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34 依地方制度法第 54 條第 1 項之規定,直轄市議會之組織準則,如何產生?


22.總統於立法院解散後發布緊急命令,若新任立法委員尚未選舉產生,應由何者召集遭解散之立法院追認緊急 命令?


1 下列基本權,何者受憲法絕對保障,不容國家以任何理由加以侵犯?


6 依司法院大法官解釋,下列何者並非憲法保障隱私權之目的?


17 依憲法及司法院大法官解釋,關於立法委員之言論免責權,下列敘述何者正確?


18 依據我國現行的憲法規範與實踐,關於「行政院組織」的敘述下列何者正確?


4 依據憲法第 137 條第 2 項規定,國防之組織,應如何規定?


17 關於行政院覆議案,下列敘述何者正確?
(B)行政院移請立法院覆議前,須經總統核可,並應於立法院決議案送達行政院 15 日內為之
(C)立法院休會期間行政院移請覆議時,立法院院長應召開臨時會,並於開議 7 日內作成決議


請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題
      Firefighters confront an array of perils each time they respond to an emergency summons, jeopardizing their lives to rescue individuals and safeguard property. Foremost among these hazards is the searing heat and fury of a large fire. These infernos can reach temperatures surpassing 1,000 degrees Celsius, presenting a grave peril of burns, heat exhaustion, and inhalation of noxious fumes. In addition to the physical risks posed by flames, firefighters must contend with unpredictable structural collapses, as burning buildings deteriorate and crumble suddenly. These architectural hazards can trap and injure firefighters, transforming an already dangerous situation into a life-and-death threat.                      Furthermore, the harmful smoke generated by fires constitutes a tacit yet lethal menace to firefighters. Inhaling smoke can induce breathing distress, lung-related injury, and even fatality, particularly when it contains hurtful chemicals and cancer-induced substances. Despite wearing protective attire and respiratory apparatus, firefighters remain an easy target for long-term health issues from repeated exposure to smoke and dangerous substances. Beyond the immediate hazards of fire and smoke, firefighters confront environmental threats such as extreme weather conditions and natural disasters. Whether battling wildfires in intense heat, rescuing people during floods, or navigating treacherous terrain in remote areas, firefighters must adapt to different and challenging environments to fulfill their duty of saving lives.
      Moreover, the psychological toll of firefighting is profound and enduring. Bearing witness to traumatic scenes, such as severe injuries, deaths, and the devastation caused by fires, can impose a profound emotional toll on firefighters. They often struggle with feelings of guilt, grief, and post-traumatic stress disorder, adding to the demands of their exacting vocation. Despite these dangers, firefighters bravely confront adversity with unyielding courage and determination. Their unwavering dedication to protecting lives and property, even at significant personal risk, demonstrates their selflessness and commitment to the well-being of others.
      Daily, they epitomize the quintessence of heroism, imperiling their own well-being to ensure the safety and welfare of others. Every act of bravery and sacrifice strengthens their reputation as society’s guardians, embodying the timeless values of courage and altruism.

【題組】60 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Dangers encountered by firefighters are confined to the immediate risks from flames and smoke.
(B) Environmental threats faced by firefighters include severe weather and unforeseen natural events.
(C) Firefighters are trained to prioritize their own safety above all else, even during rescue operations.
(D) Firefighters’ psychological well-being needs to remain unaffected by the challenges of their profession.


1 立法委員於審議經濟部之年度預算時,提議將某預算科目的一定比例移至其他科目,但預算總額並未增加。依憲法及司法院大法官解釋,下列敘述何者正確?
(D)預算總額雖未增加,但就被移動而增加或追加之原預算項目而言,亦屬增加支出之提議, 而與憲法不符


6 依司法院釋字第 798 號解釋,財政部以令函限制同一法人於同一行政區域內之分支機構所有 車輛,以 3 輛為限,始免徵使用牌照稅,係違反下列何者而違憲?
(A)憲法第 7 條之平等權
(B)憲法第 23 條之比例原則
(C)憲法第 19 條之租稅法律主義
(D)憲法第 19 條之實質課稅原則


31 The flood warning system needs to be______ established to save thousands of lives.
(A) minimally
(B) optimally
(C) improperly
(D) optionally


