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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員甄試試題_專業職(二)外勤/郵遞業務、運輸業務_共同科目:英文#118547
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26. It will take lots of work to _____ such a big event, so we need more people to help.
(A) organize
(B) occur
(C) beat
(D) warn


27. Everybody in the _____ clapped when the singer finished singing her song.
(A) adventure
(B) audience
(C) custom
(D) mystery


28. Peter has a very busy _____ today. He has to attend several meetings and hardly has time for lunch.
(A) option
(B) approach
(C) schedule
(D) recipe


29. With house prices rising so high, most young people cannot _____ to buy an apartment in Taipei.
(A) divide
(B) afford
(C) recognize
(D) connect


30. The hotel is so popular that it doesn’t have any room _____ this weekend.
(A) original
(B) familiar
(C) available
(D) similar


31. There is a high _____ of accidents driving in the storm.
(A) risk
(B) selection
(C) material
(D) award


32. This machine doesn’t    _____ well. It needs repairing.
(A) function

(B) limit
(C) mention
(D) explore


33. The value of a diamond _____ on its qualities. Each factor can greatly affect the price.
(A) describes
(B) introduces
(C) displays
(D) depends


34. I have many foreign friends. Some are from Japan and _____ are all from South Korea.
(A) another
(B) other
(C) others
(D) the others


35. Jack taught his students _____ effective ways to improve their English.
(A) a little
(B) a great deal of
(C) a few
(D) an amount of


36. The workers were not _____ the result of the meeting.
(A) satisfying to
(B) satisfying with
(C) satisfied to
(D) satisfied with


37. My decayed tooth is killing me. I cannot wait to have it _____ out.
(A) to pull
(B) to be pulled
(C) pulling
(D) pulled


38. _____ the bad weather, the rescue team continued to search day and night for any survivor of the earthquake.
(A) Despite
(B) Though
(C) As soon as
(D) As long as


39. The harder you work, _____ to succeed.
(A) you are more likely
(B) you are more possible
(C) the more likely you are
(D) the more possible you are


40. Do you know the girl _____ at you?
(A) smiled
(B) smiles
(C) smiling
(D) who smiling


       When you feel lonely and sad, you might need a nice, warm hug to cheer you up. But__41__ there is no one around to hug you? This is not a problem if you have a “hugging chair.” This type of chair is a rocking chair that has a large doll__42__into it. The doll resembles a woman in a funny hat, and it has extra-long arms that can wrap the person who is sitting in the chair. Although the chair can__43__ comfort for anyone, the Japanese company that designed it said it was meant__44__older people. About 25 percent of all Japanese people are over the age of 65. This number is likely to rise, and many older people __45__living alone. The hugging chair can help such people feel less lonely by hugging them and playing familiar music, which can be comforting for older people.

(A) when
(B) if
(C) how about
(D) what if


(A) build
(B) building
(C) built
(D) to build


(A) prevent
(B) provide
(C) protect
(D) pretend


(A) for
(B) to
(C) on
(D) of


(A) put up
(B) take up
(C) end up
(D) pick up


        Nola Ochs was born in Kansas in 1911. Her life was not extraordinary by most measures. She grew and married, had children and grandchildren, taught in rural schools, and lived the quiet Midwest life. But she was different in one notable way: After her husband died in 1972, Nola began taking classes and eventually earned her associate degree at age 77.
       “I still wanted to go to school. It was fun to go to classes. And if I had an assignment to do in the evening, that occupied my time in a pleasant way,” she recalled. After some years went by, Nola again got the bug to learn.
       Learning takes time, and moving through courses must be done on your own time, at your own pace. When Nola had 30 hours of school left to complete, she moved 100 miles away from her farm, got an apartment and attended classes in person. She graduated with her granddaughter in 2007.
      Nola could have been finished then with her long life of learning. She was, after all, 95 years young. Nola decided to keep going. She lived in the student dorms and got her master’s degree in liberal studies with an emphasis on history three years later, at age 98.
       A hundred years yields a lot of wisdom. But it’s the process that can teach us all. Learn everything you can. Share your crops with the neighbors. And never, never give up on yourself. At 105, Nola finished her memoir.

【題組】46. What did Nola do after her husband’s death in 1972?
(A) She wrote a book.
(B) She started a business.
(C) She moved to a different country.
(D) She began taking classes and earned an associate degree.


【題組】47. Why did Nola enjoy attending classes?
(A) She wanted to make new friends.
(B) She wanted to become a teacher.
(C) She was forced to attend by her family.
(D) She found it to be a pleasant way to spend her time.


【題組】48. What did Nola do when she had 30 hours of school left?
(A) She took a break from studying.
(B) She moved 100 miles away and attended classes in person.
(C) She decided to study online.
(D) She dropped out of school.


【題組】49. When did Nola finish her memoir?
(A) At age 90
(B) At age 95
(C) At age 100
(D) At age 105


【題組】50. What is the main idea of the story about Nola Ochs?
(A) The challenges of moving to a new place.
(B) The importance of family ties and relationships.
(C) The lifelong pursuit of learning and never giving up.
(D) The process of writing a memoir.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員甄試試題_專業職(二)外勤/郵遞業務、運輸業務_共同科目:英文#118547-阿摩線上測驗
