(18 秒)
【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(926~950)
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20. Which of the following reasons makes the comprehension selective and partial?
(A) With limited memory, we are not able to process information totally.
(B) We may lack some necessary knowledge to infer meaning correctly.
(C) The message itself may be incomplete.
(D) All of the above.


2. I am rather _______ about their professed sympathy for the poor; I doubt it.
(A) pragmatic
(B) dogmatic
(C) skeptical
(D) scheming


48.The meeting had been in session for six hours and the discussion had become _____ and complicated. I had no choice but to walk out.
(A) numerous
(B) tedious
(C) municipal
(D) unanimous


62.I didn’t feel like embarrassing you, but as the leader I was supposed to __________ the rules. People were watching, you know.
(A) spur on
(B) crack down
(C) adhere to
(D) meddle with


The fire was caused by an operator error during a cutting process near _____materials.
(A) discreet
(B) combustible
(C) preliminary
(D) unanimous


There has been a(n) _____ increase in the world population since last century, and food and water shortage problems have become more and more serious.
(A) internecine
(B) vicarious
(C) exponential
(D) conjugal


Air pollution has become a serious problem in our metropolitan cities; the __________ and poisonous particles floating in the air are hazards to life.


1. The corporation’s decision to ____ a professional bicycle team was applauded by sports fans.
(A) sponsor
(B) intoxicate
(C) decline
(D) conjecture


Bats and owls are _____ creatures, for they can hardly be seen during the day.
(A) nomadic
(B) nocturnal
(C) flagrant
(D) omnivorous


With Wikileaks releasing secrets about governments around the world, many countries are worried that their national security information might be __________.


4. The owner of the company invited his employees to _____ some of his expensive wine at the party.


18. Billy ____ danced around the room when he found out he’d been accepted at Harvard University.
(A) mutually
(B) exuberantly
(C) sheepishly


(A)低年段:20% 聽說,80% 讀寫
(B)中年段:30% 聽說,70% 讀寫
(C)中年段:40% 聽說,60% 讀寫
(D)高年段:50% 聽說,50% 讀寫


1.This type of cell phone is already _______ and no longer in use.
(A) meager
(B) obsolete
(C) sanguine
(D) intricate


5. After the unsuccessful military coup d'etat, this country is in a state of _________, with no government ruling the country.
(A) velocity
(B) anarchy
(C) transience
(D) zenith


4. Peter nestled back into his dilapidated couch, whose old cushions conformed to the impression of his body, seeking a position to _____ his aching digestive tract.
(A) renounce
(B) admonish
(C) obfuscate
(D) mollify


第貳部份:閱讀理解 (共5題,占16分,作答時請將答案依照順序寫在答案卷上) Please read the following article and answer the three questions. (第 1 題至第 3 題,每題 2 分,共 6 分,答錯、整題未答不予倒扣)  Your Polytunnel Needs You (The Economist, 18 April 2020) “Normally on holidays, I spend money,” says James Mwendwa, a geology student at Bristol University. “This holiday I’ll be making it.” Mr Mwendwa has signed up with a scheme designed to get students and furloughed workers to spend their summers on British farms. He has been promised a caravan to share with his friends on a farm in Norfolk. “In the evenings you’re allowed to just chill with your mates,” a rare luxury in current circumstances. Finding enough summertime labour has often been a struggle for British farmers. Factory workers used to move south en masse to enjoy a family holiday while picking fruit or hops. In recent years, the indigenous population has turned its nose up at agricultural work, and farmers have come to rely on importing Bulgarians and Romanians. Uncertainty around migrants’ rights and Brexit led to a decline in worker numbers last year, and around 16m apples were left to rot in orchards. A near-shutdown on European movement has only deepened the crisis. Invoking the Women’s Land Army that kept the nation’s farms going throughout the second world war, the British Growers Association is trying to recruit a new “Land Army” to fill a shortfall of some 70,000 workers. The government’s “Pick for Britain” campaign similarly aims to tap into the wartime spirit. So far Britons seem largely unmoved by the appeal to patriotism. Concordia, Fruitful and hops, three agricultural recruiters that have formed the Ethical Alliance of Labour Providers, say that 32,000 have applied, but only 13% have so far turned up for online interviews. Even if enough native workers can be found, that may not solve the problem. Britons have a reputation for being work-shy. “Often, you have people who want to start, and we’ll say, come on Tuesday or whatever, and then they simply don’t turn up.” says Sebastian Hall, a recruiter in Suffolk. Alison Capper of the National Farmers’ Union, herself a farmer, wonders whether new recruits “will be able to pick at the same rate as people who are practised in these jobs”. Jack Ward, boss of the British Growers Association, worries about timing. Although new workers may arrive just in time to save the nation’s asparagus, an early end to the lockdown could send students and furloughed workers scurrying back to their real lives and jobs. For some farmers, the risk of relying on Britons is too great. To avert a crisis in the polytunnels, they have started shipping planeloads of Romanians into the country. Air Charter Services, whose customers are normally the uber-rich, has been hired by g’s Fresh, one of Britain’s biggest salad producers, to fly 150 Romanians into Stansted airport on April 16th; a further five flights are lined up. Each seat will set g’s Fresh back £250 ($313), and the passengers (who have been deemed essential workers by the Romanian government) will be kept apart on the flight and tested for covid-19 on touch-down. The airlift may spoil the wartime-spirit narrative, but it may save the nation’s broccoli.
【題組】2. ( ) What’s the difficulty that British farmers are facing now?
(A)lacking of manpower
(B) lacking of arable land
(C)need more start-up capital
(D) shortage of managerial experience


6. In the best-seller, the upper-class New Yorkers drank too much, entertained too lavishly, and were ____and wasteful with money.
(A) amicable
(B) austere
(C) ostentatious
(D) banal


2. The writings of the philosopher Descartes are ______; many readers have difficulty following his complex, intricately woven arguments.
(A) generic
(B) trenchant
(C) reflective
(D) elongated
(E) abstruse


13. Many young workers leave their jobs due to low pay, few opportunities for ______, and feeling disrespected at work.
(A) advancement
(B) enforcement
(C) displacement
(D) commencement


16. It has been raining ________ a row.
(A) for
(B) at
(C) around
(D) in


15. The manuscript, _____ you have read a while ago, is now submitted to an academic journal for a review.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) when
(D) which


3. Jeremiah’s family and friends had been __________ searching for him for two days after he went missing. To everyone’s relief, with the help of the police, Jeremiah was found safe and sound in a barn two miles away from his house.
(A) detrimentally
(B) ludicrously
(C) apprehensively
(D) nonchalantly


4. The firefighter's heroic and _______ act of risking his own life to save a family from a burning building earned him the admiration and gratitude of the entire community.
(A) calamitous
(B) cosmopolitan
(C) altruistic
(D) indignant


20. Job applicants _______ to video record answers to set questions about their experience, skills and personal qualities, rather than speaking with a recruiter by phone or video chat.
(A) has been asked
(B) will ask
(C) are asking
(D) are being asked


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(926~950)-阿摩線上測驗
