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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1611~1615)
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38. Teresa heard the rock music and woke up like a bullet.
(A) As soon as Teresa heard the rock music, she flew into a rage.
(B) As soon as Teresa heard the rock music, she became very upset.
(C) Teresa stayed up late because she loved to listen to the rock music.
(D) As soon as Teresa heard the rock music, she jumped up.


43 題至第 46 題為篇章結構,各題請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者,各題答案內容不重複 You have successfully passed through many phases of life, overcome many a hurdle in your long career, seen the ups and downs, and so on. 43 It should mean retiring from work, not life. It’s like changing from the fast lane to the slow one where the drive is far more relaxed, scenic, and pleasurable.44 It’s just another phase in one’s life. Recall the things about working you cringed at, like getting up early no matter how you felt, meeting folks you didn’t want to, putting on the tie you felt would strangle you, and the like. Didn’t you always wish you could take a break from it all? 45 You should take it with the same boldness you showed in the earlier phases. 46 So, a major upheaval like retirement is bound to be followed by corollaries ranging from depression, irritability to a sense of displacement, and uselessness. Forbes once said that retirement kills more people than hard work ever did. Yes, this is true if you decide to retire completely from life.
【題組】 43
(A) Now it is the time to enter a new phase—Retirement.
(B) In earlier phases, most people have obligations to family and work.
(C) Change, for better or worse, is always accompanied by anxiety and some resistance.
(D) Once you adjust to this pace of life, you would not want to trade it for the pressure.


A sport utility vehicle (SUV) is a utility vehicle weighing 8,500 pounds or less. Sport utility vehicles are popularbecause they are loaded with a combination of qualities—many standard features of passenger cars and special featuresfor driving on and off paved roads. SUVs offer ruggedness, engine power, roominess, and comfort. Many are equippedwith 4-wheel drive to give the extra traction needed for driving in difficult conditions, such as on snow, mud, or sand. Prospective customers need to realistically evaluate their transportation needs. While the multipurpose SUVs are notpassenger cars, most owners use SUVs in much the same way—for both everyday commuting and shopping and for lightrecreation. Because sport utility vehicles are more top-heavy than passenger cars, the SUVs handle and maneuver differently.They are not designed like passenger cars to round corners at high speeds. Reckless SUV drivers cause their vehicles toroll over at a much higher rate than do drivers of passenger vehicles. Sport utility vehicles may only be a passing trend. After all, another choice—be it a luxury sports car or a sturdystation wagon—may give more value for the dollar. In the final analysis, this old adage works best: “Let the buyerbeware!”
【題組】50 What is the writer’s advice for vehicle buyers?
(A)Consider the price first.
(B)Choose a passenger car.
(C)Choose a station wagon.
(D)Consider their needs first.


32 In order to accomplish the job independently, Sarah ________her brother’s offer of help.
(A) accepted
(B) handled
(C) foretold
(D) refused


請依下文回答第 19 題至第 22 題
        For years, scientists struggled to explain the mysterious disappearances of ships and low-flying aircraft.Many speculated that bad weather or machine malfunction were responsible. But satellites have recentlyidentified enormous waves in the oceans and the data proves that they are more common than once thought.Scientists now suspect that the disappearances may have been caused by these “rogue waves.”
        So, how do rogue waves form? Oceanographers once thought that rogues were the result of many smaller waves joining together to form a giant wave. But in analyzing the recent satellite images, scientists have noted that rogues appear to form most often in places where waves of different strengths come together from different directions. At the southernmost tip of Africa, for example, where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet, it is quite common for waves to crash into each other. This theory may explain the occurrence of rogue waves in similar locations around the globe (such as at the tip of South America). However, it does not explain why the waves form in places where there are no fast-moving ocean currents—such as in the North Sea. Though scientists are beginning to understand more about rogue waves, there is still a lot to learn.

【題組】 20 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as the possible cause of the disappearances of ships andaircraft?
(A) Foul weather.
(B) Rogue waves.
(C) Magnetic forces.
(D) Mechanical failure.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(1611~1615)-阿摩線上測驗
