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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 全民英檢初級閱讀測驗第五回#121931
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1. The question is ______ hard for me to solve.
(A) as
(B) to
(C) being
(D) too


2. I am so happy to see her ______ like that.
(A) dance
(B) danced
(C) dances
(D) to dance


3. ______ your choice. Which one do you want?
(A) Give
(B) Get
(C) Take
(D) Make


4. I am not sure ______ Sammy will go to the party.
(A) whatever
(B) who
(C) whether
(D) what


5. She folds the paper ______ he searches for scissors.
(A) while
(B) if
(C) during
(D) which


6. I ______ a great astronaut one day.
(A) is
(B) am
(C) will be
(D) being


7. Dad is sick ______ he ate bad seafood yesterday.
(A) so
(B) because
(C) but
(D) and


8. Carrie decides to have ______ cup of coffee because she is very sleepy.
(A) other
(B) the other
(C) others
(D) another


9. You have to make sure all these books are ______ by next week.
(A) return
(B) be return
(C) being returned
(D) returned


10. ______ one do you want to choose between these scarves?
(A) What
(B) Which
(C) This
(D) How


Questions 11-14
       One afternoon, Max ate a big bowl of spicy chili. Soon after, he felt a sudden, uncomfortable ache in his stomach. He tried to ignore it, but the pain grew ___(11)___. Alex had to run to the bathroom several times, ___(12)___ weak and embarrassed. He realized the chili ___(13)___. The next day, he made sure ___(14)___ spicy foods and drank lots of water to recover. Alex learned the hard way to be careful with his food choices.

(A) hurt
(B) worse
(C) much
(D) small


(A) feel
(B) feeling
(C) to feel
(D) to feeling


(A) was good for his health
(B) was so delicious that he ate a lot
(C) is not yummy for him anymore
(D) must have been the cause


(A) to avoid
(B) avoiding
(C) to avoiding
(D) avoided


Questions 15-18
       The Eastern dragon is a powerful and important symbol in many Asian cultures. It is often ___(15)___ in Chinese folklore, where it represents strength and wisdom. Unlike Western dragons, Eastern dragons are usually long and snake-like with no wings. They can fly through the air and live in water, making them very ___(16)___. People believe Eastern dragons bring good luck and are protectors of nature. ___(17)___ festivals, people often have dragon dances, which are colorful and exciting. These dances are meant to honor the dragon and ask for its ___(18)___ for the coming year. The Eastern dragon shows how culture and beliefs can shape the stories people tell.

(A) saw
(B) seen
(C) see
(D) being seen


(A) safe
(B) chubby
(C) gentle
(D) magical


(A) On
(B) For
(C) During
(D) While


(A) blessings
(B) discussions
(C) importance
(D) object


Questions 19-21

66b42a9bb543c.jpgRyan loves music and would like to apply for the position. Below is what he wrote to the bar.

【題組】19. What is the purpose of the ad?
(A) To find a server
(B) To find an entertainer
(C) To attract more customers
(D) To encourage customer feedback


【題組】20. What does Ryan ask Mary to do?
(A) To hire him as a bartender
(B) To hire him no matter what
(C) To offer him drinks at the bar
(D) To let him know if she wants to interview him


【題組】21. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) You need to be experienced in the music industry to fit the job.
(B) Ryan is experienced in music.
(C) Mary wants to apply for the job.
(D) You can only reach Mary by email.


Questions 22-24

【題組】22. What is the purpose of this email?
(A) To get a free shuttle ride
(B) To buy a car
(C) To book a ride in advance
(D) To be a taxi driver


【題組】23. What most likely is Sarah going to do on July 15th?
(A) Take a taxi to Green International Airport
(B) Land at Green International Airport
(C) Board a plane at Green International Airport
(D) Fly a plane at Green International Airport


【題組】24. Which statement is true according to the email?
(A) Greenway Taxis cannot meet Sarah's needs.
(B) Sarah didn't say when she is arriving.
(C) Greenway Taxis is a transportation company.
(D) Sarah is taking a ship to another country.


Questions 25-27
       Once upon a time, Mia went hiking in the mountains. She loved the tall trees and colorful flowers on the trail. Climbing higher, Mia found a beautiful waterfall and heard birds singing happily. Even though the paths were steep and rocks slippery, Mia kept going with determination. When she reached the top, she saw a stunning view of the valley below, glowing in the sunset. Overcoming these challenges made Mia proud, and she enjoyed seeing such natural beauty. This hike became a special memory, reminding her of how amazing nature is.

【題組】25. Which of the below would be the best title for this paragraph?
(A) How Hiking Satisfys You
(B) The Difficulties of Climbing a Mountain
(C) Mia's Mountain Adventure
(D) Mia's Love of Mountains


【題組】26. What is NOT true about Mia?
(A) She may enjoy nature.
(B) She may be a person who doesn't give up easily.
(C) The hiking experience has become a special memory to her.
(D) She failed to overcome the difficulty of climbing the mountain.


【題組】27. How can you describe Mia's hiking trip?
(A) Difficult but pleasant
(B) Full of sadness
(C) Exciting but scary
(D) Peaceful but boring


Questions 28-30

【題組】28. What is NOT said about the job?
(A) It requires good problem-solving skills.
(B) The job is to assist in testing and developing.
(C) The enviornment helps you learn knowledge.
(D) A high salary is offered.


【題組】29. Who would most likely be hired for the job?
(A) Vivian, who is looking for her first job.
(B) Aaron, who has worked as an assistant engineer for 2 years.
(C) Nina, who is a professional salesperson.
(D) Liam, who has no job.


30. Which of the following is true?
(A) One must call or email Techvision to apply for the job.
(B) This is the only job available in the company.
(C) One has to have great background knowledge to get this job.
(D) One has to work alone in this job.


試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 全民英檢初級閱讀測驗第五回#121931-阿摩線上測驗
