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試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 台灣自來水公司_評價職位人員甄試試題_營運士業務類:英文#104456
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1. You need to open an _____ in our bank in order to deposit or withdraw money.
(A) oven
(B) island
(C) account
(D) envelope


2. Congratulations! Let’s throw a party to _____ your promotion.
(A) delay
(B) widen
(C) satisfy
(D) celebrate


3. The actress is very _____ as she can play all kinds of characters very well in a very short time of practice.
(A) talented
(B) picky
(C) rude
(D) shy


4. My brother knows how to _____ some wine and juice to make a tasty punch.
(A) mix
(B) trust
(C) spread
(D) protect


5. If everything is on _____ , the construction work can be completed by the end of December as expected.
(A) rule
(B) battle
(C) temple
(D) schedule


6. We need a more _____ version of the report because we don’t have time to read a long and detailed report.
(A) passionate
(B) sticky
(C) mixed
(D) concise


7. Be careful with the hot soup. You might burn yourself if you _____ it.
(A) tack
(B) spill
(C) follow
(D) negate


8. Not everyone can take the class. You need to _____ for it online by the end of this week.
(A) harden
(B) obey
(C) commune
(D) register


9. You’re being _____ when you judge a person by his or her looks.
(A) superficial
(B) concentrated
(C) accumulative
(D) flourishing


10. Please _____ his negative comments. He’s just trying to make you feel bad.
(A) extend
(B) attract
(C) ignore
(D) crave

11( ).

11. If you don’t want to climb the stairs, take the _____ over there.
(A) escalator
(B) operator
(C) elevator
(D) lift

12( ).

12. We must _____ our spending; otherwise, our company will go bankrupt.
(A) reduce
(B) lower
(C) exit
(D) cut

13( ).

13. Our company treats all employees equally, and does not allow any _____ discrimination.
(A) racial
(B) gender
(C) flame
(D) religious

14( ).

14. The story is totally _____. The author made the whole story up.
(A) pigmented
(B) corrective
(C) fictional
(D) unreal

15( ).

15. A camera was installed in the baby’s room so the parents can _____ the baby from other rooms in the house.
(A) twinkle
(B) convey
(C) monitor
(D) watch

16( ).

16. Thank you _____ your long-term support and contribution.
(A) by
(B) of
(C) for
(D) at

17( ).

17. The duty of a bodyguard is to keep the client _____ from harm or danger.
(A) save
(B) safe
(C) safety
(D) saving

18( ).

18. _____ up in a traditional family, Mary is very disciplined but restrained.
(A) Grow
(B) Grew
(C) Grown
(D) Growing

19( ).

19. The professor required that George _____ his term paper by 8 p.m. tomorrow.
(A) submit
(B) submits
(C) submitted
(D) submitting

20( ).

20. Excuse me. Do you know _____?
(A) can I return my purchase to where
(B) I can return my purchase to where
(C) where can I return my purchase
(D) where I can return my purchase

21( ).

21. I’m sorry, but I really don’t remember _____ last night.
(A) what did he say
(B) what he said
(C) he said what
(D) he did say what

22( ).

22. Either you or your mother _____ to pick up the little boy before nine o’clock tonight.
(A) needs
(B) need
(C) needing
(D) is needing

23( ).

23. _____ the grand prize, Sarah decided to donate three million dollars to charity.
(A) She has won
(B) Having won
(C) Was won
(D) She winning

24( ).

24. We will leave _____ he gets home.
(A) as well as
(B) so good as
(C) so well to
(D) as soon as

25( ).

25. My sister’s apartment is bigger than _____.
(A) my
(B) my’s
(C) mine
(D) my house

26( ).

26. The world-famous player has practiced _____ for at least four hour every day.
(A) tennis
(B) play tennis
(C) to play tennis
(D) playing tennis

27( ).

27. I forgave John for his mistake _____.
(A) as he had apologized sincerely
(B) because part of my fault, too
(C) since he is my best friend
(D) now that his willingness to make up for it

28( ).

28. The kids on the street thought the man _____ a black cape was a vampire.
(A) wearing
(B) who was wearing
(C) who wears
(D) who wearing

29( ).

29. _____ keeps him healthy and fit.
(A) He exercises regularly
(B) Exercising regularly
(C) To exercise regular
(D) Regular exercise

30( ).

30. Only after I pass the exam _____ fully relax myself.
(A) can I
(B) am I
(C) will I
(D) I be

31( ).

三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】(第 31-40 題為單選題,每題 2 分)
        In Japan, many people like to collect __31__ . However, due to land use and economic development, beetles have lost their homes in many parts of Japan, and become very __32__ in the wild these days. A local company then started selling bugs in __33__ . That is, bugs were put in automated cabinets with display windows on the streets for people to buy. This new way to own beetles turned out to be quite __34__ as the devices sell more than 1,500 bugs per month! However, some people disagree with this type of trade because they think beetles sold in boxes may lead to people treating them like __35__ and discarding them at will.

(A) stamps
(B) metals
(C) insects
(D) baseball cards

32( ).

(A) poisonous
(B) sensitive
(C) aggressive
(D) scarce

33( ).

(A) delivery packages
(B) vending machines
(C) small aquariums
(D) karaoke parlors

34( ).

(A) popular
(B) brutal
(C) controversial
(D) eco-friendly

35( ).

(A) loveable pets
(B) extraordinary toys
(C) lifeless products
(D) dangerous pests

36( ).

       Though a common sight in Taiwan and in many other crowded Asian cities, the "motorbike waterfall" (thousands of motorbikes and scooters going down the ramp) draws the attention of many tourists and photographers. Many travel websites __36__ it as a tourist attraction in Taiwan. In Taiwan, which has a population of 23 million, there are around 14 million motorbikes, __37__ the country's Environmental Protection Administration. Motorbikes are the most common means of transportation in Taiwan and across Asia __38__ their affordability and fuel economy. In 2015, a Pew Research Center study found a __39__ between national income and the kind of vehicles people owned. It said two-wheelers like scooters and motorbikes were __40__ popular in South and Southeast Asia. More than eight-in-ten people in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia own a scooter, the study said.

(A) rinse
(B) feature
(C) advise
(D) taint

37( ).

(A) instead of
(B) given that
(C) leading to
(D) according to

38( ).

(A) in spite of
(B) together with
(C) owing to
(D) as for

39( ).

(A) correlation
(B) diligence
(C) vowel
(D) treasury

40( ).

(A) hardly
(B) skillfully
(C) instantly
(D) especially

41( ).

四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】(每題 2 分)
        Coronavirus, or COVID-19 as many doctors and scientists call it, has been part of everyone’s life since mid-March 2020. Since then most schools, businesses, and communities have changed how they operated to prevent the spread of the virus. Because the disease infected a large number of people all over the world, experts call it a pandemic.
        Scientists don’t know the exact origin of COVID-19, but they do know that some similar diseases start in animals before spreading to humans. These types of diseases are zoonotic. Cows, bats, and camels are among the animals that are found to have spread diseases to humans in the past. The COVID-19 disease is also zoonotic, with the first cases popping up in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The affected humans were all connected to a nearby market that sold live animals.          For over a year, many kids attended school at least partly from their houses; their parents might have worked from home, too. This was all to avoid catching the virus from other people outside the home.
        Lots of people helped their neighbors throughout the pandemic. First responders, like healthcare workers, police officers, and firefighters, maintained the health and safety of the general public; essential workers such as grocery store employees, postal workers, and delivery drivers worked in-person to make sure other folks had what they needed to live.
        As of July 2021, nearly 190 million people in the world have been infected by COVID-19, and more than four million people have died. But the good news is that the numbers of people getting the virus in many countries are going down, thanks to testing, vaccines, and other preventative measures, like wearing masks and social distancing.

【題組】41. Why is COVID-19 called a “pandemic”?
(A) Because it started in China, the home of the giant pandas.
(B) Because it has spread to a wide range of places globally.
(C) Because the virus looks like a pan in shape.
(D) Because it has lasted for a long time since late 2019.

42( ).

【題組】42. In the article, which of the following is NOT mentioned about the origin of COVID-19?
(A) Scientists are not sure about exactly where the virus came from.
(B) Earliest cases infected with the virus were found in Wuhan, China.
(C) The virus first appeared in a market where people buy living animals.
(D) A Chinese bio-chemical laboratory may have produced the virus.

43( ).

【題組】43. Judging from the texts, what does the word zoonotic (in paragraph 2) most likely mean?
(A) Restricted to animals only
(B) Happening mostly in the zoo
(C) Passing from animals to humans
(D) Becoming as wild as animals

44( ).

【題組】44. Who kept helping others or worked in-person during the pandemic?
(A) Police and firefighters
(B) Bank clerks and insurance agents
(C) Doctors and nurses
(D) Mail carriers and shipping truckers

45( ).

【題組】45. What is NOT true about the impact of COVID-19 on humans?
(A) Distance learning or remote working became widely common.
(B) Roughly 190 million people lost their lives worldwide by July 2021.
(C) Over four million people passed away in Asia due to the disease.
(D) People needed to wear masks, keep distance, and get vaccinated.

46( ).

       At an average Millennial (千禧世代;Y 世代) get-together, it’s not unusual for friends to show off a hundred photos of their pets. From the amount of care Millennials exert to make their pets comfortable and stylish, it’s easy to see that they consider their pets as true members of the family. Young Americans may be less likely to be homeowners or parents of human children, but they are leading in their rate of pet ownership. The $69 billion pet industry has already grown three times larger than its size in 1996, and Millennials are driving the increase. With 44 percent of Millennials being unsure if they want to start their own family, it makes sense that their social media posts may be more full of fur babies than tiny humans. Although pets are undoubtedly cute, their vast popularity suggests a deeper reason why Millennials are choosing to have pets over children.
       Part of the explosion in pet popularity involves something not so warm and fluffy: personal finances. The Great Recession (經濟大衰退) hit Millennials right as they graduated and entered the workforce, causing them a lifetime of financial anxieties and student loan debt. The costs for a year of dog ownership range from $2,674 to $3,536. Seems expensive, right? Perhaps, but not when you compare it to the cost of raising a baby. Raising a child costs parents anywhere from $12,800 to $14,970 per year. And that does not include the huge college bill. For couples with limited cash, a dog or cat is simply a more financially possible option.
       Aside from finances, individuals are also drawn to the freedom a pet can offer. Pets can provide purpose without the sacrifices required for raising a baby. Of course, pets still require work and frequent bathroom breaks, but they can be left at home while owners go to work and out to social gatherings. While a pet can be left with minimal supervision, the same cannot be said for a child. 

【題組】46. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) Millennials prefer pets over babies.
(B) Pets can greatly affect the economy.
(C) Millennial women tend to quit their jobs after having babies.
(D) What the world will become when Millennials get old.

47( ).

【題組】47. How is the passage structured?
(A) The first and second paragraph each mentions a problem, and the third offers a solution.
(B) The first paragraph talks about a trend, and the second and third paragraphs talk about its advantages and disadvantages.
(C) The first paragraph talks about a phenomenon, and the second and third paragraphs explain why.
(D) The first paragraph introduces a topic. The second paragraph provides details, and the third paragraph gives a conclusion.

48( ).

【題組】48. Why does the author mention the Great Recession in the second paragraph?
(A) To explain why Millennials consider their pets true family members
(B) To show how money is a big issue for most Millennials
(C) To prove that cars are becoming more and more expensive
(D) To compare the costs of living before and after the Great Recession

49( ).

【題組】49. Which of the following is true?
(A) Millennial babies often have more hair than babies in previous generations.
(B) The pet industry has grown significantly in the past twenty years.
(C) Raising a baby can be more expensive than keeping a pet.
(D) Millennials make easy money and don’t like responsibility because of great economic development.

50( ).

【題組】50. What can be inferred from the passage?
(A) Keeping a pet is as expensive as buying a new car.
(B) Money is a reason why Millennials choose pets over babies.
(C) Raising a child is very expensive, but it gives you more satisfaction than keeping a pet.
(D) Freedom is important to Millennials.


試卷測驗 - 110 年 - 110 台灣自來水公司_評價職位人員甄試試題_營運士業務類:英文#104456-阿摩線上測驗
