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科目:新制多益閱讀(TOEIC Reading)
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101. _____ trying to eat healthy meals, I take nutritional supplements every day.
(A)In light of
(B)In addition to
(C)In response to
(D) In advance of


128. OpenBodyMind Ltd. is an agency with over fifteen years of experience in consulting services, offer lively seminars and workshops to _____ the challenges of the modern-day workforce.
(A) underpin
(B) mobilize
(C) obtain
(D) address


110. Most job-seekers the manager has interviewed have said a poor work-life balance is a _____ when they are considering a new job.
(B) blockbuster
(C) power-seeker


109. A considerable number of passengers _____ waiting at the station due to the train's unexpected delay.
(C)was left
(D)were left


129. _____ training and development can help staff develop new skills and feel more confident in their ability to handle customer inquiries and complaints.
(D) Athletic


112. With the current job market _____ so competitive, it's important for university graduates to consider all their options when it comes to finding work, including internships and contract positions.
(B)which is
(C)has been
(D) being


129. _____ fast food is convenient and affordable, it's important to be mindful of the potential health risks associated with consuming it regularly.


122. A lot of companies are looking forward to participating in the trade _____ and meeting with industry leaders to explore new business opportunities.
(B) expansion


Questions 151~152 refer to the following social media post.

Introducing the most scrumptious and outrageous cakes you've ever tasted! The brand new cake line from "Sugar Overload Cafe" will leave you drooling and begging for more!

Our cakes are so delicious, they'll make you forget your own name! Whether you're a fan of classic vanilla, decadent chocolate, or wild and crazy flavors like bubblegum and bacon, we've got something for everyone.

And that's not all! Our cakes are so over-the-top that they come with their own warning label: "may cause intense sugar rushes and extreme happiness."

So come on down to Sugar Overload Cafe and indulge in our new cake line! But be warned, once you try them, you may never want to leave. #SugarRush #CrazyCakes #SugarOverloadCafe

【題組】 151. Which of the following types of cake flavors are available in the new cake line?
(A) Only vanilla and chocolate flavors are available for the new cake line.
(B) A variety of flavors including vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry can be found in the new cake line.
(C) The new cake line offers vanilla, chocolate, and bubblegum flavors.
(D) The new cake line features vanilla, chocolate, and bacon flavors, providing a unique twist to traditional cakes.


Part 6 Text Completion

Questions 131~134 refer to the following passage.

Remote working, __131__ it has some benefits, also comes with its fair share of disadvantages. One of the biggest __132__ is the lack of face-to-face interaction with colleagues, which can lead to a sense of isolation and reduced collaboration. Working from home also __133__ the lines between work and personal life, making it harder to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Remote workers may also struggle with __134__ at home, such as family members or household tasks, which can hinder productivity. Additionally, remote workers may miss out on the social and professional opportunities that come with working in a physical office space.

(A) blurs
(B) disappears
(C) collapses
(D) enhances


Questions143~146 refer to the following memo.

Date: April 29
To: All Staff
Subject: Paid Summer Internship Opportunity for Children and Relatives

Dear colleagues,

As the summer __143__ , we are excited to announce that our company is offering paid summer internships to college students who are related to or children of our employees. This is a great opportunity for them to gain valuable experience and learn about the industry __144__ earning some extra money.

We encourage you to share this opportunity with your children, nieces, nephews, or other eligible relatives. __145__ . The interns will work on various projects with our teams to develop their skills and knowledge.

To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:
●Be a college student
●Be a child or relative of a current employee of our company
●Be available to work full-time during the internship period

If you know someone who meets these criteria and would be interested in applying for this opportunity, please share this memo with them and encourage them to apply as soon as possible. The application deadline is May 25, and interviews will __146__ in early June.

Thank you for your cooperation and support.

Daniel Ellsberg



Part 6 Text Completion

Questions 131~134 refer to the following text.

Jet lag can __131__ the ability of business travelers to function effectively upon their arrival at their destination. However, there are certain steps __132__ to minimize its impact. If you have a few days before you depart, you may consider adjusting your sleep schedule by a few hours, depending on your destination. Additionally, consuming smaller meals may help to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort. Refraining from alcohol __133__ as it can disrupt sleep. Caffeine and exercise can be used strategically to help you stay alert throughout the day, but it is __134__ to avoid these in the evening. Drinking plenty of water is important to stay hydrated. If you feel drowsy during the day, taking short naps can help you feel better without interfering with nighttime sleep.

(D) outweigh


Questions135~138 refer to the following press release. 
City's Bike-Sharing Shelter Employs Long-Term Unemployed Disabled Workers

A bike-sharing shelter in our city has recently hired a group of long-term unemployed disabled workers to assemble bicycles. This __135__ has created over 100 job opportunities, with more to come.

The shelter __136__ as a storage and maintenance facility for the city's bike-sharing program, which is growing in popularity. By hiring disabled workers, the shelter not only provides employment opportunities but also promotes social inclusion.

The workers receive proper training and supervision to ensure they can perform their duties effectively. The shelter __137__ to expand its workforce and provide more job opportunities to the disabled community in the future.

This unique approach __138__ job creation has garnered positive feedback from the community and received recognition for its efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workforce.

【題組】 135.


Questions 151~152 refer to the following text message chain in the group chat.
wallacecake355 [13:16 Nov. 12]
Dear all, next Thursday we’re starting special flash sales, lasting just two days. We are going to offer a 60% discount on our signature product, the lemon egg tart.

cutemandy1280 [13:29 Nov. 12]
Do you have an online order form? I’d like to order 15 boxes and collect them on delivery.

wallacecake355 [13:36 Nov. 12]
Here’s the form: www.wallacecakebakery.com/pcart/ However, we accept credit cards only in terms of pre-orders.

cutemandy1280 [13:38 Nov. 12]
I’m worried about the risks of paying by credit card online. Can I drop in on your bakery on my way home this evening, pay in full by cash, and collect the order in person next Thursday evening?

wallacecake355 [13:47 Nov. 12]
You bet. But we will be pleased if you can complete the form before you drop by.

cutemandy1280 [14:39 Nov. 12]
Just completed the form. Have you received my order yet?

wallacecake355 [15:01 Nov. 12]
Yes. Thank you for your order. We are excited to see you later in the day.

【題組】151. According to the message chain, which statement is true?
(A) The customer finished the online order form about an hour after it was provided.
(B) The seller doesn’t have a brick-and-mortar store.
(C) The seller will arrange a courier to deliver the order for the customer.
(D) The customer will pay cash at the clearance sale.


Questions 186-190 refer to the followingweb page and emails.

Welcome to "AppEase," the premier app design studio that creates customized mobile apps to streamline the guest experience in the hospitality industry.

Our team of expert designers understands the importance of creating a seamless and effortless experience for guests, and we use cutting-edge technology to deliver innovative and user-friendly solutions.

Our services include custom app design and development, integration with existing systems, and ongoing maintenance and support. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and create tailored solutions that exceed expectations.

Our mobile apps offer a range of features to enhance guest experiences, including easy check-in and check-out, personalized recommendations, mobile key access, room service ordering, and much more.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us today to discover how our services can elevate your hospitality business.

Subject: Inquiry about Customized Mobile Apps

Dear AppEase Team,

My name is Alex, the owner of a beachfront B&B called SeaSpray located in Jakarta, which has been in operation for just over a year. I recently came across your website and were impressed with the services you offer.

I am interested in acquiring two customized mobile apps for our business, one for room booking and check-in/check-out the other to help us manage our operations and finances. I believe that these apps will help streamline our business processes and provide a better experience for our guests.

Could you please provide me with a quote for the development of these two mobile apps, along with an estimated timeline for completion? We would also appreciate it if you could let us know about the after-sales maintenance and upgrade costs that we should anticipate.

We are excited about the prospect of working with your team and look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,


Owner, SeaSpray Beachfront B&B

Subject: Re: Inquiry about Customized Mobile Apps

Dear Alex,

Thank you for your interest in our customized mobile app development services for your beachfront B&B. We can definitely develop two apps, one for room booking and check-in/check-out the other to help you manage your operations and finances.

To provide you with an accurate quote, we need more information about your specific requirements. Once we have that, we'll be able to give you a detailed quote and an estimated timeline for completion.

We also provide ongoing support and maintenance for the apps after the development is complete. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for considering AppEase for your mobile app needs.

Best regards,

The AppEase Team

【題組】186.What type of apps does "AppEase" specialize in designing for the hospitality industry?
(A) Apps that primarily focus on room service ordering.
(B) Apps that use cutting-edge technology to deliver innovative solutions.
(C) Apps that offer a range of features to enhance the guest experience.
(D) Apps that provide recommendations for local attractions.


Questions 191~195 refer to the following announcement, news article, and blog post. 

Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company Announcement 

Dear valued customers,

We are pleased to announce that all of the improvements we proposed last year have been successfully implemented. We believe that these measures have contributed to providing a better service and enhanced travel experience for our passengers. Below are the five measures that we implemented: 

Comfortable seating: We have replaced all old and uncomfortable seats with new ergonomic seats. The new seats have more legroom, better recline, and are more comfortable than the previous ones. 

Wi-Fi access: We have installed Wi-Fi access points on all our buses, allowing our passengers to stay connected with their friends and family while on the road.

On-time departures: We have improved our scheduling system to ensure that all buses leave on time, reducing the waiting time for our passengers.

Improved luggage handling: We have trained our staff to handle luggage more efficiently, reducing the chances of damage or loss. 

Customer service: We have established a 24/7 customer service hotline to handle inquiries, complaints, and suggestions from our customers. Our dedicated team is always ready to assist you. 

We hope that these measures have made your journey with us more comfortable, convenient, and enjoyable. We appreciate your continued support and feedback as we strive to improve our services further. 

Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company Announces High Customer Satisfaction Ratings and Improvement Measures for Remaining Issues 

We are delighted to announce that the results of our customer satisfaction survey for the first half of 2020 are in, and they are overwhelmingly positive. Our passengers have reported high levels of satisfaction with our services, and we are grateful for their continued support. 

The survey results have shown that the measures we implemented last year have been successful in improving the travel experience for our passengers. The new comfortable seating, Wi-Fi access, on-time departures, improved luggage handling, and customer service have all been well received.

However, the survey has also highlighted two areas where we need to improve further. The first is the cleanliness of our buses. While we have made efforts to maintain a high level of cleanliness, we acknowledge that there is still room for improvement. To address this, we will be increasing the frequency of bus cleaning and introducing a new system to monitor and improve the cleanliness of our buses. 

The second area is the availability of onboard amenities, such as food and beverages. While we provide bottled water to our passengers, we understand that some may want additional options. To address this, we will be introducing a new menu of snacks and drinks on our longer routes, starting from next month.

We believe that these measures will help us to address the remaining issues and continue to provide a high-quality service to our passengers. We thank our customers for their valuable feedback, which has helped us to identify areas for improvement. 

We will continue to listen to our customers and strive to improve our services further. Thank you for choosing Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company for your travel needs. 

Title: My Commute Experience with Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company: A Mixed Bag 

As a regular commuter who relies on Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company for my daily transportation needs, I have mixed feelings about the service they provide. On the one hand, I have noticed significant improvements in the past year, thanks to the measures they introduced. On the other hand, there is still one issue that frustrates me to no end: the frequency of buses during peak hours.

Let me start with the positive. The new ergonomic seats are a game-changer. They are so comfortable that I almost forget I'm on a bus. The Wi-Fi access is reliable, and I can easily catch up on work or entertainment during my commute. The staff's luggage handling has improved, and I haven't experienced any damage or loss of my belongings. And, the customer service hotline is always there to help, and they are quick to respond to any queries or concerns.

However, the one issue that persists is the frequency of buses during peak hours. As someone who needs to be at work on time, I cannot afford to miss a bus or be late due to overcrowding. It's frustrating to see buses pass by with no room for additional passengers, leaving many of us stranded and late for work. I have not seen any improvement in this area, despite the company's announcement of measures to improve scheduling.

Overall, while I acknowledge the improvements made by Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company, I am disappointed that the issue of overcrowding during peak hours has not been addressed adequately. As a regular commuter who relies on their service, it is unacceptable to be left stranded or late for work due to overcrowded buses. I urge the company to take this issue seriously and make significant changes to their scheduling and bus frequency during peak hours.

In conclusion, I expect Ten Thousands Intercity Bus Company to prioritize the needs of their customers, particularly during peak hours. While the improvements made are appreciated, they do not excuse the company from providing a reliable and timely service. I implore them to take action on this pressing issue and ensure that their service meets the needs of their customers.

【題組】193. According to the news article, what new measure will the company be introducing to improve the cleanliness of their buses?
(A) A new system to monitor and improve bus cleanliness
(B)Introduction of a new menu of snacks and drinks
(C)Increasing the frequency of bus cleaning
(D) Providing unlimited Wi-Fi access


Questions 181~185 refer to the following proposal and email. 

Subject: Proposal for daily 30-minute break with exercise routine

Dear Management Team,

As a member of the marketing department and a concerned employee, I am writing to propose the implementation of a daily 30-minute break for all staff members. As we all know, a sedentary lifestyle with prolonged sitting and little movement has negative impacts on our health.
Therefore, I believe it is crucial for us to prioritize our health and well-being while at work.

My proposal is to set aside 30 minutes every afternoon for a mandatory break, where the first 15 minutes would be spent following an online exercise routine led by a professional trainer. The remaining 15 minutes would be left to employees to take a break as they see fit, such as stretching, taking a short walk, or simply resting. 

By incorporating this daily exercise routine into our work schedule, we can improve our physical and mental health, reduce stress levels, and increase productivity in the long run. Additionally, a healthy work culture will lead to higher employee satisfaction and retention rates.

I hope that you will consider my proposal and take the necessary steps to implement this initiative. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. 


Lila Collins
Marketing Department, Enterprise Planning Assistant 

 Subject: Response to your proposal for a daily exercise break

 Dear Lila,

Thank you for your email and for sharing your proposal with us. We appreciate your concern for employee health and wellbeing, and we agree that it is important to prioritize this aspect of our work environment. 

 After careful consideration, however, we have decided not to move forward with the implementation of a daily exercise break. While we understand the benefits of regular physical activity, there are other factors that must be taken into account when making decisions that affect the entire organization. 

 Some of these factors include the nature of our business, the needs of our clients, and the demands of our industry. We also have limited resources and must allocate them effectively to achieve our organizational goals. 

 Please know that our decision is not a reflection of our commitment to employee health and wellness. We have other initiatives in place, such as flexible work arrangements and mental health support, that we believe are more suitable for our organization at this time.

 Thank you again for your proposal, and we encourage you to continue sharing your ideas and feedback with us. We value your input and look forward to working together to create a healthy and positive work environment for all. 

 Best regards, 

 Bruch Carl 
General Manager

【題組】184. According to the General Manager's response, why was the proposal not approved?
(A)Limited company resources to implement the proposal.
(B)High demand for resources from the industry.
(C)Incompatibility with the nature of the business.
(D)Lack of interest in employee well-being.


Questions 155~157 refer to the following email.

From: Jenny Morgan, General Manager
To: All staff members of the HR Department
Date: October 2

On October 5, a group of students majoring in international marketing, supply chain management and graphic design are visiting our corporate headquarters. Originally, I will give them a general tour of our company. However, I just received the news that our main rival was negotiating a contact with our biggest supplier, so I will have to fly to see the CEO of our supplier to ensure delivery and strengthen the relationship between us one day before the visit of the students.

I would like the students to be divided into three small groups. Now that our HR Department has a staff of three, I also would like each of you to lead one group. You will show them around in the Marketing Department, our main factory and laboratory, and the Information Technology Department respectively. After all the students gather at the conference room and watch the demo video on our corporate culture, they will have lunch at the cafeteria at our company’s expense. Next, I’ve assigned the CFO, Mrs. Parker to give the students a speech so they can become familiar with the financial incentives to work for us.

This is a good opportunity to gain a reputation and more importantly, to become an ideal company where university students desire to work as an intern.

Best Regards,
Jenny Morgan

【題組】156. Which of the following activities are not on the agenda for the visit of the students?
(A) Listening to the CFO’s speech on labor relations.
(B) Looking around a few departments.
(C) Eating free lunch at the staff canteen.
(D) Watching the video at the meeting room.


Questions 191~195 refer to the following information, web page, and comments. 
London's Natural History Museum has unveiled a new exhibit featuring the Patagotitan dinosaur, the largest creature to ever walk the Earth. The exhibit includes a cast of the creature's skeleton made from real fossil bones and measures 121ft from nose to tail. Visitors can walk between the dinosaur's legs and touch its bones. The Patagotitan lived 100 million years ago and weighed approximately 57 tons. The exhibit is expected to draw crowds of visitors from around the world and runs for several years.


The three-tier plan for the Patagotitan exhibition at the Natural History Museum includes a focus on the display, experience, and science of the dinosaur. Visitors can view the cast up close, walk between the dinosaur's legs, and learn about the techniques used to study the creature. The exhibition includes interactive elements such as touchscreens, tactile textures and sounds, and interactive displays to enhance the overall experience.

1. "The Patagotitan cast was the highlight of my visit to the Natural History Museum. Seeing it up close was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. by Joan Draine" 
2. "Walking between the legs of the Patagotitan was awe-inspiring. The tactile elements really brought the dinosaur to life. by Emily Davis" 
3. "I loved learning about the scientific techniques used to excavate and study the Patagotitan. The interactive displays made it easy to understand. by Rachel Lee" 
4. "The scientific information in this tier was fascinating. It was amazing to think about the world of the dinosaurs and the history of life on Earth. by Mark Briggs"

【題組】192. What is the focus of Tier 3 of the Patagotitan exhibition at the Natural History Museum?
(A) The scientific techniques used to study the dinosaur.
(B) The experience of walking between the dinosaur's legs.
(C) Viewing the cast up close and from different angles.
(D) Mock excavation sites and digital simulations.


Questions 158~160 refer to the following letter.

Jessica: Hi Lucy, how can I help you today?

Lucy: Hi Jessica, it's been really difficult for me to book an appointment with you for next week. I'm a regular guest of yours and I would expect better service. 

Jessica: I'm sorry to hear that, Lucy. We're in high season right now, so it's been really busy. What dates and times are you available?

Lucy: I've been trying to find a time that works for me for days. I can't do next Thursday at 2 pm because I have a meeting. Friday is completely booked up, and Saturday is not possible because I have a family event. This is really frustrating. 

Jessica: I understand, Lucy. I wish I could fit you in somewhere, but my schedule is completely full. I can put you on the waiting list in case there's a cancellation, but I can't guarantee anything. 

Lucy: This is unacceptable. I'm a loyal customer, and I should be able to get an appointment. I'll have to find another stylist who values my business. 

Jessica: I'm sorry you feel that way, Lucy. I assure you that we value your business, but high season is a challenging time. If you change your mind, please let me know and we can try to find a time that works for you.

【題組】158. Why is Lucy having trouble booking an appointment with Jessica?
(A)Jessica is not available next week.
(B)Lucy is not available during Jessica's available times.
(C)It is high season and Jessica's schedule is booked.
(D)Lucy is not happy with Jessica's service.


Questions158~160 refer to the following conversation.

Robert: Hi Winnie and Lisa, I think we need to discuss the current state of our company. With the recent financial crisis, we're running low on funds. We might have to let go of some employees.

Winnie: I agree, Robert. It's not an easy decision, but we have to ensure the sustainability of our company.

Lisa: I understand where you're coming from, but have we considered other options like reducing employee benefits or cutting expenses?

Robert: We have already reduced employee benefits, Lisa. And we have already cut down expenses to the bare minimum.

Winnie: Unfortunately, we have to face the reality that letting go of some employees is the only option left.

Lisa: But our employees are like family to us. We can't just let them go without exploring other alternatives.

Robert: I know it's a difficult decision, Lisa. But we have to do what's best for the company to survive. 

Winnie: Let's not forget that keeping the company afloat is also in the best interest of our employees who will still have jobs.

Lisa: I see your point, Winnie. Maybe we can explore options like reducing work hours or offering unpaid leave to some employees.

Robert: That's a good point, Lisa. Let's consider all options before making a final decision.

Winnie: Agreed. We'll schedule a meeting with HR to discuss alternative solutions before making any decisions. 

 Lisa: Thank you, Winnie and Robert, for considering alternative solutions. I think we owe it to our employees to explore all options before making any drastic decisions.

Robert: Absolutely, Lisa. We're all in this together, and we'll get through this as a team.

【題組】160. What did Winnie emphasize as a reason for keeping the company afloat?
(A)It has a strategic significance in the market it operates in.
(B)It serves as an investment vehicle for the employees who remain in the company.
(C)It contributes to the social and economic well-being of the community it serves.
(D)It has a symbiotic relationship with other companies in its supply chain.


Questions 186~190 refer to the following webpage, form, and email.
Fashion-Fitness Gym (FFG) Membership Cancellation & Refund Policy

● Within the first three days of signing your membership agreement, you can cancel with no penalties.
● Within the first year of your contract, but after the first three days, you can cancel at any time by paying three months of your membership, or the remaining part of your Annual/12-month membership.

Cancellations will be accepted via the FFG Membership Cancellation Request Form on the FFG official website, and must be received by the stated cancellation deadline. In addition:

● All refund requests must be made by the member.
● Refund requests must include the name of the member.

The above policies apply to all FFG memberships.

FFG Membership Cancellation Request Form

● Full name: Eason Casey
● Email: ceason0126@orilionking.com
● What type of membership did you have with us?
63ec82e286235.jpg Annual/12-Month Membership
 Continuous Monthly Membership
● What would you like to do?
 To cancel my membership
63ec82ebbf126.jpg To put my membership on hold instead of canceling
● Which trainer did you go with on a regular basis?
 Uncle Larry
 Monkey Monk
 Lakeside Oliver
63ec82f8bc8eb.jpg Spiral Kevin
 I didn’t follow anyone.
● Reason for cancelling
 Dissatisfaction with facilities
 Dissatisfaction with staff
 Never achieved fitness goals
 Never felt motivated
63ec83034d46e.jpg Injured
 Relocated or Not convenient
 Other: _____
●Do you have a locker?
 Yes
63ec830c96654.jpg No
Please remember to remove your belongings prior to the day you submit this form. If you do not remove your items, they will be bagged and stored at the Equipment Issue Desk for one week, then destroyed or donated.

● Please share your suggestions for improving member experience.
Some toilet facilities are not working and causing high humidity, which might be harmful to health. Several times I have seen the cleaners having a group chat, neglecting their work.

● You can make more comments here.
I got hurt in a road accident during a business trip but my company didn’t consider it an occupational accident. I am going to take legal action against my company. I’d like to put my membership on hold until I get this matter settled once and for all. Maybe it will take a year to process.

63ec8316eaa36.jpg I acknowledge and accept the terms for cancellation.

We hate to see you go. Please fill out this form and we will be in touch with you shortly by email to finalize cancelling your membership.

From: Tina Flanders
To: Eason Casey
Subject: About the refund

In response to your request for putting your membership on hold, we are sorry for the accident and would like to inform you that the necessary formalities have been completed. -- [1] -- By law, you will receive a full refund payment when the reason for the cancellation is injury. You will receive the payment by the end of this week. -- [2] --

Since you are fully refunded, you will not need to renew your membership. -- [3] --Instead, you will always be welcome to apply for one at the same branch. -- [4] -- An alternative way is to reply to me and I will send you the latest information about a discount on membership dues. I look forward to you.

Best Regards,
Tina Flanders


【題組】189. Which of the following is NOT true?
(A) Eason Casey had an argument with FFG’s cleaning staff.
(B) FFG has four trainers at the very least.
(C) FFG currently offers two kinds of membership plans.
(D) Eason Casey made the refund request by submitting an online form.


Questions 143~146 refer to the following news release.

 ABC Trading Company Denies Recent Allegations of Bullying in the Workplace 

 ABC Trading Company denies the recent allegations of bullying in the workplace that __143__ in the media. We take all allegations of workplace bullying seriously and are currently investigating the matter to ensure that our policies and procedures are being followed.

We would like to assure our employees, customers, and stakeholders that ABC Trading Company has a strict __144__ towards any form of harassment, including bullying. Our workplace culture is built on respect, inclusivity, and professionalism, and we pride ourselves on maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for all.

We understand that workplace bullying can have a profound impact on individuals and the workplace as a whole, and we are committed to __145__ all necessary steps to prevent and address any such behavior. Our investigation into this matter is ongoing, and we will take appropriate action if any evidence of bullying is found.

ABC Trading Company would like to encourage any employee who feels they have been a victim of bullying to come forward and report it through our internal channels. __146__ 

 For more information, please contact service@mail.abctrading.com.

(A) take


Questions 139~142 refer to the following text.

The new CEO of AHO Corp. has launched __139__ new initiatives to reinvigorate the company's growth and profitability. Among the most significant of these initiatives is a comprehensive restructuring plan that __140__ to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. The plan involves consolidating departments, outsourcing certain functions, and upgrading technology infrastructure to enhance communication and data management. Besides, the CEO has prioritized investment in employee training and development programs to foster a more skilled and engaged __141__ . To support these efforts, the company has also expanded its marketing and sales efforts, targeting new customer segments and expanding its product offerings. __142__

(A) employment
(B) workforce
(C) personnel
(D) employer


Questions 181 ~ 185 refer to the following social media post and comments.

Attention coffee lovers!
We're excited to announce that our cafe chain is expanding, with our 10th location opening soon.

As soon as our doors open, you can expect the best coffee experience with our loyalty program, which includes a coffee of your choice every week, crafted by our experienced baristas, helping you start your day right.

Plus, our FREE mobile app allows you to order ahead, skip the line, and earn reward points,which can be exchanged for exclusive cafe merchandise or even limited-edition coffee blends.

With our cozy and welcoming cafes, you'll have access to high-quality coffee blends,roasted to perfection, designed to enhance your daily routine, and make it enjoyable at the same time.

And that's not all! To celebrate the opening of our 10th location, we're offering a BIG discount for all food items! Join our community of coffee lovers and take advantage of this amazing offer today!

Don't wait any longer! Be one of the first to experience the best coffee journey with our cafe.Stay tuned for updates and more information.

#coffeeaddict #coffeelover#cafevibes
Comment Section
1. Tom: "I can't wait for the new cafe to open! The loyalty program is such a great deal, and the coffee is always delicious. I've been using the mobile app to order ahead, and it's a game-changer!"

2. Rita: "I love the cozy atmosphere of the cafes and the high-quality coffee blends. The loyalty program is a great way to try different flavors, and I can't wait to exchange my reward points for some exclusive cafe merchandise."

3. Frank: "As a coffee lover, I appreciate the attention to detail and care that the baristas put into crafting  each cup of coffee. The loyalty program is a great value, and I've already exchanged my reward points for a stylish coffee mug from the exclusive merchandise collection." 

【題組】184.When the post first shows up on social media, how many cafe branches are there?
(A) Nine.
(C)Less than five.
(D)More than ten.


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