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None of us objected ______ Tom to my birthday party.
(A) to invite  
(B) to inviting  
(C) invite  
(D) inviting  


46 The movie was okay, but I would rather _____ to the concert last night.
(C)have gone
(D)have been gone


The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) ratings board provides general guidelines to help you decide whether a movie is appropriate for your child. An R-rated film contains adult content. A PG-13 rating cautions parents about material that may be inappropriate for kids under the age of 13. A PG (parental guidance suggested) rating means the movie may contain material not suitable for young children, and a G (general audiences) means the movie’s okay for all. Though the rating system can give you a rough idea of what’s appropriate, it’s wise to do some homework before letting a child see any film. Read newspaper reviews, or visit movie-review websites. Once you know the content of a particular film, you can make a decision. If you decide that a movie is inappropriate for your preteen, don’t cave in to peer pressure and let him see it. Explain the decision to your child. Tell him, for instance, that you’re concerned that a violent movie could cause nightmares. Make sure your child knows that you care about what he is watching.
【題組】10 We may infer from the passage that_____ .
(A) parents can rely only on film ratings when choosing an appropriate film
(B) parents don’t need to explain the film choice if it’s R-rated
(C) children can decide on which film to watch all by themselves
(D) children cannot watch an inappropriate film even if their friends do so


Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage: One of the most popular fields of study for college students these days is leisure studies. The names of the courses, “Introduction to Sport” or “The Philosophy of Sport,” call forth scenes of college students idly talking of Frisbees and sleeping on the grass. But leisure studies is a deadly serious field: students learn how to run the sports programs of big city park departments, how to manage a ski resort or a vacation hotel. The students learn how to organize a teenage soccer league where little or no interest exists in the sport, how to teach and keep beginners interested, and how to keep track of admissions money. To do all these things, they must take courses in psychology and business management along with those in leisure. As people grow more involved in sports activities, in vacations, and in trips, the job outlook for leisure majors is quite good; but can you imagine trying to explain to your parents that you’re spending their money studying leisure?
【題組】9 It is hard to explain to the parents that their children are spending money studying leisure because
(A) leisure studies programs are quite expensive.
(B) many parents feel college should be difficult and serious.
(C) there are few jobs available to current leisure studies majors.
(D) few major colleges now offer programs in leisure studies.


46 By the time the Olympic runners reach the finish line, they __________ run 400 meters.
(A) will have
(B) will
(C) had
(D) would need


42 The author of the medical report is fully _____ of the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.
(A) absent
(B) aware
(C) adequate
(D) advertised


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
       For hundreds of years, psychologist and ordinary people have never stopped debating this fascinating question. Some people think personality develops as a result of the environment—the combination of influences that we learn from, such as our families, our culture, our friends, and our education. The people who believe this theory believe that all babies are born without a personality and that it’s the environment that determines, or forms each child’s personality. This school of thought is called the “nurture school.”
      At the other end of the continuum we find people who believe that personality is determined by “nature,” or the characteristics we receive, or “inherit,” from our parents biologically, through their genes. These people believe that our personality is not determined by the environment, but rather by genetics, and that each baby is born with a personality. The nature-nurture controversy is very old. Experimental psychologists have tried to discover which of these two factors, genetics or the environment, is more important in forming our personality. However, it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to conduct research on real people with real lives. There’s just no way to put people in a laboratory and watch them develop. For this reason, there’s no scientific way to settle the nature-nurture controversy. Recently, however, most researchers have come to believe that both the environment and the genes —nurture and nature—work together and are both important.

【題組】49 For people who believe in nature, which of the following statements is true?
(A) Personality is determined by the environment.
(B) Personality is not determined by genetics.
(C) Each baby is born with a personality.
(D) Each baby is born without a personality.


38 The angry workers marched through the streets after they ________ the policy's command to retreat back to their factories.
(A) endorsed
(B) defied
(C) resided
(D) experimented


