(28 秒)

18. The current white rhino population ______ at only 17,000 to 18,000.
(A) is estimated
(B) estimated
(C) is estimating
(D) estimates


24. It is essential ______ these instructions carefully to ensure his computer system has the technical capabilities he needs to fulfil the task.
(A) that he reads
(B) he reads
(C) that he read
(D) he must read


  The Stanford Marshmallow experiment is a psychological experiment to __(31)__ children’s ability to control their impulses. The idea was to see __(32)__ the difference was between children who managed to control their impulses and those who could not. The results showed that those who succeeded in __(33)__ the immediate temptation to eat the marshmallow were able to perform better at exams and __(34)__ in other aspects of their lives than those who had grabbed the marshmallow directly. The researchers were also able to show that the impulsive group also seemed to suffer more __(35)__ stress and problems in relationship in later life.

(A) being more stable
(B) be more stable
(C) was more stable
(D) were more stable



Ally C剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了100分