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試卷測驗 - 104 年 - 104 臺灣菸酒股份有限公司_從業職員(儲備主管)甄試試題_經營職-會計、專業職-會計:英文#29223
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1. The army decided to _______ huge bombs in the enemy’s region to end the war.


2. Dennis felt _______ towards stray dogs. Their living condition concerned him.


3. Caught by the police on the spot, Mr. Brown was _______ for speeding on the freeway. 


4. The victims of the typhoon were in _______ need of food and water. 


5. Since the glass container is almost _______, you can see through it quite clearly. 


6. We were sorry to hear the news that a lot of passengers were killed in that plane _______. 


7. The issue of carrying out death penalty still remains _______ in Taiwan. 


8. Wendy considers that being a housewife is a _______ and uninteresting work. 


二、文法測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案 【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 9. The firefighters spent ten hours _______ out the forest fire. 
(B)to putting
(D)be put


10. By the time the police arrived at the bank, the three robbers _______. 
(A)run away
(B)running away
(C)have run away
(D)had run away


11. The mushroom soup was _______ hot that I could not eat it right away.


12. _______ country you choose to travel to in your summer vacation, you should look for the information about its weather condition beforehand. 


13. Frank’s mother demanded that he _______ his homework before playing online games. 


14. Lots of kids were in the swimming pool, many of ________ enjoyed swimming on a hot summer day. 


15. With a strong typhoon approaching, we cannot help but _______ our trip to Japan. 
(D)is cancelled


三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案 ,選出最適當的答案】 There is one cool feature of the Apple Watch: it can monitor your heart rate. The watch monitors your heart rate throughout the day, and 16 it available via Heart Rate Glance on the watch. The watch keeps track of your heart rate continuously while you’re doing a workout with it. Apple is able to monitor your heart rate through a process called photoplethysmography, 17 uses light in an interesting way to determine your heart rate. Specifically, 18 your blood is red, it reflects red light and absorbs green light. To measure you heart rate, Apple Watch uses green LEDs along with light-sensitive photodiodes to determine how much blood happens to be flowing 19 your wrist at a particular time. As your heart beats, more light is absorbed; between heart beats, 20 light is absorbed. Apple Watch is flashing LEDs on your wrist hundreds of times per second, allowing it to get a pretty accurate idea of what your heart rate is at a given time.
【題組】 16. 
(A)being made
(B)having made










四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意 【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案 ,選出最適當的答案】 The history of Gregorian Chant begins before the birth of Christ. Chant is based upon the songs sung in the synagogues and Middle Eastern countries. It’s fascinating to know that some of today’s chants are based upon the actual songs which Jesus sang when he was living in Jerusalem. 
Gregorian Chant was adopted by the Christian Church in about the 6th century and chant singing quickly became an essential part of Christian worship. This style of chanting was named after Pope Gregory the Great, who unified all the chants into one collection. It soon became an essential part of monastic worship; and, monks would write new chants and take them from monastery to monastery. Eventually there was sufficient Gregorian Chant for all the services: approximately nine a day, seven days a week and even more on great feast days. In the early days the chant wasn’t copied into books. It had to be memorized and it would take monks many years to learn all the different songs. Eventually they worked out a way to write music down, and words and notes were copied into one large book which all the choir monks would gather round and sing from. 
Many different styles of performance came into being and it wasn’t until the 19th century that the monks, like Gregory the Great, began to seek a single method of performance which reflected what was known about early methods of chant singing. 
There’s a famous monastery at Solesmes in France, and its monks became responsible for the restoration of Gregorian Chant as we hear it today, on CDs and radio. They worked out a very artistic method of singing it and a new method of writing it down. They then produced books which contained the fruits of their scholarship. Their theories were adopted by monasteries throughout the world. 
Unfortunately Gregorian Chant has now largely fallen into disuse in the Catholic church because of widespread change in the services.

【題組】 21. What does the word “It” in the second paragraph refer to?
(A)The Christian Church.
(B)Singing Gregorian Chant.
(C)The Christian worship in the 6th century.
(D)The name Pope Gregory the Great gave to a chant. 


【題組】22. Why did monks copy music, words and notes into one large book? 
(A)Pope Gregory the Great asked them to do so.
(B)Memorizing the songs took them a lot of time.
(C)They wanted to please Pope Gregory the Great.
(D)The book was light enough for monks to take from monastery to monastery.


【題組】23. When did monks start to find a single method of performance? 
(A)Before the birth of Christ.
(B)In the 6th century.
(C)In the 19th century.
(D)After the 20th century.


【題組】24. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the famous monastery at Solesmes in France and its monks? 
(A)The modern Gregorian Chant was restored by its monks.
(B)Many monasteries followed theories developed by its monks.
(C)Gregorian Chant was sung by its monks with an artistic method.
(D)Its monks were responsible for restoration of the songs sung by Jesus.


【題組】25. Why has Gregorian Chant been disused in the Catholic church? 
(A)The services have been changed.
(B)Christ developed a new one to replace it.
(C)Pope Gregory the Great collected all chants into one.
(D)Modern monks consider Gregorian Chant insufficient for all the services.


試卷測驗 - 104 年 - 104 臺灣菸酒股份有限公司_從業職員(儲備主管)甄試試題_經營職-會計、專業職-會計:英文#29223-阿摩線上測驗
