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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(826~850)
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15. The use of radar, as well as the two way radio, _____ for state troopers to intercept most speeders.
(A) make it possible
(B)make possible
(C) makes it possible
(D) makes possible


20. Altruism is characterized by a deep sympathy for those less fortunate, _____ that the aim of life should be to contribute more to society than you take.
(A) belief rooted in
(B)rooted in the belief
(C) in the belief rooted
(D) the rooted belief in


24. Don’t you think the color of this car is much darker than _____?
(A) that of that car
(B)that’s the car
(C) that car
(D) one of the cars


25. _____ they sometimes hunt alone, wolves usually hunt in small packs, usually numbering from 3 to 4, but sometimes larger.
(A) Despite
(C) Even
(D) Although


Genesee (1985) defines Canadian immersion programs as those in which the target language is used for teaching regular school subjects. Content-Based Instruction is generally seen as designed for adult learners only—adults studying language for special purposes. A growing number of universities are offering Language for Specific Purposes courses in foreign languages in a variety of disciplines, particularly in business. To further define Content-Based Instruction, Met (1999) describes a continuum of programmatic possibilities for integrating language and content leaning, ranging from the most content-driven language programs on one end of the continuum to those that are primarily language-driven on the other.
【題組】37. In this passage, 1985 indicates
(A) the year of the publication of a work written by a scholar whose last name is Genesee.
(B)the volume of books published by a publisher whose last name is Genesee.
(C) the number of schools the publisher named Genesee includes in its distribution.
(D) last year’s growth rate.


18. Few people could understand how he could listen to the news of the tragedy with such _____; the majority regarded him as callous and unsympathetic.
(A) duress
(B) cupidity
(C) mayhem
(D) nonchalance


19. When the police officer refused a million dollar bribe, he let everyone know he was a man of _____.
(A) probity
(B) fastidiousness
(C) punctiliousness
(D) fanfare


20. Because most of them lack recreational facilities, high rise apartments have been criticized in recent years as _______ for families with children.
(A) unsuitable
(B) degrading
(C) inevitable


15. It is hard for us to tell which product is _____ and which is a fake copy.
(A) official
(B) genuine
(C) accessible
(D) tentative II. Grammar: Based on the context, choose the best one to complete the sentence.


10. Danny says that he cares about the environment but is constantly littering and spitting. His behavior does not accord with his words. Danny is a _____.
(A) philanthropist
(B) counselor
(C) hypocrite
(D) pediatrician


II. Synonym: Choose an appropriate synonym for the underSined part in each sentence.
【題組】47. Mr. Brown is in an excellent physical condition because he exercises vigorously every day.
(A) powerfully
(B) aggressively
(C) energetically
(D) restlessly


【題組】02、( ) Since 1997, when the birth of the cloned Dolly the sheep was announced, scientists, ethicists, and politicians have _____ with the emerging issues surrounding this technology.
(A) severed
(B) seduced
(C) grappled
(D) discomfited


【題組】07、( ) Al Qaeda and the movement it has _____ are unlikely to be immediately handicapped by the killing of Osama bin Laden.
(A) dismantled
(B) spawned
(C) pawned
(D) contradicted


四. Passage Completion: 10% 
   Until the past couple of decades, adulthood began at 18. Technically, and in many cases legally, it still is. Before the 1980s, many high school graduates married right away. If they went to college, they married right after graduation. 31 
   Today many young people in their mid-to-late 20s are still living with their parents. 32 Independence meant living in one’s own or in a shared apartment, having a job, owning a car, and getting into relationships. Many college graduates today continue to stay at home, often contributing nothing financially to their upkeep, depending on Mommy and Daddy not only for money but for their washed and ironed clothes, meals, and entertainment. 33 
   Some psychologists, however, think that today’s world is so different from that of the past that young people are more hesitant to strike out on their own. Today’s parents pressure and hover over their children so that kids feel incapable of developing into adults. They spend more time communicating via social media than face-to-face with others. 34 
   Few parents are so bold or uncaring as to toss their kids out of the nest when they reach 18, unless the kids want to leave. What is the solution to this growing problem? Psychologists and educators believe that parents should assume their responsibility to prepare their children for their future. 35 In short, treating children as adults is the surest way for them to grow up. 



27. If you want to get the real fun of the game, you need to join and play it. You can’t just stand there and be a _________.
(A) delegate
(B) veteran
(C) spectator
(D) commuter


I. Vocabulary: 15%
【題組】2. The spellings of many Old English words have been _________ in the living language, although their pronunciation have changed.
(A) preserved
(B) exploited
(C) preempted
(D) quarantined


【題組】14. _______ is a substance that doctors use to stop you from feeling pain during an operation, either in the whole of your body when you are unconscious, or in a part of your body when you are awake.
(A) Anesthetic
(B) Convergence
(C) Warrant
(D) Saliva


一、選擇題部分 (30%) I. Vocabulary (10%)
【題組】2. The game-show host offered _______ to the contestants. His words made them feel better, even though they lost.
(A) consolation
(B) affliction
(C) neurology
(D) shale


【題組】7. As soccer grew into the ______ sport in Europe over the past century, rugby became increasingly ingrained in the social and cultural fabric of many nations.
(A) dominant
(B) hazardous
(C) superficial
(D) inadvertent


Part A. English Proficiency (50%)
 I. Vocabulary and Phrases (20%)

【題組】6. Darla went on a trip to Sydney for the ________ purpose of securing new business contracts.
(A) ostensible
(B) lethargic
(C) unrelenting
(D) prohibitive


【題組】8. So sleepy did the truck driver feel as he drove on the expressway, that he ________ at a service station to take a nap.
(A) pulled over
(B) pulled back
(C) pulled down
(D) pulled together


Part I Vocabulary: Synonym (30%)
【題組】15. We saw pictures of exotic birds from the jungle of Brazil.
(A) entomic
(B) foreign
(C) native
(D) endemic


7.Though my windows are closed, I can still hear my ______neighbors loudly gossip and prattle on with frivolities in the dead of night.
(A) auspicious
(B) pugnacious
(C) spontaneous
(D) garrulous


4. Pregnant women are ________from dental charges under the current health system.
(A) oblivious
(B) exempt
(C) paltry
(D) insolent


8. The real estate broker goaded the couple to put down a deposit on the house.
(A) urged
(B) asked
(C) compelled
(D) guided


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(826~850)-阿摩線上測驗
