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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益閱讀測驗第十六回#113603
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101. The entertainment for the evening _____ confirmed yet, but the event planner is working on it.
(A) hasn’t
(B)hasn’t been
(C)should have
(D)should have been


102. _____ we spent the entire marketing budget on the celebrity endorsement with Sun Yizhen, our company has had no more wiggle room to print promotional materials.
(A) Unless
(B)Only if
(D)As long as


103. If the CEO had taken action earlier, the company _____ from the scandal.
(A) was saving
(B)would be saving
(C)would have saved
(D)would have been saved


104. A year from now, if the prices of goods _____ to rise at this rate, it will be hard for many families to make ends meet.
(A) continue
(B)will continue
(C)will be continued
(D)had continued


105. It's always better to negotiate with suppliers beforehand to avoid sudden _____ in raw material costs and keep production costs under control.
(A) goes up


106. _____ you start seeing results from your workouts, you'll be motivated to keep going to the gym and achieving your fitness goals.
(A) Before


107. No sooner had the members settled down in their seats _____ the chairman called the annual general meeting to order.
(A) following


108. The nearby station has a more frequent train schedule _____ the one near my apartment, so it's more convenient to travel from there.
(A) except for
(C)on the contrary
(D)compared to


109. The neighborhood is home to several small and medium-sized businesses _____ the needs of the local community.
(A) that cater
(B)that cater to
(D)catered to


110. While traditional marketing _____ like print ads and billboards still have their place, social media platforms offer a more targeted and cost-effective way to reach a wider audience.
(A) diplomacies


111. The sales team is highly motivated by the _____ of earning a substantial performance-based reward for achieving or surpassing their quarterly goals.
(A) prospect


112. The internship program offers a _____ experience for students by providing them with hands-on learning opportunities and exposure to real-world scenarios.
(A) embarrassing


113. While some workers may find the hybrid office setup to be a good balance between office and home environments, _____ may struggle with feeling disconnected or out of place.
(A) neither

14( ).

114. Not only is cycling great for the environment, _____ it’s also great for your health.
(A) though

15( ).

115. Along with the Poor Knights, New Zealand is _____ to 58 top scuba diving locations, including the Bay of Islands, Milford Sound, Fiordland national park.
(A) alternative

16( ).

116. From navigating the tricky conversations to _____ your rights and responsibilities as an employer, we can help you find all types of support surrounding your employees.
(A) understand

17( ).

117. Québec is known _____ for the quality and diversity of its year-round festivities, offering something tailored to each season.
(A) worldly

18( ).

118. When it comes to achieving outstanding performance, _____ is the key.
(A) devoted

19( ).

119. Based on the market trends, it is _____ that the stock prices will go up in the near future.
(A) possibly

20( ).

120. Due to the economic downturn, the company's profits have _____ disappeared in the last quarter.
(A) consciously

21( ).

121. The company offers its employees a _____ benefits package, which includes health insurance, paid vacation, and retirement savings plans.
(A) considerable

22( ).

122. When shopping online, it is important to provide _____ information during the checkout process, such as your name, shipping address, and payment details.
(A) relevant

23( ).

123. The prices of the hotel room _____ depending on the season and room type.
(A) various

24( ).

124. _____ time I log onto social media, I find myself spending hours scrolling through my feed.
(A) more

25( ).

125. It is important to keep your personal information _____ online, to prevent identity theft.
(A) secure

26( ).

126. The most important goal of a marketing campaign is to increase brand _____ of a product or service.
(A) awareness

27( ).

127. Half-page advertisements in magazines are an effective way to reach a targeted audience and promote your product or service in a visually _____ format.
(A) stimulating

28( ).

128. It is crucial for researchers to avoid using _____ information in their studies and to ensure that their findings are accurate and reliable.
(A) satisfying

29( ).

129. In the next quarter, the team will have _____ the issues that have been causing the workers to become annoyed with the new production process.
(A) reassured

30( ).

130. The platform is where passengers eagerly _____ , anticipating the arrival of their train on the busy station platform.
(A) urge

31( ).

Part 6 Text Completion

Questions 131~134 refer to the following passage.

Taipei has __131__ as a hub for cycling enthusiasts. The city's cycling infrastructure is impressive, with dedicated bike lanes and paths that cover most of Taipei, __132__ the safety of cyclists. With an affordable bike rental system and bike-friendly policies, it has become a haven for both commuters and recreational riders. The city's annual Taipei Bike Festival promotes cycling culture and highlights the benefits of cycling as a healthy and eco-friendly way to get around the city. __133__ , Taipei's numerous bike paths provide a great opportunity to explore the city's scenic views and lush greenery. The __134__ cycling community in Taipei includes cycling clubs and events for riders of all levels. Whether you are looking for transportation or recreation, cycling in Taipei is a great way to experience the city's culture and beauty.

(A) awaited

32( ).

(A) that ensure
(B)that ensures

33( ).

(A) In contrast
(B)In addition
(C)In a word
(D)In some cases

34( ).

(A) thriving

35( ).

Questions 135~138 refer to the following advertisement.

Introducing SparklePro, the ultimate office cleaning service that transforms your workplace into a spotless sanctuary. Leave the daily hassle behind and let our team of __135__ professionals take care of your office space, creating a pristine environment for maximum productivity.

 __136__ , we're offering an incredible discount for those who sign up as annual members! Say goodbye to messy desks, cluttered break rooms, and dusty corners by grabbing our exclusive 30% discount on yearly memberships.
With SparklePro, you'll enjoy an __137__ range of services, including but not limited to:
1. Daily office cleaning
2.Window washing
3.Trash __138__ 

Join our growing family of satisfied clients who have experienced a cleaner, healthier, and more efficient workspace. Register now and give your office the sparkling makeover it deserves with SparklePro – where cleanliness meets professionalism.

【題組】 135.
(A) dedication

36( ).

(A) For a limited time only
(B)Before now
(C)Prior to today
(D)After the limitation period

37( ).

(A) experienced

38( ).

(A) arrival

39( ).

Questions 139~142 refer to the following email.

Subject: Unpaid Overtime at ABC Trading Company

Dear Mayor,

As a single mother and an employee of the ABC trading company in your city, I am writing to you to seek your urgent assistance __139__ the issue of unpaid overtime that I have been forced to work.

Despite my dedicated service to the company for several years, my employer has __140__ asked me to work overtime without pay, which has put me under immense stress and financial difficulty. I have attempted to discuss this matter with my supervisor, but my concerns have been ignored.

__141__ Furthermore, I request that you introduce policies that safeguard workers from exploitation and mistreatment.

It is unacceptable that hard-working individuals like myself are forced to work without pay, and it is imperative that we take a stand against such practices. I trust that you share my commitment to __142__ the rights and well-being of all residents of this city.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your prompt response.


Jenny Liu

(A) in advance of
(B)for the purpose of
(C)in response to
(D)with regard to

40( ).

(A) rarely

41( ).

(A) As a single mother, I could hardly afford the rent and electricity bill due to doing a lot of unpaid overtime.
(B)As the new mayor of this city, you should take immediate action to ensure that my employer complies with labor laws and regulations.
(C)As a health-conscious person, I urge you to help me buy dietary supplements at lower prices.
(D)As a newly elected mayor, you have to familiarize yourself with every illegal activity in this city and tell my employer that he has done something illegal.

42( ).

(A) protecting
(C)have protected
(D)have been protecting

43( ).

Questions 143~146 refer to the following news release.

 ABC Trading Company Denies Recent Allegations of Bullying in the Workplace 

 ABC Trading Company denies the recent allegations of bullying in the workplace that __143__ in the media. We take all allegations of workplace bullying seriously and are currently investigating the matter to ensure that our policies and procedures are being followed.

We would like to assure our employees, customers, and stakeholders that ABC Trading Company has a strict __144__ towards any form of harassment, including bullying. Our workplace culture is built on respect, inclusivity, and professionalism, and we pride ourselves on maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all.

We understand that workplace bullying can have a profound impact on individuals and the workplace as a whole, and we are committed to __145__ all necessary steps to prevent and address any such behavior. Our investigation into this matter is ongoing, and we will take appropriate action if any evidence of bullying is found.

ABC Trading Company would like to encourage any employee who feels they have been a victim of bullying to come forward and report it through our internal channels. __146__ 

 For more information, please contact service@mail.abctrading.com.

(A) has been circulating
(B)has been circulated
(C)have been circulating
(D)have been circulated

44( ).

(A) financial incentive
(B)compensation scheme
(C)expansion plan
(D)zero-tolerance policy

45( ).

(A) take

46( ).

(A) We have a confidential reporting system in place, and all reports are taken seriously.
(B)We are going to hold an anniversary two months from now.
(C)We aim to report the news as fairly as possible.
(D)We are excited to announce the person responsible for spreading the rumor was just found.

47( ).

Part 7 Reading Comprehension

Questions 147~148 refer to the following instant messaging conversation.

Wilson: I am curious to know how our main rival has made a profit for three consecutive seasons.

Penny: Our rival's senior marketing manager is my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. She has a load of creative ideas and more importantly, she hires college graduates, which seems like a smart move. They can take on board the views of the customers their own age.

Wilson: Interesting, so their success is due to hiring college graduates. But what about the cost? Isn't it expensive to hire younger, less experienced workers? 

Penny: Actually, my understanding is that they pay them slightly less than experienced workers, but they offer a lot of training and career development opportunities. This keeps the younger employees motivated and loyal.

Wilson: I see. Maybe we should consider hiring more college graduates as well.

Penny: It could be a good way to inject fresh ideas and perspectives into our customer service department. And who knows, it might even lead to increased profits like our rival.

【題組】 147. How does the rival company keep their younger employees motivated and loyal?
(A) By paying them more than experienced workers.
(B)By offering a lot of training and career development opportunities.
(C)By hiring their senior marketing manager's ex-girlfriend.
(D)By investing in new technology.

48( ).

【題組】148. What is Wilson's opinion on hiring more college graduates?
(A) He thinks it will be too expensive.
(B)He is unsure about the benefits.
(C)He thinks it will lead to decreased profits.
(D)He thinks it could lead to increased profits.

49( ).

Questions 149~150 refer to the following passage. 

The impact of big data on small business has been profound. With the advent of new technologies and tools, small businesses now have access to a vast amount of data that can help them make better decisions, increase efficiency, and improve customer experiences. Big data analytics enables small businesses to uncover insights about their customers, competitors, and markets that were once available only to larger enterprises. By analyzing this data, small businesses can identify trends, predict customer behavior, and optimize their operations for better performance. Additionally, big data can help small businesses improve their marketing efforts, by enabling them to target their ideal customers more effectively and tailor their messaging to better resonate with their audience. Overall, the impact of big data on small business is significant, providing a powerful tool for driving growth, innovation, and competitiveness.

【題組】149. Which of the following best describes the passage?
(A) A guide to planning a successful computer expo.
(B)An overview of the history of computer technology.
(C)An analysis of the impact of big data on small businesses.
(D)A review of the latest computer hardware and software products.

50( ).

【題組】150. Which of the following is NOT an example of how big data can help small businesses?
(A) Eliminating the need for human decision-making.
(B)Predicting future market demands.
(C)Optimizing operations for better performance.
(D)Identifying trends in customer behavior.

51( ).

Questions 151~152 refer to the following conversation.

Eric: Our latest hire just told me that she felt completely out of her depth in the new task she was given. 

Nancy: It seems that our new employee orientation program still has a lot to improve.

Eric: I agree. We need to make sure that new hires receive adequate training and support to help them succeed in their roles.

Nancy: Maybe we should have a more structured onboarding process that includes regular check-ins with new hires to ensure they are adjusting well.

Eric: Yes, and we should also provide opportunities for new hires to shadow experienced employees and observe how tasks are done.

Nancy: Absolutely. That way, new hires can learn by example and feel more confident in their abilities.

【題組】151. What was the issue with the new hire mentioned in the conversation?
(A) She was overqualified for the task given to her.
(B)She was feeling lost and inexperienced in the task given to her.
(C)She was not interested in the new task given to her.
(D)She was not getting along with the team.

52( ).

【題組】152. Why does Nancy suggest having new hires shadow experienced employees?
(A) To provide opportunities for new hires to learn by example.
(B)To help new hires feel more confident in their abilities.
(C)To provide regular check-ins with new hires.
(D)To ensure new hires are adjusting well.

53( ).

Questions 153~154 refer to the following article.

Although many people believe that using hands-free technology while driving is safer than holding the phone, recent research conducted by psychologists at the University of Sussex suggests otherwise. According to the study, when drivers use their phones while driving, they are forced to engage in visual imagery, which can activate the same part of the brain that is typically used to watch the road. As a result, even simple phone conversations can cause a driver to concentrate on an area that is four times smaller than usual, increasing the risk of accidents on the road. The study also found that drivers who used hands-free technology took longer to react to potential hazards, such as pedestrians or oncoming vehicles. On the other hand, having a passenger in the car is less distracting since the conversation can stop when necessary. For instance, passengers are more likely to pause the conversation when the driver needs to focus on the road.

For example, a driver who is using hands-free technology might be more focused on the conversation and less attentive to the road, leading to increased chances of an accident.

【題組】153. According to the article, how does using hands-free technology affect a driver's reaction time to potential hazards?
(A) It has no effect on a driver's reaction time.
(B)It decreases a driver's reaction time.
(C)It increases a driver's reaction time.
(D)It depends on the type of hazard a driver encounters.

54( ).

【題組】154. Why does the study suggest that phone conversations while driving are dangerous?
(A) They can cause drivers to become emotional and distracted.
(B)They can lead to arguments between drivers and passengers.
(C)They can activate the same part of the brain used to watch the road, causing a smaller concentration area and slower reaction times.
(D)They can cause drivers to miss important exits and turns.

55( ).

Questions 155~157 refer to the following table.

Here is a table showing different solutions to traffic congestion during rush hours.

【題組】155. Which of the following does NOT require large-scale infrastructure investment or the allocation of significant government resources
(A) Flexible work arrangements.
(B)Bike lanes and public bike rental systems.
(C)Road pricing.
(D)Park-and-ride facilities.

56( ).

【題組】156. Which solution aims to reduce the number of cars on the road during rush hour?
(A) Carpooling and ride-sharing.
(B)Bike lanes and public bike rental systems.
(C)Flexible work arrangements.
(D)Park-and-ride facilities.

57( ).

【題組】157. What do Bike lanes and public bike rental systems and Park-and-ride facilities have in common?
(A) They both encourage employers to offer flexible work arrangements.
(B)They both create dedicated lanes for carpooling.
(C)They both implement a congestion charge on drivers entering congested areas during peak hours.
(D)They both encourage people to cycle instead of driving.

58( ).

Questions 158~160 refer to the following instant messaging conversation.

Bruce: There's a new exhibition of sculpture on at the city gallery. If you don't have any plan for the coming weekend, I'm wondering whether you'd like to go with me.

Alice: Free time is at a premium for a working single mother.

Bruce: I completely understand that. But I think the exhibition would be a great way for you to take a break and enjoy some art.

Alice: It sounds tempting, but I really don't think I can make it this weekend.

Bruce: No problem at all. Would you like me to keep you updated about other interesting events happening in the city?

Alice: Thank you for the offer, but I think I will have to decline. I appreciate your thoughtfulness though. 

Bruce: I completely understand, Alice.

【題組】158. What is Alice's reason for declining Bruce's invitation?
(A) She cannot afford to attend the exhibition.
(B)She is not interested in sculpture exhibitions.
(C)She has a previous engagement on the same day.
(D)She prefers to spend her weekends with her family.

59( ).

【題組】159. What is Alice's response to Bruce's offer to keep her updated on interesting events?
(A) She accepts the offer.
(B)She declines the offer.
(C)She asks Bruce to send her more information about the events.
(D)She tells Bruce she will think about it.

60( ).

【題組】160. What can be inferred about Bruce's invitation?
(A) Bruce is interested in spending time with Alice.
(B)Bruce is not aware of Alice's busy schedule.
(C)Bruce is not concerned about Alice's responsibilities.
(D)Bruce wants to attend the exhibition alone.

61( ).

Questions 161~163 refer to the following article.

A group of technology entrepreneurs are establishing a new bank, Tandem Bank, with a small office situated behind London's King's Cross station. Despite having only 140 employees, Tandem Bank aims to offer services that traditional banks require tens of thousands of staff to provide. The bank will feature an app and a small call center to serve its customers.

In the meantime, Atom Bank, located 250 miles away in Durham, has also received its license. One interesting feature of Atom Bank's app is that customers can log in without a password by simply using facial recognition or voice recognition technology.

The Bank of England has received applications from 26 other potential start-up banks, including several that will operate exclusively through a mobile app. These budding app-only banks have the potential to disrupt the banking industry by offering customers convenient and innovative ways to manage their finances.

For example, Monzo Bank, a UK-based app-only bank, has gained a lot of popularity among younger customers due to its easy-to-use app, instant payment notifications, and budgeting features. Customers can manage their money through the app, which also provides a Mastercard debit card for use both domestically and internationally. The bank has also received significant investment and has plans to expand internationally in the future.

【題組】161. According to the article, what is the main feature of Atom Bank's app that sets it apart from traditional login methods?
(A) Fingerprint recognition.
(B)Facial recognition or voice recognition.
(C)Two-factor authentication.
(D)One-time passwords.

62( ).

【題組】162. How does Tandem Bank plan to offer services that traditional banks require tens of thousands of staff to provide?
(A) By using advanced AI technology.
(B)By offering fewer services than traditional banks.
(C)By relying on a small call center and an app.
(D)By outsourcing some services to other companies.

63( ).

【題組】163. What is one reason why Monzo Bank has become popular with younger customers?
(A) Its capability to provide high-yield savings accounts.
(B)Its association with traditional banks that have physical branches.
(C)Its dedicated focus on global banking services.
(D)Its user-friendly app, instant payment alerts, and budgeting tools

64( ).

Questions 164~167 refer to the following instant messaging chain.

Bishop, Tina Carter, and Sophia Parker are currently trainees at a business incubator where they have been receiving training for the past five months. They are preparing for a potential job opportunity at RIF Frozen Food Manufacturer, which will be available in one month's time. However, they are feeling anxious and worried about the competition for the limited number of open positions. They are discussing their concerns with each other and trying to stay positive and focused on their goals.

Kelly Bishop: I'm starting to worry about our chances of getting selected. There are so many of us and only a few open positions.

Tina Carter: I know what you mean. I'm concerned that I haven't been able to show off all my skills yet.

Sophia Parker: I'm just nervous about the whole interview process. What if I mess up and don't get selected?

Kelly Bishop: I've been practicing my interview skills every day, but I still feel like it's not enough.

Tina Carter: Same here. I don't want to regret not putting in more effort.

Sophia Parker: It's a tough competition, but we have to stay positive and believe in ourselves.

Kelly Bishop: You're right. We've come this far and we can't let our worries hold us back now.

Tina Carter: Agreed. Let's keep pushing and give it our all. We can do this!

Sophia Parker: Yes, we can! We just have to keep working hard and stay focused on our goals.

【題組】164. What is Tina worried about?
(A) She is concerned that she hasn't been able to show off all her skills yet.
(B)She is nervous about the whole interview process.
(C)She is starting to worry about their chances of getting selected.
(D)She feels like practicing her interview skills every day is not enough.

65( ).

【題組】165. What is causing Sophia's anxiety?
(A) She is afraid she hasn't had the chance to showcase her complete skill set yet.
(B)She is apprehensive about the entirety of the interview process.
(C)She is beginning to fret about their probability of being chosen.
(D)She thinks her daily interview skills practice may not be adequate.

66( ).

【題組】166. What is Kelly's response to the others' concerns?
(A) "We must stay optimistic, and have faith in our abilities."
(B)"I believe we can do this if we persevere and keep trying."
(C)"It's important to remain confident, even in the face of challenges."
(D)"We cannot allow our worries to undermine the progress we have made so far."

67( ).

【題組】167. What is Sophia's advice to her colleagues?
(A) "We need to stay focused on our goals and not let our doubts get the best of us."
(B)"It's important to put in the hard work and dedication required to succeed."
(C)"Believe in yourselves and your abilities, and the rest will fall into place."
(D)"Let's take a step back and assess our strengths and weaknesses before moving forward."

68( ).

Questions 168~171 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mayor,

Congratulations on your election as the new city mayor. I'm writing to propose a new initiative to create a network of cycling routes in the city for entertainment purposes. While the previous plan for cycling routes focused on commuting, this proposal is aimed at creating an enjoyable and healthy way for residents and visitors to explore the city.

It is worth mentioning that cycling is a popular recreational activity that provides significant health benefits, such as improving physical fitness and reducing stress levels. Additionally, cycling can boost the local economy by attracting tourists and promoting local businesses.

By creating a network of cycling routes for entertainment, we can showcase the city's unique landmarks and scenic routes, providing a new perspective for residents and visitors. This initiative will also encourage residents to engage in a more sustainable mode of transportation, reducing the city's carbon footprint.

I believe that this proposal will contribute to the city's growth, promote healthy living, and strengthen its image as a sustainable and innovative city. I hope that you will consider this proposal and support the creation of a network of cycling routes in the city for entertainment purposes. 

Thank you for your time and attention. 


Harry Goldburg
The Head of the Department of Transportation

【題組】168. What is the main goal of the proposed initiative?
(A) To promote healthy living.
(B)To reduce traffic congestion.
(C)To create a new tourist attraction.
(D)To provide an enjoyable way to explore the city.

69( ).

【題組】169. Which of the following contributions is NOT mentioned in the proposal?
(A) Cycling can reduce traffic congestion in the city.
(B)Creating a network of cycling routes can attract tourists to the city.
(C)Promoting cycling can improve the physical health of the residents.
(D)The proposed initiative aims to create a network of cycling routes to benefit commuters.

70( ).

【題組】170. What could be potential challenges to implementing the proposed initiative?
(A) Limited availability of funding.
(B)Limited public support.
(C)Technical difficulties in designing the cycling routes.
(D)Opposition from stakeholders such as car drivers and parking lot owners.

71( ).

【題組】171. What could be the long-term benefits of implementing the proposed initiative?
(A) Improved public health through increased physical activity.
(B)Reduced carbon emissions from automobiles.
(C)Increased tourism and economic growth.
(D)Improved quality of life for residents and visitors.

72( ).

Questions 172~175 refer to the following news article.

In a recent companywide email titled “Our company-wide OKR on durable savings,” Google’s finance chief Ruth Porat announced that the company is implementing cost-cutting measures, including reducing employee services. The cuts are part of an objective to “deliver durable savings through improved velocity and efficiency” by 2023. Google is cutting back on fitness classes, staplers, tape, and the frequency of laptop replacements for employees, according to documents viewed by CNBC. The company is also pausing refreshes for laptops, desktop PCs, and monitors, and providing Chromebooks as the default laptop option. Additionally, employees will need director approval for accessories costing more than $1,000 that are not available internally. The company is also making minor adjustments to food, fitness, massage, and transportation programs designed for when employees worked five days a week, as most employees are now in the office only three days a week due to hybrid schedules.

【題組】172. What do employees need director approval for if it costs more than $1,000 and is not available internally?
(A) A new laptop.
(B)A mobile phone.
(C)An accessory.
(D)A fitness class.

73( ).

【題組】173. What type of laptop will Google employees who are not in engineering roles receive by default?
(A) Apple MacBooks.
(C)Lenovo ThinkPads.
(D)Dell XPS.

74( ).

【題組】174. What did Google do in response to slowing sales growth in January 2023?
(A) Laid off 12,000 employees, representing about 6% of its workforce.
(B)Announced plans to invest more in AI technology.
(C)Implemented cost-cutting measures including cutting back on employee benefits.
(D)Increased the frequency of laptop replacements for employees.

75( ).

【題組】175. What changes are being made to employee desktops and workstations at Google?
(A) Chromebooks will replace desktop PCs and monitors.
(B)CloudTop will be the default desktop for employees.
(C)All employees will receive Apple MacBooks.
(D)Google is increasing the frequency of equipment replacements for employees

76( ).

Questions 176~180 refer to the following syllabus and online comments.

Staff Training Course: 
Communicating on Social Media for Influence and Impact 

This course will teach you how to communicate effectively on social media to make a positive impact and build a strong online presence. You'll learn about different social media platforms, how to create engaging content, build your brand, and leverage social media for influence and impact.

Lesson 1 Understanding Social Media Platforms
●Overview of major social media platforms

Lesson 2 Crafting Compelling Messages
●Techniques for creating engaging content, including text, images, and video
●Importance of storytelling and emotional appeals in social media messaging

Lesson 3 Building a Strong Online Presence
●Strategies for increasing followers and engagement
●Maintaining authenticity and managing online reputation

Lesson 4 Leveraging Social Media for Influence and Impact
●Techniques for using social media to influence opinions and drive change
●Best practices for social media advocacy and activism 
Comment Section 

1.Jane, Marketing Specialist:
Just finished the social media course, and it's been great for our marketing efforts. Better content and more engagement now. Highly recommend.

2. Steve, Nonprofit Coordinator:
Took the course for our nonprofit, and it's been a game-changer. More effective communication and increased awareness for our cause. Worth it!

3. Lisa, Freelance Writer:
As a freelance writer, this course has helped me build my online presence and grow my following. It's well-organized and easy to follow. Give it a try.

4. Carlos, Small Business Owner:
This social media course has been an excellent investment for my small business. More followers, engagement, and sales. Don't miss out on this one.

【題組】176. What is the focus of this training course?
(A) Effective communication through social media.
(B)Managing an online store.
(C)Building a personal blog.
(D)Creating a social media platform.

77( ).

【題組】177. According to the syllabus, which lesson covers the importance of storytelling and emotional appeals in social media messaging?
(A) Lesson 1: Understanding Social Media Platforms
(B)Lesson 2: Crafting Compelling Messages
(C)Lesson 3: Building a Strong Online Presence
(D)Lesson 4: Leveraging Social Media for Influence and Impact

78( ).

【題組】178. How can social media be used for social activism according to Lesson 4 in the syllabus?
(A) By creating engaging content on various social media platforms.
(B)By increasing followers and engagement through social media strategies.
(C)By focusing on personal and professional branding on social media platforms.
(D)By using emotional appeals and storytelling to influence opinions on social issues.

79( ).

【題組】179. Which of the following statements is true about the comments of Jane, Steve, and Carlos?
(A) They all work in the marketing industry.
(B)They all work for nonprofit organizations.
(C)They all experienced positive results for their marketing efforts, cause awareness, or business growth after taking the social media course.
(D)They all found the course difficult to follow and not helpful.

80( ).

【題組】180. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the feedback provided by Jane, Steve, Lisa, and Carlos regarding the social media course?
(A) All four participants had positive feedback about the social media course.
(B)They all found the course to be challenging and difficult.
(C)They mentioned benefits such as better content, more engagement, and increased awareness for their cause or business growth.
(D)They all recommended the social media course to others.

81( ).

Questions 181~185 refer to the following article and .

How to Become a Digital Nomad 

The digital nomad lifestyle has gained popularity in recent years as more people seek location-independent careers. If you are interested in transitioning to a remote work and travel lifestyle, here are some steps to consider: 

1. Identify your skills and interests: To succeed as a digital nomad, it's important to have a skill set that's in demand and aligns with your interests. Consider what you're good at and what you enjoy doing, and research which careers or industries offer remote work opportunities.
2.Build a professional network: Networking is key to finding remote work opportunities and building a successful career as a digital nomad. Join online communities and attend industry events to connect with like-minded professionals and potential clients.
3.Develop a strong online presence: Your online presence is crucial to establishing yourself as a credible professional and attracting clients. Create a professional website and social media profiles, and showcase your skills and experience through a portfolio or case studies.
4.Establish a financial plan: As a digital nomad, your income may fluctuate, so it's important to establish a financial plan that allows you to live comfortably and save for the future. Consider factors such as your cost of living, income goals, and potential tax implications.
5.Prepare for travel: Finally, as a digital nomad, you'll likely be traveling frequently. Research visa requirements and travel restrictions for the countries you plan to visit, and consider factors such as housing, transportation, and insurance. Also, ensure that you have reliable technology and internet access to stay connected with clients and colleagues.

Contact the author of this article: John Nova  @coolhomeoffice.com>@coolhomeoffice.com>


To: John Nova

Subject: Seeking advice on becoming a digital nomad

Dear John,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Emily, and I've been following your blog on remote working for a while now. I'm writing to seek your advice on becoming a digital nomad.

I'm seriously considering transitioning to a location-independent career and lifestyle, but I have a couple of concerns that I hope you can help me address. The two biggest challenges that I'm currently facing are:

Financial stability: While I understand the importance of building an emergency fund and having a solid financial plan, I'm worried about the uncertainty of income as a digital nomad. How can I ensure a steady stream of income while still maintaining the freedom and flexibility that comes with being a digital nomad?

Loneliness and isolation: As an extroverted person, I'm concerned about the potential for loneliness and isolation that comes with a remote work and travel lifestyle. How can I stay connected with others and build a sense of community while constantly on the move?

I'd greatly appreciate your insights and advice on these challenges. Your blog has been a great source of inspiration and information for me, and I value your expertise in this field.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Best regards,

Emily Lindsay


【題組】181. According to the article, what is the digital nomad lifestyle?
(A) A lifestyle that involves working from home.
(B)A lifestyle that involves traveling while working remotely.
(C)A lifestyle that involves working in an office while traveling.
(D)A lifestyle that involves working while living in a different city.

82( ).

【題組】182. What is the first step to consider when transitioning to a digital nomad lifestyle?
(A) Building a professional network.
(B)Establishing a financial plan.
(C)Developing a strong online presence.
(D)Identifying your skills and interests.

83( ).

【題組】183. Why is it important to establish a financial plan as a digital nomad?
(A) To ensure you can live comfortably and save for the future.
(B)To make sure you have enough money to buy souvenirs.
(C)To pay for visas and travel insurance.
(D)To invest in new equipment.

84( ).

【題組】184. According to the email, what is Emily's concern about financial stability as a digital nomad?
(A) The need to maintain a high income level.
(B)The uncertainty of income as a digital nomad.
(C)The cost of living in different countries.
(D)The need for regular access to investment opportunities.

85( ).

【題組】185. What is Emily's concern about loneliness and isolation as a digital nomad?
(A) The need to have more free time to explore.
(B)The potential lack of internet connectivity.
(C)The potential for social disconnection while on the move.
(D)The difficulty of finding new job opportunities.

86( ).

Questions 186~190 refer to the following proposal, letter, and review.

Proposal: Nature Walks and Guided Tours at the Tamsui River Nature Reserve

The Tamsui River Nature Reserve on the northern bank of Tamsui River is a small but precious natural asset that has been preserved for many years. While the reserve is not large enough for hiking, it still offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the area. In this proposal, we suggest offering nature walks and guided tours that will showcase the flora and fauna of the reserve, while also providing opportunities for visitors to learn about environmental conservation and sustainability.

Overview of the Nature Walks and Guided Tours
The Nature Walks and Guided Tours will be a recreational and educational activity that showcases the unique features of the reserve. The tours will be designed to be low-impact and will be conducted under the guidance of trained professionals.

The park will offer a range of activities that cater to visitors of all ages and interests. Some of the activities that can be included are:
●Nature Walks: The reserve has several well-maintained trails that offer stunning views of the river and the surrounding landscape. The park can provide guided tours and nature walks for visitors to learn about the flora and fauna of the reserve. The walks will be designed to be short, informative, and suitable for visitors of all ages.
●Environmental Education: The park can provide opportunities for visitors to learn about sustainable practices like organic farming, renewable energy, and waste management. This can be done through workshops, interactive exhibits, and guided tours. 

To support these activities, the park will have several facilities, including: 
●Visitor center:The park will have a visitor center that will provide information on the reserve, the activities available, and the rules and regulations.
●Guided Tours: The park will have trained professionals who can guide visitors on nature walks and provide information on the environment and the local ecosystem. 
Final Thoughts
The Nature Walks and Guided Tours at the Tamsui River Nature Reserve will be a unique experience that showcases the natural beauty of the reserve while promoting environmental education and sustainability.

Dear Mayor,

We oppose the proposal to create an Eco-Adventure Park or offer guided tours at the Tamsui River Nature Reserve. Our reasons are:

1. Ecological harm: Construction and increased human traffic will harm the natural habitat and displace wildlife, leading to a loss of biodiversity.
2.Environmental damage: Increased human traffic will lead to soil erosion, vegetation damage, and water pollution.
3.Purpose of the reserve: The proposal contradicts the reserve's purpose to preserve and protect the natural ecosystem and promote ecological sustainability.

We urge you to consider our concerns and protect the natural environment of the reserve.


Green Warriors, a regional environmental group

A Review by Silvia Palmer 

As a busy office worker, I always try to make the most of my weekends and take some time out for myself. This weekend, I decided to go for a nature walk in the newly opened Tamsui River Nature Reserve. I was pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the reserve and the variety of wildlife that I saw during my walk.

The trail was well-maintained and easy to navigate, with several lookout points that offered stunning views of the river and the surrounding landscape. I also had the opportunity to learn about the local flora and fauna from the knowledgeable guide who accompanied me on the walk.The guide provided detailed information about the different plants and animals that I encountered, which helped me to appreciate the unique features of the reserve even more.

The experience of walking in the Tamsui River Nature Reserve was both peaceful and invigorating. It was a great way to connect with nature and unwind from the stresses of city life. I feel grateful to have such a beautiful natural asset so close to where I live, and I look forward to visiting the reserve again in the future.

I highly recommend the Tamsui River Nature Reserve to anyone looking for a tranquil and educational experience in nature.

【題組】186. According to the proposal, what is the primary purpose of the Nature Walks and Guided Tours at the Tamsui River Nature Reserve?
(A) To provide intense hiking experiences.
(B)To promote environmental conservation and sustainability.
(C)To create a camping destination.
(D)To focus on water sports activities.

87( ).

【題組】187. What feature of the Tamsui River Nature Reserve makes it suitable for nature walks and guided tours?
(A) Well-maintained trails.
(B)Extensive camping grounds.
(C)Large wildlife population.
(D)Rapid river currents.

88( ).

【題組】188. Which of the following concerns is the primary reason Green Warriors oppose the proposal to create an Eco-Adventure Park or offer guided tours at the Tamsui River Nature Reserve?
(A) Financial implications for the local community.
(B)Insufficient interest among potential visitors.
(C)Detrimental effects on the environment and ecosystem.
(D)Inability of the reserve's infrastructure to handle increased activities.

89( ).

【題組】189. What did Silvia Palmer think about the Tamsui River Nature Reserve?
(A) It was poorly maintained.
(B)It was easy to navigate.
(C)It was too crowded.
(D)It was too far from the city.

90( ).

【題組】190. How did Silvia Palmer feel after visiting the Tamsui River Nature Reserve?
(A) Worried.

91( ).

Questions 191~195 refer to the following advertisement, letter, and online comment.

Looking for a pair of running shoes that will help you go the extra mile? Look no further than Sunshine Shoe Store! Our selection of running shoes is perfect for all types of runners, from beginners to seasoned athletes.

Our running shoes are designed to provide superior comfort and support, allowing you to run for longer without experiencing pain or discomfort. We offer a variety of styles and brands, so you can find the perfect pair to suit your individual needs and preferences.

Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are always on hand to help you find the perfect pair of running shoes. They can provide expert advice on fit, support, and durability, ensuring that you get the best possible pair of shoes for your needs.

So why wait? Come visit Sunshine Shoe Store today and find the perfect pair of running shoes to help you achieve your fitness goals. With our unbeatable selection, expert advice, and top-quality brands, you're sure to find the perfect pair of shoes for your needs.

Dear Emily Wilson,

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to request more shoes from your company due to the high demand that we have experienced following our recent advertising campaign.

As you know, Sunshine Shoe Store has been promoting our running shoes aggressively over the past few weeks. We are thrilled with the response we've received from our customers, who have been coming in droves to purchase our high-quality shoes. However, we are now experiencing a shortage of certain sizes and styles of shoes, and we need to restock our inventory quickly.

Therefore, I am writing to request an urgent delivery of running shoes from your company. Specifically, we need more shoes in sizes 8-10 and a restock of the Nike Air Max 270 React shoes, as those have been the most popular style among our customers.

We are confident that our partnership with your company will allow us to continue to meet the needs of our customers and provide them with the best possible products. We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

Jessica Doe
Sunshine Shoe Store

A Comment from Judy Ya 

I recently visited Sunshine Shoe Store and was blown away by the quality and style of their running shoes. It's no surprise they are experiencing high demand for their products. I look forward to purchasing more shoes from them in the future

【題組】 191. According to the advertisement, what is a key feature of Sunshine Shoe Store's running shoes?
(A) They are stylish.
(B)They are expensive.
(C)They are comfortable and supportive.
(D)They are only available in one brand.

92( ).

【題組】192. What kind of assistance can you expect from the staff at Sunshine Shoe Store?
(A) They will ignore you.
(B)They will provide expert advice on fit, support, and durability.
(C)They will pressure you to buy the most expensive shoes.
(D)They will only help experienced athletes.

93( ).

【題組】193. According to Jessica’s letter, who is most likely Emily Wilson?
(A) A sales representative working for a supplier of shoes that Sunshine Shoe Store does business with.
(B)A sales representative working for Sunshine Shoe Store
(C)An account manager working for one of Sunshine Shoe Store’s retailers
(D)A social media influencer promoting the products of Sunshine Shoe Store

94( ).

【題組】194. According to Jessica’s letter, which shoe style has been the most popular among Sunshine Shoe Store's customers?
(A) Adidas Ultra Boost.
(B)Puma RS-X3.
(C)Nike Air Max 270 React.
(D)New Balance Fresh Foam 1080v11.

95( ).

【題組】195. Why does Judy Ya plan on buying more shoes from Sunshine Shoe Store?
(A) Because they have a wide selection of sandals.
(B)Because they offer free shipping.
(C)Because they have a high demand for their products.
(D)Because she was impressed by the quality of their running shoes.

96( ).

Questions 196~200 refer to the following social media post, comments, and email.
Glamify Cosmetics Corporation
Hey there beauty lovers! ??
We have an amazing surprise for you! For the next 24 hours, we're offering a HUGE 30% discount on selected items in THREE different categories:
? Lipsticks
? Eyeshadow palettes
? Blushes
You heard that right! You can now get your hands on some of our best-selling products at an unbeatable price. Whether you're looking for a bold new lip color, a stunning eyeshadow palette or a gorgeous blush to complete your look, we've got you covered!
Don't wait too long, this offer is only available for the next 24 hours. Shop now and take advantage of this incredible discount before it's too late. You won't regret it! ?
#makeup #cosmetics #lipsticks #eyeshadow #blushes
Comment Section
 "I'm in love with the Glamify Cosmetics lipsticks! They're so pigmented and last all day. The 30% discount is an amazing deal, I'm definitely going to stock up on my favorite shades." 
 "The eyeshadow palettes from Glamify Cosmetics are a game changer! The colors are so vibrant, and there's a shade for every occasion. I can't wait to try out some new looks with the palette I just bought at a huge discount."
 "I've been looking for the perfect blush for ages, and I finally found it with Glamify Cosmetics! The formula is so smooth and buildable, and the colors are stunning. I'm so happy I got it on sale - thank you Glamify Cosmetics for the amazing deal." 
Subject: Request for Full Refund for Eyeshadow Palettes
Dear Customer Service Team,
I am writing to request a full refund for the eyeshadow palettes that I recently purchased from
Glamify Cosmetics. I returned the items last week due to two specific flaws that I experienced with the product.
Firstly, I found that the eyeshadow was not as blendable as I expected, which made it difficult to create the looks I was hoping for. Additionally, I experienced significant fallout when applying the product, which was frustrating and time-consuming to clean up.
I was disappointed with the quality of the product and felt that my shopping experience was quite different from those who left positive comments on the website.
I was excited to try out these eyeshadow palettes, but unfortunately, they did not meet my expectations. I would appreciate a full refund for the purchase price of the eyeshadow palettes. I have already returned the items using the provided return label and would be grateful if you could process the refund as soon as possible.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

【題組】196. What is the main message of the social media post?
(A) Glamify Cosmetics is going out of business.
(B)New products are being released soon.
(C)A 30% discount is available for a limited time.
(D)A giveaway is being held for customers.

97( ).

【題組】197. Which of the following products are included in the discount offer?
(A) Lipsticks, eyeshadow palettes, and blushes.
(B)Eyeshadow palettes, foundations, and concealers.
(C)Lipsticks, eyeliners, and mascaras.
(D)Nail polishes, perfumes, and hair care products.

98( ).

【題組】198. Which of the following is commonly mentioned in the three user comments about Glamify Cosmetics products?
(A)The quality of the packaging.
(B)The speed of the delivery.
(C)The variety of shades available.
(D)The formula and performance of the product.

99( ).

【題組】199. What is the reason for Rita's request for a refund?
(A) She did not like the colors of the eyeshadow palettes.
(B)She experienced fallout when applying the product.
(C)The product was not delivered on time.
(D)The eyeshadow palettes were damaged during shipping.

100( ).

【題組】200. What can be inferred about Rita's purchasing decision based on her email to Glamify Cosmetics?
(A) Rita was completely satisfied with the eyeshadow palettes she received.
(B)Rita was interested in exchanging the eyeshadow palettes for a different product.
(C)Rita returned the eyeshadow palettes due to dissatisfaction with the product.
(D)Rita was planning to buy more eyeshadow palettes from Glamify Cosmetics in the future.

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