go of them earlier. Childhood should be the time when it’s okay to fall down, because there’s someone around who can set limits to make sure you don’t do anything too dangerous, and help you fix it if things go wrong. The movement for free-range parenting is a good start toward building a better childhood for kids. But it probably won’t succeed without rethinking a lot of broader trends, from legal liability to our hypertrophied education system, that have gone into constructing the Nerf universe. Based on several studies, researchers thought there might be something positive about helicopter parenting, but they haven’t yet found it. After all, stepping in and doing for a child what the child developmentally should be doing for him or herself, is negative.
【題組】28、 Which of the following statements about children these days is TRUE?
(A) They are capable of tackling any obstacles
(B) They are utterly sure what to do without their parents’ aid
(C) They have a hard time fostering independence and responsibility
(D) They appear as mentally and physically robust as those in the past


III. Error Correction (選出一個底線錯誤的部分)
【題組】22. A student persisted in asking silly questions even though the teacher tell him to keep quiet.



16. Donna used to be _____ by her parents. No wonder she could neither wash dishes nor do the laundry by herself.
(A) muffled
(B) modulated
(C) mitigated
(D) mollycoddled


3. Voters are easily attracted to candidates' impeccable slogans, but few care about whether the candidates have ______ plans for the country.
(A) fluorescent
(B) feasible
(C) simultaneous
(D) pasteurized


7. To become a part of our national football team, one needs to have a _____ physique and strong determination. Being mentally and physically prepared is equally important.
(A) lethal
(B) migrant
(C) punctual
(D) robust


2. Manufacturers are investing heavily in tablets because they believe the demand for tablets will soon _____ laptop demand.
(A) incubate
(B) parry
(C) collate
(D) supersede


15. The animal rescue group deserves a(n) _____ for finding homes for over seven hundred abandoned pets last year.
(A) accolade
(B) squabble
(C) tenet
(D) parabola


III. Fill in the Blank: (每格 1 分,共 10 分) 
     Modern drama begins in a sense with the witty drawing-room comedies of Oscar Wilde: yet Wilde founded no dramatic school. His wit was personal and ___31__ of paradoxes for their own sake, unlike the wit of Restoration comedy, which __32__ an attitude to the relation between the sexes which was part of a view of society held by a __33__ social class. Bernard Shaw brought still __34__ kind of wit into drama—not Wilde’s light-hearted sparkle nor yet the __35__ sophistication of the Restoration dramatists, but the __36__ paradox that was meant to tease and disturb, to challenge the __37__ of the audience. Shaw’s discussions plays were given dramatic life through the mastery of theatrical __38__ which he learned during his years as a dramatic __39__.In his general attitudes he __40__ the anti-Victorianism of the late Victorians. In fact, his first—and some of his best—plays belong to the nineties.
(E) absurd (AB)reflected (BC)represents (CD) whole (DE) another (AC)provocative



4. AIDS is _____. If you have contracted it, you must avoid having sex with others or donating blood.
(A) endurable
(B) contagious
(C) vague
(D) accessible


9. We can expect _____ temperatures and calm conditions in the central and southern regions for at least the next three days.
(A) accidental
(B) moderate
(C) obvious
(D) beneficial


46. Any unfair or discriminating policies not only _______ upon the human rights, but also have negative effects on the cohesion and stability of the societies in which we all live.
(A) assert
(B) enforce
(C) infringe
(D) acknowledge


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(726~750)-阿摩線上測驗
