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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1541~1545)
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Spring is the most beautiful time of the year to visit Rome—flowers begin to bloom, café tables reappear on bustling sidewalks, and crowds of summer tourists are yet to arrive. Before dawn, head up to the Janiculum Hill to catch the sunrise. From here you’ll be able to see the Vatican, Pantheon, Colosseum, and Borghese Gardens. Then you can stroll through the oldest morning market, Campo di Fiori, to pick up some fresh fruit and flowers. Proceed from the Campo towards the Pantheon. Built in A.D. 124 as a temple to all the gods of Rome, the Pantheon remains today as a Catholic church and a tomb for Italian celebrities, such as the artist Raphael and King Vittorio Emmanuelle II. Around the Pantheon, you can’t miss the best Italian coffee. Romans are passionately divided as to who makes the best cup: Sant Eustachio, steps behind the Pantheon, or Tazza d’Oro, a few feet in front of the Pantheon. Take your coffee in the traditional Italian way: standing up at the bar. Spend the rest of the morning exploring St. Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican Museums. Vatican City is full of extraordinary artworks and monuments of history. Don’t forget to climb to the top of St. Peter’s for an incredible view. In the afternoon, head to the Borghese for a leisurely stroll through the garden. If you are in the mood for shopping, head down the Via Babuino towards the Spanish Steps. Essential to any afternoon in Rome are a few scoops of ice cream. Go to the renowned Giolitti, in the Piazza Colonna, and try their 40 flavors of ice cream. You may see Italian politicians flocking here between their government meetings.
【題組】What is Giolitti famous for?
(A)outstanding artworks
(B)government meetings
(C)a beautiful view of Rome
(D)various flavors of ice cream


Reading test: Words are concrete, used to express concrete thoughts and feelings and to deliver practical information; music is, by its very nature, abstract. When the two are put together, the resulting tension creates an excitement and an extra dimension which is denied to the spoken theater. For example, Shakespeare’s Othello is a great play, and Verdi’s Otello which is based on it is a great opera. I think that, if one had seen Shakespeare’s Othello seventy times one would be hard put to it to derive much enjoyment from a seventy-first encounter. But after seventy performances of the opera one can still find new beauty and subtleties to marvel at. Similarly, Beaumarchais’ play Le mariage de Figaro, entertaining though it is, is not something one would want to see once or twice a year throughout one’s lifetime. But ask any opera-lover whether he is tired of Mozart’s opera based on the play and you will learn that he is not, for its riches are inexhaustible. Music brings a greater complexity to the spoken drama and turns it into a different kind of experience.
【題組】37 . What is the main idea of the paragraph?
(A) The difference between a play and a concert.
(B) Why Mozart is a greater composer than Verdi.
(C) The comparison between a play and an opera.
(D) An evaluation of Shakespeare and his contemporary writers.


The gunman in Friday’s bank robbery has been___ as Matt Simpson, a truck driver who had been unfairly dismissed.


33 Due to global warming and deforestation, many animals and plants are on the brink of _____ .


132. To find out what this book was mainly about, Vicky quickly browsed through the table of _______.
(A) discoveries
(B) extensions
(C) talents
(D) contents


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1541~1545)-阿摩線上測驗
