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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(951~975)
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7. You will have to _____ your holiday if you are too sick to travel.
(A) call off
(B) cut down
(C) back out
(D) set apart


Describing a woman as obese is socially offensive. The expression such as big-boned is used as a substitution for obese. The words or phrases that replace terms that may be seen as offensive are _____________________.
(A) graphemes
(B) euphemisms
(C) hypercorrections
(D) lexical diffusions


Daniel’s latest novel is _____ different from his earlier work; politics, rather than rural life, is his focus this time and the story lines are much more complicated.
(A) emphatically
(B) strikingly
(C) invariably
(D) steadily


By the time the police officers arrived on scene, the superintendent________ the angry man to the ground.
(A) would be wrestled
(B) had wrestled
(C) has wrestled
(D) will be wrestled


5. Parents should not _______ their children to swim in a pool without an adult watching there.
(A) summit
(B) permit
(C) admit
(D) credit


5. The ______ of mass literacy coincided with the first industrial revolution; in turn, the new expansion in literacy, as well as cheaper printing, help to nurture the_______ of popular literature.
(A) building; mistrust
(B) reappearance; display
(C) receipt; source
(D) emergence; rise


3. The English language skill that is most often tested on average high students in Taiwan is ______.
(A) listening
(B) speaking
(D) writing


11. Nowadays some people still have the _____ belief that touching someone with AIDS will infect them.


6. The dove is __________ of the organization's mission to bring some peace to a troubled world.
(A) opulent
(B) ebullient
(C) prolific
(D) emblematic


7. Don’t blame the children for being noisy. I think they were the most _____ members of the audience.
(A) responsive
(B) irrespective
(C) chargeable
(D) categorical


28__________, we can travel back and forth between the south and north of Taiwan in half a day.
(A) Taken the High-Speed Rail system
(B) With the High-Speed Rail system
(C) Because the High-Speed Rail system
(D) According the High-Speed Rail system


4. After assuming the office, the prime minister is seeking advice on the ______economy. He hopes to stimulate economic growth and pull the country out of recession.
(A) gregarious
(B) presumptive
(C) vitriolic
(D) stagnant


8. It is a common ______ that women are worse drivers than men. Actually, women have lower accident rates and insurance rates than men.
(A) fallacy
(B) amnesty
(C) cachet
(D) stalemate


V. Reading Comprehension (20 % )
(A) Hundreds of years after William Shakespeare wrote about King Lear’s dementia, there’s still no perfect way to care for patients with this disorder. However, a radical new idea, self-contained villages where people with dementia live,could be the answer.
 Properly attending to people who suffer from dementia is a challenging and increasingly expensive task,and it is only going to get harder. Basically, under no circumstances are we prepared for the future that awaits us in terms of taking care of these patients.
 Enter De Hogeweyk,a dementia-focused living center in the small town of Weesp,the Netherlands. Hogeweyk is essentially a walled village,complete with apartment buildings, shops, restaurants, gardens, roads, and more. The creators of Hogeweyk,caretaker Yvonne van Amerongen and architecture firm Molenaar & VanDillen, say the idea was to design a world that has as much of a resemblance to normal life as possible, without endangering the patients. For example, dementia patients often have random urges to roam around. In most dementia care centers, this is combated with secure lockdowns. At Hogeweyk, however, the boundary of the village is actually the walls of buildings, so patients can ramble in the village without running the risk of wandering away. 
 Apart from keeping the patients safe,Hogeweyk also keeps them comfortable. People who suffer from dementia have trouble with unfamiliar spaces,so apartments at Hogweyk come in different styles, designed to be as familiar as possible to the patients. The patients also help with jobs like cooking and cleaning,and they can shop,get their hair done and see a movie,all of which gives them a routine and a sense of security. 
 Hogweyk has been a massive success for its humane treatment of dementia patients. Other care-giving companies all over the world are going to follow its example as well.

【題組】32. What is true about dementia patients at Hogweyk?
(A) They design a world that resembles their normal life before getting sick.
(B) They can also help with simple jobs like cooking and cleaning.
(C) They aren’t allowed to roam around the village for their safety concern.
(D) They aren’t suffering from any kind of disorder and live together happily.


B. While globalization and technology have delivered huge benefits in reducing poverty, legitimate concerns have been raised about the impacts on jobs around the world. In addition, many people are in jobs that underutilize their talents or potential. There are more than 5 million jobs open in the U.S., many of which are higher-skill and higher-paid but don’t require a four-year degree. I believe there are promising paths forward: First, we must create and hire to fill entirely new kinds of jobs, being created by the unleashing of data and cognitive technology. In IBM’s industry, these include roles in fields such as cybersecurity, data science, artificial intelligence and cognitive business. Second, we need new education models. For example, IBM has championed six-year public high schools that combine traditional education with the best of community college, mentoring and engaging in real-world job experience. Third, artificial intelligence can help. AI can enhance and accelerate the skill development of employees or trainees in roles ranging from health care to customer service. We can also bridge the gap between employers with unfilled vacancies and prospective employees who have the potential but not the traditional qualification. The market will not solve this problem; we need collaboration across business, government and civil society. The future of job creation is no longer white collar vs. blue collar. It’s new collar.
【題組】38. Why have the legitimate concerns about the impacts of jobs around the world raised?
(A) Globalization and technology have not reduced poverty as expected.
(B) There is a great distance between job requirements and college graduates’ competence.
(C) IBM has offered more than 5 million new jobs recently.
(D) Such jobs as health care and customer service will be taken over by AL.


12. Jack worked at the restaurant last year, but he ______work there now.
(A) doesn’t
(B) wasn’t
(C) didn’t
(D) won’t


4. The government’s compensation policy did little to ______ the workers’ anger, only fuelling the protest further.
(A) confer
(B) ferment
(C) mitigate
(D) ratify


50. Besides drugs, the concern and support of patients’ families and friends as well as social acceptance are also a _____ for mental patients.
(A) vendetta
(B) paragon
(C) panacea
(D) genesis


April 12, 2010
    Dear Dr. Murphy, I really enjoyed the seminar you put on last Saturday. I rarely do anything on the fly but I was passing by the college last weekend and saw the posters for your program. I had a few hours to spare so I made the snap decision to attend; and boy, am I glad I did! I have struggled with my weight for many years and have tried several different diets plans with little success. Although your methods are unorthodox, I have already seen some improvement in seven short days. I purchased the complete set of books you recommended and have diligently read through them several times. I do, however, have a few questions about the program and was wondering if I could arrange a time to meet with you to go over them. I appreciate any help you can give me. Sincerely, Mark Wilson
April 16, 2010
     Dear Mark, it was so good to hear from you. I love to connect with seminar alumni. It is excellent that you seized the moment and attended something that could drastically affect your life. That was the first step towards positive, lasting change. The next step is to read my books and then follow the regimen laid out in them. According to your letter, you have done that with some positive short-term results. Way to go! A surefire way to obtain long-term success is to continue to follow the program, one day at a time. You may have some setbacks along the way but if you don't give up you will reach your goals. You mention in your letter that you have some questions about the program. I don't meet with clients one-on-one, but feel free to call my diet hotline at 1-800-688-3878 and a nutritional expert will be happy to assist you. Keep up the good work. Sincerely, Dr. Eugene Murphy, Nutritionist

【題組】27. The word, "unorthodox" on line 4 of the first letter is synonymous with
(A) religious
(B) memorable
(C) unconventional
(D) lackadaisical


3. Surrounded by the beautiful scenery, he felt so relaxed and _____.
(A) delighted
(B) imaginative
(C) inventive
(D) attentive


8. Paul's job as a construction worker is ______. He has no energy left afterwards to do anything.
(A) draining
(B) swollen
(C) wholesome
(D) accurate


14. The famous writer has created a dashing young man as the _____ of her new novel.
(A) abolitionist
(B) somnambulist
(C) extremist
(D) protagonist


4. The chameleon’s ability to change its skin color allows it to effectively ____ itself in its natural environment.
(A) incubate
(B) camouflage
(C) procrastinate
(D) eradicate


III. Cloze Test A. 16 – 20 題 
        Methane, the simplest alkane and a vital component of natural gas, is a potent greenhouse gas that significantly contributes to the anthropogenic warming of the planet. It is naturally generated via various biochemical pathways, such as anaerobic decay of organic matter, as well as anthropogenic activities, such as intensive animal husbandry and fossil fuel production. The atmospheric concentration of methane has surged by over 150% since the pre-industrial era and now constitutes about 20% of the total radiative forcing caused by greenhouse gases. 
        As reducing methane emissions has become a prime imperative for mitigating climate change impacts, several strategies ____16___, such as enhancing the efficiency of animal farming, cutting down waste generation in landfills, and trapping methane at oil and gas facilities. A new, burgeoning approach to reduce methane emissions is the exploitation of methane as a renewable energy source, particularly in the form of biogas. 
        Biogas, a renewable, sustainable energy source, is derived by the anaerobic digestion of organic materials like animal waste, food scraps, and sewage sludge. This procedure generates a blend of methane and carbon dioxide, which can be processed to yield a purified fuel for heating, cooking, and electricity production. Biogas presents several advantages ___17___ fossil fuels, such as its ecological sustainability, minimal carbon footprint, and ability to cut down methane emissions from waste disposal practices. 
         ___18___ its potential as a fuel source, methane can also be utilized as a feedstock for manufacturing an array of chemicals and materials. Methane, through various chemical reactions, can be converted into diverse chemicals, such as methanol, which can be used as a fuel or as a building block for producing other compounds. Methane can also be employed as a precursor for the synthesis of hydrogen, a pivotal component in numerous industrial processes. 
        Nevertheless, several challenges and hurdles have to be surmounted to realize the full potential of methane as a fuel and feedstock. For instance, the production of biogas necessitates careful management of the anaerobic digestion process to guarantee that the methane is captured and not released into the atmosphere. Moreover, the purification and transportation of biogas are complex and costly. Likewise, the conversion of methane into chemicals and materials ___19___ advanced, sophisticated technologies and procedures. 
         In summary, methane, the simplest hydrocarbon with vast potential as a fuel and feedstock, plays a crucial role in the climate change conundrum. However, its production and utilization should be handled with extreme caution to avoid unfavorable environmental effects, including the exacerbation of climate change. By investing in cutting-edge research and development and promoting sustainable practices, we can optimize the benefits of methane ___20___ mitigating its disadvantages.

(A) have proposed
(C) have been proposing
(B) are proposed
(D) have been proposed


B. 39 – 42 題 
            Carbon rights refer to the legal rights associated with the ownership, management, and use of carbon resources. These rights are becoming increasingly important as the world grapples with climate change, and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions becomes more urgent. 
            Carbon rights are also an important tool for addressing the economic, social, and environmental challenges associated with climate change. Carbon rights are based on the principle that carbon emissions have an impact on the climate and the environment. As such, those who emit carbon should bear the costs of their emissions. This principle is embodied in the concept of carbon pricing, which involves putting a price on carbon emissions in order to encourage businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions.
             There are two main types of carbon rights: ownership rights and usage rights. Ownership rights refer to the right to own and control carbon resources, such as oil, gas, and coal. These rights are often held by companies or governments, and can be bought and sold like other commodities. Usage rights refer to the right to use carbon resources, such as the right to emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These rights are often granted through permits or allowances, and can be traded on carbon markets. 
            Carbon rights can have a significant impact on the economy and the environment. By putting a price on carbon emissions, carbon pricing can create incentives for businesses and individuals to reduce their emissions and invest in cleaner technologies. Carbon pricing can also generate revenue for governments, which can be used to fund climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
            However, there are also concerns about the potential impact of carbon rights on social equity. Carbon pricing can disproportionately affect low-income households and communities, who may not have the resources to invest in cleaner technologies. There is also a risk that carbon markets could lead to speculation and market manipulation, which could undermine the effectiveness of carbon pricing.
           To address these concerns, it is important to design carbon pricing policies and carbon markets in a way that takes social equity and environmental sustainability into account. This can be done by implementing measures such as revenue recycling, which involves using the revenue generated by carbon pricing to fund programs that benefit low-income households and communities.

【題組】41. What is the potential impact of carbon pricing on low-income households and communities?
(A) Disproportionate impact, as they may not have the resources to invest in cleaner technologies.
(B) No impact, as they are not affected by carbon emissions.
(C) Positive impact, as they may benefit from the revenue generated by carbon pricing.
(D) Negative impact, as they may be excluded from participating in carbon markets.


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(951~975)-阿摩線上測驗
