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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1001~1025)
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6. It was with considerable ____ that my mother revealed the results of her ____ studies to my grandfather as she had learned that my great-grandfather had been notorious criminal, a fact that grandfather had been at pains to hide.
(A) pride – hereditary
(B) anxiety – anthropological
(C) trepidation – genealogical
(D) excitement –philosophical


11. They ______ some lost Mayan ruins in the jungle.
(A) came across
(B) came along
(C) came about
(D) came away


54. Teacher: Can I help you? You look worried. Trisha: My daughter cannot decide what to do after she graduates. Teacher: Don’t worry. _______________.
(A). There are many courses for her to take.
(B). You know how to make decisions for her.
(C). That is just part of growing up.
(D). She is too old to go to a graduate school.


4. In addition to insufficient exercise, junk food ads further _____ child obesity problems.
(A) wrinkle
(B) paralyze
(C) aggravate
(D) extenuate


Jennifer no longer asked Curt for any advice because she knew he would just give her a/an ________ she had heard many times before.
(A) platitude
(B) agenda
(C) venom
(D) rift


46. A string of doctors agreed she was suffering from Lyme disease and prescribed antibiotics, but that did nothing to __________ her pain.
(A) alleviate
(B) engross
(C) excel
(D) ascribe


Reading Comprehension: Choose the best answer to each question.

        When it comes to globalization, one of the top issues in our time is that there are two points for us to keep in mind. First, it is not a new process. The economic forces that have created globalization have been existing since at least the 19 th century. The process was disrupted by the Great Depression and by two world wars. After World War II; however, it continued, growing even stronger in the 1980s and 1990s. It was slowed by economic meltdowns in Korea, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Thailand, and other countries. Meanwhile, terrorism began to impact on these countries. Second, the process has not spread evenly throughout the world. Each year, A.T. Kearney, Inc., and Foreign Policy Magazine rate nations according to their degree of global integration. This year, Ireland edged out Singapore as the most globalized country.
        Defenders of globalization believe that it is the key to international peace and prosperity. They want to create a borderless world and remove as many stumbling blocks to globalization as possible. However, opponents view it with hostility. They oppose organizations such as World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank, and the Great Eight (G8), and protest their meetings. The antiglobalization movement actually consists of many different kinds of organizations, including labor unions, human rights groups, and environmental organizations. Some radical antiglobalizationists, called “localists,” believe that international trade and activity should be greatly curtailed and that power should be returned to the national, regional and local levels. Most antiglobalizationists are more moderate; however, they consider the localists’ views provincial. They favor an approach called “anticorporation globalization” or “fair globalization,” in which international trade and cooperation still exist but benefit people in general rather than giant corporations.
        One issue that antiglobalizationists often discuss concerns the gap between haves and havenots. As union leader Jay Mazur said, “globalization has dramatically increased inequality between and within nations.” However, those in favor of globalizaiton argue that income is distributed more evenly in developing countries that have made some effort to globalize, such as China, India and Poland, than it is in “nonglobalizers” such as Nigeria, Myanmar and Ukraine.
        Another objection is that globalization has taken wellpaid jobs away from workers in developed countries’ and has moved them to developing countries. International companies take advantage of lax labor laws in developing countries, and pay low wages and force workers – including children – to work long hours under unsafe, miserable conditions. Globalizationists admit that there has been some loss of jobs in developed countries. However, they believe that retraining programs can help workers find new jobs in other fields, such as in serviceoriented and information technologybased industries. Globalizationists also point out that, in developing countries, wages and the
working environment in international factories are usually better than those in local factories.
        Many environment organizations also oppose globalization. On the one hand, they say that environmental laws in developing countries are likely to be weaker than those in industrialized countries. They believe that international corporations use the air and water of developing nations to get rid of toxic materials. Globalizationists, on the other hand, argue that international corporations usually use the latest computerregulated technology in their factories, and produce less pollutions than local factories. Furthermore, there has been an increased awareness of environmental issues around the world, spread by global media. The people of many nations are reluctant to tolerate environmental destruction for the sake of development. Costa Rica, South Africa and other nations have learned that pristine natural areas attract tourism.

【題組】47. Which of the following effects of globalization is not a concern to antiglobalizationists?
(A) Unemployment.
(B) Income distribution.
(C) Disposal of poisonous wastes.
(D) International flow of information.


8. “It’s been a very _relationship,” says Johnny White from Art Department, explaining how their success has mirrored the growth of the festival.
(A) penchant
(B) reciprocal
(C) gullible
(D) impromptu


4. She seemed to _____ nonchalance, but was actually watching every move we made.
(A) circumvent
(B) parry
(C) feign
(D) evict


4. Those illegal manufacturers must be closed to prevent _______ fakes and unqualified products from being sold to the public.
(A) monopolized
(B) simultaneous
(C) rampant
(D) redundant


10. In the country, all citizens above twenty years of age have the right of ____, subject to a residence of one year in the state and sixty days in the county in which they offer to vote.
(A) denouement
(B) ramification
(C) suffrage
(D) genocide


(C) Research has indicated that dyslexia has biological origins, and most investigators now suspect that dyslexic children read poorly as a result of a highly specific language problem, sometimes called phonological unawareness. Dyslexic children cannot easily learn to read because they have trouble associating printed letters with the sounds of speech. A similar problem occurs in congenitally deaf people who have mastered the linguistic complexities and subtleties of sign language but have trouble learning to read.
    Evidence also exists suggesting that the root cause for much dyslexia is a problem with processing very rapidly changing sensory stimuli. For example, studies have shown that dyslexic children have trouble making accurate distinctions among similar auditory signals. They often cannot hear the differences in speech sounds such as “pah,” “dah,” and “bah.” Recently, differences have been noted between the visual pathways of dyslexics and those of nondyslexics that suggest a comparable problem with fast-changing visual stimuli. Researchers have also found several other neuroanatomical abnormalities in the temporal lobe and in other areas of the brain. All of these studies are extremely valuable in helping researchers understand the mechanisms underlying reading problems so that dyslexic children can be accurately identified and more efficiently helped.

【題組】49. What is the fundamental reason for dyslexia children?
(A) They have problems with processing very rapidly changing inputs of the sense.
(B) They have trouble communicating with people.
(C) They are easily distracted by noises.
(D) They can’t control their emotion.


5. A badly-behaved and ______ employee is hard to control and perceived as a pain-in-the-neck to the company.
(A) convivial
(B) refractory
(C) taciturn
(D) malleable


I. Vocabulary Test: (15%)
【題組】10. The troops were finally able to _________ the rebel forces after many days of fighting. The rebels were all arrested.
(A) subdue
(B) retrieve
(C) activate
(D) scorn


   The Harrier, informally referred to as the Harrier Jump Jet, is a fighter jet capable of vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) operations. Originally developed by UK manufacturer Hawker Siddeley in the 1960s, the Harrier emerged as the only truly successful V/STOL design of the many   26   during that era. It was conceived to operate from improvised bases, such as car parks or forest clearings,   27   requiring large air bases. It combines the best aspects of a helicopter with those of a fighter jet.   28   , the world speed record for a helicopter is 249 mph while the Harrier can tly at 730 mph.

  Vertical takeoff and landing uses an enormous amount of skill   29   the pilot and also a large amount of fuel. To save fuel a simple ramp allows the plane to take off on a very short runway. The planes appear to hop   30   the air. Vents at the ends of each wing can be used to direct some of the thrust and this allows the pilot to move the plane left, right, forwards and backwards while hovering.

(A) on the part of
(B) at the cost of
(C) in the sight of
(D) by the name of


32Assessment can be given before instruction, during instruction, and after instruction. Which assessment is given before instruction so as to provide teachers with information about each student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction?
(A)Diagnostic assessment.
(B)Formative assessment.
(C)Summative assessment.
(D)Dynamic assessment.


58. Jerry was excited to see hail pelting down on the ground because he______ a hailstorm before.
(A) has never experienced
(B) would never experience
(C) will never experience
(D) had never experienced


III. 閱讀測驗 (10%) 
    Breast-feeding is an important and special occurrence between a mother and her child. It leaves the child and mother healthier and happier. However, it also can lead to certain complications for the mother, like mastitis. Mastitis is a breast infection that mostly occurs among women who are breast-feeding. It’s sometimes called lactation mastitis or puerperal mastitis by doctors. Women who aren’t breast-feeding can also develop mastitis, which is called periductal mastitis.
   While it’s more common for these symptoms to occur (as is the infection in general) within the first six months after birth, and more so in the first six to 12 weeks of breast-feeding, mastitis can occur at any point of the breast-feeding period. Typically, the lactation mastitis occurs in only one breast.
   In breast-feeding women, mastitis is often caused by a buildup of milk within the breast. This is known as milk stasis. Apart from infrequent or missed feedings, milk stasis can occur, for instance, when a baby has problems sucking. In some cases, this buildup of milk can also become infected with bacteria. This is known as infective mastitis. Bacteria can enter the breast through cracked or sore nipples.
    However, mastitis is easily self-diagnosable and very self-treatable. There are many natural ways to treat mastitis. Some of the treatments are actually identical to the preventative tips for avoiding breast infections, such as regular breast-feeding and wearing loose clothing throughout the day. There are also many treatments that serve dual purposes: both relieving the symptoms of mastitis and helping clear the blockages of the clogged milk duct, thus allowing the passage of the bacteria and ending the mastitis infection all together. It’s important to be very on top of treating a blocked milk duct or swollen area quickly to avoid the possibility of infection.
    If you show signs of impending or full-blow, mastitis, in addition to resting, the following natural remedies will be a huge help: First of all, keep feeding. Maintaining a regular schedule through the infection, as long as you or the baby doesn’t exhibit oral thrush symptoms and it’s not too painful, helps unblock the milk duct. Secondly, massaging around the affected area before and after warming the breast is a good combination to use. Warm baths and showers before or after breast-feeding are similarly effective heat-related helpers. Next, raw, green cabbage leaves have been used for generations for new mothers to help engorgement, but they’re also effective in fighting against infections like mastitis in the nipple area. Simply place a leaf of cabbage inside the bra for several hours a day. By keeping the cabbage in the fridge, the leaves cool and are even more soothing. You can replace the cabbage every few hours. Finally, mix half a teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of water and soak your nipples after nursing. The low-salt saline rinse, which has the salinity close to tears, helps keep the nipples bacteria-free and can also reduce pain and swelling. It’s both preventative and a treatment for mastitis.
    As with all infections and ailments, when it comes to mastitis, it’s important to do what you can to avoid blocked milk ducts and other risk factors. Learning proper breast-feeding techniques to avoid overly chapped or painful nipples, which then become susceptible to infection, is also paramount.

【題組】25. In the passage, the _______ of mastitis are not mentioned.
(A) reasons
(B) preventives
(C) complications
(D) remedies


3.____ by nature, Jones spoke very little even to his own family members.


IV. Reading Comprehension (36-50 題,共 15 題)
     A machine cannot create energy. What it does is to produce force and control the direction and motion of that force. A machine's work output can never exceed the amount of energy put into it. Its function is to transform one form of energy, such as electrical energy, and pass it along as mechanical energy. Some machines are known as prime movers because they change energy directly into mechanical motion. These include diesel engines, stream and water turbines and windmills, among others. As an example of how a prime mover operates, the energy of falling water rushing through the wheel of a turbine produces rotary motion. This direct motion of the wheel can be used to turn a generator that produces electricity. Other machines, such as a generator, a water pump, or a harvesting machine, are run by prime movers. These machines only control or produce certain forces and motions. A machine's ability to do work is measured by two factors: efficiency and mechanical advantage.
      The efficiency of a machine is the ratio between the energy it supplies and the energy put into it. Machines that transmit only mechanical energy may have an efficiency of nearly 100 percent. But some machines have an efficiency as low as 5 percent. No machine can operate with 100 percent efficiency because the friction of its parts always uses up some of the energy that is being supplied to the machine. All machines produce some friction. For this reason, a perpetual motion machine is impossible.
       A simple lever is a good example of a machine that has a high efficiency. The work it puts out is almost equal to the energy it receives, because the energy used up by friction is quite small. On the other hand, an automobile engine has an efficiency of only about 25 percent, because much of the energy supplied by the fuel is lost in form of heat that escapes into the surrounding air.

【題組】38. Why is a diesel engine a prime mover?
(A) It has a high efficiency rating.
(B) It transforms energy directly into mechanical motion.
(C) It only controls or produces certain forces and motions.
(D) The friction of its parts uses up part of its energy.


Questions 36-40

       The fishermen from small Curonian villages in Lithuania used to put their weathervanes into a wooden frame and decorate__36._ with openwork carvings. This probably __37_ their liking to adorn their buildings - to decorate weather planks and fasten intricate embellishments _38_ horses or other objects on the roof ridge. The further artistic development of weathervanes was undoubtedly encouraged by the holiday-makers' attention and wish to acquire an original souvenir: This way the weathervanes started __39__ an increasing variety of colors and resort attributes - anchors, seagulls, lighthouses, or moose,__40__, unfortunately, loosing the symbols of the ancient mythology.


(A) in the long run of
(B) in the end of
(C) in terms of
(D) in the shape of 


3. Neurosurgeons have to be very_______ in everything they do because even a tiny error can cause an irrevocable result.
(A) indignant
(B) complacent
(C) skeptical
(D) meticulous


( B ) Lascaux is famous for its cave paintings, found in a complex of caves in the Dordogne region of southwestern France, because of their exceptional quality, size, sophistication and antiquity. Estimated to be up to 20,000 years old, the paintings consist primarily of large animals, once native to the region. Lascaux is located in the Vézère Valley where many other decorated caves have been found since the beginning of the 20th century (for example, Les Combarelles and Font-de-Gaume in 1901, Bernifal in 1902). Lascaux is a complex cave with several areas. It was discovered on 12 September 1940 and given statutory historic monument protection in December of the same year. In 1979, the Lascaux cave were added to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list. 
Sections have been identified in the cave: the Great Hall of the Bulls, the Lateral Passage, the Shaft of the Dead Man, the Chamber of Engravings, the Painted Gallery, and the Chamber of Felines. The cave contains nearly 2,000 figures, which can be grouped into three main categories - animals, human figures and abstract signs. Most of the major images have been painted onto the walls using mineral pigments although some designs have also been incised into the stone.
 Of the animals, there are 90 paintings of stags. Also represented are cattle, bison, felines, a bird, a bear, a rhinoceros, and a human. Among the most famous images are four huge, black bullsin the Hall of the Bulls. One of the bulls is 17 feet (5.2 m) long - the largest animal discovered so far in cave art. 6 Additionally, the bulls appear to be in motion. There are no images of reindeer, even though that was the principal source of food for the artists. A painting referred to as 'The Crossed Bison' is often held as an example of the skill of the Palaeolithic cave painters. The crossed hind legs show the ability to use perspective. 
Since the year 2000, Lascaux has been beset with a fungus, variously blamed on a new air conditioning system that was installed in the caves, the use of high-powered lights, and the presence of too many visitors. As of 2006, the situation became even graver - the cave saw the growth of black mold. In January 2008, authorities closed the cave for three months, even to scientists and preservationists. A single individual was allowed to enter the cave for 20 minutes once a week to monitor climatic conditions. 
 ~adapted from https://www.bradshawfoundation.com/lascaux/

【題組】30. About the Palaeolithic cave painters and their paintings, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) Painters used pigments extracted from certain minerals.
(B) Painters were able to apply the method of perspective.
(C) Painters could only complete tiny paintings because of lack of tools.
(D) Painters were capable of carving paintings into the surface of stones.


10. It is not appropriate to ______ someone based on their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, as everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity.
(A) imprecate
(B) corroborate
(C) eulogize
(D) denigrate


3. With her _______ star power, Beyoncé’s latest album ‘Cowboy Carter’ has captivated audiences with her intertextual visuals and fascinating music, sparking socio-political discourse on American symbolism, Blackness, justice, and reclamation.
(A) infamous
(B) ubiquitous
(C) nebulous
(D) calamitous


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1001~1025)-阿摩線上測驗
