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試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 歷屆指定科目模擬考試:英文科#98327
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1. To provide the public a strong _______ to conserve energy, some officials purpose that the government should consider offering power saving rewards.
(A) aptitude
(B) alternative
(C) compensation
(D) incentive


2. The poor kid  _______  to death in the car in this scorching hot weather because of the carelessness of his teacher.
(A) vacuumed
(B) trampled
(C) suffocated
(D) restrained


3. The tickets to the famous group’s concert were sold out within minutes. It’s  _______  impossible to get any one now unless you buy scalper tickets.
(A) virtually
(B) symbolically
(C) analytically
(D) deliberately


4. It appears that some information was  _______ slipped to the judge.
(A) anonymously
(B) unanimously
(C) spontaneously
(D) simultaneously


5. As long as you work hard, it is never too late to _______   learning a new language.
(A) command
(B) commence
(C) commend
(D) comment


6. The education program is quite _______   . It includes various courses for students of different ages.
(A) medieval
(B) crooked
(C) comprehensive
(D) extravagant


7. I like to be with teenagers. Their _______   is very infectious.
(A) regime
(B) vitality
(C) spectrum
(D) rationality


8. After Jessie’s boyfriend confessed he had been cheating on her, she became _______   , crying and yelling.
(A) redundant
(B) objective
(C) articulate
(D) hysterical


9. People who are _______   to the flu are strongly advised to get vaccine, since this can help them build up their immunity.
(A) delicate
(B) feeble
(C) fragile
(D) vulnerable


10. World Toilet Day has been established to tackle the globe _______   crisis. Public health is threatened as there are still billions of people living without access to clean toilets.
(A) sanitation
(B) hygiene
(D) famine


         The term staycation refers to a period in which someone stays home and participates in leisure activities within driving distance, sleeping in his / her own beds at night. Common activities of a staycation include use of the backyard pool, visits to local museums, and   11    at local festivals. Most of the time a staycation involves dining out and having food   12     more frequently than usual. Staycations have many benefits. A staycation is far less costly than a traditional vacation. There are no lodging costs, for instance. Besides, staycationers do not suffer from the stress associated with long-distance travel, such as packing, long drives waits at airports, and jet lag. 
          13     staycationers are close to their places of employment, they may be tempted to go back to work occasionally. Staycationers may also finish a stay-at-home vacation feeling unsatisfied if they allow themselves to fall into their daily   14     . However, these problem can be avoided if staycationers strictly   15     rules that makes the experience feel like a get-away, such as “no checking e-mails” and “no watching television.” Just like every good travel adventure, every good staycation needs a plan.

(A) occupation
(B) cooperation
(C) reliance
(D) attendance

12( ).

(A) deliver
(B) delivered
(C) delivering
(D) to deliver


(A) As
(B) Though
(C) Despite
(D) Due to


(A) category
(B) monotony
(C) occurrence
(D) resistance


(A) beware of
(B) indulge in
(C) abide by
(D) qualify for


         Merriam-Webster, the renowned reference book company, has given the word “they” a new definition. It now lists “they” as   16    a “single person whose gender identity is non-binary.” Actually, plenty of government agencies, public schools and private companies have introduced the gender choice of “X” to   17     people who do not see themselves as male or female. It may be a perfect choice for gender   18       people changing between genders from time to time.
         Using “they” in place of “he” or “she”   19     people who did not “conform to an expected gender expression,” stated Merriam-Webster. “We’ve struggled to find the right language to describe these people, and in particular, the right   20     ,” it admitted. In fact, “they” has been “singular” a long time ago. William Shakespeare used it as early as 17th century. Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright, also wrote: “No man goes to battle to be killed ... But they do get killed,” in his play around 200 years later.

【題組】 16.
(A) referring to
(B) speaking of
(C) comparing with
(D) complying with


(A) adapt
(B) accommodate
(C) manipulate
(D) navigate


(A) efficient
(B) diligent
(C) constant
(D) fluid


(A) recognizing
(B) had recognized
(C) recognizes
(D) to recognize


(A) concept
(B) declaration
(C) pronoun
(D) theme


三、文意選填 21.至30.題為題組
         In an attempt to reassure the public as price hikes threaten to spin out of control, the premier said yesterday that the government can try and hold the inflation at   21      by means of interest rate and foreign exchange adjustments, government policies and price checks. The premier, however, did not elaborate on   22     the Central Bank will raise interest rates or interfere with currency exchange rates to   23    inflation. He claimed inflation to be a “natural phenomenon” of socio-economic development, saying that the government’s current policies as mentioned above can be of great significance for us to alleviate the soaring price.
         24    the rising electricity price blamed for subsequent price fluctuations, the premier said the new rates will go into effect in accordance with the law, but he added that a review of   25    the legislature had discussed concerning utilities price adjustment is needed. The Legislature’s Economics Committee passed a resolution days earlier to review the operational   26     and cost structure of state-run power company and demanded that any future rate change of electricity be first deliberated by a Cabinet review committee and   27   by the Legislature.   28    arbitrary price increases “self-fulling prophecies”, the premier said he would direct the Fair Trade Commission (FTC) to work out measures to tackle the price rising. The FTC also   29    the business found guilty of the rising price to be fined up to NT$25 million.   30   the premier’s“self-fulling prophecies” theory, the president also announced that the government shall try everything it can to stabilize price hikes as it has become one of the most important factors affecting every fellow citizen in the country.

 (AB)echoing (AC) efficiency (AD)bay (AE)combat (BC)scrutinized (BD)calling (BE)on (CD)whether (CE)what (DE)with (ABC)condemned (ABD)home

【題組】 21.




















四、篇章結構 31.至35.題為題組
        It is reported that a 13-year-old girl went to a cosmetic center for a Botox injection in Taiwan.   31      . However, today’s modern society’s pressure to look young, slim and attractive are driving more and more people to choose cosmetic surgeries to achieve their aesthetic looks to a crazy degree.
       With cosmetic techniques becoming less invasive and less expensive, more and more common people today are able to fulfill their dreams about flawless looks – both of their face and of their bodies.      32   . This is because, while cosmetic surgeries generally produce dramatic results, there are cases where patients regret their uninformed decision followed by dissatisfactory results.   33      . The aesthetic outcome of any cosmetic procedure depends most on their hands of your surgeon. Making sure your surgeon has a proven track record in the field of cosmetic surgery is a top priority. In addition, the risk factors associated with cosmetic surgeries should be taken into account. This is after all a surgery and no surgery can be completely free of some risks such as infections. The cosmetic surgeries come with the risk of dissymmetrical outcome, removal of too much skin, internal bleeding and so on.  34  .
         Lastly, while thinking of undergoing a cosmetic surgery, you should ask yourself a question. “Am I considering cosmetic surgery for myself or to please someone else?” It is critically important for a potential plastic surgery patient to understand that the decision to undergo the surgery should not be done just to please someone else, but to boost your own confidence. It is certainly wrong to believe that the world will change after the surgery.   35    . Some research findings indicate many cosmetic surgery patients suffer emotional scars and some are even prone to suicidal. Keep in mind that you are your own master.
(AB)Before jumping into decision, male your doctor clearly explain the possible risk factors.
(AC)To make yourself more attractive by means of plastic surgery is to help restore your own confidence.
(AD)After all, beauty is only skin deep.
(AE)For many people, it doesn’t make any sense.
(BC)First, if you are one of those who want to try cosmetic surgery, then you have to know your surgeon well.
(BD)However, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) strongly recommends that patients should to extensive research before undergoing plastic surgery.

【題組】 31.










         A Cambridge research team studied young and old rat brains to understand the impact of age- related brain stiffening on the function of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). These cells are a type of brain stem cell important for maintaining normal brain function, and for the regeneration of myelin – a protective cover that surrounds our nerves. Myelin is damaged in multiple sclerosis (MS), a disease in nervous system, which causes physical, mental, and even psychiatric problems. The effects of age on OPCs contributes to MS, but OPCs also gradually lose their function with age in healthy people.
         To determine whether the loss of function in aged OPCs in reversible, the researchers transplanted older OPCs from aged rats into the soft, spongy brains of younger animals. Remarkably, the older brain cells were rejuvenated, and began to behave like the younger, more vigorous cells.
         To fully understand how brain softness and stiffness influences cell behavior, the researchers investigated Piezol – a protein found on the cell surface, which informs the cell whether the surrounding environment is soft or stiff. When Piezol was removed from the surface of aged brain stem cells, they were tricked into perceiving a soft surrounding environment, even when they were growing on the stiff material. Moreover, when Piezol was deleted in the OPCs within the aged rat brains, the cells becoming rejuvenated and once again able to assume their normal regenerative function.
         Dr. Susan Kohlhass stated, “The Cambridge team’s discoveries on how brain cells age and how this process might be reversed have important implications for future treatment for MS, because it gives us a new target to address issues associated with aging and MS, including how to regain lost function in the brain.”

【題組】 36. What is the main purpose of this research?
(A) To investigate how myelin is function in MS.
(B) To learn more about the origin of the gene, Piezol.
(C) To know more about oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs).
(D) To understand more about the disease, multiple sclerosis (MS).


【題組】37. According to this passage, which of the following is true?
(A) If myelin cannot reproduce, our nerves cannot function normally.
(B) Aging of the brain cells is a natural process, which cannot be reversed.
(C) Older brain cells cannot function normally because of the soft environment.
(D) How brain stem cells age has little relation with the treatment for MS.


【題組】38. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease in nervous system. What is harmed in it?
(A) OPCs
(B) Piezol
(C) Myelin
(D) Brain stem cells

39( ).

【題組】39. Which of the following is true about Piezol?
(A) Piezol lets out a chemical to help brain cells grow and regenerate.
(B) Piezol rubs out the surface of brain cells and gets them younger.
(C) Piezol is a special chemical that gives signals to brain cells.
(D) Piezol is a kind of protein that can detect the brain stiffness or softness.

40( ).

         Belgium is famous for its chocolate, enjoyed by visitors to Brussels. This very popular and widely consumed delicacy nowadays is worth more than we can ever imagine. In fact, cocoa beans were served as a means of payment for the Maya and the Aztecs. After The Aztecs seized the Mayan people’s land and their economy, they inherited such a trading system with the help of cocoa beans. This commodity money became an integral part of the day-to-day transaction in the empire. As an example, a rabbit could be traded for ten cocoa beans, while a hundred were needed to buy a slave.
         In order to be used as money, an object must meet certain criteria such as sufficient rarity or preciousness. The value of cocoa is largely determined by the difficulties inherent in planting the cacao trees and its low yield, both of which make cocoa an expensive commodity and important means of payment in primitive societies. However, like any well-trusted currency, cocoa beans also fell victim to counterfeiting in various forms. For instance, they are often emptied by sneaky defrauders and then filled up with mud or stones so that they can gain equivalent weight as genuine ones.
        Cocoa was without a doubt the main currency in the history of Central and South America. It remained the mainstream currency there until the beginning of the 19th century. Even though cocoa no longer has a place in the monetary system, it is no less important and features prominently among the raw materials quoted on the commodity exchanges. Moreover, chocolate established its new empire, notably in the “medical” field, where it acts as an anti-depressant. For centuries, chocolate has never failed to charm us for being versatile, rising from a symbol of the rich and privileged to the cure for moodiness and depression in the field of psychiatry.

【題組】 40. What is mainly discussed in the essay regarding cocoa beans?
(A) The ups and downs of the production of cocoa beans.
(B) Their role in the daily transaction for the ancient native Americans.
(C) Medical breakthrough with the aid of chocolate.
(D) Profitable business of growing chocolate beans.

41( ).

【題組】41. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) The value of cocoa beans results from the belief associated with holy spirits.
(B) Value of cocoa beans was later standardized due to notorious defrauding.
(C) It is the Aztecs that invented the transaction system with cocoa beans.
(D) Cocoa beans used to be a widely recognized currency in South America.

42( ).

【題組】42. What might the author continue to discuss in the follow-up paragraph?
(A) The new leaf of the chocolate business for South American countries.
(B) Discovery of the great profits generated from the use of cocoa beans.
(C) The development of a modern variation of cocoa beans as currency.
(D) How chocolate leads to severe moodiness and even depression.

43( ).

【題組】43. What can be implied by the fact that cocoa beans were targeted by counterfeiting?
(A) The hollow structure of the beans can be hardly found in most plant species.
(B) Traditional transaction systems were pulled down by greedy businessmen.
(C) The value of cocoa beans has been through tremendous rise and plunge.
(D) They were widely recognized by the public as a mainstream currency.

44( ).

         Do you know that iPhone users from different parts of the world may see different emojis on their keyboards? Apple’s iPhone users in China’s two special administrative regions, Hong Kong and Macau, will not see the Taiwanese flag emoji on their keyboards once they update to iOS 13.1, according to a recent report.
         Apple’s move is more than simply canceling an emoji. This symbolizes Apple’s continued corporate subservience to the Chinese government, in spite of Hongkongers’ on-going pro-democracy protests. But actually, it is hardly news at all. Apple has kowtowed to Chinese requests when it removed the Taiwanese flag emoji in China two years ago. Moreover, Apple is only one of the numerous companies making such a move catering to the Chinese government. For example, Google, despite the protest staged by its employees, has been working on Dragonfly, a search engine dedicated to users in Mainland China. Meanwhile, Microsoft censors itself for China on LinkedIn and Bing, screening out contents the Chinese government sees unfit. ByteDance, a company related to video-sharing app TikTok, seems to have cancelled the Hong Kong protests from its platform.
         Practically across the board, money outweighs politics. Companies prioritize access to the massive Chinese market over democratic concerns. Daryl Morey, general manager of the Houston Rockets, sparked off a firestorm of criticism right after he tweeted his concern and support for Hong Kong’s protestors. The NBA basketball league made an official apology to China without hesitation when Chinese companies withdrew sponsorships and Tencent Sports canceled its broadcasts of Rockets games.
         Outside China and its special administrative regions, the Taiwan flag emoji is still accessible on iPhone users’ keyboards. It is also available to those who have their iPhone’s region set to anywhere but Mainland China, Macau, or Hong kong. But ultimately, absence of the Taiwanese flag emoji from the Apple library in China and its special administrative regions represents how the Communist Party projects its ideology, even through non-Chinese companies.

【題組】 44. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
(A) Apple bows to China by deleting Taiwan flag emoji
(B) How Chinese government controls politics through its ideology
(C) Deleting Taiwanese flag serves as a punishment to iPhone users
(D) All corporations fear to lose Chinese market

45( ).

【題組】45. Where does the passage most likely appear?
(A) Mobile User Manual.
(B) Travel Brochure.
(C) Sports Forum.
(D) News Weekly.

46( ).

【題組】46. What does “subservience” mean in the second paragraph?
(A) Service.
(B) Cooperation.
(C) Obedience.
(D) Marketing.

47( ).

【題組】47. Why is the NBA incident mentioned towards the end of the passage?
(A) To prove that most companies would stick to their standards and beliefs when it comes to business.
(B) To point out the similarity between Apple’s canceling Taiwanese flag and the Rocket’s apology.
(C) To simply compare the different responses made by Apple and NBA toward China.
(D) To stress the Chinese government’s friendly relationship with non-Chinese companies.

48( ).

         As a German-born Jewish American, Hannah Arendt impressed the world with her political report on the trial of the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in her dispatch, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Arendt argued that Eichmann, though working for Nazi Germany in the massacre of the Jewish people, was no more than a thoughtless and ignorant cog mobilized by the evil Nazi party. The deeds of Eichmann were abhorrent, but the evildoer himself was, according to Arendt, “terrifyingly normal.” He was not a cruel soldier but a mindless bureaucrat who spent his entire life following orders. However, Arendt’s articles on the normality of evil put her under severe criticism as she was accused of playing down the genocide of the Jews in WWII. Some even claimed Arendt identified more with the Nazis than with the Jews.
         In fact, Arendt made it clear that Eichmann should be hanged for his crimes and that the Holocaust was undoubtedly an appalling act of mass murder in human history. For decades after WWII, the Nazi has been universally depicted as monsters while Arendt intended to challenge how we understand the Nazis. She later proved Eichmann’s participation in the genocide resulted from a failure of sound thinking and irrational hatred against the Jews. As debilitated Germany struggled in the defeat of WWI, Hitler successfully pinned the blame on the Jews for the collapse of the economy and exploited the anger of the people to orchestrate the Holocaust. Eichmann functioned in the administrative machinery, blindly carrying out orders without a thorough consideration of the consequences. In a broader sense, the Nazi committed an assault on thinking and their success remained a warning of how fragile human mind can be in the face of a dictator who was skilled at manipulating the public voice and sabotaging people’s critical thinking ability.

【題組】 48. What is the main purpose of this article?
(A) To examine Adolf Eichmann’s numerous war crimes in depth.
(B) To discuss the effects brought by Nazi Germany to the Jews.
(C) To explore the idea that the genocide of the Jews was abnormal.
(D) To elaborate on Hannah Arendt’s views on a German war criminal.

49( ).

【題組】49. Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to “cog” in the first paragraph?
(A) An action follower.
(B) A plan organizer.
(C) A machine maintainer.
(D) A project sponsor.

50( ).

【題組】50. Why were people upset about Hannah Arendt’s comments on Adolf Eichmann?
(A) They doubted whether she actually attended Eichmann’s trial.
(B) They thought her articles were made up of lies and conspiracies.
(C) They believed she minimized the crimes of the Nazi in her reports.
(D) They thought she betrayed her motherland in World War II.


【題組】51. In Hannah Arendt’s article, Adolf Eichmann was most likely described as ______.
(A) An evildoer who aimed to eliminate the Jewish people
(B) A blindfolded mission conductor committing a grave crime
(C) A well-educated Germany bureaucrat who assisted Hitler
(D) An intellectual who supported the genocide of the Jews


【題組】52. 游泳是鍛鍊全身和心血管系統的絕佳方式,它所消耗的卡路里比陸上運動還要多。

【題組】53. 除此之外,游泳對你的骨骼和關節不會有任何不良影響;因此,藉由游泳來減肥會是 一個不錯的選擇。

 請以「長大的感覺」為題,寫一篇文長至少150個單詞(words)的作文,寫出你對於自己一 年一年長大的看法,以及你對於成長過程的感受。

試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 歷屆指定科目模擬考試:英文科#98327-阿摩線上測驗
