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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1226~1250)
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43.To make it easier for people to relax or read while in bed, all beds in this hotel have a manual or motor-driven _____ to raise the foot or head area.
(A) mechanism
(B) serenity
(C) temperament
(D) momentum




The goal of a mediator is to facilitate the finding of a mutually acceptable solution.
(A) familiarize
(B) impede
(C) promote
(D) announce


Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of extensive reading?
(A)It can promote the pleasure of reading.
(B)It encourages students to read for comprehension.
(C)It familiarizes students with reading longer texts.
(D)It helps students to remember details of the stories.


Which statement about teaching methodologies is commonly accepted now?
(A)The development of compatible methods flexible enough to meet various needs of modern society and sufficiently scientific to teaching and learning is what we need.
(B)The development of a type of teaching narrowly based on a particular need for students is important.
(C)Individual language teachers should not exercise their personal gifts in their teaching but apply scientifically established guidelines.
(D)The great diversity of the methodologies confuses teachers, so a search for a better one is an urgent issue.


21 A short time before she died, the old woman ____ a will, leaving her entire estate to her beloved dog.
(A) has written
(B) had written
(C) was writing
(D) had been writing


The only __________ the stores here will accept is the U.S. dollar.
(A) interpretation
(B) dissuasion
(C) finance
(D) currency


Smoking, as proven in many medical studies, is likely to damage the human body ______ .
(B) optimistically
(C) permanently


27. Which is NOT a trait of cooperative learning?
(A) Mutual trust relationship.
(B) Face-to-face interaction.
(C) Individual contribution.
(D) Homogenous grouping.


Helicopter parents—hovering, ultra-protective, unwilling to let go—are coming to the workplace in recent years. Young people are consulting their parents before accepting a job offer. Parents are calling up managers to negotiate benefits and protest poor performance reviews. “Parents are contacting us directly,” says Betty Smith, university recruiting manager at Hewlett-Packard. “This generation is not embarrassed by it. They’re asking for parents’ involvement.” Such parental participation would have been unheard of for earlier generations of young workers. As a researcher described, “Today’s parents would have had their attorney in there to get a hold over the boss.” Rising numbers of employers are seeing young employees whose parents hover over their job search and early careers. According to a 2007 Michigan State University survey, nearly a quarter of all employers have “sometimes” to “very often” seen parents involved in the recruitment and employment of recent college graduates. Employers have been surprised by this, but maybe they shouldn’t have been. Parents have given this generation special attention from cradle to college, so why stop when their sons and daughters enter the workplace? Parents who get involved most often gather information about prospective employers: Fully 40% of employers have had parents gather employment information for their children. Nearly one-third of employers have seen parents submit a resumé on their child’s behalf, prompting one manager to comment: “Please tell your child that you have submitted a resumé to a company. We have called a student from our resumé pool only to find they did not know anything about our company and were not interested in a position with us.” Over one quarter of employers have had parents promote their children for a position, and 15% have had parents call to complain if the company does not hire their son or daughter. A smaller share of employers report even more hands-on parental involvement, including negotiating salary and benefits (seen by 9% of employers), advocating for salary increases (seen by 6%), and actually attending the interview (seen by 4%). Commonly, young workers get help from their parents to complete work assignments by a deadline, or have parents review their work and make improvements, report employers. Employers have also witnessed a number of employees who insist on talking to their parents before meeting with a supervisor who is reprimanding or disciplining them. In fact, helicopter parenting is just one element in a shift in the attitudes and behaviors of both the young and parental generations towards each other. Today’s young people have a closer and more involved relationship with parents than any other youth generation in living memory. Throughout their childhood and adolescence, today’s youth have been more likely to trust their parents, depend on their support and guidance, and tell them about their lives than prior generations at the same age. A key aspect of this new relationship is the acceptance—and even the expectation—that parents will be highly involved in their children’s lives. According to the Datatel 2006 College Parent Survey, parents of today’s college students say they spend much more time with their kids than their own parents did with them. By a three-to-one margin, today’s parents say they are more involved in helping their children succeed in college. While most employers see young workers’ close relationships with parents as a problem, it is in fact an enormous opportunity. Handled properly, helicopter parents can be an enormous asset to employers’ goals of recruitment, productivity, and retention. Instead of shutting out parents, employers can develop a strategic response to enroll parents as allies and harness these potential strengths. Employers that respond successfully to protective moms and dads will have a key advantage in attracting and retaining young workers in the decades to come.
【題組】46. What does “helicopter parenting” imply the new relationship between young people and parents?
(A) acceptance and expectation
(B) appreciation and evaluation
(C) distrust and betrayal
(D) discouragement and distance


III. Blank-filling : (每格1分,共10分)

Researchers studied exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, or PAHs. They found that(16) exposure to these compounds was tied to changes in the structure of offspring’s brains and to intellectual deficits and behavioral problems in childhood.

The researchers measured PAH (17) in the air and in the blood and urine of 40 mothers in their third (18) of pregnancy, as well as in their children’s urine. They followed the children until they were 7 to 9 years old, (19) M.R.I. exams on their brains. The results are in JAMA Psychiatry.

The higher the exposure to PAHs, the more reductions the children had in the white matter surface of the left hemispheres of their brains. The amount of damaged white matter (20) directly with higher scores on measures of symptoms of attention deficit (21) disorder and other behavioral problems. Higher exposure to PAHs and white matter (22) were also associated with lower scores on tests of (23) speed, the ability to take in new information and respond to it.

Critically, as noted, PAHs have been identified as (24), and are considered pollutants of concern for the potency of potential (25) health impacts; the same holds true of their presence at significant levels over time in human diets.

(AB) mutagenic (AC) trimester (AD) processing (AE) concentrations (BC) adverse (BD) correlated (BE) hyperactivity (CD) performing (CE) prenatal (DE) deterioration



(D) 婚姻


80. Ozone, a dangerous pollutant in smog, can cause damage to________ it touches.


19. As online shopping becomes more and more popular, you should be able to tell authentic goods from _____ goods in case the money you spend becomes worthless.
(A) conterminous
(B) counterfeit
(C) contumacious
(D) cryptic


17. Scientists have concluded ___ rainfall and general weather conditions.
(A) that sunspots affect
(B) what affects sunspots that
(C) what affects sunspots
(D) that what sunspots affect


IV Discourse Structure Yes, go ahead and grab that cup of joe, or two, or more. Doing so may improve your health and help you live longer, suggests new research. In a new observational study involving close to 20,000 individuals, people who consumed at least four cups of coffee daily had a 64% lower risk of early death compared to those who never or rarely consumed coffee. ___28___ These findings echo the recent results of another large observational study, which found that coffee drinkers appear to live longer, regardless of whether they consume regular or decaf coffee. 
 Coffee has also been shown to reduce the risk of many diseases, including type 2 diabetes, liver disease, colorectal cancer, Alzheimer's and skin cancer, too. "Coffee is loaded with antioxidants," said Joe DeRupo, a spokesman for the National Coffee Association. "Many are naturally occurring antioxidants found in the coffee bean, while others are created during the roasting process. ___29___" 
 While coffee consumption may appear to be healthful for many, others should proceed with caution. Pregnant women, for example, should cautiously limit their intake of caffeinated coffee. "Current evidence suggests that consuming moderate amounts of caffeine up to 200 mg per day, the amount in a 12-ounce cup of coffee, is not associated with increased risks for miscarriage or preterm birth," said Dr. Joseph Wax, chair of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists' Committee on Obstetric Practice. "___30___" Additionally, "there is insufficient evidence to draw any conclusion regarding the effects of caffeine on fetal growth." 
 ___31___ "Caffeine is an aggravator and accelerator of one's heart rate," said Dr. Vince Bufalino, a spokesman for the American Heart Association and senior vice president and senior medical director of Cardiology-AMG, Advocate Health Care, in Naperville, Illinois. "Those with atrial fibrillation or hypertension should limit their caffeine intake. One to two cups daily is probably fine, but if you are sensitive, you should restrict all caffeine."

(A) If you have any heart conditions, you should also limit your coffee and caffeine consumption. 

(B) It's these compounds that science links with positive effects in reducing the risk of several diseases.
(C) The reduction in risk was more significant once people reached the age of 45, suggesting that it may be even more beneficial to consume coffee as we get older. 

(D) However, data are contradictory regarding these pregnancy outcomes when women consume more than 200 mg per day of caffeine.

【題組】30. ________


11. John is a proud person. Worst of all, he keeps ______ how rich he is.
(A) showed off
(B) show off
(C) shows off
(D) showing off


5. Women want companies to offer more _____ working hours so that their children can be better taken care of.
(A) psychological
(B) flexible
(C) limited
(D) compassionate


Have you ever wished you could transform yourself into a completely different kind of being? Or perhaps you’ve dreamed of being able to live and breathe underwater as well as in the open air. For one group of animals, amphibians, these capabilities are no flight of fancy but are actually a way of life. Frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders are all members of the amphibian family. The word “amphibian,” derived from Greek, literally means “dual life,” referring to the fact that these animals live both in the water and on land. They are generally viewed as one step up the evolutionary ladder from fish. Being cold-blooded, amphibians rely on external sources of energy like sunlight to heat up their bodies, unlike warm-blooded animals such as mammals, which regulate their body temperature internally. This means that amphibians struggle to survive in cold climates and tend to hibernate in the winter months, when their main food sources such as insects are also scarce. Another particular characteristic of amphibians is their ability to breathe through their skin. While most species of amphibian possess lungs, salamanders lack these organs altogether and get their supply of oxygen solely through their skin. The life cycle of all amphibians starts underwater, and only once they’ve reached adulthood can they move onto land. This transition comes about through a drastic process of metamorphosis, in which their form completely changes. Each kind of amphibian undergoes this process in its own distinctive way, which only adds to the fascination of these unique creatures. Of all the various species of amphibian, frogs are the best-known. We are perhaps all familiar with the frog’s life cycle and its particular type of metamorphosis. Once they’ve hatched from eggs underwater, frogs spend the first stage of their life as tadpoles. Tadpoles live exclusively underwater and breathe through gills, just like fish. Starting off about the size of a pea, they gradually grow, developing first hind legs, then front legs, before losing their gills and eventually growing lungs. Depending on the kind of frog, this tadpole stage can last anywhere from a week to a few months. A number of frog species protect themselves by secreting toxins from their skin. In frogs, brightcolored skin usually serves to advertise this poisonous nature, so the more colorful a frog is, the more wary you should be of touching it! In comparison to multi-colored frogs, toads are rather ugly in appearance. Many people assume that toads are a completely separate type of amphibian, but they are actually just another kind of frog. Apart from their skin being rougher, they have shorter hind legs than frogs, which means they walk rather than hop. Compared to many other animals, amphibians are especially sensitive to changes in their surrounding environment, and as such they are seen as valuable ecological indicators. Their moist skins, through which they breathe, provide little defense against harmful chemicals. Thus, increased pollution has led to a dramatic decline in the worldwide amphibian population in recent years. Unless something is done to clean up our environment, we risk losing these precious animals to extinction.
【題組】31. According to the article, how are toads different from frogs?
(A) Their skin is more colorful.
(B) They are larger.
(C) They are unable to hop.
(D) They are poisonous.


4. Please don’t be mistaken. I don’t mean _____ your conversation.
(A) overhearing
(B) to overhear
(C) to be overheard
(D) being overheard
(E) to overhearing


10. One good way to ______ a complicated concept is to provide visual aids such as charts, figures or concept maps.
(A) exasperate
(B) exacerbate
(C) explicate
(D) expatiate


1. Pathfinding in games must appeal to player expectations for plausibility and naturalness, which is what natural intelligence might conceivably do. Thus, navigation in games is not necessarily __________ for maximum machine efficiency or for shortest distance.
(A) optimal
(B) permeable
(C) quixotic
(D) preternatural


3. _____ between friends is just a matter of self-pride. There is no victory or defeat for it.
(A) pelf
(B) elixir
(C) warp
(D) altercate


       Science fiction television has done a lot to shape how we view the meals of the future, from an evening dinner in pill form to machines giving us any meal we desire, on demand. ___36___ However, while these ideas for food creation are more than fifty years old, the way we produce and consume food has not changed very much. Even though there is enough food available today to feed the world, more than 870 million people do not have enough to eat. ___37_____
       With the global population expected to grow to more than nine billion by 2050, demand for food will only increase. No pills or machines have solved our food problems yet. Nonetheless, agricultural science has been responsible for saving huge numbers of lives. Science and technology helps us out of starvation during the 1960s and 70s when the world’s population exploded.
       _____38____ The result of this panic was the “green revolution”, which saw the introduction to framing of high production grains, improved irrigation systems and hybrid seeds, saving over one billion people from starvation. ___39_____ Having enough food is only the first step. There are complications with natural disasters, conflict, poverty and environmental problems. All these can mean that the food supply is put at risk. ___40_____ Many people are concerned about “playing around with nature”, adjusting how food looks and tastes and smells, and other human interference, all of which are widespread. 
(AB)Agricultural science was quite a success. (AC) There are many complexities when dealing food. (AD) Modern science and technology of food contributes a lot. (AE)Nobody would ever starve if food were this easy to obtain. (BC) And it is unbelievable that hunger kills more people than disease does. (BD) Then there are the issues we face when it comes to food experimentation. (BE) At that time scientists were genuinely worried that we would run out of food.

【題組】37.(AB)Agricultural science was quite a success. (AC) There are many complexities when dealing food. (AD) Modern science and technology of food contributes a lot. (AE)Nobody would ever starve if food were this easy to obtain. (BC) And it is unbelievable that hunger kills more people than disease does. (BD) Then there are the issues we face when it comes to food experimentation. (BE) At that time scientists were genuinely worried that we would run out of food.


A. 35 – 38 題 
         Two years have elapsed since the publication of the Los Angeles Times article delving into the tragic deaths of K-pop idols Goo Hara and Sulli, yet the relevance of the article remains steadfast. The piece provided a profound examination of suicide, emphasizing the importance of resisting the urge to reduce such tragedies to a simple narrative solely attributed to the darker aspects of the K-pop industry. 
         While it is undeniably true that female K-pop idols often confront intense public scrutiny and misogyny, it is essential to recognize that suicide is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Although suicide contagion—the idea that exposure to suicide can increase suicidal behavior—is a legitimate concern, reducing the conversation to the darker aspects of the K-pop industry only serves to exacerbate the problem. 
          A more effective approach involves addressing the larger sociocultural factors that contribute to mental health issues and suicidal ideation, particularly the cultural taboo surrounding mental health. Despite the progress made in destigmatizing mental health issues, mental health remains a taboo topic in many parts of the world. To move forward, it is imperative to foster a dialogue that promotes openness and actively challenges stigmatizing attitudes toward seeking help. Simply discussing suicide is insufficient; the language and approach we use are of paramount importance. 
         As the global statistics on suicide illustrate, this issue goes beyond the Korean entertainment industry. Suicide rates remain high, and it is crucial to comprehend that suicide is a complex issue with no straightforward cause or individual to blame. By cultivating a conversation that prioritizes openness and actively challenges stigmatizing attitudes toward mental health, we can begin to make progress toward preventing tragedies like those of Goo Hara and Sulli. 
         In conclusion, it is necessary to reiterate that suicide is a complex issue that requires a thoughtful and multifaceted approach. As we continue to grapple with the impact of these tragic deaths, we must work towards creating a culture of openness and destigmatization, both within the K-pop industry and society at large. Only then can we hope to make meaningful progress in addressing the issue of suicide and preventing future tragedies.

【題組】36. According to paragraph 2, what exacerbates the problem of people committing suicide?
(A) By recognizing that suicide is an issue caused by multiple reasons.
(B) By reducing discussions to negative aspects of the entertainment industry.
(C) By imposing individuals to news and ideas that pertain committing suicide.
(D) By addressing the issues of sociocultural factors that exist within many Asian communities.


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文科難度:(1226~1250)-阿摩線上測驗
