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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 國中教育會考:英文#119932
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1. Look at the picture. There is_____under the door.
(A) an envelope
(B) a plant
(C) a sign
(D) an umbrella


2. My_____hurts so much that I cannot even turn my head.
(A) arm
(B) knee
(C) neck


3. Our school basketball team won the national game last night. We are so_____ them.
(A) popular with
(B) proud of
(C)sorry for
(D) worried about


4. Tomorrow is Sam’s last day in the office. Nobody knows why he decided to_____.
(A) hide
(B) leave
(C) pack
(D) walk


5. It’s not a good idea to go mountain climbing in this bad_____. We should wait until the typhoon goes away.
(A) chance
(B) dream
(C) habit
(D) weather


6. Chris loves walking with Anna on snowy days, but Anna hates_____very much.
(A) them
(C) one
(D) it


7. Lora likes to eat bananas that are already a little brown on the outside, and so_____I.
(A) am
(B) do
(C) have
(D) will


8. Your refrigerator shouldn’t be making loud noises now, but if it_____does, just give me a call and I’ll come check it again.
(A) already
(B) even
(C) finally


9. After winning money in the card game, Jay decided to try again. He felt that he might also be_____a second time.
(A) famous
(B) interested
(C) lucky
(D) ready


10. The knife doesn’t cut very well. It’s not as_____as before.
(A) bright
(B) heavy
(C) quick


11. John will stay with his sister until he_____an apartment.
(A) will find
(B) would find
(C) finds
(D) found


12. Students_____to go on the school trip should ask their parents first.
(A) who want
(B) want
(C) who they want
(D) what they want


13. The temple sits alone in the mountains at a height of 3,000m_____sea level.
(A) above
(B) at
(C) below
(D) in


14. Patty spent several days planning to invite Charlie to dinner,_____she couldn’t say a word when they met.
(A) but
(B) if
(C) or


15. I can’t tell you what I think of the movie because I_____it. I’ll probably watch it this Saturday.
(A) am not seeing
(B) don’t see
(C) haven’t seen
(D) won’t see


16. The new guy at the help desk answers calls like a_____. There are no ups and downs in his voice and you can’t tell if he is happy or sad.
(A) father
(B) foreigner
(C) radio
(D) robot


17. Jasmine planned to spend her summer in the country, but right after she got there, she started to_____the noise in the city.
(A) enjoy
(B) mind
(C) miss
(D) notice


18. “Bad traffic” is perhaps the_____excuse for being late when your boss knows it only takes you five minutes to walk to work.
(A) easiest
(B) oldest
(D) worst


19. The housework in Mr. and Mrs. Wang’s family_____between them and their kids. Everyone’s got their own job to do.
(A) is shared
(B) are shared


20. I want to find another dentist because_____pulled out a good tooth last time I went to him.
(A) I
(B) me
(C) mine
(D) myself


21. Mom: Linda, you’ve been playing computer games all evening! Have you finished your report?
Linda: Well,_____most of it this afternoon, and I’ll finish it by Friday.
(A) I would do
(B) I did
(C)I was doing
(D) I’ll do


        It was around eight o’clock on Saturday night. Philip was at home with his little brother, Jason. Jason was hungry and kept crying. But Philip couldn’t cook and their father was not home yet because he was working late in the office. So Philip decided to take Jason out for some food.
        Half an hour later, when they came back home, Philip was surprised to find that their father was talking to the police and a woman outside their house. He didn’t know who the woman was. She looked scared and stood behind the police. Philip’s father was very angry and kept shouting, “I didn’t do anything wrong! I forgot my keys and was just trying to get into MY OWN HOUSE!” But the police didn’t believe him until Philip ran to them and explained everything. 
       The police told Philip that the woman called 110 when she saw Philip’s father trying to get into a house through a window. That was how it all happened.

【題組】22. Why did Philip go out?
(A) To meet a woman.
(B) To look for his father.
(C) To ask the police for help.
(D) To buy food for his brother.


【題組】23. Why was Philip’s father angry?
(A) He forgot his keys.
(B) The woman was hiding from him.
(C) The police didn’t believe what he said.
(D) Philip and his brother went out at night.



【題組】24. Kevin is going to buy some fresh bread at Baker’s Kitchen. He loves white bread, his mom likes farm bread, his father enjoys bagels, and his sister eats only challah. Which is the earliest possible time for him to get all these breads for his family?
(A) 11:00am.
(B) 4:00pm.
(C) 5:00pm.
(D) 7:00pm.


【題組】25. What do we know about Baker’s Kitchen?
(A) It is open five days a week.
(B) Its breads are half price one hour before closing.
(C)Its croissants and pretzels are sold on weekends.
(D) Its members can save $100 when they shop on Fridays. 



【題組】26. What is recommended to people who want to visit the festival?
(A) Using the free festival bus service.
(B) Visiting the festival on the weekend.
(C) Entering Satyr’s Park from Fox Street.
(D) Parking in Garden Square and walking to the festival.


【題組】27. What can we learn about the farmers’ market from the map?
(A) The farmers’ market is next to the flower market.
(B) The farmers’ market and the festival are on the same block.
(C) You can go to the farmers’ market by taking Bus No. 157 to Puppy Street.
(D) The nearest metro station to the farmers’ market is the Koala Street Station. 



【題組】28. What kind of people do Yan’s and Chang’s friends most likely think Yan and Chang are?
(A) They enjoy good food.
(B) They don’t like to share.
(C) They like to make friends.
(D) They don’t like new things.

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【題組】29. What is it in the second story?
(A) A big knife.
(B) The horse.
(C) Lunch.
(D) One of Chang’s ducks or chickens. 


       Usually, people visit bookstores to buy books. But those who walk into Cotoha come to see its owner, Chen Bing-Hong. They bring him books with different problems. Some have lost their covers, some are missing a few pages, and some have pages that are falling out. Chen can always fix the books and make them whole again.
       Chen sees himself as a doctor. He says that books, like people, get sick and need help. In Taiwan, there are not many “doctors” like him, and most of them work for big libraries and museums. If big libraries and museums are hospitals, Chen’s bookstore is a health center. Big libraries and museums fix important old books with serious problems, and Chen helps people with books that have smaller problems. However, the smaller size of the problems doesn’t mean Chen’s job is less important. 
        Chen gave an example of a science book he once worked on. It was very old and half of its cover was lost. Its owner still wanted to keep it because it was a gift from a teacher who helped him follow his dream of studying science. When he got his book back, he was very surprised at the new-old book. He felt he was brought back to the days with his teacher. Seeing the owner’s smile made Chen happy, because smiles like that are what his magic is for.664eb726cb4bc.jpg

【題組】30. Why does the writer talk about doctors and a health center in the reading?
(A) To explain Chen’s services.
(B) To talk about Chen’s future plans.
(C) To explain Chen’s love for books.
(D) To show why bookstores are important.


【題組】31. Why is Chen Bing-Hong’s job important in the example he gave?
(A) It allows people to get books as gifts.
(B) It saves people money on new books.
(C)It gives people hope to follow their dreams.
(D) It helps people think of special moments in the past.


【題組】32. What is his magic?
(A) Fixing books.
(B) Making book owners smile.
(C) Finding books that are long lost.
(D)Changing his bookstore into a library.



【題組】33. According to the reading, why did Rohla and Kreytenberg open Habibi & Hawara?
(A) To help refugees live better in Austria.
(B) To collect money to help Syria fight the war.
(C) To help Austrians learn about the war in Syria.
(D) To help refugees go back to their home countries. 


【題組】34. What can we learn about Habibi & Hawara?
(A) It was moved from Syria to Austria.
(B) It may finally be sold to its workers.
(C)It has cooking classes in Syrian food.
(D) It is an important meeting place for Syrians.


【題組】35. What does it mean when people beg to differ?
(A) They do not agree.
(B) They look different.
(C) They cannot speak for others.
(D) They do not notice something.


       If you want to learn about bringing back extinct animals, reading John Smith’s Back from the Dead is a good start. But I have to say I can’t agree with everything he says.
      From his book, I can see Smith is an advocate of bringing extinct animals back. He says we have lost many animals because we made their living spaces too dirty. He also thinks we must do everything we can to bring them back. However, I don’t know how much time and money we would need to make the world a better place for them, and honestly no one knows if they could actually come back.
       Smith also says that bringing back extinct animals may be good for us. He talks about an extinct frog that grew tadpoles in its stomach. Some women’s babies die before they are born, and Smith believes bringing back the frog may be an answer to the problem. According to him, by studying how the tadpoles grow inside the frog’s stomach, we might be able to find new ways to help these women successfully keep their babies. But I don’t think things are as easy as Smith thinks. We have spent ten years and millions of dollars on this kind of frog, but all we have got are only a few dead frog eggs. If we can’t see a real frog, how can we be sure women will get the help they need?
       Dr. Solomon Wang from the Animal Saving Office says the study of bringing back extinct animals is “throwing good money after bad.” And he’s right. A lot of hard work has been put into this expensive dream, but we haven’t seen anything come out of it. So should we still keep going down this road?

【題組】36. What does it mean when someone is an advocate of something?
(A) They talk a lot but do little about it.
(B) They believe it is good and should be done.
(C) They have had some bad experiences with it.
(D) They are one of the first people who have done it.


【題組】37. What is special about the extinct frog in Smith’s book?
(A) It can live in a dirty living space.
(B)It might help fix a health problem.
(C)It eats its babies when it cannot find food.
(D) It is the first extinct animal that people studied.


【題組】38. Why does Ellen Zimmer use the words from Dr. Solomon Wang?
(A) To start a new topic.
(B) To share a big dream.
(C) To make her idea clearer.
(D) To invite people to take action.


【題組】39. What does Ellen Zimmer most likely think about bringing back extinct animals?
(A) It is possible.
(B)It is dangerous.
(C)It is not possible.
(D) It is not dangerous. 


       Since the Covid-19 pandemic started, people have begun “social distancing”— keeping a safe space between you and anyone you don’t live with. Though it has been a very popular topic this year, social distancing__40__ . In fact, it was widely used in the U.S. in the flu pandemic in 1918. But how well did it work? The Americans’ experience can tell us whether it really saved lives.664eb815408d5.jpg
       From the picture, we can see that__41__ started social distancing earlier than the other three cities. This helped the city keep the number of deaths down. Besides taking early action, keeping the action long enough was also important in fighting the pandemic. The picture shows that Portland and Denver did well in the first few weeks. However, both cities__42__ , and the numbers of deaths climbed again.
       But there was one thing Portland did right. The city used several ways of social distancing at the same time to deal with the pandemic.__43__ , sick people were kept away from healthy ones; schools were closed; public activities were not allowed. All these were useful in keeping people safe.
       The lessons of the 1918 pandemic bring us hope. While we are still learning to fight Covid-19, social distancing may be the best way to get us through the dark days, at least for now.

(A) is not a new idea
(B) has not been very useful
(C) may bring some problems
(D) is not welcomed by everyone


(A) Portland
(B) New York
(C) Denver
(D) Pittsburgh


(A) had higher numbers of deaths
(B)stopped social distancing too soon
(C) began social distancing a second time
(D) had the most days of social distancing


(A) Also
(B) At first
(C) However
(D) For example


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 國中教育會考:英文#119932-阿摩線上測驗

Alexandra 龍剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了97分