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54. Part of the film Transformers: Age of Extinction ________ on location in China, to attract more Chinese moviegoers.
(A) shot
(B) shoot
(C) was shot
(D) was shooting


56. Many people like to visit Yangmingshan, ________ is famous for its hot springs.
(A) which
(B) where
(C) that
(D) what


58. Most students spend their free time ________ smartphone games.
(A) playing
(B) to play
(C) play
(D) for playing


According to the polls, there is one thing that people fear more than dying, namely speaking in front of people. Everyone has to go through the process of conquering this fear, we call “stage fright,” 71 politicians, actors, and singers. Overcoming stage fright is a lot like learning a new language. It takes time and practice, and any time you spend practicing will be time well-spent 72 learning to face and overcome fear is an ability that will serve you well. If you work in business, 73 , you may be asked to teach new office recruits how to do something, or you might need to explain a product to visiting customers. Outside of work, you might be asked to say a few words aft er receiving an award or giving a 74 at a friend’s wedding. The point is you never know when you will be asked to speak 75 . So face your fear and always be ready to say something clearly and with confidence.
(A) as a result
(B) in conclusion
(C) by contrast
(D) for instance


(A) letter
(B) reply
(C) toast
(D) clue


A recent study conducted at a university in the United States showed that laughing helps blood vessels work more efficiently in the same way that exercise does. Doctors don’t suggest that people stop exercising, but instead encourage everyone to try laughing for fifteen minutes a day. The scientists still don’t know why laughing is so healthy, however. Is it because beneficial chemicals are released from your brain when you laugh? Or is it because laughing exercises your abdominal muscles and lungs and increases the amount of oxygen in your blood? Another benefit of laughing is that it boosts the immune system by increasing the body’s ability to fight off colds and the flu, so people who laugh more often get sick less often. Laughing can also lower blood pressure and can reduce stress hormones. Laughter causes the release of the body’s natural painkillers, so people with headaches and other pain feel better after laughing. In another study, nurses told jokes to some patients after medical treatment. The patients who were told jokes reported less pain than those who were not told jokes. Most hospitals have laughter departments these days. For sick children, some hospitals have clown doctors. These are not real doctors, but are actors dressed as clowns with white faces, bright red noses, col orful costumes, and very big shoes. They have funny names and sometimes sing songs or do magic tricks. It’s frightening for children to be sick in hospital because they are away from their home and family, and often they don’t understand their illness. Clown doctors help them to laugh and feel happier while they receive their treatment. Adult patients love them, too!
【題組】77. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Scientists are still not certain about why laughing is healthy.
(B) Instead of exercising, people should laugh for fifteen minutes a day.
(C) Laughter helps patients feel less pain after their medical treatment.
(D) Those who have a headache can feel better after a good laugh.


【題組】79. According to the passage, which of the following statements about clown doctors is true?
(A) They are dressed as real doctors.
(B) They make the children in the hospital feel happier and less frightened.
(C) They are real doctors dressed as clowns.
(D) They are popular among children but are not welcomed by adults.


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