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【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(626~650)
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12.Doctors sometimes give special chewing gum to people wanting to quit _______.
(C)to smoke


I bought a book and finished reading it _____ I was on the train. The reading made the long-hour trip easier.


If the company cannot find a way to stop ________ their clients, their business is soon going bust. 
(A)to lose
(D)to be lost


1. Nobody knew that she could do a _____ job, so she won high praise.


24. I______use a payphone. I just use my cellphone instead.
(A) often
(B) rarely
(C) usually
(D) always


2. Two weeks after firefighters put out the fire, the ____ of the fire was still unknown.
(A) disease
(B) cause
(C) humor
(D) stream


1. If you ________ an organization, you become a member of it or start work as an employee of it.
(A) pay
(B) leave
(C) join
(D) employ


59. Cigarettes are bad for health, so you’d better quit____as soon as possible.
(A) smoke
(B) smoked
(C) smoking
(D) to smoke


Sam and Mark are working on a group project. They begin by making a (51) of tasks they need to complete. They (52) do some research and analysis. Then they need to write a report. Finally, they will need to put together a presentation. Once they have a plan, it’s time to (53) work. Sam uses the Internet to (54) the information they need. Mark creates a spreadsheet for the data they find. They create a graph and look at their spreadsheet. Something is wrong. The results don’t make (55) . Sam sees the problem. Mark has entered the data upside down!
【題組】 52.
(A) need
(B) needs
(C) need to
(D) needed


1. The army decided to _______ huge bombs in the enemy’s region to end the war.


17. We don’t have enough food for the old people, so they have to __________it with each other.


51. Jenny was acting all weird because of __________; she thought her sister, Jamie, is her parents’ favorite kid.
(A) bravery
(B) jealousy


四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 Martial art has always been one of the major attractions of Asian culture to Americans. The Chinese martial arts came to the U.S. with Chinese immigrants in the 19th century. Thanks to Bruce Lee, one of the most famous martial artists/movie stars, Kung Fu films gained popularity among movie goers in the 70s. Lee helped put Chinese Kung Fu in not only his movies, but also in America’s cultural awareness. Since then, traditional fighting sports in Asia such as Kung Fu, karate, or judo have become familiar to people in the U.S. Before Bruce Lee, traditional martial arts from Asia were considered nothing more than well-planned stunts. Americans used to think that punching and kicking in the movies were moves that had been designed by martial art directors to make them seem convincing. In other words, they thought martial arts were like a series of difficult actions and moves put together for a show. Bruce Lee, together with his successful movies, totally changed the idea people in America had about martial arts. People at the time described an electric feeling when seeing Lee’s movies in the theaters, where anyone was enthusiastic about being a Kung Fu master themselves! Bruce Lee successfully aroused the Kong Fu Fever in the Americans. Even though Americans have always preferred wrestling and boxing, they grew more and more interested in martial arts and started to realize martial arts were good fighting sports as well. Bruce Lee may not be the first to introduce martial arts to the States, but he surely is one of the biggest reasons why there are still so many people learning martial arts everywhere in the States today.
【題組】78. According to the passage, which of the following fighting sports is NOT associated with Asia?
(A) martial arts
(B) boxing


47. I don’t want to _____ you, but I cannot come to your party.
(A) manage
(B) quit
(C) share
(D) disappoint


26. Mary’s parents didn’t show up at her wedding because she married a man without their ________.
(A) compliment
(B) approval
(C) delivery
(D) therapy


3. Sally needs some painkillers for her_.
(A) fever
(B) cough
(C) headache
(D) sore throat


31. People who are good at ______ skills tend to get along with others well and have prosperous careers.
(A) reckless
(B) original
(C) imaginative
(D) communicative


17. My friends from South Africa _________ many places around the island ever since they came to Taiwan.
(B) visited
(C) are visiting
(D)have visited


40. Mark Zuckerberg is the person ______ invented Facebook, and he is one of the richest people in the world.
(A) who
(B) whose
(C) whom
(D) what


1. Carbon, together ________ hydrogen and oxygen, forms the body’s fats and sugars.
(A) plus
(B) with
(C) as well
(D) and


28. Amy used to be a good student but she does not study hard _________.
(A) anyhow
(B) anyway
(C) again
(D) anymore


35. A: Do you like to come to the party with me tonight?
 B: _________________, but I need to prepare for my exams.
 A: Don’t worry. Maybe next time.
(A)I’d love to go with you
(B) I can’t do it
(C) It’s a bad time
(D) I enjoying organizing a party for you


39. If I______ you, I would not make the same decision.
(A) am
(B) are
(C) were
(D) be


35. A: Your mother doesn’t look her age.
 B: Really?
 A: It’s true. ________
(A) She never tells anybody her age.
(B) She looks more like your sister than your mom.
(C) You don’t look like your mom.
(D) She uses many methods to keep her age a secret.


36. Study hard, _____ you will fail the exam.
(A) and
(B) or
(C) but
(D) so


【精選】 - 國營事業◆英文難度:(626~650)-阿摩線上測驗

Nelson Lin剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了96分