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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益閱讀測驗第十三回#113610
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101. We value our members' feedback and suggestions, _____ help us improve our products and services.
(A) that
(B) it
(C) they
(D) which


102. The supplier unexpectedly canceled the order, _____ the manufacturer with excess inventory and no buyers to sell to.
(A) leveraging
(B) leaving
(C) forcing
(D) forging

3( ).

103. The factory had to _____ shut down during the pandemic lockdowns, leaving the workers uncertain about when they could return to work.
(A) temper
(B) temptation
(C) tempting
(D) temporarily

4( ).

104. The success of our latest market expansion _____ us to explore even more opportunities in other regions.
(A) has motivated
(B) should have motivated
(C) are motivating
(D) will be motivated

5( ).

105. Employers have a responsibility to _____ workplace bullying through policies, training, and proactive measures.
(A) deal
(B) facilitate
(C) address
(D) promote

6( ).

106. A positive work environment _____ open communication and collaboration can help attract and retain top talent.
(A) fosters
(B) to foster
(C) which foster
(D) that fosters

7( ).

107. In order to provide their customers _____ a wide range of food products, food distributors usually collaborate with various suppliers.
(A) to
(B) for
(C) with
(D) on

8( ).

108. Wholesalers are companies _____ buy products in bulk from manufacturers and sell them to distributors at a discounted price.
(A) those
(B) that
(C) them
(D) theirs

9( ).

109. Compared with _____ in other industries, the bonuses offered in the finance sector are typically much higher.
(A) it
(B) each
(C) other
(D) those

10( ).

110. In today's _____ business world, effective time management skills are essential for success.
(A) fast-pace
(B) fast-paced
(C) quickly-pace
(D) quickly-faced

11( ).

111. The use of artificial intelligence is increasingly _____ in various industries, including finance and retail, to streamline operations and enhance customer experience.
(A) prevalent
(B) widely
(C) broad
(D) popularly

12( ).

112. Despite holding down two jobs, an increasing number of individuals are finding it _____ to live in this city.
(A) challenge
(B) challenges
(C) challenged
(D) challenging

13( ).

113. As a recruiter, it is important to identify candidates who have the _____ to grow and develop into successful employees, and our trainee program is a great way to accomplish this.
(A) manpower
(B) values
(C) potential
(D) finances

14( ).

114. _____ waste and promote sustainability, we have switched to using reusable napkins in our employee cafeteria.
(A) To be reduced
(B) Reducing
(C) Reduction
(D) To reduce

15( ).

115. The company's financial forecast for the upcoming quarter shows promising growth potential, which has led to _____ in investor confidence.
(A) increasing
(B) increasingly
(C) an increase
(D) increased

16( ).

116. Our hotel prides itself on providing exceptional hospitality and personalized service to all guests, ensuring an _____ stay.
(A) expensive
(B) enjoyable
(C) unauthorized
(D) uninvited

17( ).

117. Running a successful bakery requires a passion for baking and a commitment to excellence in every _____ of the business, from ingredients sourcing to customer service.
(A) pioneer
(B) aspect
(C) checkup
(D) guidance

18( ).

118. Although _____ concerns about the impact of new technology on job security, it is also important to acknowledge the opportunities it creates for innovation and growth in various industries.
(A) maybe there
(B) there maybe
(C) there may
(D) there may be

19( ).

119. The crowded highways and streets during peak hours can _____ a significant challenge for efficient and timely delivery of goods in the logistics industry.
(A) pose
(B) post
(C) posting
(D) position

20( ).

120. The implementation of a remote work policy can greatly improve employee attendance and punctuality, as it eliminates the need for a long and tiring _____ .
(A) expansion
(B) deadline
(C) agenda
(D) commute

21( ).

121. Passport control areas are _____ for airport advertisers to promote duty-free products and services.
(A) authority figures
(B) public properties
(C) prime locations
(D) commercial transactions

22( ).

122. After a long and difficult day at work, _____ Peter wanted to do was go home, take a hot bath, and relax with a good book.
(A) nothing
(B) which
(C) all
(D) those

23( ).

123. The product _____ as a miracle cure, but afterward, it turned out to be completely worthless and did nothing to alleviate people's pain.
(A) will advertise
(B) advertises
(C) had advertised
(D) was advertised

24( ).

124. She had always dreamed of traveling the world, but before she could _____ her dream, she knew she needed to save up enough money to make the trip worthwhile.
(A) accomplish
(B) fulfill
(C) succeed
(D) complement

25( ).

125. By the time the client called, the salesperson _____ on the proposal for three days straight and was relieved to finally have the chance to present it.
(A) will be working
(B) has been worked
(C) had been worked
(D) had been working

26( ).

126. In a year's time, the company's brand awareness will have been boosted through a series of high-profile advertising campaigns, and we anticipate a _____ in customer loyalty.
(A) surge
(B) drop
(C) reduction
(D) soar

27( ).

127. The historical artifacts have been carefully preserved and displayed in the museum _____ , allowing generations of people to learn about the rich cultural heritage of the region.
(A) from time to time
(B) for decades
(C) at one time
(D) in no time

28( ).

128. With the flight scheduled to depart in just 30 minutes, there was _____ the time to get through security and make it to the gate on time.
(A) hardly
(B) very hard
(C) quite hard
(D) harder

29( ).

129. The express train had limited time for each stop, so passengers had to quickly get on and off the train to avoid _____ behind.
(A) leave
(B) leaving
(C) to be left
(D) being left

30( ).

130. The new subway line has significantly reduced travel time for commuters, making it _____ easier for passengers to get to work on time.
(A) more
(B) rarely
(C) much
(D) each

31( ).

Questions 131~134 refer to the following announcement. 
Dear Staff, 

Starting October 1, our company parking lot will adopt a Smart Parking Technology, which    131    Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) for a seamless parking experience. This system will automatically clock you in and out based on your vehicle's    132    and departure times. 

Key benefits    133    effortless entry & exit, enhanced security, time-saving, and accurate time tracking. More details and registration information will    134    soon. 

We look forward to offering you a more convenient parking experience. 



(A) use
(B) the use of
(C) using
(D) uses

32( ).

(A) arrive
(B) arrives
(C) arrival
(D) arrived

33( ).

(A) include
(B) embrace
(C) range
(D) vary

34( ).

(A) providing
(B) provide
(C) be provided
(D) be providing

35( ).

Questions 135~138 refer to the following passage. 
New technology is making cash    135    and turning us into a cashless society. Many of us use credit and debit cards, and    136    payments using tap-and-go cards are becoming popular. Though this can put you at risk of fraud, they are capped and banks cover any losses. Chip and PIN technology has reduced fraud and speeded up transactions. Wearable tech is another option    137    those who find getting their bankcard out too much trouble. It is    138    for people who don't want to use their card, phone, or watch and is particularly useful for small-valued goods.

(A) obscure
(B) obsolete
(C) observant
(D) obsessive

36( ).

(A) late
(B) down
(C) overtime
(D) contactless

37( ).

(A) for
(B) on
(C) with
(D) in

38( ).

(B) thrilled
(C) frustrated
(D) overloaded

39( ).

Questions 139~142 refer to the following passage. 
   139    being the slowest train journey in India, the Kalka-Shimla Railway is also one of the most scenic. The narrow-gauge railway,    140    in 1903 to connect the town of Kalka in the foothills of the Himalayas with the summer capital of Shimla, winds its way through 20 railway stations and 103 tunnels. Although the train journey    141    around five hours to cover a distance of just 96 km, passengers are rewarded with breathtaking views of mountains, valleys, and pine forests. Along the way, the train also passes through picturesque towns and villages,    142    . The Kalka-Shimla Railway is a popular tourist attraction and a unique way to experience the beauty of the Himalayan region.

(A) However
(B) Because
(C) Except
(D) Despite

40( ).

(B) which built
(C) that building
(D) built

41( ).

(A) takes
(B) costs
(C) spends
(D) employs

42( ).

(A) offering historic landmarks and museums
(B) featuring costal scenery and a variety of outdoor activities
(C) providing a glimpse into the local way of life
(D) showcasing a variety of innovative products from established companies

43( ).

Questions 143~146 refer to the following email. 
Dear Department Managers, 

I am writing to inform you that in the coming weeks, we will be    143    a series of meetings to organize workshops for our entry-level employees and interns. The purpose of these workshops is to provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles and contribute to the success of our company. 

We believe that these workshops will be beneficial for both our employees and our company, and we are looking forward to seeing the positive impact they will have. To ensure that the workshops are effective, we would like to invite you to share your    144    and suggestions on what topics and areas should be covered during the training sessions. 

Your valuable input will help us    145    the workshops to meet the specific needs of your department and enhance the overall quality of the program. We encourage you to take the time to reflect on the skills and knowledge that your team members need to succeed in their roles, and share your ideas with us. 

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our company. We appreciate your involvement in this    146    and look forward to working with you to create a successful and engaging workshop program. 

Best regards, 

Laura Carl

(A) holding
(B) rescheduling
(C) ordering
(D) executing

44( ).

(A) indifferences
(B) insights
(C) interfaces
(D) intruders

45( ).

(A) accustom
(B) accompany
(C) transit
(D) tailor

46( ).

(A) transition
(B) proposition
(C) initiative
(D) movement

47( ).

Questions 147~148 refer to the following text. 
Employees desire a good financial reward, which sometimes requires asking for a pay rise. This may involve doing research on pay rates, providing reasons for the request, and negotiating. While wage increases have been sensitive due to the recession, some employers are providing pay rises above inflation. Asking for a pay rise is not a reason to fear, as it shows ambition and a desire to stay with the company. If a pay rise is not possible, alternative perks such as flexible working or more time off can be requested. 

However, if all negotiation attempts fail, it may be time to consider looking for a new job opportunity.

【題組】147. What can an employee do to prepare for asking for a pay rise?
(A) Threaten to quit if a pay rise is not given.
(B) Demand a pay rise without any justification.
(C) Research the appropriate pay rate for their job.
(D) Complain to colleagues about their current salary.

48( ).

【題組】148. Which alternative benefits can an employee request if a pay rise is not possible?
(A) Additional sick days.
(B) Free meals.
(C) A promotion.
(D) Flexible work hours or extra time off.

49( ).

Questions 149~150 refer to the following information. 
When should sharing on social media be considered oversharing? While we are taught to share and express our emotions, there is a point where it can become excessive, especially with new trends like dance challenges or unconventional clothing. Oversharing is not exclusive to social media, and can occur in face-to-face interactions, where people may divulge intimate details in an attempt to connect. However, according to Dr Hand, disclosing too much online can lead to less sympathy and may attract negative experiences. On the other hand, positive posts can make individuals more socially attractive. To avoid oversharing, it is recommended to refrain from negative online behaviors and ask friends for feedback.

【題組】149. According to the information, what is oversharing?
(A) Sharing and expressing emotions excessively.
(B) Sharing only positive experiences.
(C) Not sharing anything on social media.
(D) Sharing only with close friends.

50( ).

【題組】150. What is the consequence of oversharing online according to Dr Hand?
(A) It can attract negative experiences.
(B) It can lead to more sympathy from others.
(C) It can attract positive experiences.
(D) It can help individuals connect better with others.

51( ).

Questions 151~152 refer to the following information. 
Job interview bullying is a type of workplace bullying that occurs during the hiring process. It involves an interviewer or group of interviewers using aggressive, intimidating, or disrespectful behavior towards a job candidate. This type of behavior can take many forms, such as asking inappropriate or discriminatory questions, making personal attacks, or putting undue pressure on the candidate. 

Job interview bullying can have serious consequences for job candidates, such as damaging their self-esteem, causing stress and anxiety, and negatively affecting their chances of getting the job. It can also be an indication of a toxic workplace culture, which may not be a healthy environment for employees.

【題組】151. What is job interview bullying?
(A) A type of bullying that occurs before the hiring process.
(B) A type of bullying that occurs during the employment process.
(C) A type of bullying that occurs after the employee has left the company.
(D) A type of bullying that occurs during the hiring process.

52( ).

【題組】152. What can job interview bullying be an indication of?
(A) A healthy workplace culture that values employees' wellbeing.
(B) A toxic workplace culture that tolerates bullying behavior.
(C) A workplace culture that rewards employees' hard work and dedication.
(D) A workplace culture that fosters an inclusive and respectful environment.

53( ).

Questions 153~154 refer to the following conversation. 
Clare Wu: Hey, can you handle a visitor who just arrived? It's an unexpected guest.
Tina Chen: I'm a bit tied up at the moment. Is it possible to reschedule?
Clare Wu: Unfortunately, it's not possible. This is an important client, and we don't want to lose their business.
Tina Chen: I understand, but I'm in the middle of an urgent project. Can someone else assist them?
Clare Wu: I've already asked around, and everyone's busy. We're short-staffed today.
Tina Chen: I apologize, but I'm afraid I won't be able to give them my full attention. Perhaps we could arrange a call or virtual meeting instead?
Clare Wu: I appreciate your concern, but the client specifically requested to meet in person. I understand if it's not feasible for you, though. I'll handle it myself.
Tina Chen: Thank you for understanding. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused. Finally, I'm relieved that I can now focus on my urgent task.

【題組】153. Why is Clare's visitor important?
(A) The visitor is a family member.
(B) The visitor is a long-lost friend.
(C) The visitor is a potential business client.
(D) The visitor is not important.

54( ).

【題組】154. Why is it not possible to reschedule the meeting with the client?
(A) The client specifically requested to meet in person.
(B) Clare Wu is not available on another day.
(C) Tina Chen is not available on another day.
(D) The client does not want to meet in person.

55( ).

Questions 155~157 refer to the following information. 
The Netherlands is known for its cycling lifestyle, which is deeply ingrained in the country's culture. --[1]-- Cycling is not only a means of transportation but also a way of life, a social activity, and a source of enjoyment. Dutch people of all ages cycle to work, school, or the grocery store, but also for leisure, sport, or tourism.

The country has an extensive network of cycle paths and routes, which makes cycling safe and accessible to everyone. --[2]-- From urban areas to rural landscapes, there are plenty of opportunities to explore the Dutch countryside on two wheels. Some of the most popular routes include the Flower Route, the North Sea Route, and the Hanseatic Route.

--[3]-- It helps reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, and it promotes physical exercise and mental well-being. Moreover, cycling is an affordable and efficient way of getting around, compared to other modes of transportation.

If you want to experience the Dutch cycling lifestyle, you can rent a bike or join a guided tour. --[4]-- There are many companies and organizations that offer cycling packages and services, such as bike rental, luggage transfer, and accommodation. Cycling in the Netherlands is a unique and rewarding experience that combines culture, nature, and sport.

【題組】155. In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong? “Cycling in the Netherlands is not only convenient but also environmentally friendly and healthy.”
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3]
(D) [4]

56( ).

【題組】156. Which of the following is NOT a popular cycling route in the Netherlands?
(A) The Flower Route.
(B) The North Sea Route.
(C) The Hanseatic Route.
(D) The Desert Route.

57( ).

【題組】157. How can tourists experience the Dutch cycling lifestyle?
(A) By renting a bike or joining a guided tour.
(B) By driving a car or taking a bus.
(C) By walking or taking a train.
(D) By flying a helicopter or a hot air balloon.

58( ).

Questions 158~160 refer to the following email. 
Subject: About the interview

Dear Gary, 

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on your recent job interview for the Information Specialist position. I would like to thank you for your interest in our company and for taking the time to meet with our team last Monday afternoon.

During the interview, we noticed that you were quite nervous, which is understandable given the circumstances. However, we also observed that you struggled with a few basic technical questions related to the job. While this did concern us at first, after reviewing your impressive work experience from your past two jobs, we have decided to invite you to a second interview.

We believe that you have the potential to be a great fit for our team and that you possess the necessary skills and experience to succeed in this role. We understand that interviews can be stressful, and we want to help you feel more comfortable and confident in your abilities.

To that end, I would like to offer you some tips on how to relax and reduce your nerves before the second interview. First, take some time to prepare for the interview by reviewing the job description and researching our company. Second, try to get plenty of rest the night before the interview, avoid caffeine or other stimulants that may make you more anxious, and practice deep breathing exercises and visualization techniques to help calm your nerves. Lastly, remember to be yourself and take your time when answering questions, as we are looking for someone who is passionate and knowledgeable about the field.

We would like to schedule the second interview for next Monday at 2:00 pm. Please let us know if this works for you or if you would prefer another time.

Thank you again for your interest in our company, and we look forward to seeing you again soon. 

Best regards, 

Michael Emons 
HR Manager

【題組】158. What is the purpose of the email?
(A) To offer Gary the Information Specialist position.
(B) To thank Gary for attending a job interview.
(C) To provide Gary with interview tips for his next interview.
(D) To ask Gary to reschedule his second interview.

59( ).

【題組】159. Why was the company concerned during the first interview?
(A) Gary did not have enough experience.
(B) Gary was too nervous to answer any questions.
(C) Gary did not have a passion for the field.
(D) Gary struggled with technical questions related to the job.

60( ).

【題組】160. What advice does Michael Emons give to Gary for the second interview?
(A) To be someone else and rush through the questions.
(B) To avoid caffeine and get plenty of rest.
(C) To forget about the job description and research the company.
(D) To show no passion or knowledge about the field.

61( ).

Questions 161~163 refer to the following email.
Subject: Join Our "Riding Bikes to Work" Campaign 

Dear employees, 

I, Richard Besser, CEO of ABC Manufacturing, am excited to launch our new campaign, "Riding Bikes to Work," as a part of our sustainability and healthy lifestyle promotion efforts. This campaign is a worthwhile effort towards reducing our carbon emissions and improving our health. 

Riding bikes to work is an excellent way to improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It is a worthwhile effort to participate in our "Riding Bikes to Work" campaign to make a positive impact on your health and the environment. 

We will provide incentives to encourage employees who choose to participate in our campaign. These incentives include a bike storage area and repair station, specialized safety gear, and a monthly prize draw for participants. We will also offer training sessions on bike safety and maintenance and assistance with route planning. 

We understand that some may have concerns about commuting by bike, but we will do everything possible to make the transition smooth. We believe that our "Riding Bikes to Work" campaign is a worthwhile effort, and we hope that you will join us. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our sustainability team. Thank you for your support! 

Best regards, 

Richard Besser 
CEO, ABC Manufacturing

【題組】161. What is the purpose of the "Riding Bikes to Work" campaign?
(A) To increase carbon emissions and decrease health.
(B) To decrease carbon emissions and increase health.
(C) To increase carbon emissions and decrease the risk of chronic diseases.
(D) To decrease carbon emissions and increase the risk of chronic diseases.

62( ).

【題組】162. What will the company do to address the concerns of employees about commuting by bike?
(A) Provide incentives for participation.
(B) Encourage employees to participate in the campaign.
(C) Offer training sessions on bike safety and maintenance.
(D) Do everything possible to make the transition smooth.

63( ).

【題組】163. What does the company offer to help employees who are concerned about commuting by bike?
(A) No assistance is provided.
(B) Free meals and parking spots.
(C) Training sessions on bike safety and maintenance and assistance with route planning.
(D) Unlimited vacation days.

64( ).

Questions 164~167 refer to the following instant messaging chain.
Kelly Porter: Susan, we need to talk about the videos you've been making about your experience with customers. 

Susan Morris: Okay, what's wrong? 

Kelly Porter: Frankly, I'm disappointed that you've been making these videos without consulting me first. They could potentially damage our professional reputation and are not aligned with our conservative approach to social media. 

Susan Morris: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any harm. I thought the videos would be a great way to connect with customers and promote our brand. 

Kelly Porter: I appreciate your intentions, but you need to understand the gravity of the situation. Your videos could be seen as unprofessional and violate our confidentiality agreements. We need to put a stop to them immediately. 

Susan Morris: I understand, and I apologize for any negative impact they may have had. Is there anything else I can do to make it right? 

Kelly Porter: Yes, I expect you to take this matter seriously and be more mindful of our brand image in the future. Let's schedule a meeting to discuss other marketing strategies that align with our values. 

Susan Morris: Certainly, I fully understand the gravity of the situation, and I am committed to being more mindful of our brand image in the future. I appreciate the opportunity to discuss alternative marketing strategies with you, and I am eager to work together to find effective solutions.

【題組】164. What is the nature of the relationship between Kelly and Susan based on the instant messaging exchange?
(A) They are business partners.
(B) They are friends outside of work.
(C) They are employer and employee.
(D) They are competitors in the same industry.

65( ).

【題組】165. Why is Kelly disappointed with Susan?
(A) Because Susan's videos have caused harm to customers.
(B) Because Susan did not consult Kelly before making the videos.
(C) Because Susan has violated the company's confidentiality agreements.
(D) Because Susan's videos are not aligned with the company's conservative approach to social media.

66( ).

【題組】166. What does Kelly expect Susan to do in the future?
(A) To be more mindful of the company's brand image.
(B) To make more videos about the company's values.
(C) To violate the company's confidentiality agreements.
(D) To ignore Kelly's advice and continue making videos.

67( ).

【題組】167. What does Susan want to discuss with Kelly?
(A) How to improve the quality of her videos.
(B) How to connect with customers on social media.
(C) Alternative marketing strategies that align with the company's values.
(D) How to deal with the negative impact of her video

68( ).

Questions 168~171 refer to the following table.

【題組】168. Which of the following statements best describes the professional skills of high-impact workers?
(A) They possess advanced professional skills and continually acquire new knowledge and abilities to remain competitive.
(B) They have rudimentary professional skills and rarely acquire new knowledge or abilities.
(C) They have limited professional skills and occasionally learn new knowledge and abilities to remain competitive.
(D) They have moderate professional skills and often learn new knowledge and abilities to remain competitive.

69( ).

【題組】169. Which of the following statements best describes the innovative thinking skills of regular workers?
(A) They possess innovative thinking skills and can see problems from multiple perspectives.
(B) They lack innovative thinking skills and are unable to suggest creative solutions.
(C) They have outstanding innovative thinking skills and are constantly proposing novel solutions.
(D) They possess limited innovative thinking skills and are occasionally able to suggest new solutions.

70( ).

【題組】170. What is a characteristic of high-impact workers' social skills?
(A) They prioritize building interpersonal relationships and expanding their network.
(B) They lack social skills and struggle to build interpersonal relationships or expand their network.
(C) They have average social skills and occasionally attempt to build interpersonal relationships and expand their network.
(D) They possess good social skills and are able to build interpersonal relationships and expand their network to increase their influence.

71( ).

【題組】171. Which of the following statements best describes the leadership skills of regular workers?
(A) They possess outstanding leadership skills and can motivate and influence others effectively.
(B) They have basic leadership skills and may not be able to motivate and lead others effectively.
(C) They lack leadership skills and are unable to motivate and influence others effectively.
(D) They have moderate leadership skills and can motivate and influence others occasionally.

72( ).

Questions 172~175 refer to the following table.

【題組】172. According to the table, which type of gig work is best suited for businesses or organizations that need high-quality content for their websites or social media?
(A) Food Delivery.
(B) Freelance Writing.
(C) Personal Shopping.
(D) Ride-hailing.

73( ).

【題組】173. Which type of gig work is best suited for individuals who enjoy shopping and have a flexible schedule?
(A) Food Delivery.
(B) Freelance Writing.
(C) Personal Shopping.
(D) Ride-hailing.

74( ).

【題組】174. Which type of gig work is best suited for individuals who have a passion for customer service and a desire to interact with people on a daily basis?
(A) Food Delivery with extra tips.
(B) Freelance Writing with social media writing skills.
(C) Personal Shopping with premium luxury items.
(D) Ride-hailing with luxury vehicles.

75( ).

【題組】175. Which type of gig work is best suited for individuals who have a desire to earn money quickly without significant investment?
(A) Food Delivery with a car.
(B) Freelance Writing with a computer.
(C) Personal Shopping with a personal shopper certification.
(D) Ride-hailing with a car.

76( ).

Questions 176~180 refer to the following and .
Japanese Computer Peripherals Manufacturer to Open Direct Retail Stores Across Major Cities

TOKYO, JAPAN - In a highly anticipated move, a leading computer peripherals manufacturer based in Japan has announced the opening of their direct retail stores across major cities between Kyushu and Tokyo on September 9th.

With a focus on quality and innovation, the manufacturer has been designing and manufacturing computer peripherals for over two decades, garnering a reputation for excellence in the industry. To better serve their customers, the company has established direct retail stores across major cities in Japan, from Kyushu to Tokyo, allowing consumers to interact with and purchase their products directly.

As part of their commitment to delivering the best products and services to their customers, the manufacturer has invested heavily in technology, utilizing robots and artificial intelligence in their three nationwide logistics centers to improve efficiency and reduce costs. With these centers already operational, the company is now able to fulfill orders and deliver products faster and more accurately than ever before.

The grand opening of the direct retail stores on September 9th promises to be a landmark event, with customers eagerly anticipating the chance to experience the latest in cutting-edge computer peripherals and technology. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, the manufacturer is poised to continue their success for many years to come.

Subject: Request for Campus Recruitment Resources

Dear Career Counseling Office,

We hope this email finds you well. We are a leading computer peripherals manufacturer based in Japan, and we are looking to expand our team at our nationwide logistics centers. As part of our recruitment efforts, we would like to request your assistance in organizing a campus recruitment event at your institution.

As you may be aware, we have recently opened three nationwide logistics centers that utilize advanced technology, including robots and artificial intelligence, to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. In order to continue providing the best products and services to our customers, we are seeking talented individuals to join our team.

We believe that your institution may have many students who would be a great fit for our company. As such, we would like to request your assistance in providing us with the following resources for a campus recruitment event:
● A venue on campus for the recruitment event
● A date and time for the recruitment event
● Promotion of the recruitment event to students through your institution's communication channels

We would also appreciate any additional resources or recommendations that you may have to make this event a success.

Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

Kaito Nakamura
Human Resources Department
TechWave Inc.

【題組】176. According to the news release, what is the focus of the computer peripherals manufacturer?
(A) Cost reduction and efficiency improvement.
(B) Direct interaction with customers.
(C) Artificial intelligence and robots.
(D) Quality and innovation.

77( ).

【題組】177. What is the significance of the logistics centers mentioned in the news release?
(A) They help fulfill orders and deliver products faster and more accurately.
(B) They provide customers with a direct retail experience.
(C) They showcase the latest computer peripherals and technology.
(D) They reduce costs and increase efficiency for the manufacturer.

78( ).

【題組】178. What can be inferred from the news release about the computer peripherals manufacturer's commitment to customer satisfaction?
(A) The manufacturer is not concerned with customer satisfaction.
(B) The manufacturer values customer satisfaction and has invested in technology to improve efficiency and reduce costs.
(C) The manufacturer is focused solely on quality and innovation, with no concern for customer satisfaction.
(D) The manufacturer has not made any effort to improve customer satisfaction.

79( ).

【題組】179. In the email, what resources is TechWave Inc. requesting from the Career Counseling Office?
(A) Financial support for the recruitment event.
(B) Interns for their nationwide logistics centers.
(C) A venue, date, and promotion for the recruitment event.
(D) Recommendations for reducing costs.

80( ).

【題組】180. What is TechWave Inc. seeking in potential recruits?
(A) Individuals who are not talented.
(B) People who have experience in logistics centers.
(C) Talented individuals who can join their team.
(D) Students who are not interested in their company

81( ).

Questions 181~185 refer to the following table and online comments.
Bronnie Zoo Gifts

Kathryn Armstrong’s Comment:
"I purchased the Virtual Wild Encounters gift certificate for my sister's birthday and she absolutely loved it! She had a 30-minute video call with a sea lion and penguin, and it was such a unique experience. The process of booking the encounter was easy and the gift certificate had no expiration date, which was a huge plus. Overall, I highly recommend Bronnie Zoo Gifts for a memorable gift!"

Samantha Jagger’s Comment:
"I bought the In-Person Wild Encounters gift certificate for my daughter and I have mixed feelings about it. While the experience was amazing and she got to see cheetahs up close, the fact that we had to book in advance and couldn't reschedule within 72 hours made it a bit stressful. We had to cancel our initial booking due to unforeseen circumstances and ended up losing the encounter. So, make sure you plan accordingly and don't miss your scheduled encounter!"

【題組】181. What is the minimum gift certificate denomination available for purchase from Bronnie Zoo Gifts?
(A) $400 for both in-person and virtual encounters.
(B) $150 for both in-person and virtual encounters.
(C) $250 for virtual encounters, $400 for in-person encounters.

82( ).

【題組】182. Which animals can you encounter through virtual animal encounters at Bronnie Zoo Gifts?
(A) Sloth, penguin, sea lion, cheetah, and more.
(B) Penguin, sea lion, cheetah, and more.
(C) Lion, tiger, giraffe, and more.
(D) Monkey, bear, zebra, and more.

83( ).

【題組】183. What is the consequence if you cancel an in-person animal encounter less than 72 hours before the scheduled time at Bronnie Zoo Gifts?
(A) You can reschedule the encounter once without any additional fee.
(B) You will be charged a fee to reschedule the encounter.
(C) You will receive a partial refund for the encounter.
(D) You forfeit the encounter without any refund or option to reschedule.

84( ).

【題組】184. Which type of encounter did Kathryn Armstrong purchase from Bronnie Zoo Gifts for her sister's birthday?
(A) In-Person Wild Encounters.
(B) Hotel Bookings.
(C) Virtual Wild Encounters.
(D) Gift Certificates.

85( ).

【題組】185. What was Samantha Jagger's concern about booking an In-Person Wild Encounter from Bronnie Zoo Gifts?
(A) The cost of the encounter.
(B) The length of the encounter.
(C) The availability of the encounter.
(D) The inability to reschedule within 72 hours of the scheduled encounter.

86( ).

Questions 186~190 refer to the following email, table, and comments.
Subject: Healthy Employees Day - Fitness Programs 

Dear all,

We are excited to announce that on April 7th, we will be celebrating Healthy Employees Day at our company. As part of this celebration, we will be offering four types of fitness programs that are free and open to all staff members. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to prioritize your health and wellbeing.

To participate, you must register in advance. Please sign up using the attached registration form. Space is limited, so we encourage you to sign up as soon as possible.

We hope that you will join us on April 7th to celebrate Healthy Employees Day and prioritize your health and wellbeing.

Best regards,

Samantha Shea
HR Manager

Healthy Employees Day - Fitness Programs

Staff Forum Comment Section
● After attending the CrossFit program with James Robson, I feel much more confident in my physical abilities and have seen a noticeable improvement in my overall fitness. James's coaching style really pushed me to challenge myself and I appreciated his focus on proper form and technique. by Zoe Magee

● Sarah Tatum's Resistance Training program was amazing! Not only did I build strength and muscle mass, but Sarah was also able to tailor the program to my individual fitness level and goals. Her attention to detail and positive attitude made the workouts both challenging and enjoyable. by David Perry

● David Lee's Bodyweight Training program was perfect for me because I love the convenience of being able to work out at home without any equipment. David's coaching style was motivating and he was able to offer modifications for any exercises that were too difficult. I definitely feel stronger and more toned after completing the program. by Simon Stone

● Attending Emma Cox's Yoga program was a great way to reduce stress and improve my flexibility. Emma's soothing voice and clear instructions made the yoga poses easy to follow, even for someone who is not very flexible like me. I left each session feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. by Katie Bishop

【題組】186. According to Samantha’s email, who can participate in the fitness programs being offered on Healthy Employees Day?
(A) HR Department staff only.
(B) Staff members only.
(C) Interns only.
(D) Executives only.

87( ).

【題組】187. Which fitness program is led by a coach and incorporates a wide range of exercises to improve overall fitness and athletic performance?
(A) CrossFit.
(B) Resistance Training.
(C) Bodyweight Training.
(D) Yoga.

88( ).

【題組】188. Which of the following features is shared between Yoga and CrossFit programs?
(A) Both focus on using bodyweight exercises to build strength and endurance.
(B) Both incorporate resistance training to build muscle mass and overall fitness.
(C) Both involve cardiovascular exercise to improve heart health and endurance.
(D) Both incorporate breathing techniques to improve physical and mental wellbeing.

89( ).

【題組】189. What did David Perry appreciate about Sarah Tatum's Resistance Training program?
(A) She was able to tailor the program to his individual fitness level and goals.
(B) The workouts were not challenging.
(C) She did not pay attention to detail.
(D) The program did not help him build strength or muscle mass.

90( ).

【題組】190. What did Zoe Magee and Simon Stone have in common in their experience with the programs offered in the staff forum comment section?
(A) They both attended Emma Cox's Yoga program.
(B) They both did not see any noticeable improvement in their fitness.
(C) They both felt more confident in their physical abilities.
(D) They both found the coaching style of the program they attended unmotivating.

91( ).

Questions 191~195 refer to the following information, web page, and comments. 
London's Natural History Museum has unveiled a new exhibit featuring the Patagotitan dinosaur, the largest creature to ever walk the Earth. The exhibit includes a cast of the creature's skeleton made from real fossil bones and measures 121ft from nose to tail. Visitors can walk between the dinosaur's legs and touch its bones. The Patagotitan lived 100 million years ago and weighed approximately 57 tons. The exhibit is expected to draw crowds of visitors from around the world and runs for several years.


The three-tier plan for the Patagotitan exhibition at the Natural History Museum includes a focus on the display, experience, and science of the dinosaur. Visitors can view the cast up close, walk between the dinosaur's legs, and learn about the techniques used to study the creature. The exhibition includes interactive elements such as touchscreens, tactile textures and sounds, and interactive displays to enhance the overall experience.

1. "The Patagotitan cast was the highlight of my visit to the Natural History Museum. Seeing it up close was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. by Joan Draine" 
2. "Walking between the legs of the Patagotitan was awe-inspiring. The tactile elements really brought the dinosaur to life. by Emily Davis" 
3. "I loved learning about the scientific techniques used to excavate and study the Patagotitan. The interactive displays made it easy to understand. by Rachel Lee" 
4. "The scientific information in this tier was fascinating. It was amazing to think about the world of the dinosaurs and the history of life on Earth. by Mark Briggs"

【題組】191. How long will the exhibit featuring the Patagotitan dinosaur run for at the Natural History Museum in London?
(A) One month.
(B) One year.
(C) Several years.
(D) Indefinitely.

92( ).

【題組】192. What is the focus of Tier 3 of the Patagotitan exhibition at the Natural History Museum?
(A) The scientific techniques used to study the dinosaur.
(B) The experience of walking between the dinosaur's legs.
(C) Viewing the cast up close and from different angles.
(D) Mock excavation sites and digital simulations.

93( ).

【題組】193. What types of interactive elements are included in the Patagotitan exhibition at the Natural History Museum?
(A) Only touchscreens and augmented reality experiences.
(B) Only tactile textures and sounds.
(C) Only interactive displays such as mock excavation sites and digital simulations.
(D) A combination of touchscreens, tactile textures and sounds, and interactive displays.

94( ).

【題組】194. What was the highlight of Joan Draine's visit to the Natural History Museum?
(A) Walking between the legs of the Patagotitan.
(B) Learning about the scientific techniques used to study the dinosaur.
(C) Seeing the Patagotitan cast up close.
(D) Engaging in interactive displays such as mock excavation sites or digital simulations.

95( ).

【題組】195. Which visitor(s) to the Patagotitan exhibition at the Natural History Museum seemed to be most interested in the scientific information presented?
(A) Joan Draine only.
(B) Mark Briggs only.
(C) Emily Davis only.
(D) Rachel Lee only.

96( ).

Questions 196~200 refer to the following brochure, email, and letter. 
Escape the city heat and explore the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding areas of Sydney with the Summer Island travel package. This special event offered by Australia Railways provides tourists with a hassle-free and affordable way to discover the hidden gems of the surrounding areas of Sydney. If you're looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of the city and want to experience the natural beauty and charm of the region, then the Summer Island travel package is for you.

Highlights of the Journey

To make the most of your Summer Island experience, we've highlighted some of the top destinations you'll visit during your journey. Take a look at the table below to get a taste of what awaits you:
Book Your Summer Island Experience Today

Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the stunning surrounding areas of Sydney. Book your Summer Island travel package today and get ready to discover the beauty of Australia's coast.

Subject: Complaint regarding the Summer Island Travel Package Experience 

Dear Blue Wave Travel,

I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction and frustration with the Summer Island travel package that I recently participated in. My name is Anna Bennis, and I was excited to explore the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding areas of Sydney. However, I encountered several issues during the trip that made my experience disappointing.

Firstly, the hassle-free and affordable experience that was advertised did not match my experience. During our visit to Bondi Beach, we faced substantial delays in transportation. To make matters worse, the shuttle bus ran out of gas halfway to our destination, leaving us stranded on the side of the road for hours. We had to wait for another bus to arrive, which not only caused us to miss out on valuable beach time but also made the overall experience extremely unpleasant. Additionally, I found the costs of certain activities to be misleading, as they were not included in the package price, forcing me to spend more than I had anticipated.

Secondly, the wine-tasting event at Hunter Valley was an absolute disaster. The vineyards were overcrowded, and we had to wait in long queues to taste the wines. It was impossible to enjoy the gourmet food and beautiful countryside as advertised when we were constantly battling crowds and delays. This experience left me feeling frustrated and disappointed.

Overall, the Summer Island travel package failed to live up to the expectations set by the brochure. I demand compensation for the inconveniences I faced and expect a prompt and satisfactory response.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Anna Bennis

Dear Anna Bennis,

We are sorry that your Summer Island travel package didn't meet your expectations. We would like to apologize and offer a half refund of your travel expenses as a goodwill gesture. We value your feedback and will use it to improve our services. Your refund of $1,250 will be processed within five business days. Please see the table below for a breakdown of your travel expenses and the discounted price:6433867612efc.jpgIf you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Blue Wave Travel

【題組】196. What is the Summer Island travel package?
(A) An event offered by Australia Railways to explore Sydney's hidden gems.
(B) An event offered by the Australian government to attract tourists.
(C) An event offered by local businesses in Sydney to promote tourism.
(D) An event offered by the Sydney government to promote city tours.

97( ).

【題組】197. What is the purpose of the Summer Island travel package?
(A) To promote city tours in Sydney.
(B) To promote local businesses in Sydney.
(C) To provide tourists with a hassle-free and affordable way to explore the surrounding areas of Sydney.
(D) To provide tourists with a luxurious way to explore the surrounding areas of Sydney.

98( ).

【題組】198. What was the main issue Anna faced during her visit to Bondi Beach?
(A) The advertised activities were not as expected, causing her to incur additional expenses.
(B) Delays in transportation, resulting in the shuttle bus running out of gas, made the experience unpleasant and caused Anna to miss out on valuable beach time.
(C) The food provided by the package did not meet Anna's expectations, leading to disappointment.
(D) The costs of certain activities were higher than anticipated, forcing Anna to spend more than she had planned.

99( ).

【題組】199. What does Anna expect from Blue Wave Travel in response to her email?
(A) Anna demands a full refund for the Summer Island travel package due to a lack of advertised services and compensation for the inconveniences she faced.
(B) Anna expects a discount on future travel packages as a token of appreciation for her feedback and experience.
(C) Anna wants an apology and a gift card for her troubles during the Summer Island travel package.
(D) Anna wants a free trip to another destination of her choice as compensation for the inconveniences she faced during the Summer Island travel package.

100( ).

【題組】200. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the email from Blue Wave Travel to Anna about her Summer Island travel package?
(A) The email apologizes for the unsatisfactory travel experience.
(B) The email offers a half refund of Anna's travel expenses.
(C) The email asks Anna to book another trip with Blue Wave Travel.
(D) The email provides a breakdown of Anna's travel expenses and the discounted price

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