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124. It _____ experience to be an effective leader, as understanding how to motivate and inspire a team is a skill that develops over time.
(A) takes
(C) costs
(D) expends


108. Surprisingly, our main rival’s booth was _____ visitors in spite of its poor location.
(A) crowded with
(B) dedicated to
(C) criticized for
(D) worthy of


122. Ten local companies have made the decision to _____ support the construction project.
(A) finance
(D) financially


117. The local museum was looking for volunteers to _____ some time to help with their upcoming fundraising event.
(B) order


130. An approach that prioritizes financial stability and responsible spending has been instrumental in helping the organization _____ economic downturns and emerge stronger from financial challenges.
(B) thunderstorm

6( ).

Questions 196~200 refer to the following article, advertisement, and email.
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has become a popular topic in the business world in recent years, as more and more organizations recognize its value in developing their employees. EQ training programs have been designed to help employees better understand and manage their emotions, as well as understand and respond to the emotions of their colleagues and customers. This type of training has been shown to have a positive impact on employees in commercial enterprises, leading to improved communication, collaboration, and overall job satisfaction.
642fbaf4e1ae0.jpgEmployees who possess these key elements of high EQ are often able to build stronger relationships with their colleagues, provide better customer service, and work more effectively in teams. They are also more likely to be resilient in the face of challenges, and to achieve their personal and professional goals. EQ training programs can help employees develop these skills and become more effective and successful in the workplace.

Emotional Intelligence Hub
This one-day training program is designed to help entry-level employees and managers at a commercial enterprise develop key emotional intelligence skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, motivation, and social skills. By providing practical techniques and strategies for managing emotions, building stronger relationships, and achieving personal and professional goals, this training program can help employees become more effective and successful in the workplace.
Morning Session (for Entry-Level Employees)
Afternoon Session (for Managers)
Subject: Request for Emotional Intelligence Training Program for Small Tech Startup

Dear Emotional Intelligence Hub team,

I am writing to inquire about the emotional intelligence training program that your organization offers. As the founder of a small tech startup with a staff of only 18, I am interested in providing my team with the opportunity to develop key emotional intelligence skills that can help them succeed in their roles.

After researching various training programs, I was impressed with the comprehensive program offered by Emotional Intelligence Hub. However, given the size of my organization and the absence of middle-level positions, I would like to inquire whether the program can be customized to cater to smaller teams like mine.

I would appreciate it if you could provide me with more information about the program and the options available for smaller teams. Additionally, if there are any testimonials from small business owners who have used your program, I would be interested in reading them.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Gary Rose

【題組】200. What additional information did Gary Rose request in the email?
(A)Testimonials from small business owners.
(B)The program's schedule.
(C)The program's instructors.
(D)The program's prerequisites.

7( ).

Questions 143~146 refer to the following webpage.

Strong communication skills can help you to achieve impact and accelerate change for the benefit of society. As systems become increasingly volatile, __143__, and complex, __144__ communication skills can help foster collaboration, improve problem-solving, and impact decision-making. __145__ in social groups or business organizations, leaders across all segments of society and industry need to leverage communication to better __146__ objectives, influence stakeholders, and drive positive change.

(B) publicize
(C) affirm

8( ).

Questions155~157 refer to the following email.

From: Jessica Davis jessicadavis@email.com
To: Transit Authority of the City transitauthority@email.com
Subject: Cancellation of No. 227 Bus without Prior Notice

Dear Transit Authority of the City,

I am writing to express my absolute frustration and anger regarding the cancellation of the No. 227 bus this morning. My name is Jessica Davis, and I am a regular morning commuter who relies on this bus to get to work on time.

This is not the first time that this has happened. It seems that every other week, the No. 227 bus is cancelled without any prior notice. This is unacceptable, and it's causing me and many other commuters to be late for work or appointments.

It's inconceivable that a bus service can be so unreliable and unprofessional. I don't understand why there isn't any communication when the service is cancelled. We deserve to know in advance so that we can make other arrangements.

I demand an explanation for this unacceptable level of service. I am paying for a service, and I expect to receive it. If this issue continues, I will be forced to seek alternative transportation methods, which will cause even more inconvenience and financial strain.

I urge you to take immediate action to rectify this situation and ensure that the No. 227 bus runs on time, every day. I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter.


Jessica Davis

【題組】156. What does Jessica require from the Transit Authority to resolve the situation?
(A)A detailed explanation for the unacceptable service.
(B) A formal apology for the cancellation of the No. 227 bus.
(C)A refund for all of her bus rides.
(D) Free rides on all public transportation for the next year.

9( ).

Questions 176-180 refer to the following table, and email.

The results of a survey with 260 junior-level employees, 2021655c5c1b7edb3.jpg
Subject: Proposed Solutions for Employee Stressors

Dear Oliver,

I wanted to address the key stressors that our employees are facing, as identified through recent surveys. To tackle these challenges, I propose the following solutions:
1. "Switching off" from work: Implement structured technology breaks to allow employees to disconnect and recharge, promoting a healthier work-life balance.
2. Mental health challenges: Enhance mental health support programs, including training for managers to recognize and address job-related stressors effectively.
3. Feeling overwhelmed: Explore ways to reduce overwhelming workloads, such as task prioritization and workload redistribution, to prevent burnout.
4. Job insecurity for contract employees: Assess and refine job security measures for contract employees to alleviate their concerns and enhance their job stability.

I look forward to discussing these proposals further to support the well-being and productivity of our team.

Best regards,

HR Manager, HUE Sportswear Manufacturing Company

【題組】180.Based on the email, which of the following statements is NOT true about Terry's attitude towards the results of the survey?
(A) Terry acknowledges the key stressors that employees are facing.
(B)Terry dismisses the survey results as irrelevant.
(C)Terry proposes specific solutions to tackle the identified challenges.
(D)Terry emphasizes the importance of discussing the proposals further.

10( ).

Questions 172~175 refer to the following conversation.

Terry: Good morning, Judy. It's great to have you here today. How are you?

Judy: Hi, I am good. Thank you for inviting me.

Terry: I'm glad you could make it. I see from your resume that you have six years of experience working as a graphic designer for the same enterprise. That's quite impressive. Can you tell me more about your role there and what you accomplished?

Judy: Thank you, Terry. I started as a junior graphic designer and worked my way up to a senior position. During my time there, I was responsible for creating visual concepts, designing print and digital materials, and leading a small team of designers. I collaborated with the marketing and sales departments, ensuring our designs were in line with the company's branding and messaging. I'm quite proud of the projects I worked on, and I believe they were worth the effort in terms of increasing brand recognition and customer engagement.

Terry: That sounds like a valuable experience. However, I noticed there's a fifteen-month gap between that job and now. Can you explain what happened during that time?

Judy: Absolutely. After six years with the same company, I decided to take some time off to recharge and spend more time with my family. I also used this period to expand my skillset by taking online courses in UX/UI design and attending industry conferences. I feel that this time off has ultimately made me a more well-rounded and determined designer, ready to take on new challenges.

Terry: It's great to see that you used your time off productively. How do you think your expanded skillset and newfound determination will benefit our company?

Judy: I believe that my experience in graphic design, combined with my new skills in UX/UI design, will help me create more engaging and user-friendly designs for your company's projects. Additionally, my determination to continually learn and grow as a professional will allow me to bring fresh ideas to the table and contribute to the success of your design team.

Terry: That sounds promising, Judy. We're always looking for team members who are eager to learn and improve. Let's dive deeper into your portfolio and discuss some of the projects you've worked on.

【題組】 172. Based on the information provided, where is the most likely place that the conversation took place?
(A) At a public park during a company picnic.
(B) At a busy coffee shop during a break from work.
(C) In a conference room or private office.
(D) At an industry conference or tradeshow.

11( ).

Questions 172~175 refer to the following email.
Subject: Recommendation for the Retirement Replacement of a Senior Instructor

Dear Mr. Jonathan Greenfield, CEO of Prestige Baking Academy,

As you may already be aware, our esteemed colleague, Mr. Peter Thompson, is approaching his well-deserved retirement after his decades of outstanding service to the Prestige Baking Academy. I would like to take this opportunity to recommend myself, Jane Ferguson, as a suitable replacement for his position as a senior instructor.

During my 12 years at Prestige Baking Academy, I have had the pleasure of working alongside Mr. Thompson and have gained a wealth of experience and knowledge in various aspects of baking and pastry arts. My passion for teaching and dedication to the craft has enabled me to become proficient in both classical and modern baking techniques.

One of my accomplishments that you might not be aware of is my participation in the International Pastry Arts Championship, where I received the gold medal for my unique and innovative dessert creation. This achievement showcases my ability to stay up-to-date with industry trends and incorporate fresh ideas into our curriculum.

I would like to emphasize that my primary interest in assuming Mr. Thompson's position is the opportunity to contribute to the continued success of Prestige Baking Academy and to inspire future generations of bakers. I am not seeking an increase in salary, but rather the recognition of my experience and dedication through this new role and responsibility.

I am confident that my dedication to the craft, passion for teaching, and extensive experience in the industry make me an excellent candidate to assume the responsibilities of Mr. Thompson's position upon his retirement.

Thank you for considering my recommendation. I am more than happy to discuss further details in person, and I look forward to the possibility of stepping into this new role at our esteemed institution.


Jane Ferguson
Instructor, Prestige Baking Academy

【題組】174. What did Jane Ferguson achieve in the International Pastry Arts Championship?
(A)She won a silver medal for her unique and innovative dessert creation.
(B)She received recognition for her participation in the competition.
(C)She received the gold medal for her unique and innovative dessert creation.
(D)She won the competition with her classical and modern baking techniques.

12( ).

Questions158~160 refer to the following conversation.

Sarah: "I'm a little worried about what we are going to do once this project is finished. We don't have anything new lined up yet."

David: "I understand your concern, Sarah. But I think we have a strong team and our manager will find us something challenging and rewarding."

Emily: "I agree with David. In the meantime, we can use this time to develop our skills and explore new areas of interest."

Michael: "That's a great idea, Emily. We could do some research and come up with some innovative ideas for new projects we could work on."

Sarah: "That's true, Michael. And even if we don't have a new project right away, we can use this time to reflect on what we've learned from this project and identify areas where we can improve."

David: "Exactly. We're always looking for ways to grow and develop as a team. And that's what will keep us ahead of the curve."

Emily: "And who knows? Maybe something unexpected will come up that will give us a new opportunity to shine."

Michael: "I couldn't agree more, Emily. We just have to stay positive."

【題組】 158. What is Sarah worried about?
(A)A lack of skills within the team.
(B) Finding a new manager.
(C)Running out of projects to work on.
(D) Not being able to reflect on past projects.

13( ).

Questions 158~160 refer to the following leaflet.

You can make a difference, help change lives, and support the vulnerable groups on our list by giving your time as a volunteer in one of our charity shops apart from donating a little money.

For volunteers, practical ways of help include paying a regular visit to those who may be at risk of isolation, giving a free ride to those with a medical condition who live in a remote area, and helping prepare and serve food and drinks to patients and their visitors at one of our hospital cafes, whose profits help to fund our work.

You are only a few clicks away from changing lives. Visit this webpage: enrol.nationalfamilychairty.org, follow the step-by-step guide to sign up, and become our partner.

National Family Charity Organization

【題組】159. Which of the following isn’t mentioned in the leaflet as a way of helping vulnerable people?
(A) Donating money.
(B) Working at a hospitable cafe.
(C) Drop a patient’s visitors off at the hospital.
(D) Spending time with people who might not stay socially connected.

14( ).

Questions 161~163 refer to the following news release.

Onbrella's Travel Marketing Awards Seeking Exclusive

Sponsors for Sydney Event Sydney, March 30 - Onbrella's Travel Marketing Awards, the prestigious event honoring the best in travel marketing, is now seeking three exclusive sponsors for their upcoming ceremony in Sydney on August 4th.

Selected sponsors will receive unparalleled exposure to travel industry professionals and influencers, benefit from logo placements in all event materials, and enjoy networking opportunities with key decision-makers. Additionally, sponsors will receive a VIP table for ten guests.

With limited availability, interested businesses are encouraged to contact the Sponsorship Team at sponsorships@onbrellatravelawards.com as soon as possible.

For more information about Onbrella's Travel Marketing Awards, visit www.onbrellatravelawards.com. 

About Onbrella's Travel Marketing Awards:
Onbrella's Travel Marketing Awards recognize outstanding travel marketing campaigns, celebrating the creativity and innovation within the industry. The annual event attracts top industry professionals, providing a platform for networking and collaboration.

Press Contact:
Jane Smith

【題組】162. What is the date of the upcoming Onbrella's Travel Marketing Awards ceremony in Sydney?
(A) March 30.
(B) August 4.
(C) September 1.
(D) October 12.

15( ).

Questions 181~185 refer to the following email and report.

Subject: Urgent: Customer Complaints Report Demanded

Dear Branch Manager,

This email better find you prepared to address an urgent matter. As the owner of High-end Gym, I am demanding a comprehensive report on recent customer complaints from our branch.

Our customers' satisfaction is non-negotiable, and it is your responsibility to handle any issues they face. I am instructing you to gather all customer complaints from the past two months and submit a meticulous report by next Friday.

Failure to deliver a thorough and complete report is not an option. Be aware that this information will be utilized to rectify our gym's shortcomings and significantly improve our customers' experience.

I expect your full cooperation and dedication to this task, and I will be waiting for the report by the stated deadline.


Harry Bennis

Customer Complaints Report 

【題組】182. What is the stipulated deadline for the branch manager to submit the required report?
(A) The conclusion of the current month.
(B) The subsequent Monday after receiving the email.
(C) The forthcoming Friday after receiving the email.
(D) No explicit deadline is conveyed in the email.

16( ).

Questions 186-190 refer to the following table, social media post, and travelogue.

Explore the undiscovered treasures of #NewZealand. Immerse yourself in the mystic beauty of the Waitomo Caves or brave the wilderness with an adventure-packed hike at Mount Cook .

Book in the next 48 hours and receive a 20% discount on travel packages ! Experience the magic and mystery of these hidden gems while saving some .

Don't miss out! Embark on an unforgettable journey to the heart of NZ.

#NZMustDo #TravelDeal

The excitement in the air was palpable as we embarked on our first adventure as a married couple in beautiful New Zealand. Our first stop was the enigmatic Waitomo Caves. The guide led us through darkened passages, their roofs twinkling like a star-lit sky, thanks to the glowworms. We held hands, whispering sweet nothings, marveling at this underground wonder.

Our next stop was Mount Cook. The hike was challenging yet rewarding, the pristine landscapes taking our breath away. We stood together at the summit, the majestic peaks serving as the perfect backdrop to our shared laughter and wide-eyed wonder. The first day of our honeymoon had everything - adventure, intimacy, and the start of countless memories. New Zealand, you have our hearts!
#HoneymoonAdventure #NZLoveStory

【題組】189.What was the first location visited by the couple in the travelogue?
(A)Mount Cook.
(B)Waitomo Caves.
(C)Sydney Opera House.
(D)The Great Barrier Reef.

17( ).

Questions 181 ~ 185 refer to the following passage and email.

Office workers today face increasing anxiety about AI replacing their jobs. Technology's rapid advancement leaves employees uncertain about job security, leading to fears and hopes.

The fear of being replaced by AI overwhelms some workers, causing anxiety and inadequacy. They worry about skills becoming obsolete and struggle to keep up. Yet, these fears aren't unique. Workers always adapt, emerging stronger with new skills and roles.

Others embrace AI's potential to transform jobs and industries. They see it as a tool for enhancing abilities and freeing time for creativity. While the impact of AI remains uncertain,those open-minded and eager to learn will thrive.

Acknowledging fears and hopes while embracing change is vital. Adapting and learning new skills equips workers to navigate future challenges and opportunities.
Job Title: Dennis - Technology Transformation Specialist

Course Title: "Navigating the Future: Embracing AI in the Workplace"

Course Description:
Join Dennis, a seasoned Technology Transformation Specialist, in an engaging one-morning course designed specifically for office workers at tech firms. In this interactive session, you will explore the opportunities and challenges brought about by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace.
Course Outline:
1. Introduction (15 minutes)
- Understanding the impact of AI on the workforce.
- Exploring common fears and hopes among office workers.
2. Adapting to Change (30 minutes)
- Embracing a growth mindset to thrive in an evolving landscape.
- Strategies for reskilling and upskilling to stay relevant.
3. Leveraging AI for Success (45 minutes)
- Identifying areas where AI can enhance job performance.
- Techniques for integrating AI tools and technologies into daily tasks.
4. Overcoming AI-Related Challenges (30 minutes)
- Addressing anxiety and feelings of inadequacy in the face of AI.
- Developing resilience and adaptability to navigate uncertainty.
5. Q&A and Discussion (30 minutes)
- Engaging in an open dialogue with Dennis and fellow participants.
- Sharing experiences, concerns, and strategies for embracing AI.

By the end of this course, you will have gained valuable insights into the potential of AI in your industry and acquired practical tools to navigate the changing landscape. Prepare to harness the power of AI, embrace growth, and seize new opportunities in your professional journey.

【題組】181.According to the passage, which of the following fears is NOT commonly experienced by office workers regarding the impact of AI?
(A) The fear of becoming obsolete and unable to keep up with technology.
(B) The fear of their skills becoming irrelevant in the face of AI advancements.
(C) The fear of job insecurity and potential replacement by AI.
(D) The fear of AI technology being too complex and difficult to understand.

18( ).

Questions 155~157 refer to the following email.

Subject: Importance of Recruitment

Dear HR Team,

I want to stress the importance of the recruitment process at Acmes Corporation. It has come to my attention that there is a myth that the recruitment process is not crucial as long as the job offer is acceptable. I want to make it clear that this is not the case.

Recruitment is vital to our success as a company. It helps us attract the right talent, and it reflects our values and culture. A well-executed recruitment process enhances our reputation, increases employee engagement, and leads to better retention.

Therefore, I urge you all to take the recruitment process seriously. Please ensure that we follow our established procedures and guidelines and assess all candidates fairly and objectively.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,

Tim Banta
CEO of Acmes Corporation

【題組】157. What is the main communication from the CEO to the HR team?
(A)To encourage impartial and equitable evaluation of candidates.
(B)To ensure compliance with all relevant recruitment regulations and policies.
(C)To augment the number of job offers provided to applicants.
(D)To expedite the recruitment process and reduce the time taken to fill vacancies.

19( ).

Questions 176-180 refer to the following invoice and email.
More Fun Deli Invoice

Order ID: TC2-UE9-0021
Order Date: May 4, 2020, 12:15 PM
Customer Name: Wendy Lee

Delivery Information
● Delivery Personnel: Harry (Employee ID: R4258333)
● Delivery Date: May 4, 2020
● Delivery Time: 12:35 PM
● Time of Receipt: 12:59 PM
Thank you for your purchase.
Subject: Missing item in my order
Dear More Fun Deli Team,
I am writing to you regarding my recent order (ID: TC2-UE9-0021) which I received yesterday. I was disappointed to find that there was only one serving of the Vegan Beyond Sausage in my order, when I had ordered two servings as mentioned in the invoice.

I have attached a photo of the order to this email as proof of the missing item. I was really looking forward to enjoying this item as it's one of my favorites, but I only received half of what I had paid for. I am a regular customer of More Fun Deli and have always been satisfied with your food and service, but this experience has left me feeling disappointed and frustrated.

I request that you please investigate this matter and take appropriate steps to ensure that this does not happen in the future. Besides, I would like to claim a refund for the missing item.

I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Wendy Lee 

【題組】178.What is the purpose of Wendy's email to More Fun Deli?
(A) To request a refund for a missing item.
(B) To inquire about their vegan options.
(C) To make a complaint about their customer service.
(D) To order a new item for delivery.

20( ).

Questions 196-200 refer to the following advertisement and emails.
Are you a talented hairdresser looking for a new challenge? Freshly Salon is opening its second branch in just five months, and we are currently hiring eight experienced hairdressers to join our team. As a 24/7 salon, we require our hairdressers to work both morning and evening shifts as well as on weekends.

We are also seeking a dedicated and passionate store manager who can lead our team and ensure that our customers receive the best service possible. The ideal candidate will have experience managing a team, as well as strong organizational and communication skills.

You will receive a three-month paid training, including one free meal each shift. If you are a skilled hairdresser with a positive attitude and a passion for your craft, we want to hear from you.
Contact: hrsally513@freshlysalon.com
From: helensullivan299@gmail.com
To: hrsally513@freshlysalon.com
Attached File: helen_resume.pdf.
Subject: Application for Hairdresser Position at Freshly Salon

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to apply for the hairdresser position at Freshly Salon's new branch. I recently graduated from college and have previous experience working part-time as a hairdresser at a salon in another city. I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to the success of Freshly Salon.

I believe I am a talented hairdresser with a passion for hairstyling. I pay great attention to detail and always strive to provide exceptional service to my clients. I am eager to work in a 24/7 salon environment and can commit to working morning and evening shifts, as well as weekends.

Although I am a recent graduate, my part-time experience in a salon has given me valuable skills in customer service and communication. I understand the importance of listening to clients' needs and working collaboratively to achieve their desired hairstyles. I am also committed to staying updated with the latest trends and techniques in the industry.

I have attached my resume for your review.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Helen Sullivan
Subject: Interview Invitation for Hairdresser Position at Freshly Salon

Dear Helen,
Congratulations on being shortlisted for an interview for the hairdresser position at Freshly Salon. We were impressed with your application and believe you have the potential to be a valuable addition to our team. We would like to invite you for an interview to further discuss your qualifications and skills.

Interview Details:
Date: September 5
Time: 3:00 PM
Location: Freshly Salon

The interview will be conducted by our store manager, Wendy. She will assess your suitability for the role and ask questions to gauge your experience, skills, and passion for hairdressing. Following the interview, there will be a practical assessment where you will demonstrate your hairstyling abilities. This assessment will be evaluated by our current Chief Hairstylist, Tina. At the end of the process, we will inform you of our decision regarding your application.

Please come prepared for the interview by bringing copies of your resume, any relevant certifications, and a portfolio of your work, if available. Dress professionally and be ready to showcase your talent and expertise in hairdressing.

Thank you for your interest in joining Freshly Salon. We wish you the best of luck with your preparations.

Warm regards,

Lucy Turnbull
HR Manager
Freshly Salon

【題組】199.What can be inferred about Freshly Salon's attitude towards hiring based on the email from the HR Manager?
(A) Freshly Salon prefers candidates with extensive administrative experience.
(B) Freshly Salon prioritizes qualifications and certifications over practical demonstrations.
(C) Freshly Salon values practical assessments to evaluate candidates' skills.
(D) Freshly Salon conducts interviews without considering the suitability of the candidate.

21( ).

Questions168~171 refer to the following passage.

As a manager or business owner, it can be challenging to balance your own workload with the needs of your employees. However, supporting your team is crucial to their success and the success of your business. Even when you're swamped, there are several things you can do to show your employees that you care and are invested in their well-being. First, be transparent about your workload and availability. Let your employees know when you'll be unavailable and set expectations for response times. Second, prioritize check-ins and one-on-one meetings with your team members. This shows that you value their contributions and are committed to their growth. Third, provide resources and tools to help your employees succeed, such as training opportunities or access to software that streamlines their tasks. By taking these steps, you can support your employees even during busy times and foster a culture of collaboration and mutual respect.

【題組】 168. What is one way to support employees even when you're swamped?
(A)Be transparent about your workload and availability.
(B) Ignore employee needs until you have more time.
(C)Micromanage employees to ensure they are working efficiently.
(D) Provide generic feedback during group meetings.

22( ).

Questions 196-200 refer to the following information, program script, and comments.

Welcome to "Innovation Spotlight," the podcast that delves into the minds behind groundbreaking companies. In today's episode, we have Sarah Rhoads, a top logistics executive at Amazon, whose journey began in 2011. Sarah's visionary leadership has played a crucial role in expanding Amazon's air cargo arm, revolutionizing the company's logistics operations. Through relentless innovation and collaboration, Sarah and her team have overcome challenges to create Amazon Air, a vital component of their global delivery network. Join us as Sarah shares her insights, key learnings, and the exciting future ahead for Amazon's logistics. Get ready for an inspiring conversation on transforming the world of
transportation. Let's dive into the "Innovation Spotlight" with Sarah Rhoads. 
Host: Welcome to "Innovation Spotlight," where we uncover the minds behind groundbreaking companies. Today, we have Sarah Rhoads, a top logistics exec at Amazon.Sarah, thanks for being here.

Sarah: My pleasure.

Host: You joined Amazon in 2011 and played a key role in expanding their air cargo arm. Tell us about your journey and challenges.

Sarah: At Amazon, we aimed to transform logistics. Challenges were plenty, from building a top-notch fleet to optimizing delivery times. But through relentless innovation and a dedicated team, we conquered them. Amazon Air is now integral to our global network,enabling lightning-fast deliveries.

Host: Impressive. Any insights or key learnings?

Sarah: Embrace change and push boundaries. Innovation is our core. Collaboration is vital too.

Host: Fascinating. What's next for you and Amazon's logistics?

Sarah: Investing in tech like drone delivery, forging partnerships to streamline processes.Revolutionizing global transportation is our goal.

Host: Thanks, Sarah, for sharing your inspiring journey. Stay tuned for more on "Innovation Spotlight."
 Comment Section

1. "I'm amazed by Sarah Rhoads' journey and her pivotal role in expanding Amazon's air cargo arm. The podcast did a fantastic job of capturing her inspiring story and shedding light on the incredible innovations happening in logistics."

2. "The emphasis on embracing change and pushing boundaries in the world of logistics really resonated with me. Sarah's insights on collaboration and innovation will undoubtedly inspire other industry professionals to think outside the box and drive meaningful advancements."

3. "This episode of 'Innovation Spotlight' perfectly highlighted how Amazon Air has become an integral part of the company's global logistics network, enabling lightning-fast deliveries.Sarah Rhoads' expertise and dedication truly shine through in her engaging interview."

【題組】200.Based on the comments, which topic is discussed more than once and mentioned multiple times?
(A) Sarah Rhoads' journey and role in expanding Amazon's air cargo arm.
(B) Amazon Air's significance in the company's global logistics network.
(C) Embracing change and pushing boundaries in the world of logistics.
(D) Sarah Rhoads' expertise and dedication in the podcast interview.

23( ).

Questions 143~146 refer to the following passage.

Employees can benefit __143__ spending time with therapy dogs in the workplace. According to research from Washington State University, spending time with dogs brought in by professional handlers can help __144__ employees to feel relaxed and accepted. The dogs can also help employees to concentrate, learn, and remember information. Using dogs for therapy can also benefit the dogs themselves. In Wales, rescued greyhounds have been used to help employees __145__ between work tasks. These sessions allow mistreated and abandoned dogs to interact with humans and begin to trust them again. So, __146__ you are an employee who’s been working hard and feeling stressed out, introducing a therapy dog into your workplace might be the help you need.

(D) stuffed

24( ).

Questions 164~167 refer to the following conversation.

You have worked for five companies in the last five years. Why was that?

The lure of travel and the desire to see new things keep driving me to change jobs.

That's understandable, but do you think you'll be able to commit to this position for a longer term?

Sue: Absolutely. I've done my research and I'm genuinely excited about the company's mission and values.

Jimmy: Great to hear. Can you give me an example of how you've adapted to a new work environment in the past?

Sue: When I started at my last job, I made an effort to meet with each team member to understand their strengths and weaknesses. From there, I adjusted my communication style to better work with each person.

Jimmy: Impressive. Can you describe a challenging situation you faced in the workplace and how you overcame it?

Sue: There was a time when I had to deal with a difficult customer who was unhappy with our product. I remained calm and empathetic, listened to their concerns, and worked with our team to find a solution that met their needs. In the end, we were able to turn the situation around and retain the customer's business.

Jimmy: That's great to hear. One final question - what are your long-term career goals?

Sue: I aspire to take on a leadership role in the future and make a meaningful impact in the industry. I plan to continue learning and growing my skills to make that happen.

【題組】167. What are Sue's long-term career goals?
(A)To travel the world and work remotely.
(B) To retire as soon as possible.
(C)To switch careers and pursue a completely different field.
(D)To become a leader and make a meaningful impact in the industry.

25( ).

Questions 186~190 refer to the following proposal, letter, and review.

Proposal: Nature Walks and Guided Tours at the Tamsui River Nature Reserve

The Tamsui River Nature Reserve on the northern bank of Tamsui River is a small but precious natural asset that has been preserved for many years. While the reserve is not large enough for hiking, it still offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the natural beauty of the area. In this proposal, we suggest offering nature walks and guided tours that will showcase the flora and fauna of the reserve, while also providing opportunities for visitors to learn about environmental conservation and sustainability.

Overview of the Nature Walks and Guided Tours
The Nature Walks and Guided Tours will be a recreational and educational activity that showcases the unique features of the reserve. The tours will be designed to be low-impact and will be conducted under the guidance of trained professionals.

The park will offer a range of activities that cater to visitors of all ages and interests. Some of the activities that can be included are:
●Nature Walks: The reserve has several well-maintained trails that offer stunning views of the river and the surrounding landscape. The park can provide guided tours and nature walks for visitors to learn about the flora and fauna of the reserve. The walks will be designed to be short, informative, and suitable for visitors of all ages.
●Environmental Education: The park can provide opportunities for visitors to learn about sustainable practices like organic farming, renewable energy, and waste management. This can be done through workshops, interactive exhibits, and guided tours. 

To support these activities, the park will have several facilities, including: 
●Visitor center:The park will have a visitor center that will provide information on the reserve, the activities available, and the rules and regulations.
●Guided Tours: The park will have trained professionals who can guide visitors on nature walks and provide information on the environment and the local ecosystem. 
Final Thoughts
The Nature Walks and Guided Tours at the Tamsui River Nature Reserve will be a unique experience that showcases the natural beauty of the reserve while promoting environmental education and sustainability.

Dear Mayor,

We oppose the proposal to create an Eco-Adventure Park or offer guided tours at the Tamsui River Nature Reserve. Our reasons are:

1. Ecological harm: Construction and increased human traffic will harm the natural habitat and displace wildlife, leading to a loss of biodiversity.
2.Environmental damage: Increased human traffic will lead to soil erosion, vegetation damage, and water pollution.
3.Purpose of the reserve: The proposal contradicts the reserve's purpose to preserve and protect the natural ecosystem and promote ecological sustainability.

We urge you to consider our concerns and protect the natural environment of the reserve.


Green Warriors, a regional environmental group

A Review by Silvia Palmer 

As a busy office worker, I always try to make the most of my weekends and take some time out for myself. This weekend, I decided to go for a nature walk in the newly opened Tamsui River Nature Reserve. I was pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the reserve and the variety of wildlife that I saw during my walk.

The trail was well-maintained and easy to navigate, with several lookout points that offered stunning views of the river and the surrounding landscape. I also had the opportunity to learn about the local flora and fauna from the knowledgeable guide who accompanied me on the walk.The guide provided detailed information about the different plants and animals that I encountered, which helped me to appreciate the unique features of the reserve even more.

The experience of walking in the Tamsui River Nature Reserve was both peaceful and invigorating. It was a great way to connect with nature and unwind from the stresses of city life. I feel grateful to have such a beautiful natural asset so close to where I live, and I look forward to visiting the reserve again in the future.

I highly recommend the Tamsui River Nature Reserve to anyone looking for a tranquil and educational experience in nature.

【題組】189. What did Silvia Palmer think about the Tamsui River Nature Reserve?
(A) It was poorly maintained.
(B)It was easy to navigate.
(C)It was too crowded.
(D)It was too far from the city.


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