(10 秒)

In many western cultures, people believe that “seven” is a lucky number, but in Chinese communities around the world, “eight” is considered the most fortuitous of numbers, _____16_____ it much coveted for addresses, phone numbers and bank accounts. Number “eight” sounds very similar _____17_____ the Chinese word for “being rich and having a lot of money”. The Chinese feel that “eight” portends not only prosperity _____18_____ confidence and money worth even millions. Most Chinese also try their very best to _____19_____ numbers which make them think of things that have bad luck. For _____20_____ , some Chinese do not like the number “four” because it sounds like the Chinese word for “death”. The number eight doesn't have the same appeal to the Japanese or Koreans—whose cultures have been influenced by the Chinese—but all three cultures are united in their avoidance of the number four.



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