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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 地方政府特種考試_四等_各類科:英文#67164
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31 She______ in climbing to the top of the mountain regardless of the heavy fog surrounding the mountain.
(A) withdrew
(B) persisted
(C) declined
(D) neglected


32 The runner is very______ after running a non-stop 50 kilometers marathon that was held in the mountainous area.
(A) worry
(B) weary
(C) wealthy
(D) wordy


33 Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation______ the world’s attention, and rightly. It is the first papal resignation in nearly six centuries.
(A) adopted
(B) captured
(C) detected
(D) fetched


34 The officer calmly denied any______ in bribery and insisted on his innocence.
(A) objection
(B) constitution
(C) involvement
(D) inspection


35 The company is going to ______ 300 job positions, which is expected to save millions of dollars.
(A) add
(B) sort
(C) set
(D) axe


第 36 題至第 40 題為題組 Researchers have already identified three different types of loneliness. The first type of loneliness is 36 . This is the most common type. It usually 37 quickly and does not require any special attention. The second type, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a particular situation—for example, a divorce, the death of a loved one, or moving to a new place. Although this type of loneliness can cause 38 problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year. Situational loneliness is easy to understand and to predict. The third type is the most 39 . Unlike the second type, chronic loneliness usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience 40 loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately, many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.
(A) enduring
(B) everlasting
(C) permanent
(D) temporary


(A) displays
(B) discovers
(C) disappears
(D) disconnects


(A) parallel
(B) physical
(C) previous
(D) punctual


(A) severe
(B) worthy
(C) effective
(D) promising


(A) formal
(B) habitual
(C) rational
(D) optional


第 41 題至第 45 題為題組
         Forest fires continue to burn in several parts of Indonesia. Luckily, a brief rain storm helped break up smoke from some of the fires on Wednesday. The President said rainfall cleared away much of the smoke in Sumatra. He said the haze was reduced to a level where commercial airline companies could operate again. But another official told reporters that much more rain is needed to help put out the fires. Luhut Panjaitan is Indonesia’s Coordinating Minister of Politics, Law and Security. “This week we have rain. If we have intensive rain for four straight days and our water bombings continue, I hope we would be back to normal next week. That’s our hope, but again it all depends on how much rain we have,” he said. The official added that he has asked government agencies to consider the possibility of creating artificial rain.
         Indonesia has come under heavy pressure from neighboring countries and environmental groups to put out the fires. Every year, some companies set forest fires on purpose. They do this to clear land and make way for palm oil plantations. Thousands of people have developed breathing problems because of the smoke. Some non-governmental organizations plan to take legal action against the government. They say Indonesian officials have ignored the well-being of communities affected by the smoke. The government has deployed more than 22,000 police officers and armed forces members to fight the forest fires. There are more than 1,600 fires burning in at least six provinces.

【題組】41 According to this passage, what does the word “haze” mean?
(A) Rain.
(B) Fire.
(C) Mist.
(D) Smoke.


【題組】42 According to the passage, what was a result of the fires?
(A) Many people died in the fires.
(B) Elementary schools were closed.
(C) Food prices went up in a fast speed.
(D) Commercial flights were cancelled.


【題組】43 What health problem was caused by the environmental pollution in Indonesia?
(A) Heart.
(B) Blood.
(C) Hearing.
(D) Breathing.


【題組】44 According to the passage, what might cause forest fires?
(A) Haze.
(B) Smoke.
(C) Bombs.
(D) Plantations.


【題組】45 According to the passage, how many provinces are affected by the fires?
(A) Four.
(B) Six.
(C) Ninety.
(D) One hundred and sixty-one.


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組 On a breakfast table in a French family, nothing is more important than fresh, tasty bread. French families buy fresh bread from boulangeries, the French word for bakeries, every morning. That means a typical baking day usually starts at 4:00 am and ends at noon. You would also be surprised at the number of independent boulangeries in cities, towns, and small villages. Among the dozens of types of French bread, baguette and croissant are what Taiwanese people are most familiar with. Baguette, literally meaning “a stick”, has golden-brown crust, with ivory-cream center, cereal aroma, and soft, chewy dough. In 1993, the French government enacted a law to protect the quality of “the pride of France.” The law states that a real baguette has to be made with wheat flour, water, salt, yeast, and nothing else. No additives or preservatives are allowed, which means it goes stale within 24 hours. A standard baguette is 250-300 grams in weight and 55 to 65 centimeters in length. Legend has it that it was Napoleon who contributed to the shape of baguette. He asked bakers to make a “stick-like” bread to make it easier for soldiers to carry their bread around down their pants. Warm and buttery, croissant is a common French breakfast food at the weekend. Typical ingredients include flour, yeast, milk, butter, egg, and salt. An important process is that the butter has to be put between the layers of dough but not to be incorporated into the dough. There are countless legends about the origin of this pastry. The most widespread one is associated with the Battle of Vienna. In 1683, Vienna was under siege by Turkish army. The Turks were trying to dig underground tunnels. However, bakers working in the middle of the night heard the digging and alerted Austrian soldiers, who had enough time to stop the digging and defeat the Turks. To celebrate the victory, bakers in Vienna made a pastry in the shape of crescents, a thin, curved shape they saw on Turkish flags, and they called the pastry “Kipferl”, the German word for “crescent”. When Austrian princess Marie Antoinette came to France and married King Louis XVI in 1770, she introduced to this country her favorite pasty, which came to be known as croissant in French.
【題組】46 What is this passage mainly about?
(A) To discuss the history of French bread.
(B) To teach readers how to make French bread.
(C) To show readers how to taste French bread.
(D) To introduce two kinds of French bread.


【題組】47 Which is the closest in meaning to the word “stale” in the second paragraph?
(A) Spicy.
(B) Unfresh.
(C) Ancient.
(D) Straight.


【題組】48 Where did the bakers get the idea for the crescent-shaped pastry?
(A) From the Turkish flag.
(B) From the palace of King Louis XVI.
(C) From Marie Antoinette’s wedding.
(D) From the underground tunnels in Vienna.


【題組】49 Which is one of the criteria for a standard baguette?
(A) It is at most 55 centimeters long.
(B) It has ivory-cream center and cereal aroma.
(C) It has to be made at four o’clock in the morning.
(D) Wheat flour, yeast, salt, and egg are the only ingredients.


【題組】50 Which of the following statements is NOT correct?
(A) In Vienna, the croissant is called Kipferl.
(B) Croissant was introduced from Vienna to France in the 18th century.
(C) To make a real croissant, butter has to be incorporated into the dough.
(D) It is said that Napoleon’s soldiers carried stick-like bread around down their pants.


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 地方政府特種考試_四等_各類科:英文#67164-阿摩線上測驗
