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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106年第一次交通部航海人員測驗【301】一等船副【000003】船舶通訊與航海英文#60913
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1. 兩船船橋間有關船舶安全運轉之通信,可使用VHF第幾頻道?
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) 13


2. 船舶在慶典時掛滿旗,幾面方旗中夾掛一面尖旗?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5


3. 進港後之船舶應遵守1972年國際海上避碰規則規定之安全速度行駛,係該規則第幾條之規定 ?
(A) 第三條
(B) 第四條
(C) 第五條
(D) 第六條


4. A: What is your intention of calling this port? Over. B: We are calling at this port for replenishment of fuel oil. Over. Question: What is the ship’s intention of calling at this port?
(A) To take fresh water.
(B) To take fuel oil.
(C) To repaire the ship.
(D) To load the ship.


5. Reference as the situations: We will be crossing the Atlantic Ocean, passing through the Panama Canal, and then heading for Kaohsiung. Which one of the followings is correct ?
(A) We will cross the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean.
(B) We will cross the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean.
(C) We will Cross the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean.
(D) We will transit Panama Canal and Suez Canal.


6. ”A round through the vessel carried out by a crew member of the watch at certain intervals so that an outbreak of fire may be promptly detected.” defines ________
(A) Fire drill
(B) Fire control
(C) Fire patrol
(D) Smoke detection


7. When the ship causes oil pollution to the port, she will be __________ .
(A) fined
(B) paid
(C) deducted
(D) levied


8. For ship position, which one of the following has been verified?
(A) EP position
(B) Take bearing
(C) GPS position
(D) DR position


9. All persons who are assigned duty as officer in charge of a watch or as a rating forming part of a watch and those whose duties involve designated safety, prevention of pollution and security duties shall be provided with a rest period of not less than:a minimum of 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period; and77 hours in any 7-day period.The hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one of which shall be at least 6 hours in length, and the intervals between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours.Parties may allow exceptions from the required hours of rest in paragraphs mentioned above provided that the rest period is not less than 70 hours in any 7-day period. 正常狀況下,休息時間可以分段,但不能超過幾個時段?
(A) 2個時段
(B) 3個時段
(C) 6個時段
(D) 7個時段


10. 在基隆港管制區範圍內航行之船舶,除VHF16頻道外,還應守值VHF那個頻道,以備緊急 狀況時連繫?
(A) 14
(B) 22
(C) 24
(D) 70


11. The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off sufficient vapors to form a flammable mixture with air is known as the __________ .
(A) flash point
(B) fire point
(C) lower explosive limit
(D) threshold limit value


12. When a vessel is on autopilot steering, the "weather" control is adjusted to compensate for which severe weather effect on a vessel?
(A) Yaw
(B) Roll
(C) Pitch
(D) Leeway


13. By SMCP, choose one of the following sentences for expressing ”Vessel’s intention is to overtake the vessel that is proceeding ahead of her on her port side - course 135 degr. at 12 kn.”
(A) “Intention: I will pass you on your port side - my course: one three five degrees, my speed one two knots”.
(B) “Intention: I will overtake you on your port side - my course: one three five degrees, my speed one two knots”.
(C) “Intention: I wish to pass you on your port side - my course: one three five degrees, my speed one two knots”.
(D) “Intention: I could overtake you on your port side - my course: one three five degrees, my speed one two knots”.


14. What is the noun below that can be used to describe a place assigned to a vessel when anchored or lying alongside a pier?
(A) Poop deck
(B) Berth
(C) Platform
(D) Gangway


15. What is the term that can be used to describe the length of 6 feet?
(A) Fathom
(B) Cable
(C) Pace
(D) Shackle


16. 若於日間使用信號旗時,指導有遇險人員或船員的小艇,且此處登岸極度危險,較佳登岸 地點在遇險船的左側,則先以白旗一面作何動作,然後將白旗置放於地上,並手持另一面白旗走向 左側?
(A) 水平運動
(B) 垂直運動
(C) 繞圈運動
(D) 高舉不動


17. 在日間時,救生站或海上搜救單位對遇險船舶或人員,發出將儘速前往援助之煙霧信號 ,需用哪種顏色?
(A) 黃
(B) 綠
(C) 紅
(D) 橙


18. 圖示信號旗所代表之字母依規定全名(code word)是: phpNRFt7V.png


19. A: Keelung VTS. This is MV Ocean Uni. I have engine failure. I am not under control. B: Ocen Uni. This is Keelung VTS. You should leave traffic lane by keeping to starboard side as close as practicable, Over. Question: What’s wrong with the MV Ocean Uni?
(A) It has got an engine failure.
(B) It has left the traffic lane by mistake.
(C) It has collided with other vessel.
(D) It has come across a head-on situation.


20. Which document below contains the names of crew and their positions and functions when the ship is in an emergency?
(A) Check list
(B) Manifest
(C) Cargo list
(D) Muster list


21. Which of the followings could not cause over pressure of cargo tank of tanker ?
(A) Loading rate too high.
(B) Discharging rate too high.
(C) Seizure of the venting valve.
(D) Incorrect setting of the tank’s vapor isolating valve.


22. Single turn is an effective manoeuvring method for the ______ situation.
(A) person overboard
(B) shallow water
(C) heavy weather
(D) poor visibility


23. ______ is a short piece of rope attached to the stem of a lifeboat for towing or making the boat faster.
(A) Stern line
(B) Painter
(C) Forward spring
(D) Breast line


24. 船舶遇難信號中,發射星簇火箭應使用何種顏色?
(A) 黃
(B) 紅
(C) 藍
(D) 紫


25. 遇險者回應援救飛機已明瞭信號,其摩爾斯燈號代碼為何?
(A) “C”
(B) “T”
(C) “X”
(D) “Y”


26. 摩爾斯碼信號「‧‧─‧(點、點、劃、點)」,代表何信號?
(A) Charlie
(B) Delta
(C) Echo
(D) Foxtrot


27. 以汽笛發出遇險信號,應如何發出聲響?
(A) 每隔2分鐘
(B) 每隔3分鐘
(C) 每隔5分鐘
(D) 連續發出


28. 旗號通信中,船舶速度信號的數字前冠以何字(旗)表示節數(Knot)?
(A) S
(B) V
(C) R
(D) M


29. Change the radar to _____-motion north-up.
(A) bearing
(B) heading
(C) true
(D) movement


30. 中頻(MF)無線電發射頻率之頻率範圍為何?
(A) 30~300 KHz
(B) 300~3000 KHz
(C) 30~300 MHz
(D) 300~3000 MHz


31. Please answer to the questions by the following article:To ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the ship security plan, drills should be conducted at least once every three months, in cases where more than 25 percent of ship's personnel that has not previously participated in any drill on the ship, within the last months, a drill should be conducted within one week of the change. These drills should test individual elements of the plan. If there are twenty crewmembers on your ship and three members have been changed at this port, the ship took place the drills last month, you should do ISPS drills within _____.
(A) three months
(B) one week
(C) twenty-four hours
(D) keep going as usual


32. If no crew was changed within last four months, the ISPS drills should be conducted _____.
(A) at least once
(B) at least once within last six month
(C) at least once in a year
(D) twice within eighteen months


33. In cases where more than 25 percent of ship’s personnel has been changed, for the sake of safety, you had better conduct the drills within _____.
(A) 24 hours
(B) seven days
(C) one month
(D) three months


34. Who shall be liable for the drills familiarization?
(A) Master
(B) C/M
(D) Everyone


35. 表示“I am dragging my anchor.”(我船正在走錨)的單字母信號,是何字母?
(A) Y
(B) X
(C) T
(D) U


36. 根據國際海事組織標準船舶報告制度(SRS),“B(Bravo)”之後應報告日期時間,下列 何者為其表示方式?
(A) ddhhmm
(B) mmhhdd
(C) hhmmdd
(D) mmddhh


37. Stow flammable goods _____ from the engine bulkhead.
(A) clear
(B) away
(C) out
(D) far


38. 下列關於「商船搜索與海難救助手冊」對於「遇險特別標示」中之對空求救信號,下列何 者正確?
(A) 紅色帆布,其上布置一白色方形與一白色圓形標誌
(B) 白色帆布,其上布置一紅色方形與一紅色圓形標誌
(C) 橙色帆布,其上布置一黑色方形與一黑色圓形標誌
(D) 藍色帆布,其上布置一白色方形與一白色圓形標誌


39. 為避免干擾VHF CH16之通信安全,VHF特別規劃有兩個護衛頻道(guard band)護衛 CH16,此兩頻道之編號(CH)為何?
(A) 15/17
(B) 60/62
(C) 75/76
(D) 88/90


40. 12 hours gale warning valid from 0715040600 UTC. From this message, the warning is expected to be valid from what date and time?
(A) 0715 UTC, Apr 6th, 2000
(B) 0600 UTC, Jul 15th, 2004
(C) 0715 UTC, Jul 4th, 2000
(D) 0600 UTC, Apr 15th, 2007


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106年第一次交通部航海人員測驗【301】一等船副【000003】船舶通訊與航海英文#60913-阿摩線上測驗

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