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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1601~1605)
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38 Pride goes before a fall, so try to be__________ , especially when you don’t know whom or what you will be dealing with.
(C) humorous


There is a new kind of scam called “phishing,” which has plagued the Internet. Phishing sounds the same as the word “fishing,” and it implies a thief is trying to lure people into giving away valuable information. Like real fishermen, phishers use bait in the form of fake emails and false websites to con people into revealing credit card numbers, account usernames, and passwords. They imitate well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies. Successful phishers may convince as many as 5 percent of the people they contact to respond and give away their personal financial information. Because people who have access to the Internet (about 350 million) mostly live in wealthier countries, even tricking only 5 percent of them can make a lot of money.
Since there is so much money to make through this kind of scam, it has caught the interest of more than just small-time crooks. Recently, police tracked down an organized phishing group in Eastern Europe who had stolen millions of dollars from people online. Further investigation revealed that this group had connections with a major crime gang in Russia.
How can innocent websurfers protect themselves? Above all, always be wary of any email with urgent requests for personal financial information. Also, messages from phishers will not address recipients by name because they really don’t know who the recipients are yet. On the other hand, valid messages from your bank or other companies you normally deal with typically include your personal name.

【題組】48 According to the article, who was behind the Eastern European phishing scam?
(A) A bank employee.
(B) A Russian crime gang.
(C) Small-time crooks.
(D) The police.


49 Bob: How do you find our new teacher, John? John: ____________ Bob: I agree with you.
(A) In the library.
(B) At a restaurant near our school.
(C) She is experienced in teaching.
(D) She just graduated from a normal university.


3 The firefighters ____ the fire in seven minutes and fortunately no residents were hurt.
(A) switched
(B) distinguished
(C) extinguished
(D) devoted


請回答第 34 題至第 37 題: If you are unfamiliar with kohlrabi, it’s worth checking out. Its name comes from German and literally means cabbage turnip. Not commonly used in American cuisine, it is widely used in Central Europe and Asia. It is still patiently waiting to be discovered in this country. Kohlrabi is in season from summer through early fall so you can find it at your local market right now. It belongs to the Brassica family, the cancer fighting vegetables that include cabbage, broccoli, and turnips. This turnip-shaped vegetable comes in green or purple and can be eaten raw or cooked. When kohlrabi is raw, it’s crunchy and tastes like broccoli stems; when cooked, it tastes like a mild turnip. When you buy kohlrabi, the leaves may be attached to the bulb. Usually smaller kohlrabi is the sweetest and most tender. Bulbs that are much bigger than the size of a tennis ball won’t be as tasty. Though kohlrabi might look like an alien life form, it is packed with Vitamin C and provides a healthy dose of fiber, iron, and calcium. Most importantly, it is delicious.
【題組】36 According to the passage, what do kohlrabi, turnips, and cabbage have in common?
(A)They come in two colors.
(B)They have strange appearances.
(C)They can prevent cancer.
(D)They come from Germany.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1601~1605)-阿摩線上測驗
