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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 文藻外語大學_國小教師教育學程新生甄選:英文#122233
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I. Vocabulary 30% Choose the most appropriate word for the blank.
Passage A
       Once upon a time, in a cave near the Vistula River lived a giant fire- breathing dragon. It ate not only cattle but also young girls. Soon, the news of the nasty dragon spread all over the country. Worried that his beautiful daughter might become the dragon’s next victim, the king promised to __1__ the dragon slayer with half of the kingdom. Many knights attempted to kill the beast; none of them succeeded, though. This was because the dragon __2__ burnt fighters before they could draw out their swords. One day, a poor shoemaker Skuba appeared before the king and volunteered to kill the horrible creature. Knowing that he did not have any chances in a one-on-one __3__, Skuba came up with an idea to poison the beast. He prepared a special dish for the dragon---a sheep stuffed with tar and sulfur---at the cave’s entrance. The dragon __4__ devoured the sheep and immediately felt like his stomach was on fire. The fiery feeling was so intense that the dragon kept on drinking water. Its belly grew bigger and bigger until it blew up in a powerful explosion. People were overjoyed with the death of the dragon and were grateful to the shoemaker for ending their __5__. The brave and smart shoemaker married the beautiful princess and became the ruler of the kingdom after the king’s death.

(A) accuse
(B) reward
(C) notify
(D) present


(A) fatally
(B) seriously
(C) mistakenly
(D) instinctively


(A) interaction
(B) battle
(C) withdrawal
(D) contest


(A) sensibly
(B) automatically
(C) greedily
(D) reluctantly


(A) revolution
(B) fantasy
(C) misery
(D) reservation


Passage B
     Airbnb, an online home rental platform, has gained its popularity over the recent years, and become one of the best apps to have. However, locals of many tourist attractions do not seem to see eye to eye with its users. Ever since its __6__ in 2008, Airbnb has attracted millions of property owners to list their rooms on the websites.
     Despite its instant success, Airbnb is met with __7__ in cities like Tokyo, Barcelona and Berlin. Arguments over such issues as licensing, taxes or regulation enforcement recur. While Airbnb helps __8__ economy by bringing more tourists to the neighborhoods, it is sometimes unpopular with local residents. They are afraid that long-term tenancies will become fewer because short-term rentals are more __9__. Some people are facing being forced to leave their apartments just because their landlords are turning their properties into B&Bs. In addition, others are worried that such a drastic increase short-term lets may alter the atmosphere of the neighborhood.
   In Edinburgh, a lot of local residents feel the essence of the Old Town is being slowly eaten away. It seems that the __10_ from popular tourist attractions cannot be too discreet in regulating listings on Airbnb.

(A) publication
(B) promotion
(C) launch
(D) decrease


(A) revenges
(B) privileges
(C) recklessness
(D) disputes


(A) deemphasize
(B) boost
(C) corrupt
(D) embrace


(A) lucrative
(B) hospitable
(C) astonishing
(D) contagious


(A) volunteers
(B) creators
(C) paramedics
(D) authorities


1. He could not _____ the noise of the neighborhood and decided to move.
(A) catch up with
(B) put up with
(C) keep up with
(D) come up with


2. _____ the invention of the Internet, people communicate more efficiently.
(A) Based on
(B) In terms of
(C) Thanks to
(D) In addition to


3. Jack _____ the novel a couple of times. He thinks it is a well-written one.
(A) reads
(B) has been reading
(C) has read
(D) has readed


4. When he went home last night, his house was in a mess. He thought a burglar _____ into it.
(A) might break
(B) had been broken
(C) was breaking
(D) must have broken


5. Jennifer went to the bookstore last night to buy three books, two of _____ are about English learning.
(A) them
(B) whose
(C) those
(D) which


6. Joseph is 190 cm and much taller than _____ boy in his class.
(A) the other
(B) any other
(C) another
(D) others


7. But for your encouragement and help last week, I _____ passed the driving test yesterday.
(A) could not be
(B) had not
(C) would not have
(D) might not


8. Emily usually takes a nap at three in the afternoon, so don’t call her at that time tomorrow because she _____ then.
(A) will be sleeping
(B) will have slept
(C) will sleep
(D) will have been sleeping


9. Look! There are many cushions. I like the purple _____. They match the color of our sofa.
(A) them
(B) ones
(C) those
(D) its


10. My friend Herbert once told me he got lost in the mountains. He did not know_____ at that time and got frightened.
(A) where had he been
(B) where he went to
(C) where he was
(D) where was he doing


III. Reading comprehension 15%
     For investors around the globe, putting their money into the market was like taking a roller coaster in the past decade. In the year 2000, due to overly rapid development in the Internet, investors lost more than half of their assets in the dot-com bubble burst. In the year 2003, global economy was shattered by a contagious respiratory disease, SARS. After that, the sub-prime mortgage crisis starting in 2007 caused a sharp plunge in the stock market. Thanks to bailout project, Dow Jones and other indexes gradually climbed back. Then, the economy experienced two years of glory until the so-called PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain) threw another bomb into the market.
   Compared to the sub-prime mortgage crisis which emerged as a consequence of individuals failing to pay their debts, the PIGS storm struck because the four countries involved had more debts than they could ever pay off. Take Greece for example. With most of its debts due between February and April in the year 2012, it was facing bankruptcy as the deadline drew closer. In a race to save its economy, Greece proposed that its bond holders swap their old bonds with new ones with a 53.5 percent lower face value. If more than 75% of the holders agreed to the swap, Greece would be able to cut 107 billion euros off its national debt and get a second round of bailout money. Like a miracle, the swap proposed worked and more than 85 percent of holders accepted it. The market responded with a boost of confidence and most indexes rising. It seemed that the crisis was over for the moment.
     It is clear that if a person spends more than he makes, his life will be chaotic. The same rule applies to a nation. Although Greece can take a breath now, if its national expense continues to surpass the income, the day will come when no one can do anything anymore.

【題組】1. Which of the following investors is mostly likely to make a profit?
(A) Jason, who bought mutual funds in 2008 and sold them in 2009
(B) Marley, who started his own Internet company in 1999
(C) Stella, who has owned Greece bonds since 2011
(D) Betty, who bought a house in 2006 in LA 


【題組】2. According to the passage, investing in the past decade was _____.
(A)fairly smooth
(B) highly profitable
(C) pretty risky
(D) quite stable


【題組】3. What is NOT TRUE about the swap deal?
(A) It increases the holders’ assets.
(B) It reduces the total amount of debt for Greece.
(C) It makes a second round of bailout money possible.
(D) It is accepted by most of the investors.


【題組】4. According to the author, what is the real solution to the debt storm?
(A) To encourage the general public to invest more
(B) To focus on the research of the stock market
(C) To build more solid bonds with neighboring countries
(D) To make a reasonable budget and stick to it


【題組】5. The word chaotic in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.
(A) disorderly
(B) formal
(C) intentional
(D) outdated

IV. Writing 25%
    Write a paragraph with 120 words at least or 150 words at most. In the paragraph, explain your THREE ways of improving your English skills. Describe the THREE ways in details. Begin your writing with “There are some ways for me to improve my English. First, …..” Your writing is evaluated based on its content, organization, and structures.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 文藻外語大學_國小教師教育學程新生甄選:英文#122233-阿摩線上測驗
