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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 關務特種考試_五等_各科別:英文#119508
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1 My sister finally ________ her large-sized SUV and got herself a smaller car.
(A) made with
(B) gave up
(C) turned on
(D) looked at


2 Jane was late for work this morning because she missed the ________ train.
(A) express
(B) distant
(C) various
(D) natural


3 My aunt has a hobby of ________ rocks, and she has had thousands of them.
(A) explaining
(B) delighting
(C) collecting
(D) respecting


4 Would you please ________ what you saw when the accident happened?
(A) increase
(B) succeed
(C) replace
(D) describe


5 Would you please go ________ to my room and get the bag for me?
(A) libraries
(B) curtains
(C) blankets
(D) upstairs


6 There is a high ________ of traffic accidents in such a thick fog.
(A) scene
(B) price
(C) cost
(D) risk


7 Please just ________ for another 10 minutes, and we will come back to you.
(A) turn down
(B) fall down
(C) depend on
(D) hold on


8 More and more people are pushing the ________ to take action to stop drunk driving.
(A) appearance
(B) government
(C) production
(D) stationery


9 Tom’s application for the job was ________ because he had no related experiences.
(A) rejected
(B) selected
(C) injected
(D) projected


10 Mary is very ________ and shy when meeting strangers.
(A) alive
(B) bold
(C) active
(D) timid


11 Because the work is extremely difficult, Nancy has been under ________ for weeks.
(A) stress
(B) strength
(C) climate
(D) control

12( ).

12 The students all laughed ________ and heartily when their teacher told them a funny joke.
(A) deadly
(B) hardly
(C) loudly
(D) tidily

13( ).

13 There is no need to get ________ since there’s plenty of food for everyone.
(A) sleepy
(B) greedy
(C) pretty
(D) steady

14( ).

14 Some cats are ________ enough to figure out how to operate doorknobs.
(A) clever
(B) liberal
(C) naive
(D) pretty

15( ).

15 The success of the research project reflects the ________ of all the lab members.
(A) allergy
(B) diligence
(C) ignorance
(D) substance

16( ).

16 Visitors are allowed to hold a koala bear and feed a ________ in this city zoo.
(A) decision
(B) headache
(C) kangaroo
(D) necklace

17( ).

17 The patient told her doctor that she felt sick and ________ for no reason.
(A) extra
(B) dizzy
(C) local
(D) total

18( ).

18 The soldier ________ his strength against that of his opponent before deciding if he wanted to attack.
(A) delivered
(B) featured
(C) gestured
(D) measured

19( ).

19 Don’t make a(n) ________ too quickly before you see the whole picture of the matter.
(A) proof
(B) advertisement
(C) judgment
(D) invitation

20( ).

20 The ________ function of schools is to educate young people to use knowledge to wipe out ignorance.
(A) absurd
(B) contrary
(C) legendary
(D) primary

21( ).

21 Susan ________ staying at home to going outside at the weekend.
(A) denies
(B) protects
(C) prefers
(D) prevents

22( ).

22 The writer is a little upset because his new book hasn’t gotten good ________ on the newspaper.
(A) relations
(B) rations
(C) reviews
(D) raises

23( ).

23 Living without hope and purpose is possibly the worst thing in the world that one can ever ________ .
(A) gesture
(B) imagine
(C) succeed
(D) thunder

24( ).

24 The children were all very ________ and started to cry when the lights went out.
(A) scared
(B) actual
(C) cloudy
(D) narrow

25( ).

25 Many countries around the world see climate change as a/an ________ problem.
(A) dull
(B) equal
(C) electrical
(D) serious

26( ).

26 Two students were ________ in a school bus crash and sent to a hospital nearby.
(A) broken
(B) damaged
(C) elected
(D) injured

27( ).

27 There is no use ________ anyone else for our personal mistakes and failures.
(A) blaming
(B) causing
(C) pasting
(D) skating

28( ).

28 During Chinese New Year, parents give red ________ with money inside to their children.
(A) decorations
(B) envelopes
(C) invitations
(D) shirts

29( ).

29 Kids ________ their time reading stories and roleplaying their favorite characters from the stories.
(A) cost
(B) left
(C) rested
(D) spent

30( ).

30 The old man was ________ at his next-door neighbor for playing loud music all night long.
(A) ill
(B) key
(C) mad
(D) shy

31( ).

31 After further ________ , the police said over-speeding was the main factor of the car crash.
(A) obligation
(B) consumption
(C) separation
(D) investigation

32( ).

32 In a job interview, keeping natural, steady eye contact is a way to show your ________ .
(A) residence
(B) incidence
(C) evidence
(D) confidence

33( ).

33 Many people are more successful in making friends online than ________ someone in person.
(A) contracting
(B) illustrating
(C) threatening
(D) approaching

34( ).

34 The amount of alcohol in the driver’s blood exceeded the ________ limit.
(A) finite
(B) legal
(C) social
(D) verbal

35( ).

35 Green energy refers to electricity ________ from renewable sources, such as wind and sunlight.
(A) transported
(B) relieved
(C) generated
(D) calculated

36( ).

請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
        Travel can be an eye-opening experience for children of all ages: there are new foods, experiences and sights, not to mention __36__    family time. But traveling __37__ children can also be overwhelming—unpredictable schedules, long packing lists and cranky kids are just __38__ of the many challenges you may encounter. The strategies you canuse to help children have a good time will __39__ how old they are. Children in the newborn to age 2 range are happytravelers __40__ you create a comfortable environment for them. The key to keeping older kids engaged on a familytrip is to get them involved in the planning, even in a small way.

(A) quantity
(B) quality
(C) quarrel
(D) queer

37( ).

(A) during
(B) for
(C) to
(D) with

38( ).

(A) a bag
(B) a few
(C) a little
(D) a lots

39( ).

(A) aim at
(B) deal with
(C) depend on
(D) find out

40( ).

(A) as long as
(B) even if
(C) in spite of
(D) no matter what

41( ).

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
        Climate change has been going on for more than a century. The global climate gets warmer and warmer and the average annual temperature keeps rising. This makes sea water heat up and expand, thus taking up more space andcausing a significant rise in the sea level.
         Another cause of sea level rise has to do with icebergs. As icebergs melt due to rising temperatures, huge blocks ofice move into the sea at the poles. This phenomenon also significantly elevates the sea level. Currently, the sea level iseight inches higher than it was a century ago. Scientists predict that by the end of this century, the sea level is very likelyto be three feet higher than it is today.
        Sea level rise is threatening to submerge some countries. Among them, island countries are especially vulnerable.For example, Tuvalu, an island in the South Pacific Ocean, will likely become the first country to disappear underwaterover the coming decades. Other victims suffering the same fate include Kiribati, the Maldives, and the Marshall Islands,to name just a few.
        Human activities are impacting the climate system. People have been burning coal and petroleum for a long periodof time. Such fossil fuels release greenhouse gases to the atmosphere when they are burned. Greenhouse gases act like asweater around the Earth for they are good at trapping heat and making temperatures rise.
        As it stands, sea level rise does not pose threats to island countries alone. Scientists are already warning that someof the world’s major cities could be underwater by the end of the century. Needless to say, action to protect them shouldbe taken as soon as possible.

41 What is the main purpose of this passage?
(A) To show how fossil fuels are formed in cities.
(B) To clarify the causes and effects of sea level rise.
(C) To prove the importance of South Pacific countries.
(D) To trace the movements of icebergs on a global scale.

42( ).

【題組】42 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this passage?
(A) Greenhouse gases make temperatures rise because they can easily trap heat.
(B) Today the sea level is several feet higher than it used to be one hundred years ago.
(C) Rising temperatures cause icebergs to melt, which in turn causes the sea level to rise.
(D) Tuvalu, Kiribati, the Maldives, and the Marshall Islands are all affected by sea level rise.

43( ).

【題組】43 Which of the following words is closest in meaning to the word “vulnerable” in this passage?
(A) Adequate.
(B) Productive.
(C) Systematic.
(D) Unprotected.

44( ).

【題組】44 Which of the following is NOT a problem caused by climate change?
(A) Flooding.
(B) Famine.
(C) Rise of temperature.
(D) Greenhouse effects.

45( ).

【題組】45 What is the author’s general attitude while mentioning the island countries?
(A) Ironic.
(B) Tolerant.
(C) Humorous.
(D) Pessimistic.

46( ).

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
        Team composition has long been known to play a large role in the effectiveness of teams because it determines theamount of knowledge and skill team members have to apply to the team task—in terms of both task completion andworking interdependently. Although surface-level differences in team composition (e.g., demographics) can affect teamperformance, deep-level characteristics such as intelligence and personality have been found to have larger impacts.Individual intelligence, also called cognitive ability, is the ability to perform cognitive tasks. Individuals with higherintelligence are better able to consistently perform cognitive tasks well. The same ability that enables individuals toperform well on individual cognitive tasks should also be relevant for similar cognitive tasks that are assigned to teams,so they are higher performers in job settings that require cognitive performance. Team output is therefore a function ofthe individual contributions of its members. The effects of personality, on the other hand, can vary depending on thespecific context involved. Often, personality characteristics create patterns of behavior such that people high in a givenpersonality trait tend to behave and respond to others in similar ways. When entering a new team without priorestablished practices, individuals’ personalities will shape their initial behaviors in a new team and how they react to thebehavior of others. The central tendency of members’ behaviors will develop the team’s common behaviors throughshared interactions. For example, if many team members are high in extraversion, initial behaviors are more likely to besocial and gregarious, and the response to those behaviors would be positive, social, and gregarious. The few teammembers lower in extraversion are likely to avoid challenging the emerging central tendency in behavior. Thus, teammean personality traits are highly impactful in forging group norms, shaping subsequent interactions between members.

【題組】46 What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Team performance can be a joint function of individual’s personality and intelligence.
(B) The role of Intelligence outweighs that of personality in predicting team performance.
(C) Personality traits are more impactful in determining effectiveness of teams.
(D) Successful team work requires more than personality traits and individual intelligence.

47( ).

【題組】47 According to the passage, what is the tone of the passage?
(A) Cynical.
(B) Intense.
(C) Objective.
(D) Playful.

48( ).

【題組】48 Which of the following personality traits is closest in meaning to “extraversion”?
(A) Indifference.
(B) Reliability.
(C) Sociability.
(D) Anxiety.

49( ).

【題組】49 What does the pronoun they in the passage refer to?
(A) Behaviors.
(B) Individuals.
(C) Practices.
(D) Personalities.

50( ).

【題組】50 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
(A) Teams comprised of more intelligent people who are higher individual performers should perform better.
(B) If many team members are low in extraversion, the response to gregarious behaviors would be positive.
(C) The effects of personality in team performance can be consistent across a variety of social contexts.
(D) Only individuals with high intelligence can help develop their team’s work practices when they join a new team.


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 關務特種考試_五等_各科別:英文#119508-阿摩線上測驗
