阿摩:簡單的事重覆做,就會是專家; 重覆的事用心做,就會是贏家。
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38. I ________ his consideration.  
(A)am grateful for
(B)grate of
(C) am grating of
(D)am grated


12. Wearing sunglasses on sunny days is important because if our eyes are _____ to too much sunlight, they could be hurt.
(A) connected
(B) absorbed
(C) exposed
(D) tightened


23. The newlywed couple spent two months ________ many European countries.
(A) visit
(B) to visit
(C) visiting
(D) visted


19. Mr. Chen expects his kids to spend time ______ their hobbies rather than use their phones all day.
(A) pursue
(B) pursuing
(C) to pursue
(D) which pursues


24. That award-winning movie _____ by a young Chinese rising star.
(A) directs
(B) was directed
(C) directed
(D) had been directed


25. At the age of ten, Michael lost his parents, _____ he considered the most traumatic in his life.
(A) which
(B) who
(C) whom
(D) when


39. This is a downwardly mobile generation with smaller incomes and fewer homes than their parents’ generation ________ at the same age.
(A) are
(D) with


  The main topic of last week’s meeting was suggestion boxes. All departments in the factory are to have conspicuously labeled suggestion boxes. At the meeting, it was obvious that the employees’ suggestions would not only save the company money, but would do much to lift morale and streamline production. To further this process, the suggestion box idea was adopted. 
  Forms for the suggestions are to be kept inside the box. When employees fill out a form, they should clearly state which situation they are trying to improve, list all pertinent data, and then offer a solution, stating how the company would benefit. Forms will then be collected each month by the department heads, who will pass them on to the plant manager. Where necessary, the plant manager will consult with the respective departments to gather any relevant data. If applicable, the matter will then be passed on to the finance department for approval. A bonus will be paid to employees for any suggestions that are adopted. The amount of the bonus will be commensurate with the savings to the company.

【題組】7. How do the employees get the suggestion slips?
(A) By looking in the suggestion box itself
(B) By requesting them from department heads
(C) By asking the director of finance
(D) By applying to the plant manager


        Scientists are thrilled about some tiny, furry finds. They have discovered two new species of lemurs on Madagascar, an island __41__ off the southeast coast of Africa.
        The endangered animals are found only in Madagascar and a few of the country’s nearby islands. Madagascar __42__ some of the world’s most exotic plants and animals. Lemurs live mainly in forest trees and are active at night.
        One of the newly discovered creatures has wide eyes, is small enough to fit in a hand, and __43__ from tree branch to tree branch in the dark. Its name means “good man” in Malagasy, the official language of Madagascar. The animal was __44__ scientist Steve Goodman, who has been studying the tiny creatures in Madagascar for 20 years.
         The other species is a giant mouse lemur with a bushy tail. Its name in Malagasy means “child.” The scientists chose that name to __45__ Madagascar’s children to care for the many plants and animals in their country.
         Finding a new lemur species is rare because many of the tiny creatures have become extinct. The recent find means that there are now 49 known species of lemurs in the wild.

(A) is based on
(B) is home to
(C) is happy with
(D) is made of


       As employers adapt to remote work, the biggest question facing them is what to do with their physical offices. Even before the pandemic, many employers had begun questioning the wisdom of open-plan offices, which became popular in the past two decades. With employees seated in close quarters side by side and sharing kitchens and break areas, the offices enabled constant distractions. Once the pandemic hit, they also proved potentially lethal. Now, many companies are questioning the worth of offices at all. Tech companies, including Twitter, Facebook and Shopify, have said they will let many employees work from home permanently. Pinterest paid $89.5 million to cancel a new planned office space in San Francisco, saying more of its employees were going to work remotely in the future. But going fully remote carries its own set of problems.
       New employees and those in search of mentorship will have a hard time at a company if they’ve never met their colleagues in person; if people can’t chat often with colleagues, they trust them less, according to a study from business school professors at Columbia and Northwestern Universities. Remote work can also deal a blow to employees’ mental health; when Ctrip, a Chinese company, let more than 100 employees work from home for four days a week starting in 2010, they were happy for three months, but within nine months, about half wanted to return to the office, according to a study.
       That’s why some business owners are still investing in offices; they are just building a different kind of office. John Sweeden, who runs a small software firm in Oklahoma, broke ground last month on a new office building on a 25-acre plot. The complex is on land that costs a whole lot less than real estate in a crowded city center. Though it’s an office space, much of it will be “a place where zero work gets done,” he says. There will be a large salon for socializing; employees will be encouraged to spend hours there, talking about anything.

【題組】7. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(A) The pandemic has saved employers a lot of money by putting their business on hold.
(B) Working remotely has its advantages and problems.
(C) Open-plan offices help people concentrate on their work.
(D) People might dislike working remotely at first, but will gradually like it after a few months.


