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試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 103 地方政府特種考試_四等_各類科:英文#18356
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31 Derek was caught stealing money at school; the principal told him that he was not allowed to go back to school _____his behavior improved.
(B)only if
(D)provided that


32 Maggie’s musical tastes are very _____ . She has CDs ranging from classical piano performances to rock concerts, jazz, African music, and even Chinese opera.

3( ).

33 I couldn’t go to the movies with my friends this afternoon because I had to run some _____such as taking mail to the post office and doing grocery shopping.

4( ).

34 As the misty moonlight gradually covered the night with a sheet of white veil, a couple sat down by the quiet lake enjoying the moment of_____ .

5( ).

35 The new law enforces severe _____on people who do not fasten their seat belts while riding in the backseat of a car.

6( ).

36 The on-going protests and demonstrations against the ruling party have made some foreign investors _____to invest further in the country.

7( ).

37 Writers often use graphs and drawings to help them _____concepts which are too complicated to be expressed with words only.

8( ).

38 The doctor applied some antibiotic cream to the wound on Sara’s head to help _____her pain and speed the healing.

9( ).

39 The detective was so careful and _____that he left no part of the crime scene unexamined.

10( ).

第 40 題至第 43 題為題組 
    Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day, 1642. His father had passed away a few months earlier. Three years later, his mother remarried and moved to a neighboring village, 40 Isaac in the care of his grandmother at Woolsthorpe, an estate that had been in the family for two hundred years. When Newton was fourteen, his mother, widowed a second time, returned to Woolsthorpe with the three children of her second marriage. Soon afterwards she brought Isaac home from school to learn to manage the estate, which did not appeal to him 41 . He divided his time between reading and ingenious tinkering; he built dolls’ houses for his little sisters, a model windmill, and a water clock that continued to run for years. What he did failed to meet his mother’s expectation; 42 , his mother decided to send him back to school. At eighteen he was admitted to Trinity College at Cambridge University. He had just completed his studies when the plague forced him to go back home. He set off for the peace and quiet of his rural English birthplace, where he 43 spend a year. This period was so rich in discovery that future historians would refer to it as the “miraculous year.”

(D)had left

11( ).

(A)in the least
(B)at last
(C)at least
(D)by no means

12( ).


13( ).


14( ).

第 44 題至第 46 題為題組 If Sir Henry Head had not thought of a possible connection between the nerves on the soles of the feet and the rest of the body back in the 1890s, then the principle of reflexology would never have seen the light of day. Head worked on the idea that every area of the human body is represented on the soles of the feet. He managed to prove that there is a strong connection between these areas and the internal organs. Using a special kind of thumb or finger pressure, the reflexologist slowly massages the surface nerves of the sole, bringing about a reflex response. In this way, the reflexologist can easily detect dysfunctions in the body. Unfortunately, reflexology is often mistakenly associated with foot massage, but it is in fact far more complex. Reflexology not only helps to relieve patients from stress, but it also combats a variety of ailments. Reflexology is earning its place alongside mainstream complementary medicine as more and more people turn to it.
【題組】44 According to the passage, what is the theory behind reflexology?
(A)The stimulation of the soles of the feet brings about a feeling of excitement.
(B)Massage eliminates the effects of stress and works wonders for mental disorder.
(C)There is a close correlation between the soles of the feet and the internal organs.
(D)The body can heal itself by producing a certain reflex response to fight off a disease.

15( ).

【題組】45 As used in the passage, what does the phrase “see the light of day” mean?
(A)Awake from sleep
(B)Believe in a religion
(C)Come into existence
(D)Define the scope

16( ).

【題組】46 Which of the following statements about reflexology is true according to the passage?
(A)It involves the use of special instruments when treating patients.
(B)It cannot be used to treat illnesses.
(C)It is often confused with foot massage.
(D)It has been a standard practice in Western medicine for over 150 years.

17( ).

第 47 題至第 50 題為題組 When we view a scene in which another person exhibits delight, pain, or disgust, the parts of our brain that react when we experience those emotions ourselves are activated. Scientists at the NeuroImaging Center, the Netherlands, wanted to see if that same region that governs those three emotions—the anterior insula—was activated when people read about someone experiencing disgust. To test this, they placed participants in an fMRI scanner, which measures changes in blood flow in the brain, and showed them 3-second movie clips of an actor sipping from a cup and then looking disgusted. “Later on, we asked them to read an article and imagine short emotional scenarios in it,” said study team member Christian Keysers. “For instance, bumping into a drunken man, who then starts to throw up, and realizing that some of his vomit had ended up in your own mouth.” Finally, the researchers had the participants taste an unpleasant drink while in the scanner. “In all three cases, the same location of the anterior insula lit up,” Keysers said. People with damaged anterior insula lose the capacity to feel disgusted. “If you give them sour milk, they would drink it happily and say it tastes like soda,” Keysers said. But for normal people, sipping that sour milk will result in them spitting it right back out with a “blech.” It is an evolutionary advantage to have the same reaction when watching someone else spit out the milk: you won’t try the same milk if you are aware of the other person’s disgust. “What this means is that whether we see a movie or read a story, the same thing happens: we activate our bodily representations of what it feels like to be disgusted,” Keysers said. “And that is why reading a book and viewing a movie can both make us feel as if we literally feel what the protagonist is going through.”
【題組】47 What is the main idea of this article?
(A)Like watching movies, reading can stir emotions.
(B)The main purpose of using an fMRI scanner is to measure changes in blood flow in the brain.
(C)Being able to react to another person’s disgust is an evolutionary advantage.
(D)Scientists have proved that the anterior insula is responsible for three emotions.

18( ).

【題組】48 What was the purpose of the experiment conducted by the NeuroImaging Center according to the article?
(A)To record participants' reactions to sour milk.
(B)To observe how well the fMRI scanner worked.
(C)To see how many emotions the anterior insula governed.
(D)To test how people reacted when reading about someone experiencing disgust.

19( ).

【題組】49 Based on the article, which of the following is “an evolutionary advantage”?
(A)You watch a movie clip about someone feeling disgusted.
(B)You feel happy when you drink something tasty.
(C)You learn from other people’s experiences.
(D)You read a lot and go to the movies a lot.

20( ).

【題組】50 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the article?
(A)A drunken man will always spit out the milk in disgust.
(B)An fMRI scanner measures changes in blood flow in the brain.
(C)Reading and viewing a movie about disgust can activate our own feelings of disgust.
(D)If you give a person with damaged anterior insula a glass of sour milk, he or she would not feel disgusted.


試卷測驗 - 103 年 - 103 地方政府特種考試_四等_各類科:英文#18356-阿摩線上測驗
