(3 分10 秒)
【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1071~1080)
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35 Michelle: I got my first job when I was a teenager. Rita:______ Michelle: I was a waitress at a Japanese restaurant.
(A) Really? What did you do?
(B) Wow! Why did you do that?
(C) Amazing! When did you get the idea?
(D) Oh, how did you get the job?


42.I fell down the stairs and broke my wrist. It_a lot now.
(A) cries
(B) pulls
(C) hurts
(D) drops


59.I__London three times. I never get tired of visiting this wonderful city again.
(A) will go to
(B) am going to
(C) have been to
(D) would have gone to


10. Bob finally ______ his fear of water and became a great swimmer.
(B) advertised
(C) affected
(D) overcame


22. My choir won first prize in the singing ______.
(A) superstition
(B) competition
(C) tradition
(D) constitution


        Meeting different people in the world of business can be rather challenging, even for someone who is experienced. For a new employee,sometimes this can be more than  41  he or she can deal with. There are some simple rules to remember and follow. First, greet people in a friendly manner. A simple and nice smile is the first good  42  made. When talking to new customers or colleagues, active listening is important.  43  do you want to make sure you get everything right, but you also want to show respect by paying attention to them. Making eye contact is often overlooked by many new workplace workers. If you do not make necessary eye contact, people may think you are trying to hide something. In addition, check your  44  and watch your posture. If you want to be treated seriously, you first have to make sure you are dressed appropriately for the occasion. Also, in a formal business situation, you need to show confidence and win others'trust in you, so in this case you have to sit up in your chair or stand up straight. Last but not least, avoid certain  45  topics, such as race, religion, and political beliefs. It is simply too easy to say the wrong thing. Remember, building business relationships is never easy. No matter how much experience you gain, there is always room to improve.

(A)As soon as
(B)Not until
(C)As long as 
(D)Not only


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組 
  American families are different today than they were 100 years ago. The biggest difference is that they are smaller. In the past, most families lived on farms. They needed lots of children to help with work. Today, most families live in cities, and many parents cannot afford a large family. Other parents worry that if they have more than two children, it will increase the world’s population. 
  Also, the types of families are changing. There are more single parents than ever before. More unmarried couples are having children, and many couples are choosing to have no children at all. Today traditional families – a married couple with children – compose less than 25 percent of all US households. 
  One reason for this is the greater number of working women. In the past, women depended on their husbands. Now many women have jobs. They do not have to be married to get money. Another reason is divorce. This is when the husband and wife decide to end their marriage. About half of all US marriages end in divorce. Finally, many people are not getting married. They choose to live their lives by themselves.

【題組】47 According to the passage, why were families in the past bigger than families today?
(A) They were richer.
(B) They had bigger houses.
(C) They loved to have more children.
(D) They needed children to help on the farms.


23 I read about the crime in the__________ .
(A) newspaper
(B) television
(C) radio
(D) calendar


36 Tom has already given up the________ of smoking for the sake of health.
(A) custom
(B) habit
(C) pipe
(D) suit


45. A: Hello, ______ B: No problem. When will you arrive and how many nights will you stay?
(A) we would like to book a double room.
(B) is this a hotel?
(C) please give us the room key.
(D) how much do you charge for a double room?


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1071~1080)-阿摩線上測驗
