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【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(1041~1045)
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1. The production of bread mainly includes the ___ such as flour,sugar and eggs。 .
(A) detergents
(B) nutrients
(C) details
(D) ingredients


25. A: I can’t get into my favorite jeans anymore. It’s really depressing. _______________. B: Well, I think you look fine. You shouldn’t worry about it.
(A) I am almost broke
(B) I need more organic food
(C) I’m going on a diet
(D) I am too busy


29. My wife seldom ________ a taxi to the supermarket.
(B) takes
(C) taken
(D) taking


45. Peter usually takes his time to eat because he really _____ a nice meal.
(A) enjoys to have
(B) enjoys having
(C) likes to
(D) has to


       To become a productive citizen, you’ll need to find work after you finish school. For that, you will need to obey the conventions of job interviews. Without the right preparation, finding a job can be a stressful and frustrating experience, especially in English-speaking countries.
       In order to find employment opportunities, there are several places you can look. Most newspapers have a “want ads” section that lists job openings in your local area. You may need to buy newspapers from other parts of the country or even the world if you want to work elsewhere. Alternatively, you can go to an employment agency, which can find you jobs in clerical and technical industries. In addition, the Internet is a new and powerful job source. Some websites list jobs by field and location, and many companies show new positions on their web pages.
       No matter how you find a job, you’ll probably have to go on a job interview. Most employers have expectations about how you’ll look and act when they first meet you. They’ll expect that you will bring a resume that describes your prior work experiences and education. You will have to dress in your best clothing: a suit and necktie for men, and a skirt and blouse for women. Finally, your interviewer will expect you to address him or her cordially, using “ma’am” or “sir” when you answer questions. It’s probably also a good idea to find out relevant information about a company beforehand if you want them to hire you.
      There are, of course, exceptions to these rules. Many creative or scholarly fields don’t require the same level of formality. But it is always safest to prepare for every possibility if you want to seem professional.

【題組】44. According to the article, what is something that you should NOT do during a job interview?
(A) Address your interviewer cordially.
(B) Always bring a resume with you.
(C) Always wear comfortable clothing.
(D) Show that you know about the company.


【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(1041~1045)-阿摩線上測驗
