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4. The _______ between smoking and cancer was established many years ago.
(A) link
(B) palm
(C) level
(D) peel


5. We have to try to protect animals that are endangered so they do not become _______.
(A) eventual
(B) extinct
(C) excessive
(D) explosive


6. Ever since his accident, Tom’s grandfather has walked with a wooden _______.
(A) porter
(B) reminder
(C) mineral
(D) cane


10. These kids were so cute and lovely that the old man decided to give them an apple _______.
(A) hopefully
(B) defensively
(C) formally
(D) respectively


18. Only people who bought tickets were _______ to win a prize.
(A) terminated
(B) obsessed
(C) migrated
(D) eligible


19. When the monk returned to the _______, he went immediately to his bedroom.
(A) emission
(B) abbey
(C) locust
(D) rivalry


27. Manager: Welcome to your new office.
Employee: Hey, this office has a pretty good view.
Manager: You’re right. Let me show you around.
Employee: O.K. _________________
(A) It’s time to learn the ropes.
(B) Let’s beat around the bush.
(C) It’s time for dinner.
(D) Let’s enjoy the show.


▲閱讀下文,回答第 31-35 題
      One of the most famous women in Chinese history was Wu Ze Tian. She was born in 625 AD and lived ( 31 ) 705 AD. She ruled China through her two sons before she ( 32 ) power for herself in 690 AD. During her rule, she was said to ( 33 ) Korea and Tibet. Being a ( 34 ) capable woman, she also increased the size and power of the government.
      Strong female rulers ( 35 ) Queen Elizabeth of England, Maria Theresa of Austria, or Catherine the Great of Russia are more common in Western history. Therefore, it is noteworthy that Wu Ze Tian was China’s only female leader in all of Chinese history. Perhaps there will be more and more female leaders in the future.

(A) had controlled
(B) controls
(C) controlled
(D) have controlled


(A) friendly
(B) highly
(C) quietly
(D) lovely


▲閱讀下文,回答第 36-40 題
     In an effort to improve both the standard of living of the local rice farmers and the quality of locally-grown rice, Taiwan’s government has held an annual rice competition for the past four years. Government officials choose high-quality rice and sell it to the ( 36 ) bidder at the event. This year’s winner received an ( 37 ) $100,000 per kilogram. The ( 38 ) was made by a restaurant owner. Other remarkable bids were $20,000 and $12,880 each for a kilogram of high-quality rice.
     A hard-working elderly couple were awarded a special prize of $200,000 for their ( 39 ). The Premier of Taiwan was there at the event to hand ( 40 ) the prizes. He praised the farmers for their diligence in producing some of the finest rice grown anywhere in the world.

(A) latest
(B) highest
(C) coolest
(D) fastest


▲閱讀下文,回答第 41-45 題
     Reality TV shows are some of the most popular TV programs in the United States. Viewers are bored with the same old television programs and are more interested in watching real people in real situations. The most popular Reality TV shows are either very risky or very risqué. One show leaves thirty-two people in a location where they have to live off the land. They compete in high-risk challenges to win food and shelter. However, the most interesting part is watching the relationships. Members of the group talk about each other behind their backs and no one knows whom they can trust.
     Reality TV has also turned to sex to gain viewers. One popular show invites a wealthy unmarried man to choose a wife from several eligible women. At the end of the two-hour show the two get married. Another program invites six couples to a beach hotel to test their loyalty to each other. The couples are separated, and then beautiful men and women try to get them to cheat on their partner. No one is really sure why these shows are so popular. Perhaps it’s a chance to forget your own problems by watching someone else’s.

【題組】45. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Reality TV shows are popular with people in the United States.
(B) Reality TV shows are also popular with people of England.
(C) Nobody really knows why these Reality TV shows are popular.
(D) People are bored with the same old television programs and are more interested in watching Reality TV shows.


▲閱讀下文,回答第 46-50 題
     On the planet, there are five rhino species, and all their lives are considered threatened. One of the largest threats is poaching because there is a market for their horns in Asia.
    The most endangered rhino species is the northern white rhino. Sudan was the last male northern white rhino, and he died in 2018. Since then, there are only two of these rhinos left, and they are both female. However, there is still hope for the rhino.
    Fortunately, an international group of scientists successfully collected mature eggs from the two female rhinos, fertilized them using sperm from two males (who are now dead), and they created two northern white rhino embryos. These embryos could save the species from extinction.

【題組】48. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) There is no male northern white rhino left.
(B) The most endangered rhino species is the northern white rhino.
(C) Scientists successfully created two northern white rhino embryos.
(D) The northern white rhinos became extinct after Sudan died in 2018.



Shihyuan Chen剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分